
最新版本 TrueCrypt 5.1a

TrueCrypt 5.1a

TrueCrypt 5.1a
TrueCrypt 是一個用於建立和維護一個即時加密驅動器的軟件系統。即時加密意味著數據在加載或保存之前自動加密或解密,無需用戶干預。無法使用正確的密碼或正確的加密密鑰讀取(解密)存儲在加密卷上的數據。在解密之前,TrueCrypt 的音量似乎只不過是一系列隨機數。整個文件系統被加密(即文件名,文件夾名稱,每個文件的內容和可用空間).

TrueCrypt 功能:在文件中創建虛擬加密磁盤,並將其作為實際磁盤進行安裝。加密整個分區或存儲設備,如 USB 閃存驅動器或硬盤驅動器。加密 Windows 安裝的分區或驅動器(預啟動驗證)。加密是自動的,實時的(即時的)和透明的。並行化和流水線化允許數據讀寫速度與驅動器未加密一樣快。提供合理的可否認性,以防對手迫使您洩露密碼:隱藏卷(隱寫)和隱藏的操作系統。加密算法:AES-256,Serpent 和 Twofish。操作模式:XTS。注意:TrueCrypt 已經在 2014 年 5 月 28 日停止使用。如果你想要一個簡單的加密軟件來加密一堆文件,那麼 AxCrypt 將是一個不錯的選擇.8997423


檔案版本 TrueCrypt 5.1a

檔案名稱 TrueCrypt Setup 5.1a.exe
檔案大小 2.52 MB
系統 Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 TrueCrypt Foundation
更新日期 2008-03-17

What's new in this version:

* Faster booting when the system partition/drive is encrypted (typically by 10%). (Windows Vista/XP/2008/2003)
* Other minor improvements. (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux)

Resolved incompatibilities:
* On computers with certain hardware configurations, resuming from hibernation failed when the system partition was encrypted. Note: If you encountered this problem, the content of RAM may have been saved unencrypted to the hibernation file. You can erase such data, for example, by decrypting the system partition/drive (select System > Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive) and then encrypting it again. (Windows Vista/XP/2008/2003)

Remark: As Microsoft does not provide any API for handling hibernation, all non-Microsoft developers of disk encryption software are forced to modify undocumented components of Windows in order to allow users to encrypt hibernation files. Therefore, no disk encryption software (except for Microsoft's BitLocker) can guarantee that hibernation files will always be encrypted. At anytime, Microsoft can arbitrarily modify components of Windows (using the Auto Update feature of Windows) that are not publicly documented or accessible via a public API. Any such change, or the use of an untypical or custom storage device driver, may cause any non-Microsoft disk encryption software to fail to encrypt the hibernation file. We plan to file a complaint with Microsoft (and if rejected, with the European Commission) about this issue, also due to the fact that Microsoft's disk encryption software, BitLocker, is not disadvantaged by this.
* Workaround for a bug in the BIOS of some Apple computers that prevented users from entering pre-boot authentication passwords and controlling the TrueCrypt Boot Loader. (Windows Vista/XP/2008/2003)

Bug fixes:
* When the system partition/drive is decrypted under Windows, the original partition table will not be restored. Note: This issue affected users who repartitioned an encrypted system drive and then decrypted it under Windows. (Windows Vista/XP/2008/2003)
* Other minor bug fixes. (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux)

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