UltraEdit (64-bit)

最新版本 GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.184

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.184

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.184
UltraEdit 64 位是一個功能強大的基於磁盤的文本編輯器,程序員的編輯器和十六進制編輯器,用於編輯 HTML,PHP,JavaScript,Perl,C / C ++ 和大量其他編碼 / 編程語言。 UltraEdit 可以處理和編輯超過 4 千兆字節的文件。獲得業界屢獲殊榮的應用程序 UltraEdit 包含免費試用期,用戶可以在購買許可證之前嘗試全功能應用程序。 UltraEdit 的文本編輯功能使得編輯列表和列可以直觀體驗,而不是過去的乏味練習。通過多重插入符號編輯,列 / 塊編輯和多重選擇等功能,您可以隨心所欲地使用簡單的文本編輯器,以及在需要時使用多光標電源編輯器。下載用於 Windows PC 的 UltraEdit Offline Installer 安裝 64bit!

您工作的環境是個人的事情。而 UltraEdit 的深度定制新菜單系統,您的完美的應用程序菜單等待。全新的菜單允許您在完整的功能區,小型功能區和菜單 / 工具欄系統之間進行切換,所有功能都只有您想要的按鈕。無論是在您正在處理的文件中還是在您的項目中的其他文件中,UltraEdit 都將幫助您找到所需的內容。運行一個簡單的標準搜索,或者給我們你曾經炮製過的最長的正則表達式。強大的正則表達式搜索功能,加上詳細的過濾器和搜索選項,隨時隨地為您提供真正強大的搜索體驗.

UltraEdit 具有集成的 FTP 瀏覽器,支持數百種語言的語法高亮顯示,並且始終處於工作狀態。通過集成的 SSH / Telnet 客戶端,腳本,自定義工具,宏和智能模板,UltraEdit 可以用於任何編碼會話。發現自己試圖編輯大文件? UltraEdit 64 位不僅可以勝任這項任務,還可以勝任其他人失敗的情況。需要在海量數據文件上運行查找和替換? &ndash 的; UltraEdit 使大文件編輯再次成為可能.

UltraEdit 功能:

選擇核心主題之一或嘗試美麗的用戶貢獻的主題,以獲得 UltraEdit 正是你想要的。通過修改主題或從頭開始創建一個新主題,再進一步提供給其他用戶,以供其他用戶欣賞.

Multi-caret / multi-select
UltraEdit 具有最強大,最直觀的多點插入編輯和多選能力在業務。一旦你的光標或選擇是你想要的位置,你可以復制,剪切,粘貼,選擇和刪除,就像你平常一樣。

如果可以搜索,UltraEdit 會找到它。但搜索幾乎是錯誤的詞。通過使用正則表達式進行搜索的功能,跨文件搜索,以 4GB 乾草堆找到針,或者快速找到您要查找的單詞,這不是搜索。這是全方位的.

當水平編輯不夠好時,列模式就在你身邊。使用列模式可以在文檔中的任何位置沿著 Y 軸直觀地進行編輯。這只是 UltraEdit 幫助您編輯表格數據或代碼文件的眾多強大方法之一.

集成的 FTP,SSH& Telnet
無論您需要對服務器上的文件進行快速編輯還是上傳大量的代碼庫,UltraEdit 的集成 FTP 功能和 SSH / Telnet 都可以輕鬆處理遠程文件,並通過一個功能強大的應用程序與服務器交互.

可自定義的 UI

UltraEdit 用於編輯導致其他文本編輯器崩潰的大文件。處理數據庫和大型日誌文件的人員非常喜歡這種產品.

4k UHD support
UltraEdit 在 Retina 和其他超高清顯示器上看起來不錯。如果你還沒有升級,不用擔心。當你做的時候,我們會為你做好準備。下載適用於 Windows PC 的 UltraEdit Offline Installer 64bit 安裝程序!

“UltraEdit 適用於 Windows,Mac 和 Linux。即使您有其中一個沒有人聽說過的發行版,我們也很有可能為您提供幫助。 “

注意:30 天試用版一個


檔案版本 GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.184

檔案名稱 gdpicturedotnet.msi
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 IDM Computer Solutions, Inc
官網 http://www.ultraedit.com/
更新日期 2022-08-05

What's new in this version:

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.184
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: new property JBIG2PMSThreshold
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved Key-Value pair engine accuracy
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved Office formats rendering
- GdPicturePDF: New method PageIsBlank()
- GdPicturePDF: New overload AutoCropPage() allowing to ignore white rectangle graphic objects
- GdPictureImaging: Fix issue on font size computation with text drawing methods
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: Fixed an issue that could cause a TimeOutOperation status
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.183
- Office Format Rendering
- PDF repair feature
- PDF/A converter engine performance
- OCR engine accuracy
- Key-Value pair engine

Fixed minor PDF page scaling issues
Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.182
- Office rendering engine
- PDF optimization speed
- JBIG2 compression rate and speed
- text extraction engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.181
- PDF/A validator engine
- JBIG2 compression rate and encoding speed
- Arabic OCR accuracy
- Office rendering engine
- Key-Value pair engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.180
- Office formats rendering engine
- QR Code reader accuracy
- OCR accuracy and speed
- Key-Value pair detection engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.179
- OCR engine accuracy
- Key-Value pair detection engine
- document rendering speed

- Global speed improvement of image processing & document-cleanup features
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.178
- PDF/A converter and validator engines
- Office formats rendering engine
- OCR engine accuracy
- Key-Value pair finder engine
- WEB TWAIN controller

- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.177
- GdPictureDocumentUtilities: new method ToGdPictureStatus()
- Key-Value pair detection engine improvements
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- New enumeration PdfGridSplitOrdering
- GdPicturePDF: new methods GridSplit()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.176
- OCR engine improvements
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: new property PdfEnableLinearization
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.175
- PDF/A Validator engine
- PDF OCG flattening feature
- PDF parsing of malformed documents
- Ocr accuracy improvements
- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF digital signature support
- GdPicturePDF: new method IsSignatureFieldSigned()

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.174
- PDF text removal engine
- PDF/A Validator engine
- Office formats rendering engine
- OCR engine improvements
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.173
- Fixed a regression in the PDF generator engine
- Fixed a memory leak in the barcode reader engine
- Improved annotations support into the WPF edition of the GdViewer control
- Improved PDF incremental saving into the AnnotationManager class
- Battery of other minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.172
- Fixed a critical regression in the OCR engine

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.171
- Improved OCR accuracy
- First implementation of a key-value pair data extractor in the OCR engine
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetKeyValuePairCount()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetKeyValuePairKeyString()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetKeyValuePairKeyRect()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetKeyValuePairValueRect()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetKeyValuePairValueString()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetKeyValuePairDataType()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetKeyValuePairConfidence()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetKeyValuePairIsStrong()
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF parsing and processing
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.170
- OCR accuracy
- PDF/A Validator engin
- Office formats rendering engine
- DocuVieware UI
- PDF page scaling annotation handling
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.169
- OCR accuracy improvements
- Improved DocuVieware user interface

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.168
- DocuVieware: added user interface themes support. new property UserInterfaceTheme added into the public API

- OCR accuracy
- PDF reducer engine
- Office rendering engine
- PDF/A converter and validator engines
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.167
- Added blank page dropout support in the PDF reducer engine when input document is in raster format
- Fixed a dependency issue with System.Drawing.Common in the Core edition

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.166
- PDF/A converter and validator engines
- Office rendering engine
- OCR engine accuracy
- PDF reducer engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.165
- Vulnerability fix in DocuVieware
- Vulnerability fix in the MICR engine

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.164
- text extraction engine
- GdPicturePDF: new method HasJavaScript()
- GdPicturePDF: new method RemoveAnnotationAction()
- Office rendering engine
- OCR engine accuracy
- PDF reducer engine
- PDF OCG flattening feature
- PDF/A converter engine
- PDF annotation flattening feature
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.163
- Fixed a critical regression into the PDF parser

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.162
- MRC engine accuracy
- OCR engine accuracy
- PDF OCG flattening feature
- internal PDF repair engine
- office formats rendering
- PDF rendering engine
- Handling of some malformed PDF
- PDF/A converter engine
- PDF reducer engine

- Battery of minor bug fixes
- New native runtime: GdPicture.NET.14.machine.vision(.64).dl
- Removed native runtimes: GdPicture.NET.14.ocr.tesseract.3(.64).dll, GdPicture.NET.14.omr(.64).dll and GdPicture.NET.14.document.analyzer(.64).dll. They have been merged into GdPicture.NET.14.machine.vision(.64).dll

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.161
- Improved MRC engine accuracy
- Fixed a critical issue with XLSX loading in .NET Core edition
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.160
- PDF digital signature support
- QR Code reader accuracy
- OCR accuracy
- MRC engine accuracy
- PDF page normalization feature
- PDF OCG flattening feature
- PDF parsing performance
- PDF redaction engine
- Office formats rendering: Text wrapping and table rendering

- Added support for docm, xlsm and pptm formats. Handled as if the macros are not enabled
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.159
- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF page normalization feature
- Handling of some malformed PDF
- OCR engine accuracy
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.158
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Critical bug fix preventing office formats parsing in .NET core edition

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.157
- Improved OCR engine accuracy
- PdfOcrOptions class: new property RemoveExistingText
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.156
- OCR engine accuracy
- MRC engine accuracy
- PDF page normalization feature
- PDF unembed font feature
- Office formats rendering
- EMG & MSG rendering engine
- PDF/A converter engine
- PDF resource optimization
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.155
- Fixed a critical regression in the PDF engine

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.154
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: new property TiffEnableExifRotate, HtmlPreferOnePage & HtmlEmulationType

- OCR accuracy
- HTML, MSG & EML rendering engines
- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF redaction engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.153
- OCR engine accuracy
- MRC engine
- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF rendering of text markup annotations
- PDF rendering engine with malformed documents

- DocuVieware: new .NET properties: SearchResultsBorderColor, SearchResultsBackColor
- GdPicturePDF: new method SetJBIG2PMSThreshold()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.152
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Added new OCR special context engine to read numeric symbols and capital letters. See OCRSpecialContext.AlphaNumAllCapsML enumeration member
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.151
- Office formats rendering engine
- GdViewer (WinForm) new method ClearCache()
- SVG rendering engine
- PDF rendering engine
- EML/MSG conversion engine
- OCR accuracy and speed
- PDF text removal engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.150
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.149
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.148
- OCR accuracy
- PDF/A converter and validator engines
- Office rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.147
- OCR accuracy
- text extraction engine
- MaxiCode reader accuracy
- Office rendering engine
- internal PDF repair engine
- PDF forms flattening functionality
- PDF rendering engine

- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.146
- GdViewer (WinForm): fixed a critical bug fix introduced in previous version

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.144
- PDF rendering engine
- OCR engine accuracy and speed
- Office rendering engin
- text extraction engine
- PDF 2.0 / PDF/A-4 support
- GdPicture & DocuVieware are now available as NuGet packages
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.143
- Added support for PDF/A-4, PDF/A-4e PDF/A-4f, generation, conversion & validation
- Battery of minor bug fixes

- PDF/A converter and validation engines
- built-in PDF font pack engine
- OCR engine accuracy
- Office rendering engine

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.142
- Introduced support for Maxicode reading & writing
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved Office formats rasterizer engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

- new method BarcodeMaxicodeGetSize()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeWrite()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderClear()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderDoScan()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeCount()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeValue()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeValueRAWBase64()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeConfidence()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeX1()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeX2()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeX3()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeX4()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeY1()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeY2()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeY3()
- new method BarcodeMaxicodeReaderGetBarcodeY4()

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.141
- OCR: improved accuracy
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF reducer engine
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- GdPicturePDF: Improved grayscale conversion engine
- DocuVieware: improved formfields support
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.140
- OCR engine accuracy
- PDF digital signature support
- PDF parsing of malformed documents
- Office formats rendering engine

- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function: RegisterOnPageDeleted()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function: RegisterOnUnknownLinkNavigation()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.139
- OCR accuracy
- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF rendering engine
- PDF/A converter and validation engines
- COM edition stream reading performance

- DocuVieware: new property PrintDefaultPageRange
- DocuVieware: new property SaveDefaultPageRange
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript API: RegisterOnAttachmentClick
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.138
- OCR engine accuracy
- text extraction & paragraphs detection engines
- Office formats rendering engine
- SVG rendering engine

- GdPicturePDF: Improved grayscale conversion engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.137
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- GdPicturePDF: improved functionality of DropPDFASupport() method
- DocuVieware: improved form fields support
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.136
- MRZ reader engine accuracy
- OCR engine accuracy & speed
- page orientation detection accuracy
- PDF/A converter engine
- Office formats rendering engine

- GdPicturePDF: Improved RegEx text search
- GdPicturePDF: Improved grayscale conversion engine
- GdPicturePDF: New overload ConvertToGrayscale() to enable/disable unused resources removal
- GdPicturePDF: Improved AutoCropPage functionality
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.135
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF parser engine
- GdPictureImaging: new method FontIsSymbolic()
- GdPictureImaging: new method FontCanRenderText()
- OCRSpecialContext enumeration: new member NumericLineML
- OCRSpecialContext enumeration: new member HandwrittenNumericBoxML
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetCharacterAlternativeCount()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetCharacterAlternativeValue()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetCharacterAlternativeConfidence()
- DocuVieware: new function RegisterOnUriNavigation()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.133
- OCR engine accuracy & speed improvements
- Improved Office rendering engine
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved internal PDF repair engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.132
- Improved OCR accuracy
- ThumbnailEx control: new property SelectedThumbnailBackColorAlpha
- Improved Office rendering engine
- GdPicturePDF: improved PDF repair functionality
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.131
- OCR engine accuracy
- MRZ reader engine accuracy
- Office formats rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.129
- MRC compression engine
- Office formats rendering engine
- OCR accuracy
- 1D barcode reading accuracy
- PDF parsing
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.128
- MRC compression engine
- Office formats rendering engine
- OCR accuracy
- 1D barcode reading accuracy
- PDF parsing
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.127
- MRC engine accuracy & speed
- lossy JBIG2 encoder (better pattern matching on text content)
- office formats rendering engine
- PDF Reducer compression rate

- PDF Reducer engine can now produce PDF/A output
- Added support for file attachments in Office formats
- GdPicturePDF: new method DropPDFASupport()
- GdPicturePDF: new method GetPageImageMaskResName()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.126
- Improved OCR accuracy and speed
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- BookmarkTree: new property AutoGenerate
- DocuVieware: improved user interface
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.125
- OCR accuracy
- DocuVieware user interface
- Office formats rendering engine
- MRC engine compression rate

- DocuVieware: new property SnapInSplitterBarColor
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript API SetCustomHeaders()
- GdPicturePDF: new method SetMRCImageMaskResolution()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.124
- OCR accuracy
- Office formats rendering engine
- MSG rendering engine
- 1D barcode reader accuracy

- DocuVieware: new property ShowLoadingSpinner
- DocuVieware: added new optional parameter (xferCount) to the TwainSetConfig() JavaScript function
- DocuVieware: new property ScrollBarStyle
- GdPictureDocumentUtilities: new method GetWebBrowserPoolSize()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.123
- Added support to convert any document to SVG
- GdPicturePDF: new method SearchAndHighlight()
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: new method SaveAsSVG()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.122
- Change log not available for this version

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.121
- DocuVieware: new property EnableThumbnailRotateButtons
- DocuVieware: new property EnableThumbnailDeleteButton
- GdPicturePDF: Improved AutoCropPage functionality
- GdPicturePDF: Improved embedded files handling
- GdPicturePDF: Improved RegEx text search
- DocuVieware: DocuViewareManager new method SetEncryptionMode()
- DocuVieware: DocuViewareManager new method AbandonSessions()
- DocuVieware: new enumeration DocuViewareFilesEncryptionMode
- Improved PDF/A converter and validation engines
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.120
- OCR accuracy
- Office documents rendering engine
- QrCode reader accuracy
- 1D barcode reader accuracy
- PDF/A converter and validation engines
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.119
- GdPictureOCR: new property MaxThreadCount
- GdPictureImaging: new overload Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeValue() to specify if Febraban digital line should be computed
- GdPictureStatus enumeration: added new member BarcodePDF417InvalidDataCount
- DocuVieware: improved page generation speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF & image rendering speed

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.118
- PDF rendering engine
- PDF/A converter engine
- PDF digital signature support
- PDF/OCR engine
- OCR accuracy

- DocuVieware: some UI improvements
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.117
- OCR accuracy
- PDF digital signature support
- office formats rendering engine

- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.116
- PDF text extraction engine
- PDF/A converter engine
- PDF rendering engine
- speed & robustness of the PDF417 recognition engine
- 1D barcode reader engine accuracy

- Added EML & MSG formats support
- Battery of minor bug fixes

- new property EmailPageWidth
- new property EmailPageHeight
- new property EmailPageMarginLeft
- new property EmailPageMarginTop
- new property EmailPageMarginRight
- new property EmailPageMarginBottom

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.115
Added support for HEIF format
Battery of minor bug fixes

- OCR engine accuracy
- PDF/A converter engine
- PDF rendering engine
- office formats rendering engine
- TWAIN scanning support

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.114
- Added support for HEIF format
- Battery of minor bug fixes

- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF/A converter engine
- PDF rendering engine

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.113
- Office rendering engine
- PDF rendering engine
- PDF/A converter engine
- OCR engine speed
- GdViewer Winform rendering engine

- General speed improvements
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.112
- GdViewer Winform rendering engine
- RTL support for annotation editing
- MICR accuracy
- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF/A converter engine
- PDF rendering engine
- OCR engine accuracy

- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.111
- Improved support for unstable TWAIN drivers
- DocuVieware: added support for 64-bit TWAIN devices acquisition
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved global toolkit speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.110
- MICR engine accuracy and speed
- support for JPEG compression in tiff images
- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF rendering engine
- PDF generation speed
- PNG images generation speed

- DocuVieware: improved page transfer speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes
- GdPicturePDF: new method AutoCropPage()

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.109
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- TextExtractionOptions enumeration: added new member IgnoreRotatedText
- Improved PDF text extraction engine
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function SetMaxUploadThreads()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function DeletePages()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function RotatePages()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function SwapPages()
- DocuVieware: new .NET method DeletePages()
- DocuVieware: new .NET method RotatePages()
- DocuVieware: new .NET method SwapPages()
- DocuVieware: extended page reordering support to all document types
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.108
- New enumeration MRZFormat
- New enumeration OCRBlockSpecialFormat
- TextExtractionOptions enumeration: added new member DisableTextOrientationDetection
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetBlockSpecialFormat()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetBlockSpecialFormatData()
- Improved Office rendering engine
- Improved MICR engine accuracy
- Improved HTML engine
- GdPicturePDF: new methods OverlayPage()
- DocuVieware: improved printing speed
- DocuVieware: improved HTTP loading speed. Up to 4x faster
- DocuVieware: improved page rotation mechanism
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.107
- Added HTML format support for viewing and conversion
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved HTTP transfer support and added support for HTTP/2 protocol

- new method IsWebBrowserAvailable()
- new method GetWebBrowserPath()
- new method SetWebBrowserPath()
- new method SetWebBrowserPoolSize()
- new method ClearWebBrowserCache()

GdPictureStatus enumeration: new member WebBrowserStartingError
DocumentType enumeration: new member DocumentTypeHTML
DocumentFormat enumeration: new member DocumentFormatHTML

- new property HtmlPageWidth
- new property HtmlPageHeight
- new property HtmlPageMarginLeft
- new property HtmlPageMarginTop
- new property HtmlPageMarginRight
- new property HtmlPageMarginBottom
- new property HtmlPreferCSSPageSize
- new method LoadFromHttp()

DocuVieware: new property EnableLinkRect
Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.106
- Office formats rendering engine
- MICR engine accuracy and speed
- OCR engine accuracy
- MRZ reader accuracy
- quality image annotations embedded into PDF

- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.105
- MICR engine accuracy and speed, and we will do even better in next release
- OCR engine accuracy
- Office formats rendering engine
- (a lot) PDF/A converter and validation engines

- OCRSpecialContext enumeration: added MICRLineE13B and MICRLineCMC7 members
- GdPictureOCR: new property ExpectedSymbolCount
- GdPicturePDF: new method SetForceRasterizerInterpolation()
- Improved blank page detection algorithm
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function: DirectSave()
- GdPictureImaging: new overload of Barcode1DReaderDoScan() to allow to set a timeout
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.104
- Improved MICR engine accuracy
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- GdPicturePDF: new overloads of SearchText() to enable text search of any word in the search expression
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.103
- PDF/A converter and validation engines
- MICR engine accuracy & speed
- Office formats rendering engine
- PDF rendering engine

- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.102
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: new property TimeoutMilliseconds
- GdPictureImaging: new method ConvertTo1BppWAN()
- GdPicturePDF: new method ConvertToGrayscale()
- DocuVieware: new property LoadingTimeout
- DocuVieware: new contextual menu item to remove selected text
- DocuVieware: new property EnableRemoveTextItem
- Improved MRZ reader accuracy and speed
- Improved MRC engine
- Improved OCR engine
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.101
- PDF redaction engine
- MRC engine
- PDF/OCR generation with Chinese language
- office formats rendering engine
- PDF text extraction engine
- PDF rendering engine

- new JavaScript function: RegisterOnTextUnselected()
- new property: EnableTextCopyMenuItem
- added Chinese traditional locale

- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.100
- Improved MRC engine
- Improved OCR accuracy for Chinese language
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF engine
- Improved DocuVieware UI responsiveness
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.99
- Improved digital signature support
- Improved MRC engine accuracy and speed
- PDFReducerConfiguration class: new property EnableParallelization
- Improved PDF417 barcode decoder accuracy
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.98
- Improved toolkit speed
- Improved automatic page orientation engine speed and accuracy
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved MRC engine accuracy and speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.97
- GdViewer (WinForm & WPF) new method TerminateLastAnnotInteractiveAdd()
- Improved PDF merging engine
- Improved RTL support with GdPicture/XMP annotations
- Improved page orientation detection engine
- Improved MRC engine speed
- DocuVieware: improved UI and document loading speed
- DocuVieware: added support for file attachment annotations
- DocuViware: new property EnableFileAttachments
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.96
- Improved internal rendering engine speed
- Improved digital signature support
- Improved PDF/A converter and validation engines (speed & accuracy)
- Improved PDF parser, especially to handle malformed documents
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- Improved color detection engine accuracy
- Battery of minor bug fixes
- Merry Christmas / Feliz Navidad

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.95
- Fixed a critical issue on .NET 5
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- GdViewer (WinForm & WPF): new property PreserveViewRotation
- DocuVieware: improved TWAIN controller
- DocuVieware: improved interactive form-fields support
- DocuVieware: dramatical speed improvement when session state mode is DocuViewareSessionStateMode.File
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.94
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF/A converter and validation engines
- Improved PDF parser with malformed documents
- Improved rendering engine
- Improved 2D barcode reader engine accuracy
- DocuVieware: improved the TWAIN Web scanning support
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.93
- AnnotationRuller: new TicksPerUnit property
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- Improved OCR engine accuracy and speed
- Improved PDF/A converter and validation engines
- DocuVieware: added support for multiple annotations selection
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function EnableAnnotMultiSelect()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function UnselectAnnot()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.92
- Change log not available for this version

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.91
- GdPicturePDF: new method GetPageImageICCProfile()
- Added support for CR3 raw image format and more than 50 others camera support
- GdViewer (WinForm & WPF): added support for multiple annotations selection by code
- GdPictureSegmenter: improved layout analyzer engine
- Improved MRC engine
- Improved OCR engine
- Improved PDF redaction engine
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.90
- Improved Office formats rendering engine (speed and rendering fidelity)
- Improved PDF rendering engine (speed and rendering fidelity)
- Improved PDF reducer engine
- Improved PDF redaction engine
- GdViewer (WPF & WinForm): added multiple selection support to annotations
- GdViewer (WPF & WinForm): new property AnnotationEnableMultiSelect
- GdViewer (WPF & WinForm): improved annotations rendering quality and speed
- DocuVieware: new property TwainAcquisitionFormat
- DocuVieware: improved contextual menu appearance and interactivity
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function GetSelectedTextAreas()
- GdPicturePDF: improved PDF repair functionality
- GdPicturePDF: new methods IsValidPDFA()
- GdPicturePDF: new method CheckPDFAConformance()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.89
- Improved office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved text extraction/selection engine
- Improved OCR engine accuracy & speed
- Added a new PDF/A validation engine
- GdPicturePDF: new method ValidatePDFA()
- GdPictureImaging: added overload to all barcode detection method to specify if the engine must stop the recognition process when the expected number of symbols have been detected
- GdViewer (WinForm & WPF): improved text selection
- GdViewer (WinForm & WPF): new property DocumentFormat
- GdViewer (WinForm & WPF): new property ClipAnnotsToPageBounds
- DocuVieware: improved text selection
- DocuVieware: new property ShowLogo
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function DirectPrint()
- DocuVieware: added option into the saving dialog box to burn annotation to produced tiff documents
- DocuVieware: improved document navigation speed
- DocuVieware: clients using external DocuVieware controller will have to update it. Latest version can be found here
- DocuVieware: added optional parameter BurnAnnotations to the SaveAsTIFF() method
- The GdPicture.NET.14.jbig2.encoder.64.dll & GdPicture.NET.14.jbig2.encoder.dll are not required anymore
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.88
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved DOCX format conversion to PDF
- Improved PDF text extraction engine
- DocuVieware: improved user interface & user experience
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: new property: PdfUseDeflateOnJPEG
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.87
- Added support for doc, xls and ppt formats
- DocuVieware: the SaveAsPDF method is now taking an optional parameter allowing to apply page view rotation(s) to the produced document
- Improved text extraction and text search speed
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved SVG rendering engine
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved built-in PDF font pack engine
- DocuVieware: new property AnnotationOrientationMode
- New enumeration OrientationMode
- GdViewer (COM/ActiveX edition): new property hWnd
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.86
- DocuVieware: improved document rendering speed
- DocuVieware: new event OpenFileError offering a fallback strategy to handle unsupported document formats
- Improved 1D barcode reader accuracy
- Improved 2D barcode reader accuracy
- Improved SVG renderer
- Improved DXF renderer
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.85
- GdViewer: new property: ClipRegionsToPageBounds
- GdPictureImaging: new method BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeConfidence()
- GdPictureImaging: new method BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeConfidence()
- GdPicturePDF: improved formfields handling during page cloning
- GdPicturePDF: new method SearchAndAddRedactionRegions()
- Improved SVG rendering engine
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved PDF parsing of malformed documents
- Improved OCR engine speed and accuracy
- Improved MRC engine speed and accuracy
- Improved memory usage
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.84
- Improved MICR engine reading accuracy
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.83
- GdPicturePDF: new overload AddJpegImageFromStream() to allow ICC profile embedding
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: new property: EnableICC
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.82
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved PDF text exaction engine
- DocuVieware: saving dialog now offers a way to save documents with/without annotations
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.81
- Improved OCR engine accuracy
- Improved 2D barcode reading accuracy
- Improved Office formats rasterizer
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.80
- Improved MRZ engine accuracy
- Improved 2D barcode reading accuracy
- Improved Office formats rasterizer
- Improved PDF generator engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.79
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved RAW image format support
- Released first version of the MRZ recognition engine (special context of the GdPictureOCR API)
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.78
- Improved OCR page rotation detection speed & accuracy
- Improved office formats rasterizer
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.77
- GdPictureImaging: new method TwainSetKeepSourceEnabled()
- Improved Office formats rasterizer
- Improved OCR engine accuracy
- Improved OCR page rotation detection
- Added special context for OCR of MRZ (Beta)
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.76
- Introduced support for text search using regular expressions
- GdViewer (WinForm & WPF): new method SearchTextRegex()
- GdPicturePDF: new method SearchTextRegex()
- GdPicturePDF: new method RemoveXFAFormFieldsData()
- GdPictureOCR: new overloaded method GetOCRResultText()
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved OCR engine accuracy
- Improved Office formats rasterizer engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.75
- Improved automatic page orientation detection engine
- Improved OCR segmentation engine
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.74
- GdPictureImaging: new overload: TagGetValueString() to favor ASCII representation of undefined tag types
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved PDF rendering engine
- Improved Office formats rendering engine
- Improved image loading speed
- GdPicturePDF: new method UnembedFont()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.73
- Improved MRC engine accuracy speed
- Improved 1D barcode recognition engine
- Improved Office formats rasterizer
- DocuVieware: added multi-line text search support
- DocuVieware: improved accessibility support based on WAI-ARIA specifications
- GdPicturePDF: new method IsTagged()
- Improved PDF text extraction engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.72
- Improved MRC engine accuracy
- Improved 1D & 2D barcode reader accuracy
- Improved Office formats rasterizer
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript API: RegisterOnDocumentSigned()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript API SelectAnnot()
- GdPicturePDF: new method RemovePageBox()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.71
- AnnotationPolyRuler & AnnotationRuler annotations: new property Value
- AnnotationManager: new method RenderAnnotation()
- Improved 1D & 2D barcode recognition engines
- Improved office formats rasterizer
- Improved PDF format rasterizer
- Improved PDF parser to handle / recover more malformed documents
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function GetPageAnnotCount()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function GetPageAnnotId()
- DocuVieware: added support for impersonation level management
- DocuVieware: improved UI about annotation manipulations
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.70
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved MRC engine accuracy
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved office formats rasterizer engine
- DocuVieware: improved UI
- Added Content and Password properties in GdViewer.WPF in order to set the content from the ViewModel in a MVVM fashion
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.69
- GdPicturePDF: new overload SearchText() to enable text search of strings across multiple lines
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved Office formats rasterizer engine
- Improved 1D barcode reader accuracy
- Improved OCR engine accuracy and speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.67
- GdPictureDocumentUtilities: new method IsImageFormat()
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved PDF redaction engine
- Improved accuracy of 1D barcode recognition engine
- Improved accuracy of DataMatrix barcode recognition engine
- Improved accuracy of OCR engine
- Added new OCR engine producing fast & accurate recognition on single line of numeric characters
- OCRSpecialContext: new enumeration member: SingleLineNumerics
- GdPictureDocumentConverter: new properties: Author, Title, Subject, Producer, Metadata, Keywords
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.66
- Global performance improvements (memory & CPU usage)
- Improved MRC engine
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved Office formats rasterizer engine
- ThumbnailEx: new method UnselectAllItems()
- ThumbnailEx: new method LoadAllItems()
- ThumbnailEx: new porperty DefaultItemCheckState
- ThumbnailEx: DefaultItemTextPrefixe property renamed to DefaultItemTextPrefix
- PDFReducerImageQuality: new enumeration member ImageQualityVeryVeryHigh
- DocuVieware: new method AddCustomToolbarButton()
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.65
- Improved text extraction engine
- Improved Office formats rasterizer
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.64
- Improved Office formats rasterizer
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function SetAnnotationsInteractionState()
- DocuVieware: improved TWAIN scanning speed
- Improved text extraction engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.63
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function UnselectAllAnnotations()
- DocuVieware: several UI improvements
- DocuVieware: fixed SVG file loading issue
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved margins detection filter
- Improved office formats rasterizer
- AnnotationEmbeddedImage: new property KeepAspectRatio
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.62
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved Office formats rasterizer engine
- DocuVieware: improved touch support
- DocuVieware: added overload of LoadFromUri() taking ICredential parameters
- DocuVieware: added new JavaScript API: RegisterOnViewerScroll()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.61
- MRC engine
- OCR engine
- Office formats rasterizer engine
- PDF/A converter engine

- improved UI responsivness
- added zooming support using crtl+whell
- added pinch zoom support
- added support for adding image annotation from the JavaScript API AddAnnot(). See reference guide for an example of usage

- GdViewer (WinForms & WPF): new method ApplyAllRedactions()
- Battery of minor bug fixes.

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.60
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved Office formats rasterizer engine
- Annotation: new public property ClientTag
- GdViewer: new event AnnotationTextBoxKeyDown()
- GdViewer: new event AnnotationTextBoxLostFocus()
- GdPicturePDF: New method ClonePages()
- GdPicturePDF: Improved Redaction Engine
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript functions: SetAnnotClientTag(), GetAnnotClientTag(), UpdateAnnotById(), GetAnnotProperties()
- DocuVieware: new server-side property: LinkAnnotationClickBehaviour
- DocuVieware: added zoom preview support (by maintaining pressed zoom-in and zoom-out buttons)

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.59
- Fixed a critical bug preventing usage of the WFP controls within the .NET Core edition
- PDFReducerPDFVersion enumeration: added enumeration members PdfVersionA1a, PdfVersionA1b, PdfVersionA2a, PdfVersionA2b
- Improved internal PDF/A editor engine

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.58
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved office formats rasterizer engine
- Improved OCR engine
- Improved automatic page orientation detection engine
- Improved PDF text extraction engine
- TextExtractionOptions enumeration: added new member PreserveLayout
- GdPicturePDF: new event BeforePrintPage
- GdPicturePDF: new event AfterPrintPage
- GdPicturePDF: Improved timestamp server compatibility for digital signatures
- DocuVieware: improved UI responsiveness
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.57
- Improved office formats rasterizer engine
- Improved links support for built-in PDF merger engine
- Improved MRC engine accuracy
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- GdPicturePDF: New method RemoveTextArea()
- GdPicturePDF: New overload GetPageTextWithCoords() to specify which information should be included in the output
- GdPicturePDF: GetPageTextWithCoordsEx method marked as deprecated
- New enumeration TextExtractionOutputInfo
- DocuVieware: Various UI Improvements
- DocuVieware: Improved support with stylus devices
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.56
- Improved MRC engine accuracy
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved office formats rasterizer engine
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved PDF/OCR accuracy
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.55
- New method RemoveAllText()
- New method SetTextDecorationStyle()
- New method SetTextUnderlineStyle()
- New method SetTextUnderlineWidth()
- New method SetTextUnderlineColor()
- New method SetTextUnderlineDistance()
- new overload SetSignatureText() to specify text decoration style of the text
- DrawTextUnderline methods marked as deprecated

- New enumeration PdfTextDecorationStyle
- New enumeration PdfTextUnderlineStyle
- Automatic conversion of Interleaved2Of5 barcode value to Febraban digital line
- Improved PPTX and DOCX rasterizer engines
- Added special context support into the OCR engine
- GdPictureOCR: new overloaded method RunOCR() to specify a special context
- New OCRSpecialContext enumeration
- Improved MRC engine accuracy
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.54
- Improved PDF text extraction engine
- Improved PPTX rasterizer engine
- Improced OCR engine accuracy
- PDFReducerConfiguration: New configuration option member RemovePagePieceInfo
- GdPicturePDF: New method DeletePagePieceInfo()
- GdPicturePDF: New method HasInvisibleText()
- ThumbnailEx: New method SetItemToolTipText()
- Improved JPEG2000 image decoder
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function GetAnnotBBoxOnViewer()
- DocuVieware: new digital signature snap-in
- DocuVieware: new property ShowDigitalSignatureSnapIn

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.53
- Implemented support for PPTX (Preview)
- Improved XLSX rasterizer engine
- Improved MRC engine accuracy and speed
- Improved 1D & 2D barcode reader accuracy
- Improved OCR automatic orientation detection
- Improved TWAIN support with memory transfer mode
- GdPicturePDF: new overload AddRedactionRegion() to specify transparency value of the region color
- GdPicturePDF: Improved Redaction Engine
- GdPicturePDF: Improved form fields Unicode support
- GdPicturePDF: Improved font substitution for CJK text rendering
- DocuVieware: Improved annotation rendering support
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function: RegisterOnAnnotationMoved()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.52
- Improved tiff codec to decode some malformed documents
- Improved support for large linearized PDF creation (more than 2GB files)
- Improved PDF & Office format rasterizers
- Improved 1D barcode reader accuracy
- Improved OCR automatic orientation detection
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.51
- DocuVieware class: new method GetDocuViewareControl()
- DocuVieware & DocuViewareControl classes: new method RegisterCertificate()
- DocuVieware & DocuViewareControl classes: new method ResetCertificates()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function SetAnnotationsVisibility()
- GdPicturePDF: Fixed minor issues in parsing engine
- Improved PDF & Office format rasterizers
- GdViewer: dramatically improved text selection and extraction for right-to-left text based documents
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.50
- GdPicturePDF & DocuVieware: Improved redaction precision for text objects
- DocuVieware: New JavaScript function: ResetSelectedTextContextMenu
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved .NET Core editions interfaces
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.49
- Improved PDF/OCR generation
- Improved office format rendering engines
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.48
- Improved PDF rasterizer engine
- Improved PDF generator engine
- Improved office formats rasterizer engine
- Improved loading speed of large office files
- Improved support for more than 4 GB PDF files
- GdPictureSegmenter: new method SetROI()
- GdPictureSegmenter: new method ResetROI()
- GdPicturePDF: Improved resource optimization in RemoveUnusedResources method
- GdPicturePDF: Improved text extraction and search for right-to-left text based documents
- DocuVieware: Improved performances with large documents
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.47
- Improved office formats rasterizer engine
- GdPicturePDF: Improved redaction precision on text objects
- Improved OCR accuracy and speed
- DocuVieware: New JavaScript function SelectRedactionSnapIn()
- DocuVieware: New JavaScript function RegisterOnRedactionMarksApplied()
- DocuVieware: New JavaScript function HasPendingRedactionMark()
- DocuVieware: New javaScript function ExitAnnotationDrawingMode()
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.46
- Improved OCR engine accuracy and speed
- Dramatically improved RTL text support in office format rasterizers
- General improvements on office format rasterizers
- DocuVieware: Added redaction support. (New redaction snap-in + set of features / API)
- DocuVieware: new .NET property ShowRedactionSnapIn
- DocuVieware: new .NET method ApplyAllRedactions()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function RedactSelectedText()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function ApplyAllRedactions()
- DocuVieware: new JavaScript function AddRedactionMarkAnnotInteractive()
- GdPicturePDF: Improved redaction precission
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.45
- Dramatically improved OCR accuracy
- GdPicturePDF: new overload AddRedactionRegion() to specify color for each added region
- GdPicturePDF: Fixed minor issues in Annotation Flattening for FreeText Annotations
- GdPicturePDF: Improved Redaction Engine
- GdPicturePDF: Improved PDF/A converter engine
- Improved Office formats rasterizer engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.44
This is mostly an emergency update causing regressions:
- Bad assembly version
- Adding item to ThumbnailEx control was not working anymore
- OCR with automatic page orientation was raising exception in particular situations

- Improved PDF rendering
- DocuVieware: Improved displaying of document having different page sizes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.43
- Improved MRC accuracy
- Improved OCR accuracy
- Improved QrCode reader accuracy
- Improved memory management
- Improved office formats rasterizer engine
- Improved PDF/A converter engine
- GdPictureDocumentUtilities: new overload GetDocumentPreview to specify if thumbnail must be generated without any margin
- GdPicturePDF: new method RemoveHiddenText()
- GdPicturePDF: new method ClearCachedResources()
- GdViewer (WinForms & WPF): new method AddRedactionAnnotInteractive()
- DocuVieware: reduced memory usage
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.42
- Added new annotation type: AnnotationRedactio
- AnnotationManager: new method AddRedactionAnnot()
- GdPicturePDF: new method Repair()
- DocuVieware: improved TWAIN scanning support
- Improved MRC engine
- Improved MRC engine accuracy and speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.41
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetPageRotation()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetPageSkewAngle()
- GdPictureOCR: new mehod GetBlockOrientation()
- Improved MRC engine accuracy
- Improved OCR engine accuracy
- DocuVieware: improved page transfer speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.40
- Added PDF redaction support
- Dramatically improved OCR engine accuracy
- Improved MRC engine accuracy & speed
- Improved OMR engine accuracy
- Improved SVG rendering engine
- GdPictureOCR: new property EnablePreprocessing
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetWordConfidence()
- GdPictureOCR: new method GetSerializedResult()
- GdPicturePDF: new method Se

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.184 相關參考資料
Changelog | PSPDFKit .NET Library

GdPicture.NET SDK · OverviewGet StartedGuides · GdPicture.NET SDK · OverviewCode ... 14.1.184 - 4 August 2022. Added. Adds new property JBIG2PMSThreshold to ...


Download GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.81 Ultimate

2021年10月7日 — GdPicture.NET SDK is enterprise-class intelligent document processing software, it is a continuously improved all-in-one toolkit: advanced PDF ...



Intelligent PDF & document processing SDKs.


GdPicture.NET Document Imaging SDK

GdPicture.NET ( see page 1) is a suite of Full-Featured & Royalty Free Document Imaging Toolkits delivered as .NET components enabling developers to compose ...


GdPicture.NET Document Imaging SDK: Version History and ...

GdPicture.NET 14.1.184 (August 4th 2022). GdPictureDocumentConverter: new property JBIG2PMSThreshold. Improved OCR accuracy. Improved Key-Value pair engine ...


GdPicture.NET Imaging SDK Download Page

GdPicture.NET is altogether a PDF, OCR, barcode, document imaging, and formats SDK with more than 3,000 functionalities, for any software development. The ...


GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.75 for Windows 軟體資訊交流

GdPicture.NET SDK 作為本機.NET 和COM / ActiveX 組件提供,允許開發人員從自己的WinForms,WPF 和用C#,VB.NET,Visual C#編寫的Web 應用程序中撰寫,顯示,捕獲, ...


GdPicture.NET SDK for Windows 軟體資訊交流

GdPicture.NET SDK 14.1.184 - GdPictureDocumentConverter: new property JBIG2PMSThreshold - Improved OCR accuracy - Improved Key-Value pair engine accuracy


GdPicture.NET SDK Download (2024 Latest)

2024年2月16日 — Download GdPicture.NET SDK for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2024.


GdPicture.NET 圖像處理工具圖像編輯

GdPicture.NET 6.0 assembly runs on Linux x64, Linux ARM64 and Microsoft Windows operating systems family since Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 in both 32- ...
