Total Commander (64-bit)

最新版本 Megacubo 16.1.9 (64-bit)

Megacubo 16.1.9 (64-bit)

Megacubo 16.1.9 (64-bit)
Total Commander 64 位是一個文件管理器替換,提供多語言支持,搜索,文件比較,目錄同步,位圖顯示快速查看面板,ZIP,ARJ,LZH,RAR,UC2,TAR,GZ,CAB,ACE 檔案處理加上插件,帶有 FXP 的內置 FTP 客戶端,HTTP 代理支持等等。總指揮官 64 位是一個偉大的雙窗格文件管理器軟件與選項卡式界面,具有集成的檔案庫!下載 Total Commander 離線安裝程序設置!

兩個文件窗口並排多種語言和 Unicode 支持增強的搜索功能比較文件(現在與編輯器)/ 同步目錄快速查看面板與位圖顯示 ZIP,ARJ,LZH,RAR, UC2,TAR,GZ,CAB,ACE 歸檔處理 + 插件內置 FTP 客戶端,支持 FXP(服務器到服務器)和 HTTP 代理支持並行端口鏈接,多重命名工具選項卡式界面,正則表達式,歷史記錄 + 收藏夾按鈕縮略圖視圖,自定義列,增強型搜索比較編輯器,列表中的光標,​​單獨的樹,日誌記錄,增強覆蓋對話框等。Unicode 名稱幾乎無處不在,長名稱,密碼管理器通過專用直接傳輸電纜的 USB 端口連接還有更多!注意:免費的 30 天全功能試用版本


檔案版本 Megacubo 16.1.9 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Megacubo_16.1.9_x64.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Christian Ghisler
更新日期 2021-06-11

What's new in this version:

- Bugfix for Android 7 and 8 (ResizeObserver related)
- Added option to show streams type on testing

Megacubo 16.1.9 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Megacubo (64-bit) Download (2021 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

While Megacubo 64 bit does not have as many customization options as some other TV and Radio streaming apps, its main advantage comes in the form of a ...

Megacubo (64-bit) Descargar (2021 Última versión) para ...

Megacubo 16.1.9 (64-bit) ÚLTIMO. Requisitos: Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64. Ránking Usuario: Haga clic para votar.

Megacubo (32-bit) Download (2021 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

4 天前 — Download Megacubo (32-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Latest Version 2021.

Megacubo 16.1.8 (32-bit) Download for Windows Old ...

Megacubo (32-bit). June, 7th 2021 - 78.7 MB - Freeware. Free Download. Security Status. Features · Screenshots · Change Log · Old Versions. Megacubo​ ...

Megacubo 16.1.9 Crack + Activation Key Free Download 2021 ...

7 小時前 — Megacubo 16.1.9 Crack is software that manages thousands of activities on the internet. And helps ... It works on both 32 and 64 bit. Required ...

Megacubo 2021 | TV Online

Miniplayer mode In Megacubo, by computer, you can watch in miniplayer mode, so you can access any website or work while watching your favorite channel in a​ ...

Megacubo · Assista TV pela internet

The transmissions that you watch by Megacubo are not the responsibility of the program, but of various sites spread over the web. However this can bring you a ...

Megacubo 16.1.4 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

2021年4月19日 — Firefox (64-bit)軟體資訊介紹&下載,Mozilla Firefox 64 位是一個快速,功能全面的免費網頁瀏覽器。 Firefox 包括彈出式窗口攔截,標籤瀏覽, ...

Megacubo 16.1.8 Crack + Activation Key 2021 Free Download ...

Megacubo 16.1.8 Crack [Latest] is a program with which you can gaze at the TV channels from different countries on the Internet ... It works on both 32 and 64 bit.

Download Megacubo 16.1.8 - Softpedia

Download Megacubo - Enjoy all of your favorite online TV and radio stations with options to add and manage bookmarks, or include custom URLs for a greater ...