Syncios 歷史舊版本 Page4

最新版本 Syncios 7.0.3

Syncios 歷史版本列表

Syncios 經理是一個功能強大的 iTunes 替代品和 iOS 經理,數百萬蘋果用戶信任。它可以幫助您備份和恢復您的 iOS 設備只需點擊幾下,也可以在 Mac 和 iPad / iPhone / iPod 之間傳輸數據,而無需使用 iTunes。此外,你可以使用你的 iOS 設備作為一個外部的 USB 密鑰,以便更方便的存儲和傳輸兩個 iPod,iPad 之間的數據到 iPhone 等。S... Syncios 軟體介紹

MP4 Player 3.35.1 查看版本資訊


MP4 Player 3.35.0 查看版本資訊


Syncios 6.7.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Bug fixes and optimizations

Syncios 6.6.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for iOS 14 beta
- Other bug fixes and optimizations

ILSpy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Major Changes:
- ILSpy 6.0 sports a multi-tab docking interface
- ILSpy 6.0 comes with a new Metadata Explorer
- ILSpy 6.0 has new icons for high-DPI support
- ILSpy 6.0 requires at least .NET 4.7.2 (v5.0 required .NET 4.6.2)

New Language Features:
- C# 8.0: Indexing and Slices (Ranges)
- C# 7.0: Changes to syntactic disambiguation of generic identifiers
- C# 7.3 pattern-based fixed statement
- C# 8.0 Default Interface Methods
- C# 8.0 Async streams (currently not covering await foreach)
- C# 8.0 await using
- C# 8.0 Readonly members
- Decompile calli instructions using C# 9.0 function pointer syntax
- Improved support for Unsafe intrinsics
- Support for generic and static local functions

UI Improvements:
- Docking and multi tab support
- Metadata Explorer
- Assembly list dropdown in toolbar, enhanced assembly list management
- Show target frameworks next to the assembly version in the tree-view
- Using the middle mouse button to click on tree nodes and links will open the decompilation result in a new tab
- "Select PDB" context menu: allows to change the PDB file resolved by ILSpy or pick one from a different location
- Added a "Debug Metadata Explorer" node for portable PDBs
- Use XAML for icons (high DPI)
- New icons (based on VS 2017 icon pack)
- RichText Tooltips
- Add "Open with ILSpy" entry to the Windows Explorer context menu on exe and dll files (via Options/Misc)
- Empty metadata tables can now be hidden from the tree view
- Folding for XAML output
- Add "Reset to defaults" in Options dialog
- Dynamic assembly list generation for target framework

Improvements & Bug-fixes:
- Project export: Added an option to allow SDK-style format for project files
- Solution and project decompilation: Add missing ProjectTypeGuids
- Add search features
- #1498: Remove Fusion API usage: Use standard file enumeration instead. This should enable us to use the GAC even with restricted access, as only the LIST permission is required
- Fix DotNetCorePathFinder to properly support netstandard2.1
- Fix multi-module support
- Updated links to MS Docs
- Improve ReduceNestingTransform by considering nested containers
- Analyzers: Added "Implements interface"-Analyzer
- Analyzer follow type forwarders
- The decompiler now supports Scalar Replacement Of Aggregates, which by default only works on display-classes and display-structs. There is an option to make it affect all instances and uses of plain types containing fields only. NOTE: It is still in preview stage. You can activate it when using a debug build.
- Added support for null-propagation on unconstrained generic expressions
- Added support for [module: NullablePublicOnly]
- Enhanced assembly resolution to distinguish target frameworks and use the correct references in case there are multiple versions of framework assemblies loaded.
- Better decompilation of local functions, pinned regions and display-classes
- Disassembler: actually make use of the cancellation token
- Support VB Select Case on string
- Display System.Void as struct
- Properly decompile auto events with tuples
- Do not change accessibility of non-transformed local functions
- Improve drag&drop support
- Fix bug in stackalloc initializer detection involving Span
- Added struct constructor initializer pattern
- DotNetCorePathFinder: Various bug fixes when working with .net core assemblies
- Transform post-increment on float/double
- Fix extra minus sign when formatting -0 on .NET Core 3.0
- Fix sealed modifier on interface methods with no body
- Fix NullReferenceException when foreach decompilation is turned off
- Fixed performance problem when using an assembly from a MemoryStream

Scratch Desktop 3.12.0 查看版本資訊


Tableau Desktop 2020.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When an English workbook with Union Data is opened in Non-English Tableau Desktop versions 2020.1 and over, there are added Non-English translation of 'Sheet' and 'Table Name' fields added to the Union resulting in "Unknown Column Error"
- Sometimes when using Explain Data, the error, "unable to poll port number of Yaxcatd" would occur
- Selecting "Update Now" with a grouped Dimension when using Quickbooks Online resulted in the error: 6EA18A9E
- The RANK_DENSE function tooltip would sometimes show "Ausdruck" instead of the correct expression when the German language was previously set
- When publishing to a Tableau Server Site with more than 3,000 projects, not all projects displayed
- Using a published Spatial file and an action filter from one dashboard to another dashboard, the resulting map displayed no data when the secondary dashboard used a different primary data source.
- Nested calculation execution time increased with some visualizations
- SAP BW extract refresh would sometimes fail due to a timeout limit
- Some of the regions of Ghana were not recognized
- Using Tableau Desktop command line tool to refresh extracts "tableau refreshextract" sometimes resulted with "Internal error"
- SAML SSO sometimes failed with the following error "ERROR 6: SSL handshake failed"

MP4 Player 3.33.20 查看版本資訊


Syncios 6.6.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Optimization for live photo export
- Added support for Swedish

rekordbox 6.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Sometimes unable to start rekordbox
- Unable to play or export tracks that are uploaded to the cloud using Cloud Library Sync from iTunes/Explorer/Inflyte in the Tree View
- Unable to upload files properly if they have similar long names in Cloud Library Sync
- Unable to display remixer metadata when searching Beatport LINK/Beatsource LINK
- Potential crash when analyzing Beatport LINK/Beatsource LINK tracks
- Sometimes Sync Manager playlist synchronization on Windows wouldn't work properly, causing playlists and tracks to be deleted from the device

-Note: If using ver. 6.0.0 or ver. 6.0.1, delete the following file while rekordbox is closed, before installing ver. 6.0.2:
C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingPioneer ekordboxmasterPlaylists6.xml

- Sometimes the color for played tracks may be reset against the settings
- Sometimes unable to install rekordbox
- Improved stability and fixes for other minor issues