SRWare Iron (64-bit)

最新版本 KeePassXC 2.5.0 (64-bit)

KeePassXC 2.5.0 (64-bit)

KeePassXC 2.5.0 (64-bit)
SRWare Iron 64-bit 是一款瀏覽器,Google 的網絡瀏覽器 Chrome 以極快的網站渲染,圓滑的設計和創新功能而激動不已。但它也受到數據保護專家的批評,原因是創建唯一的用戶 ID 或向 Google 提交條目以提出建議。 SRWare 鐵是一個真正的選擇。該瀏覽器基於 Chromium 來源,並提供了與 Chrome 相同的功能 - 但沒有隱私的關鍵點.

Iron and Chrome 的隱私保護:

Google Chrome 的副本包含一個生成的安裝號碼,將被發送到谷歌在安裝和第一次使用後。當 Chrome 第一次檢查更新時,它會被刪除。如果 Chrome 是作為促銷活動的一部分收到的,則可能會生成一個唯一的促銷號碼,該號碼會在首次運行並首次使用谷歌 Chrome 時發送給 Google.

不存在於 Iron .

根據配置的不同,每次你在地址欄中放一些東西,這些信息都會發送給 Google 提供建議。

不存在 Iron.

根據配置,如果您在地址欄中鍵入了一個錯誤的地址,這將發送給 Google,並且您會收到來自 Google 服務器的錯誤消息。

不存在 Iron.


也可用:下載 SRWare Iron for Mac


檔案版本 KeePassXC 2.5.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 KeePassXC-2.5.0-Win64.msi
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 SRWare
更新日期 2019-10-27

What's new in this version:

- Add 'Paper Backup' aka 'Export to HTML file' to the 'Database' menu
- Add statistics panel with information about the database (number of entries, number of unique passwords, etc.) to the Database Settings dialog
- Add offline user manual accessible via the 'Help' menu
- Add support for importing 1Password OpVault files
- Implement secret storage DBus protocol so that KeePassXC can be used as a vault service by libsecret
- Add support for OnlyKey as an alternative to YubiKeys (requires yubikey-personalization >= 1.20.0)
- Add group sorting feature
- Add feature to download favicons for all entries at once
- Add word case option to passphrase generator
- Add support for RFC6238-compliant TOTP hashes
- Add UNIX man page for main program
- Add 'Monospaced font' option to the notes field
- Add support for key files in auto open
- Add search field for filtering entries in Auto-Type dialog
- Complete usernames based on known usernames from other entries
- Parse hyperlinks in the notes field of the entry preview pane
- Allow abbreviation of field names in entry search
- Allow setting group icons recursively
- Add copy context menu for username and password in Auto-Type dialog
- Drop to background after copying a password to the clipboard
- Add 'Lock databases' entry to tray icon menu
- Add option to minimize window after unlocking
- Add option to minimize window after opening a URL
- Request accessibility permissions for Auto-Type on macOS
- Browser: Add initial support for multiple URLs
- Browser: Add entry-specific browser integration settings
- CLI: Add offline HIBP checker (requires a downloaded HIBP dump)
- CLI: Add 'flatten' option to the 'ls' command
- CLI: Add password generation options to Add and Edit commands
- CLI: Add XML import
- CLI: Add CSV export to the 'export' command
- CLI: Add -y --yubikey option for YubiKey
- CLI: Add --dry-run option for merging databases
- CLI: Add group commands (mv, mkdir and rmdir)
- CLI: Add interactive shell mode command open

- Redesign database unlock dialog
- Rework the entry preview panel
- Move notes to General tab on Group Preview Panel
- Enable entry actions when editing an entry and cleanup entry context menu
- Improve detection of external database changes
- Warn if user is trying to use a KDBX file as a key file
- Add option to disable KeePassHTTP settings migrations prompt
- Re-enabled Wayland support (no Auto-Type yet)
- Add icon to 'Toggle Window' action in tray icon men
- Merge custom data between databases only when necessary
- Improve various file-handling related issues when picking files using the system's file dialog
- Add 'New Entry' context menu when no entries are selected
- Reduce default Argon2 settings from 128 MiB and one thread per CPU core to 64 MiB and two threads to account for lower-spec mobile hardware
- Browser: Remove unused 'Remember' checkbox for HTTP Basic Auth
- Browser: Show database name when pairing with a new browser
- Browser: Show URL in allow access dialog
- CLI: The password length option -l for the CLI commands Add and Edit is now -L
- CLI: The -u shorthand for the --upper password generation option has been renamed to -U
- CLI: Rename command extract to export

- Improve accessibility for assistive technologies
- Correctly unlock all databases if --pw-stdin is provided
- Fix password generator issues with special characters
- Fix KeePassXC interrupting shutdown procedure
- Fix password visibility toggle button state on unlock dialog
- Fix potential data loss if database is reloaded while user is editing an entry
- Fix hard-coded background color in search help popup
- Fix font choice for password preview
- Fix handling of read-only files when autosave is enabled
- Handle symlinks correctly when atomic saves are disabled
- Enable HighDPI icon scaling on Linux
- Make Auto-Type on macOS more robust and remove old Carbon API calls
- Hide Share tab if KeePassXC is compiled without KeeShare support and other minor KeeShare improvements
- Correctly bring window to the front when clicking tray icon on macOS
- Correct application shortcut created by MSI Installer on Windows
- Fix crash when removing custom data
- Fix placeholder resolution in URLs
- Fix various inconsistencies and platform-dependent compilation bugs
- Browser: Fix potential leaking of entries through the browser integration API if multiple databases are opened
- Browser: Fix password entropy calculation
- Browser: Fix Windows registry settings for portable installation

KeePassXC 2.5.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料