SpiderOak Semaphor (64-bit)

最新版本 WebStorm 2018.1.3

WebStorm 2018.1.3

WebStorm 2018.1.3
SpiderOak Semaphor  64 位是一個加密的群聊& 文件共享軟件為您的團隊,朋友或家人!電子郵件糟透了,合作搖滾。更快的上傳,分享& 搜索比其他人。離線模式。移動電話& 桌面。無密碼設計。無與倫比的隱私.

隱私並不是信號唯一的保證。無論您是忙於一個項目,組織一個活動,還是圍繞一個特殊主題進行討論,請使用 SpiderOak Semaphor 來幫助。開始創建盡可能多的團隊和渠道,只要你想。然後邀請你的朋友,家人或同事。開始溝通和安全合作。 (再見電子郵件!)你甚至可以創建自己的個人頻道,保存筆記,鏈接,文件,想法和任何你可能需要的東西。您永遠不需要再次通過電子郵件發送給自己.

Semaphor 從無密碼設計到快速文件共享,是唯一一款從隱私和安全角度構建的群聊應用程序。使用 Semaphor,您永遠不必記住密碼,預加密敏感文檔或擔心第三方閱讀您的消息。只有您和您選擇分享的人才能看到您的數據。沒有其他人.

Semaphor 從第一天起保留你的談話和數據。如果您需要返回並找到文件或對話,請使用搜索欄— 即使你沒有連接到互聯網。標準賬戶和專業賬戶可以訪問無限制的會話記錄。由於 SpiderOak Semaphor 是一個下載到您的設備,而不是在網絡瀏覽器中的應用程序,搜索是瘋狂的快速。如果你讓我們反對比賽,我們會打倒他們。在您的設備上作為應用程序的其他額外津貼包括多文件上傳,並發下載(您甚至可以在上傳完成之前開始下載文件)。大文件支持高達 2GB.

無論您正在處理或搜索什麼內容,您都可以在移動設備或桌面上保持高效工作。解鎖無限的搜索歷史只需 $ 9 / month.

注意:30 天試用版.


檔案版本 WebStorm 2018.1.3

檔案名稱 WebStorm-2018.1.3.exe
檔案大小 183 MB
系統 Windows XP 64 / Vista 64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 SpiderOak Inc.
官網 暫無資訊
更新日期 2018-05-09

What's new in this version:

WebStorm 2018.1.3 Build 181.4892.44
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.1.2 Build 181.4668.60
- Change log not available for this version

WebStorm 2018.1.1 Build 181.4445.68

- Better support for Yarn workspaces: WebStorm now provides proper code completion for the dependencies listed in the workspace’s package.json
- In the JavaScript and TypeScript code style settings you can now configure whether to add file extensions in imports or not
- The bundled TypeScript package has been updated to version 2.8
- Stylelint now works in the Vue single-file components and the HTML files

- Move statement up and down now works for the JSX code (Shift-Cmd-Up/Down on macOS or Ctrl-Shift-Up/Down on Windows and Linux)
- The code completion for methods and properties defined in the CommonJS modules has been improved
- The problem with editing the Pug files is now fixed
- There is more about some of the improvements below

Support for Yarn workspaces:
- Yarn workspaces help you organize multiple packages into a single repo. When using Yarn workspaces, the dependencies of all the packages are installed together and are put into the node_modules folder at the root of your project and not next to the package.json file of each workspace

WebStorm 2017.3.3 Build 173.4301.22
- Responses from the new REST Client are now formatted automatically
- Node.js debugger now supports –experimental-modules flag

- False positive errors from the eslint-plugin-import ESLint plugin were fixed
- Debug for apps created with Angular CLI 1.5.5+
- Debugging the app’s main process with Electron 1.8.1+
- Meteor debugger now uses –inspect by default

WebStorm 2017.3.1 Build 173.3942.31
- Support for Fragments in React 16.2
- Configuration for the auto-completion after the = sign in JSX attributes is now available in the HTML Code Style preferences
- Customizable syntax highlighting for TypeScript decorators
- Extended error messages in the Flow tool window
- New option "Start template string interpolation on $"

- Unresolved React props when using @types/react
- Slow code completion for CSS classes in HTML files
- Optimize imports in Vue files
- Updating tasks from the issue trackers in the IDE
- Extend selection inside the script tag

WebStorm 2017.3 Build 173.3727.108
- Enjoy improved code completion and documentation for standard JavaScript objects and methods
- Move class methods up the class hierarchy safely with the new ‘Pull member up’ refactoring
- Use the new ‘Extract type’ and ‘Extract interface’ refactorings in TypeScript
- Enjoy better code completion and navigation and new code snippets for Vue.js
- Run tests with Jest in watch mode, update failing snapshots in one click, and explore code coverage reports in the IDE
- Test REST APIs right from the editor

WebStorm 2018.1.3 相關參考資料
2018.1.3 | IntelliJ IDEA Blog - JetBrains Blog

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.3 with a bunch of bug fixes and small improvements is now available for download on our website and in Toolbox App. Let's take a look at ...


Download IntelliJ IDEA: The Java IDE for Professional ...

Download IntelliJ IDEA. WindowsMacLinux. Ultimate. For web and enterprise development. Email me the link. Free trial. Community. For JVM and Android ...


Download WebStorm: The Smartest JavaScript IDE by JetBrains

WebStorm is a powerful IDE for modern JavaScript development, perfectly ... Get the Toolbox App to download WebStorm and its future updates with ease.


IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.3 is released! | IntelliJ IDEA Blog

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.3 with a bunch of bug fixes and small improvements is now available for download on our website and in Toolbox App.


Other Versions - IntelliJ IDEA - JetBrains

Code-centric IDE, focused on your productivity. Full Java EE support, deep code understanding, best debugger, refactorings, everything right out of the box...


Other Versions - PyCharm Edu - JetBrains

2018.1.3 for Linux (tar.gz) · 2018.1.3 for Windows (exe) · 2018.1.3 for macOS (dmg). Version: 2018.1.3 (Release notes). Build: 181.5087.54. Released: June 19 ...


Other Versions - WebStorm

WebStorm is a powerful IDE for modern JavaScript development, perfectly equipped for building applications with React, Angular, Vue.js and Node.js.


Previous Releases - ReSharper - JetBrains

2018.1.4 for Windows (exe), August 1, 2018. 2018.1.3 for Windows (exe), July 4, 2018. 2018.1.2 for Windows (exe), May 30, 2018. 2018.1.1 for Windows (exe) ...


WebStorm 2018.1.3 is now available | WebStorm Blog

WebStorm 2018.1.3 also brings updated code completion suggestions for the TSLint rules. Please see the Release Notes for a full list of all the ...


WebStorm 2018.1.3 新增与Angular 6 支持相关的改进- OSCHINA

WebStorm 2018.1.3 已发布,请使用Toolbox App 或IDE 进行更新,或直接下载WebStorm 2018.1.3。 官方的发布公告显示,本次更新添加了许多 ...
