UltraEdit (64-bit)

最新版本 KLayout 0.28 (64-bit)

KLayout 0.28 (64-bit)

KLayout 0.28 (64-bit)
UltraEdit 64 位是一個功能強大的基於磁盤的文本編輯器,程序員的編輯器和十六進制編輯器,用於編輯 HTML,PHP,JavaScript,Perl,C / C ++ 和大量其他編碼 / 編程語言。 UltraEdit 可以處理和編輯超過 4 千兆字節的文件。獲得業界屢獲殊榮的應用程序 UltraEdit 包含免費試用期,用戶可以在購買許可證之前嘗試全功能應用程序。 UltraEdit 的文本編輯功能使得編輯列表和列可以直觀體驗,而不是過去的乏味練習。通過多重插入符號編輯,列 / 塊編輯和多重選擇等功能,您可以隨心所欲地使用簡單的文本編輯器,以及在需要時使用多光標電源編輯器。下載用於 Windows PC 的 UltraEdit Offline Installer 安裝 64bit!

您工作的環境是個人的事情。而 UltraEdit 的深度定制新菜單系統,您的完美的應用程序菜單等待。全新的菜單允許您在完整的功能區,小型功能區和菜單 / 工具欄系統之間進行切換,所有功能都只有您想要的按鈕。無論是在您正在處理的文件中還是在您的項目中的其他文件中,UltraEdit 都將幫助您找到所需的內容。運行一個簡單的標準搜索,或者給我們你曾經炮製過的最長的正則表達式。強大的正則表達式搜索功能,加上詳細的過濾器和搜索選項,隨時隨地為您提供真正強大的搜索體驗.

UltraEdit 具有集成的 FTP 瀏覽器,支持數百種語言的語法高亮顯示,並且始終處於工作狀態。通過集成的 SSH / Telnet 客戶端,腳本,自定義工具,宏和智能模板,UltraEdit 可以用於任何編碼會話。發現自己試圖編輯大文件? UltraEdit 64 位不僅可以勝任這項任務,還可以勝任其他人失敗的情況。需要在海量數據文件上運行查找和替換? &ndash 的; UltraEdit 使大文件編輯再次成為可能.

UltraEdit 功能:

選擇核心主題之一或嘗試美麗的用戶貢獻的主題,以獲得 UltraEdit 正是你想要的。通過修改主題或從頭開始創建一個新主題,再進一步提供給其他用戶,以供其他用戶欣賞.

Multi-caret / multi-select
UltraEdit 具有最強大,最直觀的多點插入編輯和多選能力在業務。一旦你的光標或選擇是你想要的位置,你可以復制,剪切,粘貼,選擇和刪除,就像你平常一樣。

如果可以搜索,UltraEdit 會找到它。但搜索幾乎是錯誤的詞。通過使用正則表達式進行搜索的功能,跨文件搜索,以 4GB 乾草堆找到針,或者快速找到您要查找的單詞,這不是搜索。這是全方位的.

當水平編輯不夠好時,列模式就在你身邊。使用列模式可以在文檔中的任何位置沿著 Y 軸直觀地進行編輯。這只是 UltraEdit 幫助您編輯表格數據或代碼文件的眾多強大方法之一.

集成的 FTP,SSH& Telnet
無論您需要對服務器上的文件進行快速編輯還是上傳大量的代碼庫,UltraEdit 的集成 FTP 功能和 SSH / Telnet 都可以輕鬆處理遠程文件,並通過一個功能強大的應用程序與服務器交互.

可自定義的 UI

UltraEdit 用於編輯導致其他文本編輯器崩潰的大文件。處理數據庫和大型日誌文件的人員非常喜歡這種產品.

4k UHD support
UltraEdit 在 Retina 和其他超高清顯示器上看起來不錯。如果你還沒有升級,不用擔心。當你做的時候,我們會為你做好準備。下載適用於 Windows PC 的 UltraEdit Offline Installer 64bit 安裝程序!

“UltraEdit 適用於 Windows,Mac 和 Linux。即使您有其中一個沒有人聽說過的發行版,我們也很有可能為您提供幫助。 “

注意:30 天試用版一個


檔案版本 KLayout 0.28 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 klayout-0.28-win64-install.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 IDM Computer Solutions, Inc
官網 http://www.ultraedit.com/
更新日期 2022-12-12

What's new in this version:

- $KLAYOUT_HOME can now be empty string (no home folder used)
- $KLAYOUT_PATH can now be empty string (no further and implicit search paths)
- Python include files are generated for Python module
- Allow dynamic change of some attributes (visibility, enabled etc.)
- By implementing "callback_impl" in PCellDeclarationHelper subclasses
- Shape user properties are turned into RDB values
- Scanning of text objects
- "Highres" option to fully exploit resolution, normally follows screen scaling
- Angle
- Radius (#906)
- Multi-segment
- Generates a log view which may have useful hints
- Schematic and extracted netlists are available as separate tabs for LVS view
- Antenna DRC measured values output on edge pair properties and into report file
- inside, not_inside, outside and not_outside also for edge/edge and edge/polygon layers
- split_inside, split_outside for edge/edge and edge/polygon layers
- andnot (edge/edge)
- inside_outside_part (edge/polygon)
- angle-class selectors (multiples or 90 or 45 degree)
- performance enhancements
- in_and_out (edge and polygon layers)
- Enhancmennt: Drop-down list to select tab in layout views
- PixelBuffer object instead of QImage
- LayoutView can be build without Qt
- Functions exist to emulate mouse events
- Included in standalone Python module
- Allows implementation of KLayout backend in web server
- Uses a DRC subset to generate layers
- Allows booleans and specific color assignments
- Supports edges and edge pairs (will build walls)
- Not backward compatible!
- Python/Ruby API:
- DText/Text: bbox, alignment enums
- Polygon#size with vector arguments
- DBox/Box#world
- Layout#unique_cell_name
- RecursiveShapeIterator#each, RecursiveInstanceIterator#each
- Layout#clip with DBox and Cell arguments
- Better automatic conversion of enum to int and vice versa
- CellInstArray constructor with Cell argument
- AbstractMenu#insert_menu, #clear_menu
- ActionBase#icon=, #on_menu_opening, #on_triggered
- CellMapping convinience methods
- Cell#read for easy importing of a layout into a cell + subtree
- LayerMap#map and #mmap: logical layer is optional now (needed to be incremental)
- Shapes#cell and #layout
- Edges#andnot, #split_interacting, #inside, #not_inside, #outside, #not_outside and related (for Region and Edges arguments)
- GenericDeviceExtractor#define_terminal convenience methods
- Box/DBox square and rectangle convenience constructor
- Box#enlarge convenience isotropic variant
- Region#in_and_out, Edges#in_and_out

- "Layout#convert_pcell_to_static" does not handle"defunct" cells
- Basic library not available in Python module
- Cleanup of PCell orphans after re-evaluation on load
- Using a layer properties file from recent list without layout loaded crashes KLayout
- Provide a way to suppress or redirect log output or disable warnings, specifically from file readers, in Python module
- technology-data xml results in SEGV
- General compatibility issue of Edges#extended/extended_* with deep mode
- DRC internal error on "moved"
- LEF via parser error

- #1056 X2 net names
- #1052 PDF documentation
- #1053 LEF/DEF enhancements
- Qt6 enabled
- KLayout paths
- Python typehints
- Properties dialog now features object list on left side (select and change)
- Compute area and perimeter from selection (Edit/Selection/Area and Perimeter)
- Callbacks for PCells
- Report browser
- Support for high-DPI modes (scale factor 200%)
- Multiple tech stacks for net tracer per technology
- New rulers
- "data:" URL schemes to pass direct base-64 encoded data
- "Close all except", "left of", "right of" etc. in layout tabs and macro editor tabs
- Setting for disabling "Save needed" dialog box
- File details are shown (dump of file header) for unknown file formats
- NoQt option for LayoutView
- New command "-rr" (like -r but keeps application running, for UI macros)
- PCell errors are shown on a special error layer which is visible together with guiding shapes
- custom queries support micron-unit attributes (dbbox, path_dtrans etc.)
- custom queries highlight results of queries when selected
- scale and snap improvements (edge pair support, properties maintained, arrays not always flattened)
- auto-run macros can not be given a priority in which they are executed
- D25 module overhauled

KLayout 0.28 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
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Full 64 bit support on Linux; Extensible and configurable to a large degree by custom Ruby or Python scripts; Integrated development environment for Ruby and ...


Download KLayout 0.28.13 - Installer (64-bit)

Download KLayout 0.28.13 - Installer (64-bit) ... KLayout 0.28.13. 文件名: klayout-0.28.13-win64-install.exe, 文件大小: 251.33 MB, 添加日期: November 23, 2023 ...


Download or Build Yourself

klayout-0.28.15-win64-c64.zip (64bit binaries (64 bit coordinates)) MD5: 3cfc1099d75165e7bddb94e27501b1a5. klayout-0.28.15-win64-ucrt-install.exe (64bit ...


Downloading KLayout 0.28.17 (64-bit) from FileHorse.com

High Performance Layout Viewer and Editor for your Windows system · KLayout 0.28.17 (64-bit) · Key details about this download. The file will ...


KLayout (64-bit) Download (2024 Latest)

2024年2月17日 — Download KLayout (64-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download 64-bit Latest Version 2024.


KLayout 0.28 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

2022年12月12日 — 雙窗口文件管理器適用於Windows 7,8 和10(32/64 位)大量自定義選項瀏覽器支持80 多種文件格式支持支持13 種存檔格式訪問FTP,FTP-SSL 和SFTP 支持宏和 ...


KLayout 0.28.17 x64 ( Katfile雲空間)-Windows 軟體下載

7 天前 — KLayout 是一款直覺的程式,幫助您輕鬆視覺化和編輯GDS 和OASIS 檔案。 這是創建和編輯具有幾何形狀、文字標籤和其他重要資訊的文件的兩種最常見的格式。


KLayout 0.28.7 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流

KLayout (64-bit) · Fast and accurate: fast loading and drawing · Full support of properties · Extensible and configurable to a large degree by custom Ruby ...


KLayout Layout Viewer And Editor

Start KLayout in viewer mode for an accurate and fast viewer for big mask layout files. It can read GDS2, OASIS, DXF, CIF, Gerber, LEF/DEF and other formats ...


Release Notes

Windows binaries now include UCRT (64 bit) and 64 bit coordinate versions; RockyLinux 9 RPMs included. Version 0.28.14. Release date: 2023-12-08. Download links.
