Sweet Home 3D

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Select Version
Sweet Home 3D 幫助您快速輕鬆地設計您的室內裝飾:根據現有計劃的圖像繪製您家的各個層面的房間,更改每個房間的顏色或紋理,並將家具從組織目錄拖放到計劃中通過類別(窗戶,門,客廳,廚房),您可以導入自己創建的 3D 模型或從各種網站下載的 3D 模型。在 2D 平面中進行的所有更改都會同時反映在 3D 視圖中,並且您可以從鳥瞰點或虛擬訪客視點進行導航。

最後,您可以通過添加尺寸和文本來改善您的家居計劃,將其與 3D 視圖一起打印,使用自定義燈光創建 3D 視圖的逼真圖像,在 3D 視圖中從虛擬路徑創建電影並導出計劃到 SVG 格式或 3D 視圖到 OBJ 格式導入他們在其他二維或三維軟件。

Sweet Home 3D 特徵:
使用鼠標或鍵盤繪製精確尺寸的直線,圓形或傾斜牆壁。通過在計劃中拖動門窗來將門窗插入,並讓 Sweet Home 3D 計算它們在牆上的孔。從廚房,起居室,臥室,浴室等類別組織的可搜索和可擴展目錄中添加家具到計劃中... 更改家具,牆壁,地板和天花板的顏色,紋理,大小,厚度,位置和方向。在 2D 中設計住宅的同時,從空中的角度同時觀看 3D,或者從虛擬的觀眾角度進行導航。用空間區域,尺寸線,文本標註計劃,用指南針玫瑰顯示北方向。創建照片級逼真的圖像和視頻,可根據一天中的時間和地理位置定制燈光和控制日光效果。導入家庭藍圖以在其上繪製牆壁,使用 3D 模型來完成默認目錄,並使用紋理來自定義曲面。以標准文件格式打印和導出 PDF,位圖或矢量圖形圖像,視頻和 3D 文件。使用 Java 編寫的插件擴展 Sweet Home 3D 的功能,或者開發基於 Model View Controller 架構的衍生版本。選擇 Sweet Home 3D 用戶界面中顯示的語言及其 23 種語言的豐富幫助。也可用:下載 Sweet Home 3D 為 Mac


檔案版本 Select Version

檔案名稱 SweetHome3D-7.2-windows.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 eTeks
官網 http://www.sweethome3d.com/
更新日期 2023-09-23

What's new in this version:

- Modify dimensions menu item to edit dimensions coordinates, color and font size
- elevation dimensions to show items height
- Selection and editing in 3D view option in the preferences pane to enable selection, modification, furniture moves and rotation, as well as dragging furniture from the catalog in the 3D view
- preset postures choice (available for mannequin models in default catalog and in Scopia library)
- multi level printing support
- Recompute room points item to plan contextual menu
- the ability to display Description column in furniture table
- license property to furniture libraries and the ability to display License column in furniture table
- Modify dimensions dialog box, elevation dimensions, 3D handling option, shelves magnetism and preset postures choice to Sweet Home 3D JS Online
- new classes to Sweet Home 3D JS to store home data directly on a server, in IndexedDB or in local storage, with auto recovery management in IndexedDB
- to repository Web application and Zip archive to deploy Sweet Home 3D JS on JSP or PHP servers respectively
- to Furniture Library Editor the ability to edit light and door/window properties, to add user-defined properties and to customize imported model icons
- an option in the preferences pane of Furniture Library Editor and Textures Library Editor to use imported file name directly as furniture or texture name
- support for export to JSON format when saved library name ends with .json in Furniture Library Editor and Textures Library Editor

- Handled dimensions display in 3D view
- Managed magnetized placement of objects in shelf units with the new shelfElevations and shelfBoxes properties
- Managed user-defined properties defined in com.eteks.sweethome3d.additionalFurnitureProperties System property with the ability to display them in the furniture table and modify them in Furniture modification panel
- Made default category equal to User in furniture import wizard
- Fixed textures transparency in YafaRay rendering
- Updated JOGL to version 2.5.0 for macOS, Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit
- Updated Abbot library to version 1.2

- Deactivated 3D updates process when the 3D view is hidden
- Ensured detached 3D view is visible after opening a SH3D file
- Ignored invisible objects under cursor when Select object is chosen in 3D view contextual menu
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements

Select Version 相關參考資料
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How to find the SQL Server version

2019年10月8日 — We can use the @@VERSION function to find out all version details of the SQL Server instance. ... SELECT @@VERSION AS 'SQL Server Version Details' ...


MySQL VERSION() Function

Return the current version of the MySQL database: SELECT VERSION();. Try it Yourself ». Definition and Usage. The VERSION() function returns the current ...


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Select Version - 2011 - SOLIDWORKS PDM 說明

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Understanding the SQL Server SELECT @@VERSION ...

I was recently trying to determine what version of SQL Server was installed on a particular server. I found this tip to determine the version and tried to ...


VERSION (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server

2023年6月21日 — 下列範例會顯示傳回目前安裝架構的版本資訊。 SELECT @@VERSION AS 'SQL Server Version';. 範例:Azure Synapse Analytics 和Analytics Platform ...


VERSION - Amazon Redshift

The VERSION function returns details about the currently installed release, with specific Amazon Redshift version information at the end.


判斷資料庫引擎的版本和版本SQL Server

2024年1月30日 — 方法3:連線至SQL Server 的執行個體,然後執行下列查詢:. SQL 複製. Select @@version. 此查詢的輸出範例如下所示:. 輸出 複製. Microsoft SQL Server ...
