Syncovery (64-bit)

最新版本 Syncovery 9.34 (64-bit)

Syncovery 9.34 (64-bit)

Syncovery 9.34 (64-bit)
Syncovery 是 Windows PC 的文件同步和備份軟件! Syncovery 會以您需要的方式複制您的文件。備份數據並同步 PC,Mac,服務器,筆記本和在線存儲空間。推薦給公司和私人用戶。瀏覽許多功能,並立即下載 Synology!

Syncovery 功能:
同步在不同位置的文件和完整的文件夾結構,如 PC 和筆記本電腦。 64 位 I / O 確保支持大於 4GB 的文件。將完整的選項設置保存為配置文件,即時訪問所有保存的設置。您甚至可以使用一個命令運行多個配置文件。檢測移動的文件。如果您通過將文件移動到不同的位置來重新組織文件夾,超級靈活文件同步程序將檢測到這一點,并快速執行相同的步驟,例如,在您的筆記本電腦上。沒有多餘的複制!與調度程序。在每天的方便時間或按照您的希望頻繁安排您的數據在備份硬盤上的同步。靈活而靈活。如果由於其他軟件訪問這些文件而無法複製某些文件,則同步器將繼續複製剩餘的文件,然後重試所有被鎖定的文件,直到所有文件都已成功複製。可以指定重試時間的限制。但是,在重試階段,同步器只使用最少的 CPU 資源。保留每個文件的多個備份版本(可選)此功能不會覆蓋備份文件,而是將其重命名,直到達到可選數量的不同備份版本。您還可以指定將這些較舊的備份版本放在哪裡(與原始文件夾位於相同的文件夾中,或放在其子文件夾中,或放在完整配置文件的一個子文件夾中)。數據庫感知。一種特殊的技術可以防止複制數據庫文件(包括 SQL Server 數據庫文件)時的任何數據損壞同步器將等待複製,直到它完全獨占訪問該文件。在復製過程中,數據庫服務器將無法使用該文件。所以,使用這個軟件作為數據庫文件的備份工具的一個先決條件是它們有時候不會被使用(例如在晚上)。可以使用回收站來覆蓋舊版本的文件。這是一個相當獨特的功能,因為大多數程序將永久替換舊版本的文件。使用超級靈活的文件同步器,您將有機會檢索覆蓋的文件,如果您選擇適當的選項。多個文件掩碼(包含和排除)文件掩碼是透明(和迅速!)處理。即使你指定了多餘的文件掩碼,也不會有奇怪的副作用。選擇基本文件夾項目。想只同步一些文件夾?無需為每個文件夾單獨運行。只需指定包含這些文件夾的基本文件夾,然後選擇“僅從基本文件夾中選擇的項目...”。使用已廢棄的文件夾最小化加載。如果偶爾將廢棄的文件移動到特定的文件夾,這通常會導致傳統的文件同步器出現問題。他們會將過時的文件從筆記本電腦中復製到您將其移出的文件夾中。不再!如果使用上述的“選擇基本文件夾項目”選項,則可以為每個文件夾旁邊的灰色複選標記放置過時的文件。這些文件夾然後被考慮到移動文件到他們,但不是複製文件。因此,同步器在您的筆記本電腦上執行與您以前在 PC 上執行的過時文件相同的操作,但是它不會浪費任何時間在兩台機器之間複製所有過時的文件。使用夏令時無需擔心由於如果文件大小匹配,精確的 1 小時時差可以忽略不計,如果兩台計算機的文件系統關閉一個小時,則不會有任何問題。如果這只適用於某些文件,那很好!忽略偏移是以一種靈活的方式完成的,而不是在一個小時內增加一個固定的數字。輕鬆恢復磁盤完整。您只需騰出更多的空間,並要求軟件繼續複製。它可以暫停在一個文件的中間,直到額外的空間被釋放。無人值守模式。在這種模式下,沒有問題。您可以預先指定哪些類型的文件可能會被覆蓋。可以選擇創建精確的鏡像。如果需要,您可以選擇創建一個精確的數據鏡像,即使這意味著某些文件被刪除或替換為較舊的文件。注:30 天試用版.


檔案版本 Syncovery 9.34 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Syncovery64Setup.exe
系統 Windows XP 64 / Vista 64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Super Flexible Software
更新日期 2021-04-21

What's new in this version:

Syncovery 9.34 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Syncovery 9.33 (64-bit)
- Adds a list of S3-compatible storage providers to choose from, on the Internet Protocol Settings dialog. Includes compatibility fixes for Linode Object Storage
- Fixes the scheduler sometimes starting profiles immediately, when it is started, rather than using the scheduled interval
- Fixes a few somewhat rare issues with history-based cloud listings

Syncovery 9.32 (64-bit)
- Now completely compatible with, an Amazon S3-compatible storage service
- Adds the ability to specify the column separator for actions log CSV files with Syncovery.ini entries like this
- ActionsCSVLogFile=C:TestsActions-$PROFILENAME.csv
- ActionsCSVLogFileColDelim=
- Fixes more uploading issues and folder deletion with Mediafire
- Fixes a bogus “CreateFile” error when Syncovery tried to copy to a folder before actually creating it
- Additional fixes

Syncovery 9.31 (64-bit)
- Can now import .dat files containing profiles from another backup tool
- The Multi Edit Tool can now set scheduling based on intervals
- “Run Profiles in Main Window” is now the default for new installations
- Uses fewer separate work threads for profiles that run in separate threads already (such as background jobs)

Syncovery 9.29 (64-bit)
- Improved speed for the “Find Renamed Files” step
- Reinstates functionality of the “Different Delay for Older Versions” on the Exact Mirror Settings dialog box. This feature didn’t actually have any effect in recent Syncovery versions
- Implements re-uploading of files to DropBox if committing the batch fails

Syncovery 9.28 (64-bit)
- Implemented batch uploads to DropBox, greatly increasing upload speed when uploading many smaller files, and reducing HTTP errors and the necessity for retries
- Bug fixes

Syncovery 9.26 (64-bit)
- Adds complete support for Dark Mode. Colors and various new dark and light themes can be chosen by clicking on the Gears toolbar button and choosing “Themes and Colors…”

Syncovery 9.25 (64-bit)
- Some work in preparation for Dark Mode has been made; separate color sets for light and dark mode can be chosen
- MEGA SDK updated and made more stable
- Fixed a rare DB update error
- Now processes file listings from cloud services even if incorrect UTF-8 byte sequences are found
- Fixed filenames from WebDAV sometimes not being decoded (and containing %20 instead of spaces)
- Fixed clean-up of unneeded synthetic backup files sometimes not working
- Contains a bug fix restoring split zip files
- Additional improvements

Syncovery 9.23 (64-bit)
- The SmartTracking and cache databases can now hold paths up to 30,000 UTF-8 bytes long
- Fixes polling of cloud servers (for two-way real-time syncs), which did not seem to detect changes in subfolders and did not work on Mac
- Additional smaller fixes, including those from the Linux version 9.23

Syncovery 9.22 (64-bit)
- Implements retries for failed E-mail notification sending
- Automatically tries different SMTP ports and TLS settings if a notification can’t be sent
- Fixes a database error being shown a job’s final result summary caused by a path that is too long for the database. This error will still be logged, but not as the final result summary
- Additional smaller fixes

Syncovery 9.21 (64-bit)
- Adds support for Azure Shared Access Signatures (SAS URIs)
- Adds the /CSVLOG=xxx command line parameter, which will log all copying, deleting and other actions to a CSV file. This can also be chosen by a Syncovery.ini line such as ActionsCSVLogFile=C:TestsActions-$PROFILENAME.csv

Syncovery 9.20 (64-bit)
- Now supports synchronizing folder timestamps in two-way profiles
- Also now supports synchronizing NTFS permissions in two-way profiles. To enable this, please see at the bottom of the Advanced tab sheet of the Security and Shares dialog
- The Security and Share dialog has been redesigned, with new two-way sync related settings on the Advanced tab sheet
- A new checkmark for permissions: “Compare permissions of existing items only if recently accessed”. This should speed up the scanning/comparison phase without missing any changes in NTFS security setting
- The Syncovery Remote Service has been updated to also support this new checkmark and include only the NTFS security info for recent items in the listing
- The new feature “Copy Pinned Files Only” can now be chosen separately for the left and right sides
- Better handling of HTTP error 416 when uploading to Box (which can sometimes occur if a chunk is re-uploaded after a timeout or server error)
- Improved TGPuttyLib and compatibility with the Sz format in conjunction with “Verify copied files”
- When copying from an Internet Protocol to another Internet Protocol and using the Sz format for compression and/or encryption, previous versions would actually do the Sz processing twice (once during download and then again during upload), resulting in a redundantly double-Sz’ed file. This has been fixed
- The new version can now correctly unpack/restore such redundant double-Sz’ed files

Syncovery 9.19 (64-bit)
- Adds two new settings to the “General Filters” tab sheet, which are mostly relevant when copying the local OneDrive folder: “Skip Offline Files” and “Copy Pinned Files Only”. Pinned files are those with the checkmark “Always keep on this device” in Windows Explorer
- Adds the FileCopy function to the PascalScript language

Syncovery 9.18 (64-bit)
- Synthetic Restore doesn’t need to extract zip files to a temp folder any more, instead it extracts only the required blocks directly to the destination file
- Fixes a cloud upload error “Uploading to a folder that has not been read”

Syncovery 9.17 (64-bit)
- Can now generate new private/public key pairs for use with SSH/SFTP
- Fixes a bogus “duplicate folder” error with Microsoft Azure which could occur when folders had been created with other software, or the Azure management console
- Fixes uploading errors to Google Cloud Storage
- Cloud stability improvements

Syncovery 9.16 (64-bit)
- Compressed Archives/Package filenames are no longer encrypted. Only the contained files will be encrypted. The zip/sz archive itself will have a regular name with file extension, such as Backup 12884.12888.33554434.12888-2020-10-02 This change also fixes an error 217 when the archive is copied to the destination.
- Fixes hangs with the Mega API
- Adds a caching mechanism for IP addresses (resolved domain names) to reduce DNS queries and/or operating system function calls
- Stability and hang reporting improvements with multithreaded operations
- Google Cloud Storage authorizations are now requested with a higher level again to allow metadata manipulation of existing files, such as timestamp setting
- Various additional improvements and bug fixes

Syncovery 9.15 (64-bit)
- First Mac Release of Syncovery 9
- Cloud Cache Databases for Google Drive, DropBox, Box, and OneDrive/Sharepoint/Graph now store an addition flag to confirm that empty folders have been scanned and confirmed to be empty. This allows Syncovery to work correctly even if the subfolder selection for an existing profile is modified by the user, and some folders aren’t present in the cache yet. Syncovery 9.15 will have to re-confirm all empty folders once when you run a cloud based profile the first time after updating. This can result in a longer folder scanning process (only once per profile).
- Should fix an issue where Syncovery would not see some folders on OneDrive
- Various additional minor improvements and bug fixes

Syncovery 9.12 (64-bit)
- The Sz format can now be used for Synthetic Backup
- Web GUI improvements
- Windows only: one-way jobs can now be set to ignore files that have a different size but identical timestamp
- Windows only: prevents windows from appearing offscreen
- Windows only: fixes a possible Range Check Error when using the experimental “Pure SSH” transfer method

Syncovery 9.11 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Syncovery 9.09 (64-bit)
- Adds SendHTTPRequest PascalScript function
- Fixes locked files errors in Sz packages not triggering a volume shadowing
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements with cloud connectors, especially Google Drive

Syncovery 9.08 (64-bit)
- For Google Drive and Sharepoint/OneDrive/Graph, adds a checkmark on the second tab sheet of the Internet dialog that allows to use the changes-based listing “Except For First Scan (scan folders directly if cache database is empty)”. This choice is on by default for new profiles, to avoid lengthy history processing
- Fixes a possible lockup when the max. number of profiles per process is set to 1
- Fixes unnecessary logging to Syncovery_realtime_status_log.txt, which could cause it to become quite large

Syncovery 9.07 (64-bit)
- Adds support for team folders in DropBox Business. Use the upper Browse button on the Internet Protocol Settings dialog to switch from your personal DropBox to the team root folder
- Fixes a error “Unsupported MultiSz version” in the Syncovery Remote Service when unpacking incoming Sz packages
- Automatically reduces SFTP upload block sizes if larger sizes are incompatible with the SFTP server
- Avoids trying to download Google Drive internal links (which cannot be downloaded or exported)
- Additional bug fixes

Syncovery 9.06 (64-bit)
- Reduces the upload buffer size for TGPuttyLib to fix compatibility problems with some SFTP servers
- File timestamps are now rounded to whole seconds when uploading via SFTP using the SecureBlackBox implementation
- Enables Syncovery to handle FTP or SFTP folders with mixed filename encodings (where UTF-8 and Windows ANSI are inconsistently mixed)
- Fixes email notifications sometimes not being sent, or not containing the log file as attachment
- Additional bug fixes

Syncovery 9.05 (64-bit)
- Uses a new, advanced ETA algorithm that takes different copying speeds of smaller and larger files into account, as well as different speeds for uploading and downloading, and also measures the speeds of additional actions such as deletions and renames, and takes them into account
- A new checkmark “Empty Folders” on the Sync Preview allows you to hide and show empty folders, and also prevent the creation of empty folders (if you forgot to remove the Empty Folders checkmark in the profile and you don’t want them)
- No longer attempts to upload files over 100 MB to Google Drive for conversion into native Google Docs. Instead, the original file format will be preserved on upload. Also falls back to unconverted uploads if the converted upload fails (rather than retrying many times)
- Uses a newer version of Windows’ Browse for Folder Dialog
- Adds UseBinaryCompToAvoidCopying variable for PascalScripts
- More quickly skips over folders that can’t be deleted
- Fixes a problem that could occur if the folder for deleted files was on the top level of a cloud strage (such as /Deleted)
- Fixes progress reporting for larger file uploads to MEGA
- Fixes setting timestamps via TGPuttyLib reporting errors despite being successful
- Additional fixes

Syncovery 9.04 (64-bit)
- Contains updated libraries for Internet Connectivity, especially for FTP. All protocols can now verify SSL/TLS server certificates correctly, including hostname verification
- Fixes notification emails sometimes being sent although not selected for that case, and includes a more precise reason why the email was sent or not in the log file

Syncovery 9.03 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Syncovery 9.02 (64-bit)
- Fixes rare hangs in https transfers
- Now also available in French
- Contains new Syncovery File System Monitoring Service v1.20, now also in 64-bit, with updated CBFS Filter driver v2017.0.22.108
- Fixes dialog element sizes when using the “Enlarge user interface” feature
- Fixes accessing Google Drive Shared Drives with Chinese and other International characters in the drive name
- Adds support for default user rights when using the integrated User Management feature (via an INI file entry like NewUserRights=,5,6,8,)
- Fixes the obsolete SCP and the experimental “Pure SSH” protocols
- Allows up to 10 parallel uploads or downloads to and from DropBox (use carefully – can cause penalty delays)
- Adds the first instalment of a REST API – when the browser based web interface is active, you can use profilelist.json to get a machine readable profile list with status and scheduled times etc. This read-only profilelist.json can be accessed without authentication if you use the INI file lines SkipProfileListAuth=1 or SkipProfileListAuthForIP=
- Fixes some registry entries being made although the program is used in portable mode
- Additional smaller improvements

Syncovery 9.01 (64-bit)
- Improved getting and setting of file attributes and timestamps, which should result in a slight speed advantage and improved reliability of timestamp setting after files have been copied, especially with non-Windows drives (such as network drives or driver letters provided by third party apps).
- The Graph protocol can now access multiple users’ OneDrives, provided that the user is a Site Administrator for these OneDrives, or that Syncovery is given domain specific App Registration details and Admin Consent is granted via (email us for detailed instructions).
- Adds new PascalScript hooks OnCanRunProfile and OnGetNextRunTime, as well as a few helper functions
- Log-on, Log-off, and shutdown/reboot jobs can now be run via the service
- Some Retry? questions during file copying now have a better dialog box with timeout and the ability to choose “Always retry” or “Never retry”
- Background jobs run by the scheduler will now also show the copying rate
- Various additional improvements

Syncovery 9.00 (64-bit)
- Includes a new SFTP Implementation called TGPuttyLib, based on PuTTY by Simon Tatham. This will allow very fast transfer speeds
- The Sz file format can now be used with packages containing more than one file. The Remote Service has been updated to version 9 with the ability to extract Sz packages.
- The multi-file Sz format is now used for archiving json history files from cloud servers that support the changes based listing. The advantage is that json files no longer need to be unzipped prior to processing them, because they can be read from the Sz file directly.
- Three new checkboxes on the Gears toolbar button menu: “Minimize to Tray” and “Run Profiles in Main Window” and “Hide Sync Preview While Copying” (under Running Options). Please note: the GUI uses a square tray icon, while the Background Scheduler uses the traditional round icon. Both can coexist at the same time, which is by design.
- A new way to run profiles is available in the Profile Overview context menu: “Run in Background With Preview”
- More detailed status reporting for background jobs in the profile overview, with copying rate and ETA
- Can now set Unix Permissions when using FTP or SFTP (see the second tab sheet of the Internet dialog in the profile)
- A new option is available under Files->More in the profiles: Copy Only XXX MegaBytes per run
- In Real-Time mode, Syncovery can now regularly check Internet based folders for changes. This works best with cloud storages that use a changes-based listing method: Google Drive, Sharepoint, OneDrive, DropBox, and Box.
- On other storages, Syncovery can check the base folder for changes regularly, and scan subfolders if they have new modification timestamps. However, most servers will not update folder modification timestamps correctly across the whole hierarchy, so that a regular full scan would still be necessary. To avoid this, Syncovery itself can ensure that parent folder timestamps are updated when it uploads to an Internet server. It will do so in real-time two-way profiles, or if the option “Touch parent folders” is chosen on the Folders tab sheet in the profile. This technique might not work with some types of servers (such as FTP, Amazon S3, Azure – but SFTP is fine).
- The new behavior can be chosen on the Real-Time Settings dialog, on the new tab sheet “Internet Folders (Polling for Changes)”. The new features are also available as separate options, when you scroll down on the “Folders” and “File Age and Size” tab sheets.
- Can upload NTFS security settings and Alternate Data Streams for folders to storages like FTP or Google Drive, by putting them in .metadata-syncovery-MD5 files. These settings can be applied back to local folders on restore/download.
- Can include NTFS security settings and Alternate Data Streams for files in Zip and Sz files. Options for thes features have been added to the Security and Shares dialog as well as the Alternate Data Streams dialog.
- Can upload symbolic links to storages that do not support them, by storing them in .$symlink files. New checkmarks for this feature have been added to the General Filters tab sheet.
- Supports High-DPI monitors with hi-res graphics and fonts
- Supports “Shared with me” items on Google Drive. Use the topmost Browse button on the Internet Protocol Settings dialog to choose between your main Google Drive and Shared with me items (and possibly additional Shared Drives or Team Drives).
- Allows minimizing while building file list
- Is generally more responsive. All network accesses are now performed in separate threads. Profiles can be canceled even while Syncovery is waiting for a response from the network or server.

Syncovery 9.34 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
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Download Syncovery 9.34 Free - FileCombo

2021年4月24日 — Synchronizes Files and complete folder structures in different locations, such as a PC and a laptop. 64-bit I/O ensures that files sizes greater than ...

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2021年4月21日 — Syncovery (64-bit)軟體資訊介紹&下載,Syncovery 是Windows PC 的文件同步和備份軟件! Syncovery 會以您需要的方式複制您的文件。

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2021年4月21日 — Syncovery crack 9.34 necessary steps of running a backup or sync job, while the 'Advanced Mode' is designed for professional users.

Syncovery 9.35 (64-bit) Download for Windows Change Log ...

2021年4月26日 — Syncovery 9.34 (64-bit) - Change log not available for this version. Syncovery 9.33 (64-bit) - Adds a list of S3-compatible storage providers to ...

Syncovery 9.35 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

2021年4月26日 — Syncovery (64-bit)軟體資訊介紹&下載,Syncovery 是Windows PC 的文件同步和備份軟件! Syncovery 會以 ... Syncovery 9.34 (64-bit) - Change ...