Total Commander (64-bit)

最新版本 UltraMixer 6.2.12 (64-bit)

UltraMixer 6.2.12 (64-bit)

UltraMixer 6.2.12 (64-bit)
Total Commander 64 位是一個文件管理器替換,提供多語言支持,搜索,文件比較,目錄同步,位圖顯示快速查看面板,ZIP,ARJ,LZH,RAR,UC2,TAR,GZ,CAB,ACE 檔案處理加上插件,帶有 FXP 的內置 FTP 客戶端,HTTP 代理支持等等。總指揮官 64 位是一個偉大的雙窗格文件管理器軟件與選項卡式界面,具有集成的檔案庫!下載 Total Commander 離線安裝程序設置!

兩個文件窗口並排多種語言和 Unicode 支持增強的搜索功能比較文件(現在與編輯器)/ 同步目錄快速查看面板與位圖顯示 ZIP,ARJ,LZH,RAR, UC2,TAR,GZ,CAB,ACE 歸檔處理 + 插件內置 FTP 客戶端,支持 FXP(服務器到服務器)和 HTTP 代理支持並行端口鏈接,多重命名工具選項卡式界面,正則表達式,歷史記錄 + 收藏夾按鈕縮略圖視圖,自定義列,增強型搜索比較編輯器,列表中的光標,​​單獨的樹,日誌記錄,增強覆蓋對話框等。Unicode 名稱幾乎無處不在,長名稱,密碼管理器通過專用直接傳輸電纜的 USB 端口連接還有更多!注意:免費的 30 天全功能試用版本


檔案版本 UltraMixer 6.2.12 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 UltraMixer-6.2.12-933f1af-Release-64bit-win.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Christian Ghisler
更新日期 2021-10-20

What's new in this version:

- FeatureNew Shortcuts: Empty Titles in Player 1 – 4 (Preferences > Keyboard; Available after clicking the “Reset” Button)

- GeneralExternal 7.1 Sound cards are supported correctly
- FeatureSongs in the Prelistening-Player will change after double clicking the next title in the FileArchive (previously: triple-click)
- InterfaceIn Version 6.2.11 the icon for setting up the view in each list went missing – it is back at it’s place again
- InterfaceShortcut-Translations were corrected
- InterfaceThe image widget was previously described as “User” – this was corrected

UltraMixer 6.2.12 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Download UltraMixer 6.2.12 - Softpedia

Download UltraMixer - Mix multiple tracks in most common formats into a ... What's new in UltraMixer 6.2.12: ... Windows XP 32/64 bit; file size: 301 MB ...

Downloads - UltraMixer

Download your version of the UltraMixer music software for mobile DJs and dance schools and test ... UltraMixer Remote App ... Download for Windows 64 Bit.

Pricing - UltraMixer

Download the Software and try UltraMixer Home, Basic, and Pro Entertain. You can activate your license anytime after your purchase.

UltraMixer (32-bit) Download (2021 Latest) - FileHorse

5 天前 — UltraMixer 6.2.12 (32-bit) LATEST. Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10. User Rating: Click to vote.

UltraMixer (64-bit) Download (2021 Latest) - FileHorse

5 天前 — With UltraMixer for Windows 64bit you will become a “Mobile DJ 2.0“: Besides all common DJ-mix functions UltraMixer brings a lot of new ...

UltraMixer 6.2.12 (64-bit) open source free download

2012年2月6日 — With UltraMixer for Windows 64bit you will become a “Mobile DJ 2.0“: Besides all common DJ-mix functions UltraMixer brings a lot of new ...


UltraMixer 6.2.12 Crack + Activation Key Free Download Full ...

RAM, 32-bit: 2 GB, 64-bit: 4 GB; Disk space: 4.0 GB; 1360 x 768 display resolution with True Color. How To Install? Download ...

UltraMixer 6.2.12 Crack + Activation Key [Latest Version] 2022

4 天前 — In some cases, the waveform does not match the file. Support multiple editing. Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit only), 8.1 (32-bit ...

UltraMixer 6.2.12 Crack 2022 Activation Key Download ...

5 天前 — UltraMixer 6.2.12 Crack is the perfect tool for entertaining your party. ... by the same token Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit only), 8.1

UltraMixer 6.2.12 Crack With Keygen [MacWin] Full Version ...

UltraMixer 6.2.12 Crack is the perfect tool to entertain your party crowd. ... Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit only), 8.1 (32-bit & 64-bit), or 7 SP1 (32-bit ...