Twitch Desktop App

最新版本 Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10300

Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10300

Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10300
Twitch Desktop App 是一個社交視頻遊戲軟件和直接從您的 Windows PC 遊戲通信的下一代!加強你,你的朋友和整個社區之間的聯繫!帶來 的官方客戶端! Twitch 表示,新的應用程序將受益於彩信和追隨者.


A 虛擬家庭為您的社區聊天,觀看,並與完全可定制的文字和語音室玩。將您的 Twitch 頻道附加到您的服務器上,以便您的社區可以觀看現場直播,並在應用程序中使用 Twitch 聊天.

Friend Sync 快速導入您關注的所有朋友和遊戲。所以你可以花更少的時間放牧貓,更多的時間,聊天,視頻消息和一起玩.

無論是在一兩個朋友之間,還是在整個團隊中,水晶般清晰的語音通話。通過發送即時邀請鏈接聊天,與任何人開始通話。或與最近最親密的朋友,潛水員以及視頻通話的隊友進行面對面的交談。多達五人可以在美麗的高清聊天。屏幕共享也是一件輕而易舉的事情。 Twitch Desktop App 為 Windows PC 是驚人的!

直接在應用程序中找到,安裝和管理您最喜愛的遊戲的插件。即將推出的雲存儲使得通過多台機器進行設置變得非常容易。您還可以啟用遊戲內覆蓋來管理您的語音和視頻通話,而無需使用 Tab 鍵.



檔案版本 Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10300

檔案名稱 Stencyl-full.exe
檔案大小 132 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Twitch Interactive, Inc.
更新日期 2019-02-22

What's new in this version:

Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10300
- Change log not available for this version

Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10298
- Allow setting order of actors within layer, preserve this info in engine
- OGG playback support in Sound Editor
- XCode 10.1 support, and recent simulators (iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR)

Stencyl 4.0.0 Build 10240
- Have the peace of mind that Stencyl works with the latest Apple hardware and software
- Improved performance on mobile, desktop and in-app for large projects
- Load a specific scene, reload a scene while testing a game, modify resources while testing a game. More to come
- The Scene Designer now supports copy + paste
- We now support modern web games as an alternative to our legacy Flash support
- Bring HTML5 support out of "experimental" phase
- Live Reloading (for game testing)
- Improved performance on mobile / desktop
- Improved support for larger projects (quicker build times, lower memory usage)
- Compatibility with the latest SDKs for iOS and Android (API 28)
- Allow external installs of android ndk/sdk

Stencyl 3.4.0 Build 9300
- Tile size is now correct when importing above 1x scale
- Origin points are now updated when saving actors
- Modified the image instance blend mode block to clarify that it is flash only
- Fixed blur transition by forcing pixel size to 15
- Help text for random integer block now correctly says that both numbers are inclusive
- The scene designer no longer changes default zoom based on web scale
- Changed "transparency" to "opacity" in the set joystick transparency block
- Fix: Can't compile with fonts
- Fix for b9289 startup error
- Fix: Creating a background and later applying scrolling/parallax works now
- Fixed shader uniform uResolutionUs (the 1x Stencyl resolution)
- Fix: Updating behavior properties causes the classname to use the wrong ID
- Fixed an issue with spin tween and setting actor direction
- Fixed issue with slide tween and setting X/Y of an actor
- Removed android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS and android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS from Google Play Games AndroidManifest.xml

Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10300 相關參考資料
Download Stencyl

Download Stencyl 4.0.0. Build 10240 - January 16th, 2019. Mac. Download. Windows. Download. Linux (How to Install). 64-bit. Can't open Stencyl on a Mac and ...

Download Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10300 - Softpedia

Stencyl icon Make your own games for mobile or desktop and seamlessly publish them on the web using this comprehensive, yet intuitive software solution.

Programming Downloads - Softpedia

Stencyl 4.0.1 Build 10300. Make your own games for mobile or desktop and seamlessly publish them on the web using this compre... Feb 21st 2019, 21:57 GMT.

Stencyl: Make iPhone, iPad, Android & Flash Games without code

The best Stencyl games have reached top slots in the App Store and Google Play ... Build game logic without coding using our Scratch-inspired block builder.

Stencyl: Make iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Mac, Flash and ...

Build game logic without coding using our Scratch-inspired block builder. The Best Drag & Drop Interface Our drag-and-drop gameplay designer pays homage ...


2: Building Logic. What is a Behavior ... Stencylpedia is the best way to learn how to create games using Stencyl. Choose a ... Start here. Stencyl Crash Courses.

What's New in Stencyl?

Spend less time waiting for games to build, more time designing your game. Blocks Guide No more undocumented blocks. We've created a dedicated guide for ...