
最新版本 Tableau Desktop 2020.3.0

Tableau Desktop 2020.3.0

Tableau Desktop 2020.3.0
Syncios 經理是一個功能強大的 iTunes 替代品和 iOS 經理,數百萬蘋果用戶信任。它可以幫助您備份和恢復您的 iOS 設備只需點擊幾下,也可以在 Mac 和 iPad / iPhone / iPod 之間傳輸數據,而無需使用 iTunes。此外,你可以使用你的 iOS 設備作為一個外部的 USB 密鑰,以便更方便的存儲和傳輸兩個 iPod,iPad 之間的數據到 iPhone 等。

Syncios 功能:

從 YouTube 和 100 多個網站下載視頻
想要下載 YouTube 視頻到您的 iPad,所以你可以離線觀看? Syncios 提供了一個簡單的解決方案,從 YouTube 和 100 多個網站下載視頻,而不涉及 iTunes,並觀看您的 iPad / iPhone / iPod.6235896
內置在線資源中心提供訪問大量資源,智能發現和將你最喜歡的鈴聲和壁紙下載到你的 iPhone / iPod / iPad 上.

Handy Audio / Video Converter& 免費鈴聲 Maker
Syncios 包括方便的音頻和音頻。視頻轉換器和鈴聲製造商,使您可以方便地享受 iPhone / iPod / iPad 上不受支持的格式的音樂,視頻,並使您自己的免費鈴聲點擊幾下.

保存,安裝和管理 iOS 應用程序& 應用程序數據
完全控制您的個人應用程序和應用程序數據。僅備份,傳輸和恢復您所需的應用程序,設置和文件。在 iPad / iPhone / iPod 上隨意安裝和移除任何應用程序。簡單而安全的應用程序管理!

在 iOS 設備和 PC
Syncios 之間傳輸照片提供了一個簡單的解決方案,用於在 iPhone / iPad / iPod,iCloud Photo Stream 和 PC 之間傳輸和管理照片。編輯 / 刪除 / 創建文件夾,並將照片直接添加到您的 iPad / iPhone / iPod.

Transfer& 在 iOS 設備上管理 Ebook
只需點擊幾下鼠標,即可快速輕鬆地在 Epub / PDF 中轉換任何電子書。在電腦和 iPod,iPhone 4S,iPhone 5 / 5S,iPad,新 iPad,iPad Mini 2 之間無縫地添加,刪除或備份您的本地電子書...

Transfer 音樂,視頻,鈴聲,播客,Audiobook
您的媒體收藏,包括音樂,視頻,鈴聲,語音備忘錄是日常生活中的重要組成部分,但 iTunes 並不總是讓您按自己喜歡的方式管理自己的音樂。 Syncios 經理是你需要的.

Sync 聯繫人,消息,筆記和 Safari 書籤
Syncios 使管理你的 iPhone 信息驚人的簡單。通過清晰的工作面板,您可以輕鬆備份和恢復聯繫人,備忘錄,書籤,短信和通話記錄。使用您的電腦鍵盤直接創建,編輯和清理您的 iPhone 聯繫人.

最好的 iOS 管理器,在線視頻下載器,iPhone 鈴聲製作,方便的音頻和放大器。視頻轉換器。這裡有更多的功能 Syncios 更好地管理你的 iPad / iPhone / iPod.6235896
注意:需要 iTunes.

也可用:下載 Syncios 為 Mac


檔案版本 Tableau Desktop 2020.3.0

檔案名稱 TableauDesktop-64bit-2020-3-0.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 AnvSoft Inc.
更新日期 2020-08-12

What's new in this version:

- Joining two data sources, performing a pivot, and then aggregating one of the resulting measure fields would sometimes result in an error, "Failure parsing: No such column [{name}]."
- In some cases, Tableau would fail to create an extract when you extracted a data source with cross-database joins containing a spatial file
- The Pages shelf date counters would sometimes not advance with animations enabled
- When a workbook uses a published data source along with other secondary data sources, and two parameters from different data sources have the same internal names, Tableau would sometimes return incorrect cached results
- Dynamic Parameters using aliases would sometimes display the warning message, "The 'calculation' value is not in this parameter's list of values" despite meeting the necessary criteria
- Syntax errors occur when refreshing data using custom SQL where newlines are removed from the query
- A Manual sort would not work correctly after Auto Updates was paused
- OData extract refreshes would fail after the update to version 2020.2 if the Odata server name contained a blank space
- The function editor tooltip for RANK_DENSE would show "Ausdruck" instead of the expression if the language was previously set to German
- Refreshing a data source and viewing the visualization as the same user would sometimes lead to a data mismatch between the visualization and a parameter
- A "DataServiceFailure" error or "insufficient privileges to operate on schema" sometimes occurred when trying to refresh or open a workbook with a published Snowflake connection
- An LOD calculation that references another calculation containing a constant would sometimes have a different result after a data source was published
- Singapore postal code 388402 was not recognized
- View containing Rank_Unique appeared different in Tableau Public than in Tableau Desktop

Tableau Desktop 2020.3.0 相關參考資料
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Tableau Desktop

... 卸載 · Do not sell my personal information · LinkedIn · Facebook · Twitter. © 2003-2020 Tableau Software, LLC, a Salesforce Company. All Rights Reserved ...

Tableau Desktop 2020.3

In some cases, Tableau would fail to create an extract when you ...

Tableau Desktop 2020.3 | Tableau Software

In some cases, Tableau would fail to create an extract when you extracted a data source with cross-database joins containing a spatial file.

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On August 1st, the Tableau development team updated the certificates ... Download Tableau Online 2020.3 ... Tableau Desktop Upgrade Page ...

Tableau Server 2020.3

When attempting to download full data from a workbook, an error would sometimes occur, "Tableau Server encountered an error while working with this worksheet.

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