App Builder 2022.16 軟體 Download 下載


App Builder 2022.16 軟體下載

檔案版本 App Builder 2022.16

更新日期 2022-08-22
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App Builder 2022.16
UVK Ultra Virus Killer 允許用戶輕鬆刪除各種惡意軟件,並執行與 Windows PC 優化,維護,修復和信息檢索相關的所有任務。與 Windows 10 兼容。它引入了許多新的修復方法,例如 Register system DLL,現在被其他類型的應用程序使用。最近添加的最重要的部分是系統助推器  和智能卸載程序。 UVK 是一個功能強大,功能齊全的 Windows... UVK Ultra Virus Killer 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

App Builder 2022.16
- Update the Render Javascript library (VueJS) to the latest release. This release of the Render library includes various changes, fixes and enhancements. This is also a mantenience release of the product with other minor internal changes, fixes and enhancements.

App Builder 2022.15
- Enhance the HTML markup for the toasts elements that we can use with the app.showToast() function (see the Toast sample app) following the very latest version of the HTML markup of the Bootstrap CSS framework. Fix also a bug which occurs also with the toasts when we press the close buttons.
- Fix a mistake in the ColorScheme sample app by adding certain configuration in the Apache Cordova extra config XML app option for the cordova-plugin-android-dark-mode-support Cordova plugin, so the plugin can work as expected in the Android platform. We forget such configuration, which is referred in the plugin's documentation and therefore the sample app are not properly working in the Android platform.

App Builder 2022.14
- Fix a bug which causes that the established value for the splash screen background color are not well taken when set the value of the "AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground" key in the config.xml for Apache Cordova

App Builder 2022.13
- Update the CSS themes (cerulean, cosmo, cyborg, litera, lumen, minty, sandstone, sketchy, slate, solar, spacelab, superhero, united, vapor, yeti and zephyr) provided by Bootwatch ( to the latest version. These themes matches now the version of Bootstrap CSS that we are already using app default theme and other stuff like the welcome, about, product help and plugins help pages.

App Builder 2022.12
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version: update for the app's template, but also the program's help, welcome, about and plugins help pages.
- Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. This update includes all the supported flavors, that is, the full installer for both 32 and 64 bits. This installer are internally used by the DecSoft App Builder installer to properly prepare the IDE to use the Edge Runtime webview for the apps Debugger browser.
- Update the animate CSS library to the latest version. Update the Font Awesome icons (Javascript library and desktop fonts) to the latest version. Update the Luxon Javascript libary to the latest version. Update the VueJS, VueEx and VueRouter libraries to the latest versions.
- Due to the changes in Apache Cordova related with the splash screen implementation for Android, we encourage the usage of the latest version of Apache Cordova for Android (11.0.0), which requires the Android API level 32 (Android 12 L) , which is now the default option for the target SDK. Cordova Android 11.0.0 requires this target SDK API level in order to properly work, so we also carefully recommend to update your app to this API level: if you start a new app, don't worry, because this is the default option now.
- DecSoft App Builder no more prepare specific splash screens for various devices of the Android platform, but uses the provided splash screen image "as is", or the app icon, if no splash screen are provided. This change is because the splash screens on Android works now in a different way, using the Apache Cordova core instead of the Splash Screen plugin: this is mainly to offer support for the new Android API for splash screens in Android 12, but, the Apache Cordova core offer backwards compatibility for previous versions of Android.
- Do not use include anymore the Apache Cordova Splash Screen plugin for the Android and the Apple iOS platforms. The latest version of Cordova for these platforms includes the Splash Screen implementation in the Apache Cordova core and therefore this plugin is no longer required. Some additional changes related with the app Splash Screen as you can see above in this history document.
- Add new values into the app options for the Cordova Android platform and their Minimun SDK combobox and target SDK combobox, in order to provide support for the Android API level 31 (Android 12), the Android API level 32 (Android 12 L) and the Android API level 33 (Android 13). Set the default value for the target SDK to the Android 12 L (API level 32).
- Remove the Adobe Phonegap options tab from the app options dock panel, since the Adobe Phonegap project is no longer supported by Adobe, and, on the other hand, we always recommended to use Apache Cordova instead of Adobe Phonegap. Probably you never use Adobe Phonegap (and can't do it anymore), so this change do not affect to your apps. Remove also the Adobe Phonegap references in the product help and from some stuff that we are still added into the Cordova config.xml file.
- This is a major release of DecSoft App Builder, means if you purchase the product before 07-25-2021, you must to purchase an upgrade license (with a 50% off discount), or download the outdated release to continue using your outdated license. If you purchase your license after the referred date, please, login into your DecSoft customer area to grab your new license serial number. You can purchase an upgrade license as well to download the outdated release from your DecSoft customer area in our website.

App Builder 2022.11
- Starting with a new app we can see that the Cordova AdMob plugin which we used before doesn't compile well with the latest version of Apache Cordova. After an investigation we found a certain modern and well supported Apache Cordova AdMob plugin which compiles and works as expected with the latest Apache Cordova version: this release modifies the CordovaAdMob sample app in order to use this new Cordova AdMob plugin.

App Builder 2022.10
- Add the PlaysInline property to the VideoPlayer control, so we can set this property to true or false (by default) at designtime and therefore add the appropriate attribute "playsinline" for the video HTML tag of the VideoPlayer control. This attrtibute can be useful, for example, to avoid the videos to be played at fullscreen on iOS.

App Builder 2022.9
- Due to a mistake the app.cordova.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() method of the Geolocation Apache Cordova plugin (which is integrated in the product) cannot receive the optional "config" variable as his third argument, which is supported by this method of the Apache Cordova plugin. This release fix this bug.

App Builder 2022.8
- Due to some unexpected changes in our hosting the updater tool of the product stop to working as always. This release do the appropriate changes in order to allow the updater tool to continue working as always, that is, with the ability to check if a new version exists, to download and show the history of the product and to download an existing new release.
- When we add an app plugin into the app designer (for example any of the available DecSoft app plugins included by the installation of the product) automatically the IDE change the appropriate app option in order to include the right app plugin files, so we no need to do this manually (something which is always possible on the other hand). This release of the product do the same also in the case that we add an app plugin into the designer INSIDE a Container control. Before this release, if we add an app plugin into a Container control, the IDE do not check automatically the appropriate app option in order to add the required app plugin files, so the app plugin control don't work as expected, until the required app plugin is checked in the app plugins options. In few words, in this release of the product the IDE take care about the right app plugin option when we add an app plugin control inside the app designer, even if we do it inside a Container control.

App Builder 2022.7
- Add the new LabelSelectEx sample app, which show us how to use and the aspect of the recently added LabelSelectEx control from the "DecSoft controls" app plugin. This sample app is similar thant the SelectEx sample app, but using the LabelSelectEx control instead.
- Add the new LabelSelectEx control to the "DecSoft controls" app plugin. This control is similar than the existing SelectEx control, also from the "DecSoft controls" app plugin" but offer us another style based in a "floating label" which appear inside the control, in a similar way than the recently added LabelInput app plugin control.
- Add the new LabelSelect sample app, which show us how to use and the aspect of the recently added LabelSelect control from the "DecSoft controls" app plugin. This sample app show how we can use the control and show us the different aspect by changing their size property.
- Add the new LabelSelect control to the "DecSoft controls" app plugin. This control is similar than the existing Select control, but offer us another style based in a "floating label" which appear inside the control, in a similar way than the recently added LabelInput app plugin control.

App Builder 2022.6
- the new LabelText sample app, which show us how to use and the aspect of the recently added LabelText control from the "DecSoft controls" app plugin. This sample app show how we can use the control and show us the different aspect by changing their size property.
- the new LabelText control to the "DecSoft controls" app plugin. This control is similar than the existing Textarea control, but offer us another style based in a "floating label" which appear inside the control, in a similar way than the recently added LabelInput app plugin control.
- the new LabelInput sample app, which show us how to use and the aspect of the recently added LabelInput control from the "DecSoft controls" app plugin. This sample app show how we can use the different types of inputs that the control offers by changing the control's type property.
- the new LabelInput control to the "DecSoft controls" app plugin. This control is similar than the existing input controls (Text, Number, EMail, Date, etc.), but offer us another style based in a "floating label" which appear inside the control. The LabelInput control can act like text, email, number, password, color, date, time and search inputs, just by changing the control's type property.

- a bug in the TypeAhead and the SelectEx controls from the "DecSoft controls" app plugin, which causes that the referred controls do not scale as expected (like the other controls) when the app window is resized by the user.
- some introduced problem (releases ago) that causes that the app plugins help are not properly linked when we show it as a contextual help, for example, by pressing the F1 key when we select one of the available app plugin controls or one of their properties.
- The app minimizer code tool proceed also now to minimize the Javascript code of the the pluginscomps.js and the CSS code of the pluginscomps.css files which are included in the app when we use one or more of the available app plugins.
- a bug which occur when the IDE want to load certain number of images (smaller and larger) of the available app plugins. Not only the bug has been fixed, but also, the IDE provide now more information in case that a problem occur when load that images.

App Builder 2022.5
- Change the way in which the DecSoft App Builder compiler set the "self" variable inside the events of all the controls, including native visual and non visual controls as well the app plugins controls, and, this all inside app views, app dialogs and app frames. There is a reported issue through the support forum related with the HTTP control and the "self" variable which occurs if we changed to another app view while the server response is not yet completed, however, I find that the same issue can happen also in another controls like the Websocket, AudioPlayer, VideoPlayer and Timer controls, so I decide to rewrite how the compiler deal with the "self" variable of all the controls events in a more accurate way. Thanks Mario for the report!
- Update the Base64 Javascript library used in the app's code to the latest version. In addition to other changes, fixes and enhancements, this new version of the Base64 library avoid the usage of the eval() Javascript function in order to properly work.

App Builder 2022.4
- Replace the Moment.js library from the app's core by the Luxon.js library. The Luxon.js library is the recomended one by the Moment.js team to replace it and offers a much modern way to deal with date and times in Javascript. Additionally the Luxon.js library is 300 Kb smaller than Moment.js. If your app already uses Moment.js, just download it an include to your app as any other Javascript file from the app's Files Manager.
- Add the Poster property to the VideoPlayer control. The Poster property is translatable and allows to establish an optional image path or URL to be shown in the video control before it start to be played.

App Builder 2022.3
- Fix a bug which cause that we can't use some app's methods like "app.showAlert()" inside the app's DomReady event, the app's Mounted event and the app's views' Show event

App Builder 2022.2
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version: update for the app's template, but also the program's help, welcome, about and plugins help pages. The themes provided by Bootwatch has been also updated to the latest release.
- Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. This update includes all the supported flavors, that is, the full installer for both 32 and 64 bits. This installer are internally used by the DecSoft App Builder installer to properly prepare the IDE to use the Edge Runtime webview for the apps Debugger browser.
- Add a new item into the App menu which can be used to remove the app source cache folder. Sometime we can experiment problems with the app source cache, so we can now use this new item in order to remove the app source cache folder, then we can compile the app from the scratch.
- Re-add the appropriate icon images to the items of IDE tabs contextual menu. This is in fact an omission from certain release in the past, when we add large images to prepare the IDE for 4K monitors.
- Add the new ChartJS sample app. This sample app shows how we can use the ChartJS library to create charts for our apps. The ChartJS library is probably the best Javascript library to create charts using Javascript. Additionally this sample app is another sample app which show us how we can add entire folders using the app's Files manager, and then link to the required files individually also from the Files manager.

App Builder 2022.1
- Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. This update includes all the supported flavors, that is, the full installer for both 32 and 64 bits. This installer are internally used by the DecSoft App Builder installer to properly prepare the IDE to use the Edge Runtime webview for the apps Debugger browser.

App Builder 2021.65
- Our hosting silently starts to automatically redirect our HTTP calls to HTTPS and this cause problems while check for new releases of the product, for example, so in this release we add the appropriate stuff and enhance our internal procedures in order to use HTTPS by default, avoiding the problems

App Builder 2021.64
- There is a problem (probably in the project's view design XML) in the Container sample app which causes that the compilation cache don't work as expected. This release fix that problem in the referred Container sample app so now we can see the compilation cache working as expected, as well the app, and, in particular the "button1" behaviour.

App Builder 2021.63
- Select the Android 11 (API 30) of the Android target SDK for new created apps. You can still use an earlier API version without problems, but for new apps the selected target SDK is the Android 11 (API 30) by default for new apps.
- Fix a bug which cause that the cordova camera plugin destination type DATA_URL cannot be show into the editor Quick Edit List. Now we can select this destination type like the other available destination types from the editor Quick Edit List.
- Modify the CordovaCamera sample app in order to use the certain method of the Cordova File plugin (app.cordova.file.getFileBlobFromFileUrl) when we use the destination type = FILE_URL and want to show the photo that we take from the camera.

App Builder 2021.62
- The Login sample app is not working as expected because the HTTP link URLs do not point to the expected backend scripts. This error is fixed now and therefore the Login sample app works as expected again. Other minor changes, fixes and enhancements has been made in this release of the product.

App Builder 2021.60
- First release of the product compiled in Microsoft Windows 11. Fixed the detection of the Microsoft Windows version in order to be used internally at some places in the product. Set the rounded corners in the GUI forms when using the dark theme of the product GUI. Test the product at Microsoft Windows 11.

App Builder 2021.59
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version: update for the app's template, but also the program's help, welcome, about and plugins help pages. The themes provided by Bootwatch has been also updated to the latest release.
- Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. This update includes all the supported flavors, that is, the full installer for both 32 and 64 bits. This installer are internally used by the DecSoft App Builder installer to properly prepare the IDE to use the Edge Runtime webview for the apps Debugger browser.

App Builder 2021.58
- Remove from the BAT files for Android the Apache Cordova WhiteList plugin, which is depcreated for the current version of Apache Cordova (10.0.0). We encourage to use the latest version of Apache Cordova. If you need to use a previous version of Apache Cordova, you MUST indicate this plugin usage by adding this line "CALL cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist" in the app's options -> Apache Cordova -> Batch files -> After.

App Builder 2021.57
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version: update for the app's template, but also the program's help, welcome, about and plugins help pages. The themes provided by Bootwatch has been also updated to the latest release.

App Builder 2021.56
Use the "data-bs-parent" attribute for the collapsable items in the Sidebar control:
- This prepare the submenus of the Sidebar control to be auto-collapsables when another submenu is shown in the Sidebar control

App Builder 2021.55
- Now the body HTML tag of our apps have a CSS class attribute with the lowercase app's theme name. This class exists from the scratch, that is, once the app is started, and, it's updated with the properly lowercase theme name when we use the "app.setAppTheme()" method. This class in the body HTML tag is quite useful to apply CSS styles specifically to a particular theme and not globaly. For example, this CSS rule: body.slate select {} apply only to the app when the "Slate" theme is set, and not in other case.
- Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. This update includes all the supported flavors, that is, the full installer for both 32 and 64 bits. This installer are internally used by the DecSoft App Builder installer to properly prepare the IDE to use the Edge Runtime webview for the apps Debugger browser.

App Builder 2021.54
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version: update for the app's template, but also the program's help, welcome, help and plugins help pages. The themes provided by Bootwatch has been also updated to the latest release.

App Builder 2021.53
- Fix an bug if we try to access the app variable (properties, methods, etc.) from an app user function called from the app's Mounted event. Before this fixed error we can't access the app variable (properties, methods, etc.) from an app's user function if this function is called from the app's Mounted event.
- Fix an annoying bug which causes that the IDE main form caption change to the number of app user function's arguments total and index when we click into the arguments list of the user function: this information is useful for the IDE internal debugging purpose, but not in other case, like in a program release.
- Remove Apache Cordova StatusBar plugin: "app.cordova.statusbar.styleBlackTranslucent" and "app.cordova.statusbar.styleBlackOpaque" deprecated methods. We can use the already available method "app.cordova.statusbar.styleLightContent()" instead of the deprecated methods.

App Builder 2021.52
- Add the new "darkStyle" property for the Carousel control, which is set to "false" by default. We can set this property to "true" in order to use a dark style variant into the Carousel control for the controls, indicators and captions of the Carousel control. This can be useful if the carousel's images are of light colors, so the dark variant can offer a better visibility of the controls, indicators and captions in the Carousel control. The Carousel sample app includes now the ability to set this new property to to true and false and the help / documentation as well the editor Quick Code List refer to this new control's property.
- Due to some change in the latest version of the Bootstrap CSS framework, the Carousel control don't work as expected with the before used HTML markup. This release enhance the Carousel control HTML markup and put it working again as expected with the latest release of the Bootstrap CSS framework, which is what AB use.
- The VideoPlayer2 sample app use certain third party URL for the played video, and, apparently that third party URL stop to work like before: the sample app has been updated in order to use another third party URL for the video, which works like expected at the time of this AB release publication: a note has been placed in the sample app "comment" to advert the user that these kind of third party URLs can stop to work without advise, so another URL (probably the right one for your own app) can be used instead.

App Builder 2021.51
- Add the new "Package type" option for the app's Cordova -> Android -> Sign options. This package type option allows to choose between APK and App Bundle, so now we can generate AAB (Android App Bundle) files of our apps. The Google Play Store only allows to upload AAB files from august 2021, so we are ready now to genereate AAB files for our apps. Note that the AAB files are only created when you provided a signing configuration from the app's Cordova -> Android -> Sign options, and choose the "App bundle" package type option. It's possible to continue creating and signing APK files if we want.

App Builder 2021.50
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version: update for the app's template, but also the program's help, welcome, help and plugins help pages. The themes provided by Bootwatch has been also updated to the latest release.

App Builder 2021.49
- Take new screenshots of various program dialogs and dock panels for the help file (local and online versions), in order to show the latest changes make to the program dialogs and dock panels: many changes make over the referred dialogs and dock panels who are not properly reflected in the screenshots / captures of the help / documentation
- In a previous release, when we prepare the product to be ready for 4K monitors and larger Windows screen scale sizes, we lost various images / icons for various dock panels, like the program options, about, welcome page, etc., as well various app specific dock panels, like functions manager, files manager, views list, etc., etc. This release put this panels icons / images working again like before

App Builder 2021.48
- Update the app's help (local and online versions) to document the recently added ColorSchemeChange app event as well the new app.getAppColorScheme() method, which can be useful, for example, to change the app's theme depending on the configured system color scheme for apps
- Add the new ColorScheme sample app, which show how we can use the recently added ColorSchemeChange app event as well the app.getAppColorScheme() method, in order to change the app's theme accordingly to the configured system color scheme for apps
- Add the new app's ColorSchemeChange event, which is fired when the system color scheme for apps is changed at runtime, that is, while the app is running. We can use this event, for example, to change the app's theme accordingly to the configured system color scheme for apps
- Add the new app.getAppColorScheme() method, which can be used to find the current system color scheme for apps, which can be "light" or "dark". This method can be useful, for example, to determine the theme that we can set to the app, depending on the configured system color scheme for apps

App Builder 2021.47
- Include and use Microsoft Ajax Minifier instead of Yahoo YUI Compressor for the app's code minimizer tool: the Microsoft Ajax Minifier program offer us better results because can handle more modern Javascript code as well CSS code. Nothing change in terms of the app's code minimizer tool usage: you can continue using the app's code minimizer tool (from the IDE or from the Command Line Compiler) like before, but internally we use now the Microsoft Ajax Minifier program instead of the Yahoo YUI Compressor program.

App Builder 2021.46
- Add the "disablePictureInPicture" and the controlsList="nodownload" attributes to the Video Player control, in order to avoid the "picture in picture" behaviour as well the download options wich the browsers provides. Modify the Video* sample apps also to show how we can avoid the browser's contextual menu for the Video Player controls just by "prevent the default behaviour" using the ContextMenu event of the control
- Add the controlsList="nodownload" to the Audio Player control, in order to avoid the download options wich the browsers provides. Modify the AudioPlayer sample app also to show how we can avoid the browser's contextual menu for the Audio Player controls just by "prevent the default behaviour" using the ContextMenu event of the control

App Builder 2021.45
- Add the API 30 (for Android 11) in the Minimum SDK and Target SDK select controls at the app's options -> Apache Cordova -> Android.
- Update the Render Javascript library (VueJS) to the latest release. This release of the Render library includes various changes, fixes and enhancements.

App Builder 2021.44
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version: update for the app's template, but also the program's help, welcome, help and plugins help pages. The themes provided by Bootwatch has been also updated to the latest release.
- Update the Render Javascript library (VueJS) to the latest release. This release of the Render library includes various changes, fixes and enhancements. This release of DecSoft App Builder includes other minor internal changes, fixes and enhancements too.

App Builder 2021.43
- Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. This update includes all the supported flavors, that is, the full installer for both 32 and 64 bits. This installer are internally used by the DecSoft App Builder installer to properly prepare the IDE to use the Edge Runtime webview for the apps Debugger browser.

App Builder 2021.42
- Remove the NATIVE_URI "destinationType" for the Cordova Camera plugin, since it's no more supported. Add also the "app.cordova.file.wkWebViewConvertFilePath" method to the Cordova File plugin, in order to convert file URLs (only in iOS) to URLs ready to be used in Image, Audio player, Video player controls, etc. The method as been also included in the Cordova Camera plugin as "", for the case that we need only one of these plugins. Update the program's help with this latest changes.

App Builder 2021.41
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework (incuding the CSS and Javascript) to the latest 5.0.0 version. Update also the Bootwatch themes for Bootstrap CSS for this latest version and incorporates a couple of new themes: Zephyr and Vapor. Update also the Bootstrap CSS framework for the program's welcome page, program's help and program's about, as well for the DecSoft out of the box app plugins

App Builder 2021.40
- Add the ability to select a splash screen image for the dark modes to be used in the Android and iOS platforms. In the same way that AB generates several splash screens for the Apache Cordova platforms, now we can choose (optionally) a splash image to be used for the dark modes of the Android and the iOS platforms: then AB generates several splash screens to be used in that dark modes in the referred platforms.

App Builder 2021.39
- The latest release introduce some enhancements in the Cordova's configuration file around the "WKWebView" option, but includes it in a wrong way! This release fix the bug and add the right stuff in the Cordova's configuration file

App Builder 2021.38
- Add a new "Use the modern WKWebView" checkbox in the app's options, under the Apache Cordova -> iOS options, which is checked by default. With this option checked (remember, it's checked by default for all the apps) we place in the Apache Cordova configuration file the right stuff in order to use the modern WKWebView for our iOS apps, instead the old WebView, which is no more accepted by the Apple Store. In some cases you may want to use the old WebView, then just uncheck this option.

App Builder 2021.37
- Place a small text hint when entering an empty (not yet used) event of the app, app views, app dialogs, native visual and non visual controls and app plugins visual and non visual controls. The text hints inform us about the specific event that we are seeing and also give us information about possible keys to be used.
- Remove an annoying flicker in the main toolbar Save All and Save buttons (basically the buttons alternates between the enabled / disabled states without apparently any reason). These buttons work as expected without any problem, however, the flicker referred to can certainly be a bit annoying distracting us about what we are doing.
- Assign the proper images (we lost this in a previous release) for the popup / contextual menus of the app views list, the app dialogs list and app frames list

App Builder 2021.36
- This is the second major release of DecSoft App Builder, means if you purchase the product before 04-04-2020, you must to purchase an upgrade license (with a 50% off discount), or download the outdated release to continue using your outdated license. If you purchase your license after the referred date, please, login into your DecSoft customer area to grab your new license serial number. You can purchase an upgrade license as well to download the outdated release from your DecSoft customer area in our website.

App Builder 2021.35
- Continue with the efforts to make the program GUI ready for high DPI (Dot Per Inches) screen configurations. This release try to fix the item height for the control properties inspector and the control styles inspectors, as well the item height for the editor Quick Code List.

App Builder 2021.34
- In this product release we make several internal changes and enhancements in order to prepare the GUI (Graphic User Interface) to be ready for 4K monitors, and, in general, for screens with a DPI (Dot Per Inches) configuration larger than the used when designing the product, that is, the Windows default DPI configuration. The menu and toolbars icons, the dialogs and all the GUI forms and controls have been reviewed and tested to achieve this objective. We are particularly proud of this product release, because the work we expend on it and because the results that we finally can obtain
- In a previous release of the product we lost the ability to list in the integrated contextual help the available app plugins, as well their help. This release of the product reincorporates the app plugins list in the integrated contextual help. Additionally, the app plugins help button from the app options works again as expected: we lost this ability also in the past due to some changes
- We experience certain very, very rare bugs due to the lack of initialization for certain variables related with some events of the Edge Runtime WebView. This product release fixes these rare bugs by properly initializing the appropriate variables before trying to use it

App Builder 2021.33
- Fix a wrong behaviour which occur when we launch the app using one of the possible available external browsers buttons in the program's main toolbar: the expected behaviour is that the app become launched in the external browser, but, also in the internal debugger browser. Before this change the app is launched in the external browser, but, not always in the internal browser, as is expected.
- Close the app's debugger panel when stop the debugger process by clicking the Stop button of the program's main toolbar. Previously to this change the internal debugger HTTP server is deactivated when clicking the Stop button, but, the debugger panel are not closed.
- Remove some hints from the app's debugger panel to avoid some problem (which do not occur everytime, but can cause that the program hang during a time) caused by that hints when the app is launched in the debugger browser (which is inside the debugger panel).

App Builder 2021.32
- The hint text (with some useful help) which appear when we select a method, property, etc., from the Editor Quick Code List, stop to work appropriately in certain past release of the product, due to certain change / update with the related used component. This release put the referred hint working again as expected. You can get more information about the Editor Quick Code List in the product's help.

App Builder 2021.31
- Update the app's template Javascript core and CSS style core, the program's welcome page, the program's help and the app's DecSoft plugins help with the latest versions of the Bootstrap CSS framework (5.0 beta 2), the jQuery Javascript library (3.6.0) and the FontAwesome icons Javascript library (5.15.2).

App Builder 2021.30
- Fix an error when create the shell files for iOS if our app contains custom plugins indicated by the app's Cordova custom plugins IDs. The compiler are not properly prefixed the plugins in the shell files by the appropriate "cordova plugin add" command, so the plugins are not properly installed nor compiled when we compile the app with Cordova on Mac OS.

App Builder 2021.29
- We discover that the program still uses some stuff related with the previous apps debugger based on the Microsoft Internet Explorer WebView (used before we move to the new Microsoft Edge Runtime WebView). This release removes the referred old stuff, which is in fact no more needed.

App Builder 2021.28
- The program Welcome Page has been redesigned in order to be more responsive for different sizes and now addtionaly show more lastest forum threads and latest forum posts as well the latest entries from the DecSoft blog. No other changes has been made for this release of the product.

App Builder 2021.27
- Add the new Time input control, similar to the Date, EMail and other inputs control, the Time input control allows to specific ask the user for a time value (hh:mm). The help and editor quick list has been updated also to reflect this new control.
- Prevent an access violation error (not a fatal error) when press twice too fast the main toolbar Debug app button. Made the same prevention for the Compile button, even when apparently the error do not appear for this specific button.

App Builder 2021.26
- Update the app's themes from (14 themes in total) to they last release, which has been made in order to support the Bootstrap CSS framework version 5
- Add a new combobox control into the app Debugger dock panel toolbar which allows to resize the debugger browser by choosing one of the available screen sizes: based in the devices combobox which the toolbar shown.
- Add a new combobox control into the app Debugger dock panel toolbar which allows to resize the debugger browser by choosing one of the available devices: right now all the Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod devices, which can be taken as a good representation of different screen sizes.
- Add a new button into the app Debugger dock panel toolbar which allows to easily rotate the debugger browser, that is, changing from portrait to landscape and vice versa

App Builder 2021.25
- Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. This update includes all the supported flavors, that is, the full installer for both 32 and 64 bits. This installer are internally used by the DecSoft App Builder installer to properly prepare the IDE to use the Edge Runtime webview for the apps Debugger browser.parbpar

App Builder 2021.24
- Due to the use of the Bootstrap CSS framework version 5 the Database sample app don't work as expected, since rely in certain CSS classes no more available in the referred version of the Bootstrap CSS framework. This release fix this bug and now the Database sample app works as expected, basically allowing us to select and delete existing notes.

App Builder 2021.23
- The Table control allows now to use the style "dark" or "light" in the same way than we previosly can use for the Table's header. Now it's possible to combine these styles in both the header and the table's rows itself. Take a look at the Table sample app to it see in action.
- Replace the "text-white" CSS class used in the Toast controls for the close button when "kinds" are others than "light" and "link" and use the Bootstrap CSS framework version 5 introduced "btn-close-white" instead. Use also for the close button the new "ms-2" CSS class instead of the previosly (and removed for this version of Bootstrap CSS) "mt-2" CSS class. Take a look at the Toast sample app to see it in action.
- Replace the "badge-*kind*" CSS classes in Push button and Dropdown controls by the appropriate "bg-*kind*" CSS classes: this change is required to be ready with the Bootstrap CSS framework version 5, who has removed the "badge-*kind*" CSS classes in favor of the "bg-*kind*" CSS classes. Additionally we now automatically apply the "text-dark" CSS class when the badge kind (left or right) are set to one of the "light", "warning", "link" and "info" CSS classes. Take a look at the PushButtons sample app to see it in action.

App Builder 2021.22
- This is the first major release of DecSoft App Builder, means if you purchase the product before 01-01-2020, you must to purchase an upgrade license (with a 50% off discount), or download the outdated release to continue using your outdated license. If you purchase your license after the referred date, please, login into your DecSoft customer area to grab your new license serial number. You can purchase an upgrade license as well to download the outdated release from your DecSoft customer area in our website.
- Update the Bootstrap CSS framework to the latest version. This requires a lot of changes in almost all the components of DecSoft App Builder, due to the incompatibilities of the version 4 of Bootstrap CSS framework and the version 5 of the framework, that is, the latest version. You no need to worry, because all of these changes has been made internally in DecSoft App Builder and you no need to modify your apps at all. However, if you find some problem with this new release, please, report the problem to us using our support forum and we will try to help you as quickly as possible.
- Due to a mistake we are adding some CSS style for the designer Comment control. This control do not exists at runtime, only at designtime, so, the CSS style is no needed at all. So fix this bug to avoid any CSS style for the designer Comment control.

App Builder 2021.21
- Enhance the CordovaPushNotifications in order to show how to include an icon for the push notification in the payload for Android. This requires to include an app's image and certain configuration in the Cordova Extra XML option. The sample server's code has been also modified in order to use the right payload with the new icon for the push notification.parbpar

App Builder 2021.20
- Fix a bug in the CordovaPushNotifications and CordovaDialogs sample apps, which by a mistake using a wrong way to call the alert method of the Cordova dialogs plugin. Another bug not related with this has been also solved in the CordovaPushNotifications sample app. Thanks b Paolob0 for the report!par
- Avoid to draw a bevel in the designer for the Push button and the Dropdown controls and remove the gray line from the Navbar control. Certainly the bootstrap referred controls don't show any bevel at runtime, so, this change at designtime look a bit more fidelis to the controls at runtime. Thanks b Asleyb0 for the idea!par

App Builder 2021.19
- Add the Background related CSS rules to be available in the style inspector of the Push buttons, Dropdown buttons and Image push buttons controls. The idea is to allows to leave the "kind" property of these controls "emptied" and apply the Background related CSS rules to the controls instead.

App Builder 2021.18
- Add the Input event to the Range input control. Instead of the Change event, which is fired when the user ends to slide the Range input control, the Input event is fired while the user slide the Range input control

App Builder 2021.17
- Add the new WebExtension5 sample app, which is a modification of the WebExtension sample app that uses the ability to add styles to our WebExtensions apps and show a custom contextual menu when the user right click in the browser's active tab page.
- In the same way that we can use the app's Files manager to add scripts specifically to be used in WebExtensions apps, this release of the product add the ability to add also styles specifically to be used in WebExtensions apps.
- Add the LineHeight CSS rule to be available in the Style inspector of various controls like the PushButton and HTML content control. We can always use the app's style or stylesheet to add any CSS rule, but, a customer of us wants this CSS rule to be available to be set from the control style inspector.

App Builder 2021.16
- Move the component used for the code editor to another version, which solves certain bug which causes that the app freezes if we try to use certain (very rare, but, useful) CSS rules inside the code editor for the app's style and other CSS code editors.

App Builder 2021.15
- The App options -> WebExtension help topic has been updated to refer the way that we can follow in order to extend the browser's Developer Tools from our WebExtension apps. A new WebExtension4 sample app has been also added: this sample app is a modification of the WebExtension sample app, which now also adds a new panel into the browser's Developer Tools.
- DecSoft App Builder (in addition to modern HTML apps, WebApps, Progressive WebApps and Hybrid apps) produces also WebExtension apps for the modern browsers and this release of the product incorporate some changes and enhancements to provide a way to use a characteristic of the WebExtension apps: the ability to extend the browser's Developer Tools.

App Builder 2021.14
- Add three new buttons to the debugger toolbar in order to zoom in, zoom out and reset the zoom of the debugger's browser. There is also a new debugger option which store the currently selected zoom, to be applied the next time we open the debugger's browser. Thanks b Peterb0 for the idea!par
- Apply some special Bootstrap CSS override to ".custom-file" which fix certain weird behaviour detected with the File input control in some specific browsers like Chrome and Opera: {{field{*fldinst{HYPERLINK https:link }}{fldrslt{https:link}}}}f0fs22
- In a previous release of the product we add a new Sidebar direction property, available to be view and set from the designer object inspector. This release include this option also in the app's Sidebar options, among the other Sidebar related options.par
- bpar

App Builder 2021.13
- Add the new RowDblClick event in the Table control. This event is similar than the RowClick event, and allows to prepare some Javascript code to be executed when the user double click or double tap the Table's rows. See the product's help for more information
- Add the new Grid sample app, which shows how we can use the power of Bootstrap CSS (for example, the Grid system) in our apps, thanks to the HTML control, which allows to add virtually any HTML markup that we wanted

App Builder 2021.12
- Fix a bug which happens when we use app relative paths in the Files manager for specific content and background scripts for WebExtensions apps. The problem occur because the "app/files" relative paths must take in consideration the "www" folder, so the scripts paths must be "www/app/files" and not just "app/files". We can continue to use "app/files" paths in the Files manager: the DecSoft App Builder compiler prepend the "www" folder for this specific kind of paths in the WebExtension manifest file.

App Builder 2021.11
- Enhance the Sidebar sample app by adding a new button to toggle the direction of the app sidebar, as well to indicate the current direction of the app sidebar
- Previous to this release the app sidebar is automatically hidden when the user swipe left over the sidebar. With the addition of the new sidebar direction property, now we use the swipe left if the sidebar direction is left, and, the swipe right, if the sidebar direction is right
- Add the new "app.sidebarSetDirection()" method. This method can be used to change the app sidebar direction at runtime. Document this new method in the product's help
- Add the new "app.sidebar.direction" property for both designtime and runtime. This new property allows to establish the direction of the app sidebar, which can be "left" or "right". Document this new property in the product's help

App Builder 2021.10
- Update the VueJS Javascript library to the latest version 2.6.12. Update the VueJS Router Javascript library to the latest version 3.4.7. Update the VueJS Router Javascript library to the latest version 3.5.1. Update the Hammer Javascript library to the latest version 2.29.1

App Builder 2021.9
- Apparently the app VolumeUpButton and VolumeDownButton events, even if there has no code to be executed inside, can cause that the default volume controls GUI feedback don't appear as expected in some Android devices. This release fix that by avoid to attach the referred app events if there is no code to be executed inside.

App Builder 2021.8
- Update the Microsoft Edge Runtime installer to the latest version. This latest version of the installer has been published in different flavours for Windows 32 and 64 bits, so, DecSoft App Builder also include this two flavours and use the right one for the product installer programs for Windows 32 and 64 bits.

App Builder 2021.7
- Fix an introduced bug in Boostrap CSS 4.5.1 which causes that some kind of modal dialogs (like when use some flavour of the app.showAlert() method) are not properly hidden when click (or press the Escape key) in the modal dialog backdrop. The Bootstrap CSS team knows about this bug and will fix it in a next release of the framework.

App Builder 2021.6
- Change log not available for this version

App Builder 2021.5
- Fix a bug which causes that the apps created with an unregistered version of the product cannot be properly compiled with Apache Cordova on Mac OS for the iOS platform. Additionally, now the default deployment target for iOS is 11.0 (required by the latest version of Apache Cordova for iOS).

App Builder 2021.4
- We move our products from to and therefore some URLs has been changed into this release of DecSoft App Builder. No more other changes has been made for this release of the product

App Builder 2021.3
- The debugger developer console window are not automatically opened anymore when the app is launched. Now we must press a new button in the debugger panel toolbar or just press the F12 key, in order to open the developer console window.par
- Fix a bug in the Typeahead plugin's control, which doesn't maintain the expected height, comparing with other inputs controls. Thanks b Desmondb0 for the report!par
- bpar

App Builder 2021.2
- Fix a bug in the debugger browser / panel size in case we have previosly installed AB when install the previous release. Basically the program get confused and don't check the configuration values for the browser / panel size

App Builder 2021.1
- This DecSoft App Builder release is a great step into the future, since, like our current generation of DecSoft HTML Compiler (recently published), say goodbye to the venerable WebView based in Internet Explorer and say welcome to the Microsoft Edge WebView2.
- Due to the usage of the Microsoft Edge WebView2, the internal debugger is no more an external program, that is, the apps are launched now in a dock panel in the IDE, more easy and faster. We continue having the Developer Console at our service anyway.
- By the way, as an user of DecSoft App Builder, maybe you want to take a look at the new generation of our DecSoft HTML Compiler product, which now can perfectly compile and convert modern HTML apps (for example, created by DecSoft App Builder) into standalone executables for both Microsoft Windows 32 and 64 bits. Get more information and download the demo version of DecSoft HTML Compiler in our website!

App Builder 2020.100
- Fix a bug which causes that we can't place a Visual Plugin control inside a Container control. Also fix a problem when we try to paste a Visual Plugin control inside a Container using the Clipboard
- This release of the product have other minor internal changes, fixes and enhancements, for example, in the Debugger program

App Builder 2020.99
- Move up the default value of the Android Min SDK option from the API level 19 (Android 4.4) to the API level 22 (Android 5.1). This is a requirement in order to be ready to use the latest version of Apache Cordova (10.0.0). Other minor changes, fixes and enhancements has been made on this release too.

App Builder 2020.98
- Fix a bug in the Welcome Page which causes that the random help topic link which appears every certain interval of time, do not properly update the help topic's URL, causing that, when click in the random help topic link, we always ends in the same help topic location: always the first help topic which has been shown. Other minor changes, fixes and enhancements has been made on this release too.

App Builder 2020.97
- The app Text Search tool reduces a bit the searching feedback in order to increase very, very much, the search speed, which is now almost instantanlly. The app Text Search tool is faster than never before due to the reduction of certain small feedback (basically "where we are" in the search) that the Text Search tool shown in the past.
- The app functions manager show different popup (contextual) menus for the functions list and the function's arguments list. Additionally the arguments list popup menu, as well the functions manager toolbar, includes now two new elements that allows to move up and down the function's arguments.
- This release of DecSoft App Builder (the IDE, the Debugger and the Command Line Interpreter programs) has been builded using the latest version of Embarcadero Delphi, which is the IDE in which DecSoft App Builder is developed. The latest version of the Embarcadero Delphi's compiler introduces several fixes, changes and enhancements, so we get the benefits of these improvements.

App Builder 2020.96
- Add a couple of new options in the Cordova -> Android and the Cordova iOS options tabs in order to allows to specify the app's Cordova Android version as well the app's Cordova iOS version. By default these options are empty and this mean that the Batch and Shell files prepared by DecSoft App Builder uses the default Cordova Android / Cordova iOS version. We can specify here the versions to be used, so the generated Batch and Shell files clearly requires such specific versions of Cordova Android / Cordova iOS in order to be used.
- The Cordova iOS deploy target option is now set to iOS 11.0 by default. This means that we can be ready to use in our apps the WKWebView engine provided by Cordova iOS 6.x. Cordova iOS 6.x, however, requires a minimum deploy target of 11.0. Read more about how to use the WKWebView in the DecSoft support forum.

App Builder 2020.95
- Just attach the "BackButton" app's event causes a problem when try to use the Android device's back button to move around the app browser's history or just to exit the app (if no browser's history exists). This release fix this problem attaching the "BackButton" app's event only if we write some code to be executed in that event.

App Builder 2020.94
- Add the BackgroundAudio sample app (number 68) in order to show a way of use the app.PlaySound() method and the returned Audio JavaScript object in order to play a background audio in the app, which is not stopped even if we go to one app's view to another.
- Enhance the app.playSound() method in order to return the instance of the Audio JavaScritp object, so we can use the Audio JavaScript properties, methods and events if needed. Also fix the way in which we inquire to the platform about what kind of audio's format is supported.

App Builder 2020.93
- Change log not available for this version

App Builder 2020.92
- The app sidebar is hidden by default when the user press over the app sidebar overlay. In the same way, the app sidebar is now also hidden when the user swipe left over the app sidebar or the app sidebar overlay. Some other minor changes, fixes and enhancements has been made in this release of the product.

App Builder 2020.91
- Fix a bug / mistake which causes that the app's "BackButton" event are not fired like expected, since it's attached before the Apache Cordova "deviceready" event. Move the the "BackButton", "Pause", "Resume", "VolumeDownButton" and "VolumeUpButton" app's events to the "deviceready" event, so they can be fired as expected.

App Builder 2020.90
- Move up the app plugins section in the app plugins dock panel. Doing this we want to place the app plugins section in a more relevant position, since the importance of it, in order to activate or deactivate the app plugins.
- Fix a mistake related with the app's plugins and the ability to add entire folders: we must indicate the plugin's relative path using URL separators (/) instead of Windows path separators (). The documentation has been updated accordingly.

App Builder 2020.89
- Add the new FeedReader sample app (number 67). This app show how easy is to load and parse a RSS feed using the jQuery library, which, as you know, is ready for us in the apps out of the box. The app also shown other things like how to use the "selectEx" control, the HTML template syntax and the app's user functions.
- Make some internal changes to allows app's plugins to link scripts and styles using a plugin's relative paths. This can be useful, for example, in order to use scripts and style files placed inside certain folder which is also added by the plugin. This help a lot in order to use thirdparty libraries from app's plugins, since the library's files can remain in the expected position in the file system. This is something that we already can do it from our apps, that is, link to app's relative paths, and, exactly for the same purpose.

App Builder 2020.88
- Update the Animate.css library to the latest version (4.0.0). This version of the library, among other changes, fixes and enhancements, add to DecSoft App Builder this new "in" animations: fadeInTopLeft, fadeInTopRight, fadeInBottomLeft, fadeInBottomRight, lightSpeedInRight and lightSpeedInLeft... and this new "out" animations: fadeOutTopLeft, fadeOutTopRight, fadeOutBottomRight, fadeOutBottomLeft, lightSpeedOutRight, lightSpeedOutLeft, backOutDown, backOutLeft, backOutRight and backOutUp.

App Builder 2020.87
- Added the new CordovaMedia sample app (number 66), which shows how to use the recently integrated Apache Cordova Media plugin. This sample app show how to record and play an audio, and also how to upload a recorded audio to the app's server.
- Integrate the Apache Cordova Media plugin. This is an official Apache Cordova plugin which allows to record audio files from the user's devices without the usage of any external recording app, like the integrated Apache Cordova MediaCapture plugin.
- Add the new ResponseType property to the Http client control. This property is an empty string by default, but, can be set now to "blob", in order to deal with the server's response as a blob. This can be useful, for example, to download and store files in the user's device using the "app.cordova.file.writeFile" method. Take a look at the CordovaFile sample app to see this new property and the referred method in action.
- The Apache Cordova File plugin has been rewriten from the scratch, in order to have a more powerful way to deal with files and directories. Additionally the plugin add various new methods like "createDir", "dirExists", "removeDir" and others. The CordovaFile sample app has been also rewritten and show the usage of all of the plugin's methods. The help file has been also rewritten to describe all the plugin's methods accordingly.

App Builder 2020.86
- Add the new PushButtons sample app (number 65), in order to show the power of the Push button control, including the recently added Active and Outline properties, but also the usage of other useful properties like the kind, badges and icons related properties.
- Add the Outline property to the Push button controls. This property works together the Kind property, and allows to use the outline style in the Push buttons. This property can be a boolean "false" value (by default) to not use the outline style, or can be set to "true" in order to use the outline style.
- Add the Active property to the Push button controls. This property allows, for example, to use the Push buttons as toggle buttons, since we can show the buttons activated or deactivated. This property can be a boolean "false" value (by default) to not use the active style, or can be set to "true" in order to use the active style.

App Builder 2020.85
- Update the jQuery JavaScript library and the Moment JavaScript library to their latest versions, which include various changes, fixes and enhancements
- Improve the apps backups creation by overwriting possible existing files and by prefixing the backup folder names with a UNIX timestamp. The backup folders names have now a human readable local datetime, but, also a machine readable timestamp, for some possible further processing of these backup folders names from the IDE.

App Builder 2020.84
- Change log not available for this version

App Builder 2020.83
- T

App Builder 2022.16 相關參考資料
App Builder - Google Play 應用程式

2023年12月13日 — 應用程式產生器可讓您創建自己的應用程式。 您可以在Google Play 上發佈您的應用程式。 無需任何編碼即可完成簡單的事情。

App Builder 2022.16 (08212022)- tải về

Phiên bản 2022.16 (08/21/2022) của phần mềm App Builder được chúng tôi cập nhật để cho bạn dễ dàng download, việc download và cài đặt là quyết định của bạn.

App Builder 2022.16 (x64)

App Builder 2022.16 (x64) Complete suite to create HTML5 and hybrid mobile applications. Languages The DecSoft App Builder apps are based in HTML, ...

App Builder 2022.16 Free Download | by Good Software Box

2022年11月10日 — App Builder is a complete visual development environment for Microsoft Windows that allows you to create, with or without programming skills ...

App Builder 2022.36 Download

2022年12月21日 — Download App Builder 2022.36 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.

Download DecSoft App Builder 2023.68 Free Full Activated

App Builder is a complete visual development environment for Microsoft Windows that allows us to create, with or without programming skills, HTML5 apps, WebApps ...

Good Software Box

App Builder is a complete visual development environment for Microsoft Windows that allows you to create, with or without programming skills, HTML5 apps, ...

New App Builder 2022.16

Hello to all,. Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements: 2022.16 (08/21/2022) * Update the Render Javascript library ...

What's New in SAP Analytics Cloud Release 2022.16

2022年7月28日 — ACN is used to transport the object between Development and production tenant. ... You can find more details on these features in your In-App Help ...

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