TeamTalk 歷史舊版本 Page1

最新版本 cURL 8.1.1

TeamTalk 歷史版本列表

TeamTalk 是一個軟件會議系統,使一群人能夠合作和分享信息。在會議期間,人們可以用麥克風說話,看到其他人使用他們的攝像頭,共享文件,顯示桌面應用程序,播放音樂等。 不像其他流行的會議應用程序 TeamTalk 自帶的獨立服務器。這意味著你不依賴於第三方來主持你的會議。換句話說,您可以完全控制您的社區,並且可以選擇誰可以參與. 對視障人士來說是一個 TeamTalk 會議系統的重要特徵。 Te... TeamTalk 軟體介紹

iMazing HEIC Converter 2.0.9 查看版本資訊



What's new in this version:

- cf-socket: completely remove the disabled USE_RECV_BEFORE_SEND_WORKAROUND
- checksrc: disallow spaces before labels
- cmake: avoid `list(PREPEND)` for compatibility
- cmake: repair cross compiling
- configure: fix --help alignment
- configure: generate a script to run the compiler
- curl_easy_getinfo: clarify on return data types
- docs: document that curl_url_cleanup(NULL) is a safe no-op
- hostip: move easy_lock.h include above curl_memory.h
- http2: double http request parser max line length
- http2: increase stream window size to 10 MB
- http2: upload improvements
- lib: fix conversion warnings with gcc on macOS
- lib: rename struct 'http_req' to 'httpreq'
- ngtcp2: fix compiler warning about possible null-deref
- ngtcp2: proper handling of uint64_t when adjusting send buffer
- os400: update chkstrings.c
- runtests: handle interrupted reads from IPC pipes
- runtests: use the correct fd after select
- sectransp.c: make the code c89 compatible
- select: avoid returning an error on EINTR from select() or poll()
- test425: fix the log directory for the upload
- url: provide better error message when URLs fail to parse
- urlapi: allow numerical parts in the host name
- vquic.c: make recvfrom_packets static, avoid compiler warning

TeamTalk 5.13.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed regular expression in IP-address ban to prevent crash

iMazing HEIC Converter 2.0.8 查看版本資訊


NxFilter 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Deal with '/NXP', '/NXR' protocol by hxlistener without TCP connection
- Accept agent ping signal on every minute
- Signal log not appearing bug has been fixed
- Select first_catid as catid in TopReport DAO class
- Logo on GUI has been changed
- Baselist has been updated to 4667364

Epic Pen 3.12.18 查看版本資訊


iMazing HEIC Converter 2.0.7 查看版本資訊


TeamTalk 5.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Default Qt Client:
- Reinitialize sound devices if active sound device is removed using WASAPI sound system
- Moved "Refresh Sound Devices" from "Input Devices" submenu to "Sound Configuration" menu
- Accessible description on more dialogs to avoid potential screenreader freeze
- Add missing labels on "Font color" and "Background color" buttons on "Video settings" dialog
- Sound event when interception stopped
- Ban offline users from "Online Users" dialog
- Confirmation before auto kick and kick and ban
- Filter servers by name or number of users in "Server List Dialog"
- Text-to-Speech event on video transmission and desktop sharing toggled
- Text-to-Speech event when disconnect from server now includes server name
- Text-to-Speech event for voice transmission toggled also emited when using global hotkey
- Option to choose if Text-to-Speech events should be sent using Speech, Braille, or both Speech and Braille (only on Windows with Tolk)
- File size is now converted to KBytes/MBytes/GBytes (Qt 5.10 and later)
- Ability to show password in server list dialog
- Separate count on users in channel and subchannel on channel tree
- CTRL+G on a channel now also returns user count
- "Show MOTD variables" checked by default in server properties dialog
- Import .tt File button moved to "Store Server Information" group box in "Server List Dialog"
- Fixed microphone vu meter update not disabled correctly at first startup when enabled default accessibility options
- Fixed keyboard navigation on "File transfer" dialog
- Fixed Upload/download button and menu item not display for admin outside channel
- Fixed bug when removing operator status in temporary channel
- Qt updated to 6.5.0 on macOS and Windows 10/11
- Minimum supported macOS is now 11.0 (Big Sur)
- OPUS updated to v1.4

Accessible Windows Client:
- OPUS updated to v1.4

Android Client:
- Added Vietnamese language
- OPUS updated to v1.4

iOS Client:
- OPUS updated to v1.4

- Added argument -cleanfiles to remove unknown files from file storage

Express Accounts Accounting Software 11.08 查看版本資訊


NxFilter 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Send drop message to CxBlock and custom agent when it's dropped
- Make a new query if the original query doesn't have UDP size value on DoHListner
- System menu permission has been added for sub-admin
- Baselist has been updated to 4667364