SRWare Iron (64-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page8

最新版本 XMedia Recode (64-bit)

SRWare Iron (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

SRWare Iron 64-bit 是一款瀏覽器,Google 的網絡瀏覽器 Chrome 以極快的網站渲染,圓滑的設計和創新功能而激動不已。但它也受到數據保護專家的批評,原因是創建唯一的用戶 ID 或向 Google 提交條目以提出建議。 SRWare 鐵是一個真正的選擇。該瀏覽器基於 Chromium 來源,並提供了與 Chrome 相同的功能 - 但沒有隱私的關鍵點. Iron and C... SRWare Iron (64-bit) 軟體介紹

KeePassXC 2.6.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Automatically adapt to light/dark system theme changes (Windows/macOS only)

- Show window title as tooltip on system tray
- Compress Snap release as LZO for faster initial startup
- Password generator: Set maximum selectable password length to 999

- Fix crash on app close when using SSH agent
- Fix KDF selection showing wrong item when using Argon2id
- Automatically close About dialog on database lock if it is still open
- Linux: Fix automatic launch at system startup with AppImages
- Linux: Fix click-to-move on empty area activating when using menus
- Linux: Try multiple times to show tray icon if tray is not ready yet
- macOS: Fix KeePassXC blocking clean shutdown

KeePassXC 2.6.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support Argon2id KDF
- Support XMLv2 key files

- Improve CSV Import/Export, include time fields and TOTP
- Support empty area dragging of the application window
- Display default Auto-Type sequence in preview pane
- Remove strict length limit on generated passwords
- Hide key file path by default when unlocking database
- Document browser extension use with Edge in managed mode
- Windows: Prevent clipboard history and cloud sync
- macOS: Update the application icon to Big Sur styling

- Re-select previously selected entry on database unlock
- Properly save special character choice in password generator
- Fix crash in browser integration with multiple similar entries
- Remove offset on username field in classic theme
- Ensure entry history is copied when drag/dropping entries and groups
- Close modal dialogs when database is locked
- Prevent crash when KeeShare modifies an entry that is currently being edited
- Improve preview of entry attributes
- Always activate/focus database open dialog preventing mistype
- Reports: fix calculation of average password length
- Linux: Delay startup on login to correct tray icon issues

Wondershare UniConverter 查看版本資訊


Resolume Arena 7.3.1 rev 73084 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This Deck, and This layer shortcuts disappear after some time, switching decks, or adding layers
- Shortcut mapping group columns selects multiple columns

Resolume Arena 7.3.1 rev 72951 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- 14778 Acuarela effect can not be found in composition
- 14790 Acuarela destroys alpha channel
- 14779 Text renderers render lines with an offset, sizing text moves vertical line center
- 14783 Can't shortcut map crossfader
- 14785 Cue point set button shortcuts no worky

Fix List:
- 14374 Prores renders are not recognized properly by Adobe
- 14414 Infinite Zoom effect needs a reset button
- 14430 This Clip shortcuts show like they are not assigned any more after adding layers, weirdly they still work
- 14494 Speed(multiplier) slider of transport can be changed with scroll wheel when mouse is over
- 14499 Soft edge parameters should hide when soft edge is off
- 14566 Keyboard shortcut in Value mode sets param both on key down and key up
- 14624 "This..." Midi shortcuts break after a few triggers in 7.3.1
- 14717 Crash loading composition with envelope end point moved from range end
- 14730 Crash changing layer/column/clip color via top layer menu
- 14731 Crash setting mask effect Image parameter to Timeline
- 14733 Crash when dragging envelope end keyframe

Resolume Arena 7.3.1 rev 72880 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Prores renders are not recognized properly by Adobe
- Infinite Zoom effect needs a reset button
- This Clip shortcuts show like they are not assigned any more after adding layers, weirdly they still work
- Speed(multiplier) slider of transport can be changed with scroll wheel when mouse is over
- Soft edge parameters should hide when soft edge is off
- Keyboard shortcut in Value mode sets param both on key down and key up
- "This..." Midi shortcuts break after a few triggers in 7.3.1
- Crash loading composition with envelope end point moved from range end
- Crash changing layer/column/clip color via top layer menu
- Crash setting mask effect Image parameter to Timeline
- Crash when dragging envelope end keyframe

WordPress 5.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Greater layout flexibility:
- Bring your stories to life with more tools that let you edit your layout with or without code. Single column blocks, designs using mixed widths and columns, full-width headers, and gradients in your cover block—make small changes or big statements with equal ease!

More block patterns:
- In some themes, preconfigured block patterns make setting up standard pages on your site a breeze. Let the power of patterns streamline your workflow and save you clicks. Plus, share these features with clients, editors, and more.

Better video captioning:
- To help you add subtitles or captions to your videos, you can now upload them within your post or page. This makes it easier than ever to make your videos accessible for anyone who needs or prefers to use subtitles.

Twenty Twenty-One is here:
- Twenty Twenty-One is a blank canvas for your ideas, and the block editor is the best brush. It is built for the block editor and packed with brand-new block patterns you can only get in the default themes. Try different layouts in a matter of seconds, and let the theme’s eye-catching, yet timeless design make your work shine.
- What’s more, this default theme puts accessibility at the heart of your website. It conforms to the WordPress accessibility-ready guidelines and addresses several more specialized standards from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at level AAA. It will help you meet the highest level of international accessibility standards when you create accessible content and choose plugins which are accessible too!

A rainbow of soft pastels:
- Perfect for a new year, Twenty Twenty-One gives you a range of pre-selected color palettes in pastel, all of which conform to AAA standards for contrast. You can also choose your own background color for the theme, and the theme chooses accessibility-conscious text colors for you — automatically!
- Need more flexibility than that? You can also choose your own color palette from the color picker

Improvements for everyone:
Expanding auto-updates:
- For years, only developers have been able to update WordPress automatically. But now you have that option, right in your dashboard. If this is your first site, you have auto-updates ready to go, right now! Upgrading an existing site? No problem! Everything is the same as it was before.

Accessibility Statement:
- Even if you’re not an expert, you can start letting others know about your site’s commitment to accessibility! The new feature plugin includes template copy for you to edit and publish, and it’s written to support different contexts and jurisdictions.

Built-in Patterns:
- If you’ve not had the chance to play with block patterns yet, all default themes now feature a range of block patterns that let you master complex layouts with minimal effort. Customize the patterns to your liking with the copy, images, and colors that fit your story or brand.

For developers:
REST API authentication with Application Passwords:
- Thanks to the API’s new Application Passwords authorization feature, third-party apps can connect to your site seamlessly and securely. This new REST API feature lets you see what apps are connecting to your site and control what they do.

More PHP 8 support:
- 5.6 marks the first steps toward WordPress Core support for PHP 8. Now is a great time to start planning how your WordPress products, services, and sites can support the latest PHP version. For more information about what to expect next, read the PHP 8 developer note.

- Updates to jQuery in WordPress take place across three releases 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7. As we reach the mid-point of this process, run the update test plugin to check your sites for errors ahead of time
- If you find issues with the way your site looks ( e.g. a slider doesn’t work, a button is stuck — that sort of thing), install the jQuery Migrate plugin

Flutter 1.22.4 查看版本資訊


Resolume Arena 7.3.0 rev 72441 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Version 7.3.0 has start options for parameter animations. You can now determine when a parameter animation starts and re-triggers as well as playing BPM parameter animations out of the global BPM phase. 7.3.0 also contains two new generators; Abstract Field and Tunnelines. A picture in picture mixer (PiP). Two new effects; Acuarela and Tilt Shift. And of course, as usual, a lot of small bug fixes.
- Parameter Start Settings
- When you set a parameter to animate on a Timeline or BPM Sync you now have some extra options to determine when exactly it is started and re-triggered. What this does exactly is hard to describe in words, but we tried anyway here. It's best shown by example so checkout the video that explains it all.

Upgraded FFGL to v2.2:
- With FFGL version 2.2 developers can more easily debug their plugins and group parameters together. All details are on our GitHub repo

Backwards Compatibility:
- Compositions saved in version 7.3.0 are not fully backwards compatible with older versions like 7.2.1 This is not usually a problem but you should be aware of this when for instance sharing a composition with others. Once saved in 7.3.0 you should always open in 7.3.0 (or higher).
- New Effects & Generators

Resolume Arena 7.3.0 rev 72365 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash Increasing Audio buffer size with EQ VST on composition
- Crash right clicking on clip while deck still loading
- Crash trying to render clip with missing tracks
- Crash trying to add fixture to copied v6 fixtures
- Crash on render when antivirus blocks Resolume access to rendering folder
- Crash changing NDI resolution
- Popups & menus getting stuck sometimes
- UI stops responding on clip transition with lots of video routers/effect clips
- UI hangs with many Video routers when I crank the composition speed
- Renders of BPM synced loops are jumpy, first/last frames of file is a duplicate of the second/last but one
- Playing motion jpeg at odd resolution shows skewed
- Files with apostrophe and & in name are not reconnected loading a collected composition
- Undoing effect move can leave param assigned to dashboard where effect was moved from
- Paste effects leaves clip position and dashboard assignments for params disconnected
- Soft edge parameters are not reloaded properly on restart
- Soft edge Black level compensation is applied when Soft edge is off
- Removing a clip in Alley sets list position below playing clip
- Don't convert custom OSC Output Address to lowercase
- Add Save and Quit option to quit confirmation
- Audio effect renaming
- Copy new factory (default) presets to Documents folder
- Reveal In Finder for Envelope and Color Palette presets in Preset Manager Window not working
- Layer mixer parameters don't reconnect to Transition phase and dashboard on composition open