
最新版本 Steam 26.03.2020

Steam 26.03.2020

Steam 26.03.2020
Steam 提供了超過 3500 個遊戲可供購買,下載,並從任何電腦播放。看看新的版本,獨立點擊,休閒的最愛,以及之間的一切。找人玩,與朋友見面,與興趣相投的團體聯繫,主持和加入聊天,比賽和錦標賽。看看你的朋友在線或玩遊戲,並輕鬆地一起參加相同的遊戲。與您的好友聊天,或使用您的麥克風在任何遊戲中進行交流。在 Steam,你的遊戲會自動更新自動更新。您可以從我們的網站上點擊免費下載按鈕,從 PC 下載設置安裝程序下載 Steam.

Steam 概述:

超過 3500 款遊戲可供任何計算機購買,下載和播放。查看新版本,獨立點擊,隨意的收藏夾以及其中的任何內容.

加入 Steam 社區
找人玩,與朋友見面,與相似興趣小組交流,並主持和加入聊天,比賽和錦標賽。有超過 1 億的潛在朋友(或敵人),樂趣永遠不會停止。

和朋友聊天,一邊玩遊戲,一邊看朋友在線或玩遊戲,一起輕鬆加入同一個遊戲。與您的好友聊天,或使用您的麥克風在任何遊戲中進行交流。 Steam 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。這是完整的離線安裝程序安裝 Steam.

從無組織的網站尋找補丁和下載是二十世紀。在 Steam,你的遊戲保持最新的自己。沒有麻煩.

享受 Steam 特別優惠
從發布前的折扣到週末免費播放,Steam 提供什麼玩家最看重.

在 Steam 研討會中為您的朋友,交易物品甚至創建新的遊戲內容。幫助塑造您最喜愛的遊戲的未來.

Entertainment Anywhere
無論您是在 PC,Mac,Linux 機器,移動設備,甚至是電視上,您都可以享受 Steam 的好處。帶著您的樂趣.

也可以:下載 Steam 為 Mac


檔案版本 Steam 26.03.2020

檔案名稱 SteamSetup.exe
檔案大小 1.5 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Valve Corporation
更新日期 2020-03-26

What's new in this version:

Steam 26.03.2020
- During game install allow the user to pick a different language if they’ve changed the per-game language setting or previously installed the game in a different language
- Fixed a rare crash Steam could cause in some Steam VR helper processes when Steamworks is initialized in an unexpected manner
- Fixed Steam client crash when errors are encountered in audio encoding or decoding when running a game using Steam Voice
- Fixed achievement notification images for some games
- Fixed the achievement section of library game pages not updating when a user gains an achievement
- Fixed intermittent failures in broadcast, YouTube and other web video playback. If you are currently or have previously experienced this please ensure that the “Enable hardware video decoding” setting is enabled in the Interface tab of settings.
- Updated embedded Chromium build in Steam to 79.0.3945.117

- Decreased the number of network requests made when initially loading a game page
- Added the ability to resize the game list by dragging the divider between the left and right panels
- When viewing game details for a demo, added a section with a link to the main game.
- Fix formatting of game reviews displayed in activity feed
- Fixed long lists of trading cards not properly wrapping in game activity sections
- Fixed What's New section not resizing properly when Automatic display size is selected
- Fixed the play bar freaking out when scrolled to the top on very short windows when viewing game details for games with very little content in the right panel

- Improved the performance of large chat room groups

Steam Cloud:
- Fixed using multiple Steam accounts on one machine under the same local user – if the game files are written to a common (non-Steam) location, they were previously mixed between Steam accounts
- Fixed inability to download files greater than 256MB

Steam Input:
- Increased responsiveness of Switch Controllers when alt-tabbing
- Added support for the Victrix Pro FS with Touch Pad.
- Fixed some cases where Switch Controllers could lock up Steam on Windows

Steam Networking Sockets:
- Fixed a bug that could cause a P2P connection to drop if a relay went offline while in use

Remote Play:
- Added a controller overlay with mouse mode, on-screen keyboard functionality and more! Default way to bring up is a long press of the Back button and can be configured in Remote Play settings.
- Added the option to record/playback input from the controller overlay when on the Windows login screen
- Added loading screen tips for useful functionality, including which button opens the overlay
- Added additional detail when running install scripts during PC to PC streaming
- Added Steam Overlay to the streaming client in Remote Play Together.
- Reduced audio dropouts when streaming microphone input
- Fixed sending controller input to the remote side in Remote Play Together
- Fixed muted audio when streaming after an RDP session
- Fixed controller overlay showing up automatically when connecting
- Fixed doubled up controller input when doing PC to PC streaming
- Fixed black screen when streaming from a locked computer
- Fixed Play button saying "Stop" instead of "Connect" when the stream stops unexpectedly
- Fixed crash in Remote Play Together when one or more player has a controller connected
- Fixed characters being doubled when typing in foreign languages.
- Fixed remote client discovery when using link-local ipv4 addresses (IP auto-configuration)
- Fixed low audio volume when starting the stream
- Fixed VR games getting auto filtered during a VR session when a Remote Play spectator is connected.
- Fixed several stability issues during launching, task switching, overlay, and shutdown of various games.
- Fixed custom cursor size on specific games such as Heroes of Might and Magic III HD Edition.
- Fixed player names displaying in the wrong position for InGame and Snooze status.

Big Picture Mode:
- Added plumbing to use the desktop client’s image cache for games. Game icons should now load quicker and start working in offline mode.
- Added the ability to rumble controllers in the “Reorder Controllers Dialog”. Controllers which support LED color such as the DS4 will also have the controller’s LED color setting reflected in the controller image.
- Fixed navigating community content panels for games w/ mature content
- Fixed some cases where the Overlay would not come up when using a controller w/ gyro bound to mouse in Steam Input

- Fixed incorrectly adding non-Steam app screenshots to SteamVR
- Fixed some hybrid 2D/VR games not appearing in the VR UI

Steam 11.02.2020

- Fixed non-Steam games sometimes appearing unavailable for Remote Play
- Fixed steamwebhelper CPU/GPU usage in Steam overlay while the overlay is not visible

- Fixed Activity section not appearing in game details when Family View is enabled
- Fixed "Load More Activity" button not loading more activity
- Fixed some display errors for soundtracks with track names containing unusual characters
- Added support for playing back soundtracks containing .m4a content
- When installing a game, Steam will now immediately sync your Steam Cloud files in the background instead of waiting potentially until the first launch of the game
- Minor layout and visual changes
- Stop showing "library in use" message for non-Steam games when a shared library is being used

Big Picture:
- Fix issue with the Big Picture Overlay in games w/ launchers
- Fixed crash when viewing Community Connect in Library
- Fix an issue where the on-screen keyboard would not work with mouse or touch input when a controller is attached
- Add a Capslock/Altlock mode to the on-screen keyboard which is enabled by double tapping the shift/alt keys.
- Remove the “Turn Off Controller” option from the power button menu for controllers which don’t support the feature
- Add filter a for Steam Play white-listed games to the Big Picture Library’s filter list on Linux

-Hide games hidden by Family View from SteamVR (prevents them from showing up in SteamVR Home and other VR quick launch game lists)
-Hide automatically created VR shortcuts when the original manifest has marked them hidden.
-Mark hidden shortcuts to VR games as hidden in manifests created by Steam.
-Steam overlay will now show download status when starting an application that is updating or installing.
-Eliminated spam related to the desktop overlay on Windows 10
-Fixed issue with Quick Launch in SteamVR showing certain overlay applications

Remote Play Together:
- Added ability to invite players by dragging them from the friend's list into the Remote Play Together window

Steam Link:
- When a Steam Link connects, the default view is recent games that are optimized for the connecting device. This can be changed in the advanced streaming settings on the Steam Link app or hardware

- Fix a bug with multiple P2P connections from the same peer

Steam 17.01.2020
- Fixed the overlay not working correctly or crashing some DXGI/DX12 games in upcoming Windows Insider builds
- Support a LAN event using DNS injection on to set up a local explicit caching proxy for downloads
- Fixed "Open the screenshot uploader after closing a game if screenshots were taken" setting not being honored in some cases

- Added sort by Steam Review to shelves and app grids
- Added Library What’s New settings dialog which makes it easier to find and manage per-game news priorities
- Added a setting to show only product updates in Library What’s New
- Added Windows drive letter to the "Size on Disk" label shown on installed game portraits
- Played/Unplayed filters no longer include/exclude games that were installed but never actually played
- Improved performance of library artwork precacher
- Improved library filtering for Korean game titles when typing in Hangul
- Fixed an issue where removing the last non-Steam game from a collection would cause it to spontaneously reappear at a later time
- Fixed non-Steam games with the "Include in VR Library" checkbox checked not appearing in dynamic collections with VR hardware support selected
- Fixed hidden achievements sometimes still appearing as hidden in the activity feed even after being achieved
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the wrong audio to play from a multi-disc soundtrack when playing an individual track
- Fixed games that have updates set to "Only update this game when I launch it" not showing in blue in the game list when an update is required
- Fixed the "View Additional Artwork" button not working correctly for some soundtracks
- Fixed some partner event summaries not rendering properly in the activity feed and What's New section
- Added [h2] and [h3] rendering for partner events and announcements
- Fixed a case where changes to game collections were not reflected in Big Picture Mode

Remote Play:
- Fixed cursor scale on different resolution displays
- Added client-side screen magnifier for the toggle magnification controller binding

Remote Play Together:
- The host can see all controllers connected in the Remote Play Together session
- The host can drag and drop any player's controller to change its slot. This helps some games where the first identified controller or the first slot is locked to the primary game character and the group only brought a single controller. This also help cases where a player leaves the session with their controller and the host needs to take over input in the abandoned slot.
- Added error message when trying to join a game that is unavailable due to country or Family View restrictions

- Fixed a crash caused by certain types of P2P connection failures

Steam 12.12.2019
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 28.11.2019
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 21.11.2019
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 11.11.2019
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 29.10.2019
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 24.10.2019
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 02.10.2019
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 18.09.2019
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 14.09.2019
- Fixed audio on the host being muted after a streaming session
- Fixed a rare Steam client crash while streaming

Steam 10.09.2019
- Fix Steam service vulnerability that allowed appending data to system-owned files
- Remove Steam service log message being written to Windows event log on service startup
- Enable search for localized game names in the Steam library
- The text entry area in the chat window now expands if you are typing long messages

- Fix privilege escalation vulnerability in Steam client service

Steam Input:
- Fix Steam Controller trackpad rotation slider not saving out values properly

Big Picture:
- Fix friend in-game notifications not obeying the user’s notification visibility settings

Steam 21.08.2019

- Fixes for local-privilege-escalation vulnerabilities
- Fixed underflow in calculation of size of available cloud save data

Steam Input:
- Fixed an issue where action set switches generated from in-game bindings could be lost
- Fixed a bug where the Steam Input configurator could repeatedly save out configurations while a game is running

Steam Video:
- Fixed playback of Widevine-encrypted videos

Steam 12.08.2019
- Fixed library drop-down menu no longer displaying after changing the library filter

Steam Input:
- Removed guide button emulation using the back or start button, except when using Steam Remote Play. This feature was causing some issues with some fightsticks and retro controllers and will be re-enabled for locally connected controllers in the future

Steam Windows Service:
- Fixed privilege escalation exploit using symbolic links in Windows registry

Steam 05.08.2019

- Fix details button in games grid view not working
- Fix Steam client drop down menus temporarily freezing client and showing at incorrect location when client is partially offscreen
- Fix a case where the saved client configuration could be overwritten if running Steam on multiple PCs at once
- Blacklist a problematic USB device that could cause Steam to hang

Steam Input:
- Add support for the Victrix PS4 Pro Fight Stick
- Fix Steam Controllers sometimes turning off when reconnecting to a wireless dongle
- Fix an issue in games with multiple official controller configurations where controllers that did not have their own configuration would use the first listed configuration instead of the first compatible configuration

Steam Remote Play:
- Fix several crashes
- Fix chord combinations for back / start / thumbstick clicks on MFi controllers

Steam 16.07.2019
- Improve client logic used to choose and connect to download servers, which should yield better download rates for clients with download servers close to them on the network
- Improve connection logic in friends list initialization
- Fix screenshots in SteamVR Home
- Fixed a bug where a P2P connection would not properly migrate to another relay, if the active relay went offline.
- Fixed certain web page elements continuing to render in the Steam client when it is minimized or closed to the system tray
- Improved reliability of registry saving on Linux and macOS
- Fix the SteamVR dashboard obscuring transition overlays when launching a game.

Steam Input:
- Added mouse hover to action buttons in Configurator to display which physical buttons are related
- Rework the setting for enabling the Big Picture Mode overlay when using a Steam Input enabled controller from the desktop client. This setting now defaults to off and can be overridden on a per-game basis
- Improve handling of Switch Pro controllers when not universally opted into Steam Input - we will now toggle between DirectInput mode and the extended mode which includes gyro and rumble support depending on whether a game is using Steam Input
- Added the GetDeviceBindingRevision function, which allows developers of Steam Input API games to detect out of date user configurations. Configurations with out of date major revisions should be automatically updated by Steam to the latest official configuration, but configurations with out of date minor revisions will be left in-place.
- Added Change Player Slot binding to Steam Input. This allows a Steam Input binding to change the player’s x-input slot as seen by a game. This can be mapped to a chord for easy application across all games, and as with all bindings, be set to cycle through slots via an activator. Intended for fighting games and such where a larger set of controllers may need to be regularly and easily swapped across a limited number of player slots.
- Rework controller activity detection to require movement of joysticks/triggers instead of just deflection. Should fix wireless PS4/Switch controllers not turning off from inactivity when set down in a way that deflects the triggers or joysticks
- Fix an issue with Switch Pro controller joystick input sometimes pulling down when alt-tabbing
- Fix a rare crash when connecting a Switch Pro controller

Streaming / Steam Remote Play:
- Fix a crash when streaming non-Steam game with touch controls enabled
- Fix some other rare crash cases
- Fixed a crash when streaming a non-Steam game to the Steam Link app

Big Picture:
- Properly hide password entry text in the in-game on-screen keyboard
- Fix non-Steam Controllers receiving a Steam Controller configuration on the login screen
- Fix the “hide device” option in Controller Settings not being shown in some cases
- Fix the alignment of the Steam logo in several notifications

Shader Pre-Caching:
- More fixes to reduce the download size of Vulkan pipeline pre-caching data

- Fix bug that would sometimes cause the app to hang

Steam 17.06.2019

- Fixed Windows cursor sometimes showing as the incorrect type, most often in system tray menu
- After workshop updates, 'View News' on the download panel will now navigate to the list of subscribed items, rather than to news for the base game
- Fixed a bug causing Steam UI and some Steamworks games to have occasional performance hitches for users with large friends lists or large numbers of blocked friends

In-Game Overlay:
- Fixed a bug where the Big Picture in-game overlay could be abnormally pixelated for titles using the Vulkan graphics API
- Fixed mouse cursor intermittently disappearing while mousing over certain windows (e.g. full-screen videos) which caused mouse input to not work in the overlay until restarted
- Full-screen views in chat windows now render in the chat window rather than in a separate full-screen window on top of the game
- Fixed certain keyboard events being sent incorrectly when in a web browser window
- Fixed dark rendering of windows in the overlay in titles that use the Vulkan graphics API

In-Home Streaming (AKA Steam Remote Play):
- Steam In-Home Streaming is experimentally available outside the home, and is now known as Steam Remote Play. Your Steam clients can now stream games from each other wherever they are, as long as there is a good network connection on both sides and they are close to a Steam datacenter
- In-Home Streaming settings have been renamed Remote Play settings
- Paired Steam Link devices now show up in the Remote Play settings
- You can now remove all paired Steam Link devices
- Fixed the PC to PC streaming client hanging when you alt-tab away from it
- Added a network status icon to indicate that the network connection is slow

Steam Input:
- We will now download official Steam Input configurations during game installation for Steam Input users. This should fix the issue where Steam Input games would need to be run once before controllers worked in offline mode
- Joystick ranges are now saved for Switch controllers after performing controller calibration. This fixes joystick drift when first connecting the controller
- Reworked the Controller Options screen to better show device specific options
- Fixed a bug that could cause some game’s official configurations to not show up in the configuration browser
- Fixed a bug that could cause Steam to open Big Picture Mode immediately when connecting a Steam Controller via the wireless receiver
- Fixed some cases where Steam Input’s haptics or rumble could ignore the user’s enable/disable and intensity settings.
- Added support for the Astro C40 PS4 controller
- Improved rumble on Nintendo Switch controllers – there should now be a wider dynamic range of rumble values
- Fixed a case where glyphs shown through Steam Input API are incorrect when converting a configuration between controller types, ex: loading a Xbox controller configuration on a PS4 controller

Shader Pre-Caching:
- Re-worked the shader system to enable downloading and pre-compiling of the whole collection of Vulkan pipelines for a given game. As a result, some shader data downloads will now show in the Steam download manager. Pre-compiling will be enabled in a future Steam update
- Fixed some cases where shader depots could get downloaded even when the feature was disabled
- SteamNetworkingSockets"
- Fix bug causing P2P connections to sometimes fail to migrate to another relay when the relay became unavailable or shut down to apply an update.
- Fix bug causing repeated connections to the same relay to fail

Steam 29.04.2019
- Fix Steam video player not streaming some free video content successfully

Steam Input:
- Fix an issue causing the “deregister” button to not show on the Controller Settings page
- Fix the “Cross-Gate” setting for controllers with a physical dpad

Steam 16.04.2019

- Updated embedded Chromium build in Steam to 72.0.3626.121
- Fixed the Steam updater window intermittently displaying as a small transparent rectangle if it is shown when the main Steam window is closed.
- Fixed store trailer video playback on Windows when DPI scaling is active.
- Fixed audio artifacts in web audio / friends notification sounds / voice chat for users with certain headsets that create multiple devices and have mono/single-channel chat output devices
- Improved wizard that helps install SteamVR and related components (such as the Windows MR driver) when VR hardware is present
- Fixed an issue with the new Steam networking system where the datagram relay configuration would never become available to the application if it was the first run after starting the Steam client
- Updates to shared installer content will now be listed under “Steamworks Common Redistributables”
- Fixed black box covering much of the first page of the dialog when installing multiple games on Windows

- Reduced latency for 1 on 1 viewing of friend broadcasts to less than a second

Big Picture Mode:
- Added a Big Picture Mode library filter for local multiplayer games

Steam Input:
- Added a “Controller Connected” notification to the desktop client for Steam Input enabled controllers. This can be disabled under Steam->Settings->Controller
- Added a “Configuration Loaded” notification to the desktop client and Big Picture when launching a game with a Steam Input enabled controller
- Add action set layer visualization support to the controller HUD and the ability to bind beeps when applying/removing action set layers
- Fix some cases where the Steam Input Configurator could get stuck with a blank view when previewing configurations or when deleting action sets
- Fix some cases where adding/deleting action sets and action set layers could scramble which action set layer an “Apply Action Set Layer” binding points to
- Fixed modifier and volume keys not working properly as controller bindings on macOS
- Added a “Platformer” variant of the gamepad template for the Steam Link Mobile Touch Controller with pre-laid out on-screen controls
- Added filtering of unneeded template results in the configuration browser for controllers that don’t have touchpad or gyro inputs (ex: Xbox One, Xbox360, and Generic Gamepads)
- Added the ability to blacklist individual DirectInput and Xinput devices in the controller settings menu. This is intended to be used when a device either erroneously shows up as two devices or shows up as a controller but isn’t one

In-Home Streaming:
- Reduced packet loss and latency on high bandwidth streams
- Improved automatic bitrate algorithm to rapidly handle changes in available bandwidth

- Enabled Vulkan pipeline dumping and collection if Shader Pre-Caching is enabled

Steam Networking Sockets:
- Fixed issues with P2P connections sending too many keepalives on an idle connection

Steam 18.02.2019

- Re-enabled IPv6 content downloads with automatic fallback to IPv4
- Fixed regression in content update scheduler
- Fixed broadcast changed encoding notification to close

Big Picture Mode:
- Fixed crash opening web pages in some cases

Steam 01.02.2019

- Support using ipv6 for connections to download servers
- Fixed multiple issues in tracking Steam window and chat window position and size when adjusted by the user or automatically through DPI and screen size changes
- Fixed downloading unnecessary updates for games that self-update after initial install
- Fixed a crash related to SteamVR

Desktop Overlay:
- Added "Force Quit" button to the desktop client overlay, matching existing Big Picture functionality. Force-quitting a game can result in loss of unsaved data
- Added “Edit Controller Configuration”, which will open the current Steam Input configuration in a new window

Steam Input:
- Allow the On-screen Keyboard to spawn on secondary monitors
- Fixed a bug that could require you to hit the “Summon On-screen Keyboard” button twice before it launched

Fixed Mouse region bindings in windowed games running without the Big Picture Overlay:
- Fixed an issue where frequent rumble commands from games could cause input stuttering for PS4 controllers
- Fixed some cases where Steam Controller rumble emulation could get stuck on
- Added support for HORI Battle Pad
- Added support for HORI Wireless Switch Pad
- Added support for PDP Wired Fight Pad Pro
- Added support for PDP Faceoff Wired Pro Controller

Big Picture Mode:
- Fixed race condition in Big Picture chat panel that would intermittently cause some controller actions to not respond
- Fixed issue in Big Picture overlay that was causing it to fail to render screen updates in a timely manner
- Fixed Control-A/Control-B sending enter and backspace respectively on Windows when in web browser and chat panels

Steam 04.01.2019

- Improved Steam client responsiveness while downloading games
- Fixed some places where recently played games list was truncated to 5 items
- Fixed a rare crash if getting local network address failed on a local network connection
- Fixed an issue where trying to buy or sell items in the overlay could result in an empty browser window when Family View was active

- Improved automatic discovery of HTTP proxies on some types of restrictive networks, which will allow users on those networks to download game content and other HTTP content while using the Steam client

Steam Input:
- Added support for PowerA wired/wireless GameCube Style controllers and PowerA Enhanced Wireless Controller
- Added support for PDP Faceoff Wired Pro Controller

Big Picture Mode:
- The Steam community header is now hidden when in Big Picture chat

Steam 08.11.2018

- Fixed friends chat and other UI being visible when authorizing an in-game mictransaction

New Steam Chat:
- Unread messages or active voice chats will now update your Steam tray/taskbar icons to indicate these states
- When displaying a Steam store link in a chat window, extra information about the game, such as screenshots, video and price, are now displayed in the chat history

Steam Input:
- Added the ability to change controller type in the “Define Layout” screen. This only affects the glyphs and configurations recommended for the device and the limits of whatever low-level API the controller is read through still apply. For example if a PS4 controller is currently treated as an Xbox controller because of a driver or non-Steam Input remapping software presenting the device over Xinput reclassifying it to a PS4 controller will only correct the glyphs and the gyro/trackpad will not work.
- Fixed an issue with devices with digital triggers and buttons bound to trigger outputs
- Added Steam Input per-game settings to the desktop client’s game properties page

In-Home Streaming:
- Streaming from Mac OS X Mojave is currently disabled

Big Picture Mode:
- Added the new chat functionality to Big Picture Mode. If you’re using a custom Big Picture Mode controller configuration please update to the new recommended configuration under Settings->Base Configurations->Big Picture Mode. Hit X/Square to browse configurations and apply the recommended configuration.
- Added "Invite to Game" action to Big Picture chat
- Chat scaling is now done automatically based on whether Big Picture is running on a large monitor (>40" diagonal) or running in VR with the option to override regular and VR scaling settings individually

Default chat controller bindings for Steam Controller/Xbox are:
- Right Trackpad/Stick: Mouse cursor, press to show/hide the on-screen keyboard
- X: Accept game invite from friend
- Y: Start/end voice chat
- B: Exit chat panel
- A: Select item under cursor
- Start: Submit entered text
- Back: Open emoticon list
- Left Bumper: Switch to web browser
- Right Bumper: Return to main menu
- Left Trigger: Open context menu under cursor
- Right Trigger: Click/double click at cursor
- Left Trackpad/Stick: Scroll the UI, press to show/hide the friends list

Long press of joystick/D-pad press:
- Up: Invite currently selected chat friend to game
- Down: Close the current chat tab
- Left/Right: Switch between chat tabs

- The VR overlay keyboard is now opened when the Show Keyboard button is activated
- Added a Back button to the left of the Show Keyboard button that shows while running in VR

Steam 12.10.2018
- Change log not available for this version

Steam 10.10.2018

- Updated embedded Chromium version in Steam to Chromium 68
- Added Vietnamese and Latin American Spanish as Steam client UI languages
- Allow language selection before game install if current Steam UI language isn’t supported

New Steam Chat:
- Added ability to test your microphone in Friends Voice settings dialog
- Added support for mute on/off toggle hot-key setting when using Open Mic voice transmission mode
- Don’t try to start chat or open the friends list if Steam is started in offline mode
- Chat tabs are now scrollable using the mouse wheel
- Fixed a bug where if you are offline for Friends & Chat clicking Friends & Chat in the overlay would activate the desktop friends window
- Fixed a bug causing duplicate sounds for friends coming online or going in-game

Steam Link:
- You can play local co-op by streaming to multiple devices simultaneously (high quality 5 GHz WiFi network required)
- You can use your Android phone as a touch controller for games by tapping to disable audio and video in the Steam Link app
- Fixed stopping streaming from the in-game Big Picture overlay
- The streaming protocol now uses UDP ports 27031-27036

Big Picture:
- Fixed loading custom controller layouts from the Big Picture Mode “Define Layout” screen
- Fixed displaying numbers in the Family View PIN entry screen
- Fixed using controllers and keyboards on the Manage DLC screen
- Prevent exit of Big Picture Mode while games using its overlay for controller support, friends list integration, or other Steamworks API features are running

Steam Input:
- Added the ability to switch controller order for XInput controllers in the in-game Big Picture overlay
- Fixed intermittent crash occurring when controllers are rapidly connected and disconnected
- Fix an issue with Generic Gamepads that have digital triggers where the trigger could get stuck on
- Fix an issue with Nintendo Switch Pro Controllers that could cause loss of input while rumbling
- Fix an issue where applying a configuration in the in-game overlay would open in the main Big Picture window instead of the overlay
- Fix an issue on Linux that could cause gamepad emulation to break when using Steam Input for generic gamepads
- Fix previewing configurations for non-Steam Games. Note - you will still not be able to apply the configuration unless you have a matching shortcut in your library.
- Fix some cases where inputs would be misaligned when previewing configurations
- Fix some 3rd party PS4 controllers showing up as having low batteries when connected over USB
- Fix an initialization issue with the Nintendo Switch Pro controller over USB

Steam 08.09.2018

New Steam Chat:
- Decreased resource usage when chat windows are open in the in-game overlay but overlay is hidden
- Reduced strength of window snapping while moving chat windows along a monitor or taskbar edge on Windows to reduce feeling of the window being stuck to the edge
- Fixed missing tool-tips for users on 64bit versions of Windows
- Fixed "Cannot read property 'scrollHeight' of undefined" error
- Fixed images sometimes displaying bbcode ("[img url=...]") instead of the actual image

- Fixed multiple issues in Steam window handling where the Steam window would be position partially offscreen when changing DPI settings or modifying the location or size of the taskbar in Windows while the Steam window is maximized

Big Picture Mode:
- Fixed a bug where Big Picture Mode could get stuck consuming excess CPU

In-game Overlay:
- Fixed a crash in Vulkan applications when GPU device memory is full
- Fixed a crash in DX12 multi-GPU applications on Windows 10 Redstone 5 (RS5)
- Fixed incorrect rendering for OpenGL applications in Big Picture Mode on Windows

Steam Input:
- Fixed a bug where quitting a game with the desktop overlay with the configurator running could open a unresponsive full screen window
- Fixed Xbox controller bindings being incorrect after plugging in a PS4 controller
- Added support for the Razer Panthera Arcade Stick
- Fixed rumble and lightbar colors on Bluetooth PS4 controllers connected to Linux or Steam Link
- Fixed a bug where 8BitDo controllers in Switch Pro mode would temporarily become unresponsive when switching between controller configurations

Steam Link:
- Added the ability to set icons for touch control bindings

Steam 02.06.2018

- Fixed back/forward buttons in the main steam window and all web views

- Fixed launch focus issues with some fullscreen games on Windows build 1803

Steam Input:
- Fixed a case on macOS where the focused game window would not be detected. Note: for some games you may start getting the recommended configuration instead of the desktop configuration. Not all games on macOS support Steam Input gamepads so if your controller stops working please try changing your configuration to mouse/kb.
- Added a new Steam Controller Bluetooth firmware image. A second Bluetooth pairing slot and been added and the startup gestures for switching slots in both Bluetooth and Wireless Receiver modes have been simplified. To swap which device you want to connect to use Steam+Back in Wireless Receiver Mode and Steam+Start in Bluetooth mode. To obtain the FW update you’ll need to plug into usb and follow the same process as with the previous release.
- Momentum velocity has been tweaked to be more accurate and decelerate more smoothly
- Fixed a bug which could cause the right stick to lose input on certain controller types in native Steam Input applications (such as camera controls in Prey)
- Fixed an issue with PS4 controllers that caused them to stop working with DirectInput after a few minutes
- Additional fixes for opted out PS4 Controllers
- Fixed Nintendo Switch Pro Controller detection and initialization on Windows 7
- Added note to Switch configuration description clarifying possible issues with using controllers outside of Steam
- Improved Switch Pro functionality in Big Picture when Switch configuration support is disabled
- Fixed incorrect controller slot LED being lit on Switch Pro controller when plugging in to USB while already connected via Bluetooth

In-Home Streaming:
- Fixed black screen when hardware encoding with iGPU and streaming to Android devices
- Fixed wireless Steam Controllers showing up as unknown controllers in Big Picture
- Fixed bad input and disconnects from Switch Pro controllers connected via Steam Link - vibration was causing disconnects and has been temporarily disabled

Steam 16.05.2018
- Updated internal web views to Chromium v65.0.3325.181
- Improved responsiveness of the Steam client window when navigating the Library pane
- Fixed some cases where friend tags could disappear until a client restart
- Fixed several crash bugs found via automated crash reporting

Big Picture:
- Fixed an issue where multiple button presses were required to back out of a Settings page
- Fixed the clock bug which caused the time to appear truncated on som...

In-Game Overlay:
- Fixed an issue which caused the web browser to stop working in certain games
- Fixed screenshots for games built with Unreal Engine 4 in OpenGL mode
- Fixed some OpenGL API errors triggered by the Steam In-Game Overlay
- Fixed a crash in some Vulkan apps when hiding the overlay or resizing windows

Steam Input:
- Enabled the Steam Controller BLE FW Update
- Added Switch Pro Controller Support
- Of note with Switch Pro bindings – you should use the global Nintendo Layout setting to determine your preferred layout rather than manually moving the face buttons around. This will make it easier to share configurations with other users who prefer a reversed A/B layout.
- Added support for the NACON Revolution Pro 2 PS4 controller
- Modified Steam Input to take hardware update rate of specific controllers into account when checking for input. Other improvements to the polling loop also reduce jitter and improve mouse emulation.
- PS4 Controllers which are plugged in while already being connected wirelessly will now be ignored
- Fixed input lag when starting Big Picture or starting streaming
- Fixed a second controller showing up briefly in games when hot-plugging a controller
- Changed the layout of the Polish On-screen Keyboard based on user feedback - the Polish Programmer’s keyboard layout is now used instead of the standard Polish keyboard.
- Fixed areas of the Steam Input Configurator where the length of the Polish localized text would cause settings to overflow past the visible portion of the screen.
- Updated the Steam Input API button glyph images
- Improved behavior of joystick auto-calibration
- Improved handling of controller configuration when the Steam Overlay is disabled
- Improved software gyro drift correction
- Added Gyro Enable Button Toggle. The button assigned to enable the gyro can now act as a toggle to the state rather than a hold
- Added button for calibrating gyro only without doing joystick calibration
- Fixed a bug where newly added modes didn't always have their default settings set properly to reflect their device or placement
- Fixed cached controller configurations sometimes getting used on an incorrect controller when controllers were being removed and added
- Fixed Gyro Enable Button dropdown having appropriate options for each controller type
- Fixed Generic Direct Input controllers which had no guide button assigned automatically using the Back/Select button

- Fixed corrupted graphics when running on Windows 10 with desktop scaling set to 225% or higher

Steam Link and In-Home Streaming:
- Added support for connecting to locked Windows computers, as long as Steam is running and you have access to a keyboard.
- Added support for interrupting a remote desktop session. Connecting will show the login screen when an RDP session is active, and logging in will disconnect RDP and start streaming the desktop normally.
- Removed the splash animation when launching Big Picture via Steam Link
- Re-added Restart/Suspend/Shutdown menu options when streaming to Steam Link
- Fixed black/green video for games using Unreal Engine 4 in OpenGL mode
- Fixed upside-down video for some OpenGL titles
- Changed behavior to remain in Big Picture mode if streaming is disconnected while a game is still playing

Steam 04.05.2018
- Fixed bugs preventing workshop items or newly installed DLC from showing up on the downloads page
- Fixed some rare crash-on-start bugs reported via support tickets

- Fixed low-quality library grid images under Windows 8.1 and previous operating systems
- Fixed incorrect mouse cursors when resizing windows in the overlay

Steam Input:
- Allowed the use of touch/radial menus in native-controller-support games without going into Advanced settings
- Added support for displaying Mouse Regions in the Big Picture Mode Controller HUD for all input sources. The regions are either circular or rectangular matching the input source.
- Fixed issues where layers would have incorrect settings or UI in native-controller-support games
- Fixed an issue where an erroneous dialog would prompt the user to migrate configurations

Steam 02.04.2018
- Fixed bugs preventing workshop items or newly installed DLC from showing up on the downloads page
- Fixed some rare crash-on-start bugs reported via support tickets

- Fixed low-quality library grid images under Windows 8.1 and previous operating systems
- Fixed incorrect mouse cursors when resizing windows in the overlay

Steam Input:
- Allowed the use of touch/radial menus in native-controller-support games without going into Advanced settings
- Added support for displaying Mouse Regions in the Big Picture Mode Controller HUD for all input sources. The regions are either circular or rectangular matching the input source.
- Fixed issues where layers would have incorrect settings or UI in native-controller-support games
- Fixed an issue where an erroneous dialog would prompt the user to migrate configurations

Steam 26.03.2018
- Additional fixes

Steam 15.12.2017
- Additional fixes for newly reported issues

Steam 13.12.2017

-New feature: Shader Pre-Caching. Whenever possible, depending on hardware and driver support, Steam can download pre-compiled shaders for your specific video card. This reduces load times and in-game stuttering during the first few launches of OpenGL- and Vulkan-based games on supported hardware. This feature may use a small amount of additional bandwidth as Steam uploads and analyzes a shader usage report after each run of the game. The feature can be disabled via a new entry in the Settings dialog.
-Fixed issues with full-screen mode not scaling video content correctly in the Steam Client
-Fixed a UI issue that made it difficult to install new games if a previous installation dialog box was still active
-Fixed several rare crashes and hangs reported by customers
-Updated web views to Chromium v62.0.3202.62

- Fixed an issue where the Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR drivers would sometimes not install correctly
- Fixed a bug where launching a game could cause the primary monitor to switch as if Big Picture mode were active, even though it is not

- Fixed a crash on startup that could occur if a different application was previously set to autostart, and then did not clean up its autostart entry correctly

- Fixed creating desktop and application menu shortcuts
- Added detection and a workaround for certain titles that shipped with broken Steamworks SDK libraries

- Fixed the occasional brief appearance of a blank console window when starting Steam or launching a VR game

Steam Input:
- Changed Per-Game Steam Input opt-out setting to allow Force On or Force Off per game in addition to the global controller type based settings. This means you can turn on configuration for a single game while globally leaving configuration settings off.
- Added “Launcher Mode” for controllers which are not opted in to Steam Input Configuration. If we detect that the game is in a launcher, the right stick and right trigger will act as a mouse/trigger respectively, allowing the user to navigate the launch with a controller until they get into the game proper. This feature can be disabled by selecting the “Force Off” option in controller settings for the game in the Big Picture controls.
- Added "Always On" binding for setting bindings to take effect when an action set or layer is enabled. This can be used to set up modifier keys that are always active in a layer, changing LED brightness or color based on a set or layer, etc. and can also interact with activators to do start press behavior or turbo, for example.
- Added new tab in Configuration Browser for configs exported by your Steam Friends. These configs will now also show up in the community tab even if they would otherwise not qualify to be shown when ranked by votes or playtime. Note that only exported configs will show up, not personal configs.
- Added an "Empty Binding" binding action intended for use in layers. Essentially this is a special binding that does absolutely nothing, so bindings can be removed from a layer, as the default state of layering "nothing" means use whatever is below that layer. This special binding can also be detected by radial menus and will eliminate that item from being available in the menu.
- Added a “Remove Icon” option to the radial/touch menu icon selection screen.
- Added a binding to set LED color according to Xinput slot
- Reworked detection of windows requiring Lizard Mode for the Steam Controller. Also added a bindable Lizard Mode toggle action.
- Added support for several dozen Xbox-compatible controllers via data collected from users. These controllers are now treated as Xbox controllers instead of generic gamepads.
- Added support for several PS4 controllers: HORI TAC4, HORI TAC PRO, Hitbox PS4 Arcade Stick, and Venom PS4 Arcade Stick
- Fixed a configuration UI error where native actions could be selected in non-native games
- Fixed a bug where source-specific default changes weren't propagated correctly through layers
- Fixed game actions buttons being able to navigate off of their own list of actions
- Fixed some issues with typing accented and other non-english characters via the On-Screen Keyboard
- Fixed on-screen keyboard becoming stuck on-screen when controller is disconnected
- Fixed many UI focus and flow issues when configuring or personalizing a controller
- Fixed a bug with the dialog for first time config selection when a game doesn’t have a recommended config.
- Fixed several save bugs involving configurations with deleted action sets
- Fixed a bug where new developer configurations would show no buttons available to be bound.
- Fixed a bug where layers of native mode types could stack incorrectly with other layers
- Fixed Big Picture configurations not accepting changes to the Face Button assignments
- Fixed Big Picture Parental PIN Pad not responding properly to controller input

Steam 31.10.2017
- Fixed unexpected D-pad right button events when other directions are rapidly tapped

Steam 25.10.2017
- The client was re-released on October 25 with additional fixes for reported crashes and other minor issues

Steam 17.10.2017
- Fixes for issues present in the original October 11 release, including a fix for black/non-responsive Store and Community pages

Steam 11.10.2017

- Improved stability based on top crash reports and support tickets
- Reduced CPU usage and battery impact when Steam is running in the background
- Removed notification popups when friends are using software from the "Tools" category

- Fixed excessive blurriness in Big Picture mode on high-DPI monitors under Windows 10
- Improved in-game overlay compatibility with the latest Insider builds of Windows 10
- Added DPI-based scaling for text and basic UI elements in the in-game overlay

Steam Input:
- Added Action Set Layers feature
- Action Sets can now have layers nested within them. These act like Photoshop Layers on an image. Layers allow for quick modifications both big and small of an existing action set
- Each layer can draw from the actions that are defined by that action set
- Layers can be stacked arbitrarily deep
- Each layer can modify settings or replace modes/bindings of the action set or layers below it in the stack.
- Changes made to the base Action Set are treated as the "default" for a layer, so modifications to a setting of the Action Set will be reflected in the layer unless it specifically modifies that setting itself. Settings within the layer that are "reset to default" will use the setting of the base action set.
- Action Set Layers will be available as an option to developers creating Native Steam Input API games in a future SDK.
- Transitions across action sets, layers, and mode shifts will now maintain state if applicable. As an example, if the same action/output is bound across the boundaries of these sets, rather than being un-pressed and immediately pressed on this transition, it will continue to be held if bound to a pressed button in both sets.
- Activators which have matching Activators across action set/layer/mode shift boundaries will also carry over state, so if the same activator exists across these boundaries, a "long press" which has been pressed but not yet activated will maintain timing information. Likewise, if an output is already active coming from a previous set, a long press/double press/start press etc. which would fire the same output won't be restarted across those boundaries.
- Action set/layer activation binding now fires on the activation, rather than deactivation of the input it's attached to. The old behavior helped to prevent feedback loops of action set/layer changes, but was not in line with other input. This may be a breaking change for certain configurations, as activators like long presses will engage the action set change when the activator activates instead of when the button is released after activating, but it also matches behavior of all other bindings and fixes a number of issues with regards to various activation types. Prevention of feedback loops is now handled automatically, buttons which share action set changes on the same input will not fire when entering the new set/layer.
- Fixed using On-Screen Keyboard on desktop Steam Login Screen
- Fixed DS4 Gyro when streaming over a Steam Link
- Fixed modeshifts not properly reconciling held bindings
- Fixed incorrect battery readings from third-party controllers
- Fixed activators from different inputs being able to interrupt each other
- Fixed missing Calibrate button under Steam controller settings when multiple controllers are plugged in
- Fixed a few cases where Xbox 360 origins would not show for games using the Native API to get glyphs and text descriptions
- Fixed an issue when combining gyro input with trackpad or joystick input on Linux
- Added A/B/X/Y buttons as options for enabling gyro input
- Fixed an issue where disconnected Steam Controllers that had been connected via the wireless receiver could continue to show up as connected
- On Windows, Xbox controllers not present in our current USB VID/PID Whitelist will now be detected as Xbox controllers and will fall back to using the “Xbox Configuration Support” checkbox instead of “Generic Gamepad Support”. The list of officially support Xbox and PS4 controllers can be found here on our support website. If you have a controller that is missing from this list please report it in the Steam Controller bug reports forum

Steam 04.10.2017
- Fixed color distortion issue when recording from an ultra-wide monitor

Steam 27.09.2017
- Re-released with additional software compatibility fixes for Windows users on September 27

Steam 07.09.2017

- Skip showing additional command line parameters if game is launched via local 3rd party tool
- Fixed forwarding command line options to running game (eg to connect to lobbies or show items)

Steam Video:
- Fix download of additional components required to playback encrypted content

Steam 28.08.2017

- Updated Web views to using CEF/Chrome version 60.0.3112.40
- Fixed an unintentional issue where Steam clients could experience sluggish frame rate if the Steam Web Helper process could not connect to our error- and crash-reporting servers
- Optimized logic for selecting the best local server to connect to on initial Steam connection or reconnect after a disconnect
- Steam will now use library folders on other drives to download game updates if the primary drive doesn ™t have enough space left
- Fixed some cases where the Steam UI would not notify users about the availability of a new Steam client update as promptly as it should
- Fixed web views that pop out in new windows sometimes failing to render
- Improved startup behavior of web views on slower machines
- Fixed a crash when launching games via steam:// links
- Fixed allowing non-Steam games to be added to Family Games if they were selected as part of a multi-selection

Big Picture:
- Fixed a bug where if you had set Big Picture to use a monitor that is no longer connected to your computer it may fail to start

In-Home Streaming:
- Added streaming audio drivers for microphone support and seamless 5.1 surround sound on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (a reboot after update may be required to activate driver installation feature)
- Added command line option -skipstreamingdrivers to skip audio driver checks if needed
- Fixed black screen or client crash when streaming from PC with NVIDIA hardware encoding to a Mac

Steam Input:
- Added Mode level Haptic Override setting to ABXY and DPad modes which can either defer haptic settings to the activators or override the setting for all activators in that mode
- Fixed a bug when adding an action set when working from a community workshop file not showing up until the configurator had be exited and re-entered
- Fixed controller detection in Final Fantasy XIII and other games
- Fixed a bug where PS4 controllers connected via streaming would be ignored due to a local instance of DS4Windows or Inputmapper
- Fixed Edit Controller Configuration option appearing for controllers which weren't opted into configuration support in desktop Steam
- Fixed a bug where natively supported games could appear to have an x-input controller connected if unused x-input bindings were in their configuration
- Fixed a bug where rumble in native SCAPI games did not respect the per game rumble settings
- Fixed a bug where some Direct Input controllers would disappear after defining their layout for the first time
- Fixed bug where controller templates for non-Steam Controllers would be duplicated in the template list
- Fixed some cases where a "Configuration disabled for unknown controller" message would be shown when trying to edit a controller configuration
- Fixed Launchers in Steam games not using the Desktop Configuration
- Fixed a bug with controller configuration conversion from one controller type to another where some modes such as DPad wouldn ™t be active after conversion
- Added support for the Desktop Configurator for when a game asks for the Configurator but the user has disabled the overlay or Big Picture overlay
- Fixed bug with On-screen Keyboard in Big Picture Mode ™s web browser losing input
- Fixed stability issue with multiple Steam Controllers being connected concurrently
- Fixed Steam Controllers staying in Lizard mode after exiting Big Picture Mode
- Fixed Lizard mode not working with Steam Controllers after pairing to a Wireless Receiver
- Fixed issue w/ Steam Controllers staying in lizard mode when reconnecting wirelessly
- Fixed some cases where Steam Controllers would not turn off due to inactivity
- Fixed bug where PS4 controllers using Bluetooth would not apply personalization or rumble
- Fixed Joysti

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