Stellarium (64-bit)

最新版本 R for Windows 4.1.3

R for Windows 4.1.3

R for Windows 4.1.3
Stellarium 64 位是一個免費的開源天文館為您的電腦。就像你用肉眼,雙筒望遠鏡或望遠鏡所看到的那樣,它顯示出真實的 3D 天空。它被用於天文館投影儀。只需設置你的坐標,然後去。 Stellarium 的特點:

超過 600,000 顆恆星的默認目錄額外目錄超過 2.1 億顆恆星的星座和插圖十二種不同文化的星座星雲圖片(完整的梅西耶目錄)現實的銀河系非常現實的氣氛,日出和日落行星和他們的衛星 Interface
強大的縮放時間控制多語種界面天文館圓頂的魚眼投影自己的低成本圓頂的球面鏡投影所有新的圖形界面和廣泛的鍵盤控制望遠鏡控制 Visualisation
赤道和方位角網格星星閃爍射擊恆星 Eclipse 模擬超新星模擬換膚景觀,現在與球面全景投影 Customizability
插件系統添加人造衛星,眼睛模擬,望遠鏡配置和更多能夠添加新的太陽係對象 s 從網上資源... 添加自己的深空天體,風景,星座圖像,腳本... 也可用:下載 Stellarium for Mac


檔案版本 R for Windows 4.1.3

檔案名稱 R-4.1.3-win.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Fabien Chereau
更新日期 2022-03-11

What's new in this version:

New features:
- The default version of Bioconductor has been changed to 3.14. (This is used by setRepositories and the menus in GUIs.)

- R CMD check --as-cran has a workaround for a bug in versions of file up to at least 5.41 which mis-identify DBF files last changed in 2022 as executables.

C-Level facilities:
- The legacy S-compatibility macros SINGLE_* in ‘R_ext/Constants.h’ (included by ‘R.h’) are deprecated and will be removed in R 4.2.0.

- Initialization of self-starting nls() models with initialization functions following the pre-R-4.1.0 API (without the ... argument) works again for now, with a deprecation warning.
- Fixed quoting of ~autodetect~ in Java setting defaults to avoid inadvertent user lookup due to leading ~, reported in PR#18231 by Harold Gutch.
- substr(., start, stop) <- v now treats negative stop values correctly
- Subscripting an array x without dimnames by a length(dim(x))-column character matrix gave "random" non-sense, now an error
- ...names() now matches names(list(...)) closely
- all.equal(*, scale = s) now works as intended when length(s) > 1
- print(x) for long vectors x now also works for named atomic vectors or lists and prints the correct number when reaching the getOption("max.print") limit; partly thanks to a report and proposal by Hugh Parsonage to the R-devel list
- all.equal(<selfStart>, *) no longer signals a deprecation warning
- reformulate(*, response=r) gives a helpful error message now when length(r) > 1
- Modifying globalCallingHandlers inside withCallingHandlers() now works or fails correctly
- hist(<Date>, breaks = "days") and hist(<POSIXt>, breaks = "secs") no longer fail for inputs of length 1
- qbeta(.001, .9, .009) and similar cases now converge correctly
- window(x, start, end) no longer wrongly signals “'start' cannot be after 'end'”
- data() now checks that its (rarely used) list argument is a character vector – a couple of packages passed other types and gave incorrect results
- which() now checks its arr.ind argument is TRUE rather coercing to logical and taking the first element – which gave incorrect results in package code
- model.weights() and model.offset() more carefully extract their model components, thanks to Ben Bolker and Tim Taylor's R-devel post
- list.files(recursive = TRUE) now shows all broken symlinks (previously, some of them may have been omitted, PR#18296)

R for Windows 4.1.3 相關參考資料
1. Software Installation &amp; Setup

Windows: Download and install R. Go to CRAN and download the R installer for Windows. Make sure to choose the latest stable version. Download the .exe file and ...

Best Way to Upgrade to R 4.1.3 with RStudio Desktop Mac ...

2022年3月21日 — Best Way to Upgrade to R 4.1.3 with RStudio Desktop Mac/Windows/Linux in 2022 ·. YakData SmartDesktop with RStudio Server Open Source ·

Download R for Windows 4.3.1 for Windows

Download R for Windows by The R Foundation for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 32-bit or 64-bit. Safe download links and original files.

Downloading R for Windows 4.1.3 from

R for Windows is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and ...

Index of binwindowsbaseold4.1.3

Index of /bin/windows/base/old/4.1.3. [ICO], Name · Last modified · Size · Description. [PARENTDIR], Parent Directory, -. [TXT], NEWS.R-4.1.3. ... R-4.1.3-win.exe ...

Install R 4.1.3, R Studio and Rtools40 in one go

A PowerShell script to enable the download and installation of R 4.1.3, R Studio and Rtools40. .DESCRIPTION. This script will do the following: 1.

Previous releases of R for Windows

This directory contains previous binary releases of R for Windows. The current release, and links to development snapshots, are available here. Source code for ...

R 4.1.3

2022年3月10日 — Description: software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and ...

R and RStudio: Installation and Setup

Then click the Download R 4.1.1 for Windows link, which will download the installer for the most current version of R (4.0.2 as of July 24, 2020). Once the ...


下載完成後,直接執行安裝程式。安裝過程有詢問作業系統是32bit或64bit的步驟,根據個人的windows系統版本選擇即可。這裡建議安裝在自設的 ...