
最新版本 Stickies 10.1c

Stickies 10.1c

Stickies 10.1c
Stickies 是我寫的一個 PC 實用程序,試圖減少我離開的黃色筆記的數量卡在我的顯示器。它是這些筆記的電腦版.63235896
Stickies 背後的設計目標是程序小而簡單。 Stickies 不會惹你的系統文件,或寫入註冊表。 Stickies 在一個單一的基於文本的 ini 文件中存儲信息.

Stickies 永遠不會支持動畫跳舞的人物,或者玩“綠袖子”。他們是黃色的矩形窗口,你可以把一些文字筆記。一旦創建,他們將保持在屏幕上,直到你把它們拿走。就像一張真正的粘紙.

Stickies 主要特點:
一旦在屏幕上,粘貼將保持放置在關閉,甚至通過重新啟動 Stickies 外觀可定制; 字體,顏色和按鈕可能會更改,並保存樣式。 Stickies 可以調整大小。 Stickies 可以存儲文本或圖像 Stickies 可以捕捉到對方和屏幕的兩側,讓他們整齊地排隊 Stickies 可以附加到應用程序,網站,文檔或文件夾,使他們只顯示在屏幕上 Stickies 可以通過 TCP / IP 網絡連接或通過使用 SMTP 郵件服務器或 MAPI 客戶端從一台計算機傳輸到另一台計算機。 Stickies 可以隱藏一段時間,直到指定的日期和時間,或者每天,每週或每月醒來充當提醒。 Stickies 可以有警報設置,以確保你注意到他們在你選擇的國際語言,Unicode 和 RTL 文本支持 Stickies 與 Windows XP,Vista,Windows 7 和 Windows 8 Stickies 是小而簡單的,它寫入一個單一的文本文件,並且不會改變註冊表 AD 網絡管理員可以使用組策略來控制設置 API 以允許與其他應用程序集成... 並且 Stickies 是完全免費的!


檔案版本 Stickies 10.1c

檔案名稱 stickies_setup_10_1c.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Zhorn Software
更新日期 2022-10-16

What's new in this version:

Stickies 10.1c
- Added more informative errors on a failure to load the language DLL
- Can now drag stacks from Manage to Desktop
- Shift-deleting selected text will "Cut" it. With no text selected, the key press will still "delete line"
- Menu items to change selected text case or size will retain the selection

- Repeating "Failure to backup" message fixed
- Fixed a display issue for help text in Settings when the Scrollbar check box is ticked
- "Screen grab an area" toggle slider fixed
- Sleeping a note past January 2038 no longer crashes Stickies
- RTL shortcut keys now set correctly in the Manage dialog
- Store note dialog now better remembers whether the note should be encrypted
- Recurring notes with a future start time now work correctly after Stickies is restarted

Stickies 10.1a
- Dark mode
- Tags
- The Home tab in Manage is now a bar chart
- Control-Return inserts a horizontal line into text notes
- The on-top setting when notes wake can be copied from what on-top is set to when sent to sleep
- The Manage window can now be set on-top, and set less tall
- Numbers on right hand side of the Manage tree, showing the count of items in that folder/stack/tag
- Additional option for single-clicking the notification area icon: Toggle show/hide all

- Desktop notes can be individually selected (hold control and click them) to move or perform an action on those selected
- Holding shift to bulk-select desktop notes draws a border around them
- Entering a password has moved to the bottom the main Manage window
- Method which sets notes as on-top has been changed to improve reliability
- Icons for stored notes in Manage now match their folder icon
- The Settings screen is now shorter, and can be scrolled
- Removed the status icons from ontop/rolled/scrollbar/readonly menu items
- The Manage Choose window height is saved
- Selecting text in a hyperlink is easier
- The list in the Manage window remembers the position when deleting items
- Skin paths when saved in the App or Data directories are stored as relative paths (to help portable app users)
- Toggle switches are animated
- The selection highlighing in the Manage tree feels a little more reliable
- Option to show sample content and title now applies to both normal and compact lists
- "60" in sleep menus is now the more useful "90" (60 minutes is an hour, 60 days is two months)
- Lowered the brightness of the "Hole in white screen" screen grab whiteness
- "Create new tag" and "Add to items" buttons are hidden from the tag set dialog when using it to set a search filter
- Dropping an image into an empty text note now sets a title from the file, as the note gets converted to an image note
- Moved a few dialog controls around to allow for easier translations
- Desktop notes being put into a stack are now de-selected as they do that
- Improved the colour choose window
- Added plusminus to skins
- Option added to always check desktop notes for rescue on create
- Now saves the store dialog height on both cancel and OK
- Skin actions for setting text case and tab stops added
- The Manage window can now be maximized
- Updated SQLITE library from 3.22 to 3.33
- API: OnCopyData now returns TRUE when the message is handled
- Improved editing recurring notes - the next wake time is retained for "every X"
- Right-clicking for a menu in the space under the tree in Manage lets you create a top-level folder
- Deleting an item in the list in the Manage dialog retains the selection position in that list
- New API command get list folders
- New API command do reindex

- Selecting Settings from the tray button jump list now works again
- Two swapped drop lists on "New Notes" tab put back where they should be
- "Wake a copy" icon fixed
- Using control-shift-drag to copy multiple notes with mixed content (text and image notes) now works OK
- Setting no longer sets 100% transparent (invisible!) notes
- Bug with copying stored notes fixed
- Menus are now per-monitor DPI aware (size correctly according to the screen they open on)
- Storing notes to a force-encrypted folder now always works
- Control-dragging mixed groups of text and image notes now copies both types
- Can no longer open multiple title/source/text dialogs at once for notes
- Column width in the Multiple Send Results dialog fixed
- Negative numbers can now be put into "New note" co-ordinate boxes
- Internal database lost categories saved better (may cause some long-lost notes to appear)
- Better localisation of dates
- Searching by note id now works for all note classes, not just desktop
- Changing a note title in the Manage Choose dialog now works
- Fix for search field not being filled when storing a note in Manage
- Editing path links no longer strips the initial character of the friendly name
- Fix for search field not being filled when storing a note in Manage
- Saving styles from the context menu fixed
- Bulk moving stack windows now saves all positions correctly

Stickies 10.0d
- 01/01/1900 is now blank in the list in the Manage dialog

- Fixed note Properties menu item to not display an error "Encountered an improper argument"
- Bug with [categories] table fixed better (not requiring two restarts of the app)
- Stand/Hang drop box in Settings is now set up correctly
- Stacking/unstacking status now gets saved better
- The "New folders are encrypted" setting now works (and isn't linked to "keep sorted")
- Data files on UNC shares are now supported
- Incoming network note styles are set
- The "scrollbars" setting for new notes is honoured
- Crash fixed after a note set to "solo" is slept or closed
- Saving content from the Manage list with a " in the title now works
- Altering the "Keep text contents encrypted" setting immediately updates the icon

Stickies 10.0c
- Number of stack menu items with an icon raised from 32 to 64

- Tiny one-pixel title bar error in high DPI skins fixed
- Stickies no longer locks up at start, after having created a new data file

Stickies 10.0b
- Change log not available for this version

Stickies 10.0a
- Change log not available for this version

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Stickies 10.1d for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

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Stickies Portable (sticky notes) 10.1c Released

2022年10月17日 — A new version of Stickies Portable has been released. Stickies is a lightweight, unobtrusive sticky note utility that allows you to place ...

下载Stickies 10.1c Windows 版

2023年8月14日 — Stickies是一款轻巧且不显眼的软件,允许您用数字版本取代传统的黄色便签纸放在桌面上。使用Stickies,您可以自定义便签的外观,包括不同的背景颜色和文字 ...