Slack for Windows

最新版本 Slack for Windows 3.1.1

Slack for Windows 3.1.1

Slack for Windows 3.1.1
Slack for Windows 把你所有的溝通都集中在一個地方。這是實時消息傳遞,歸檔和搜索現代團隊。不僅僅是你的信息,而且你所有的文件,圖像,PDF,文檔和電子表格都可以直接放入 Slack 中,並與你想要的任何人共享。添加評論,明星供以後參考,並且它是完全可搜索的。如果您使用 Google 雲端硬盤,Dropbox 或 Box 等任何服務,只需粘貼該鏈接即可立即同步搜索該文檔。下載用於 PC 的 Slack Offline Installer 安裝程序!

連接您使用 Slack 的所有工具,並避免所有應用程序之間的不斷切換。設置您的集成,以便您可以直接在 Slack 中獲取所有通知(從支持請求,代碼簽入和錯誤日誌到銷售線索),所有這些通知都可以在一個中央檔案庫中搜索.

Slack 中的所有內容,消息,通知,文件,所有— 會自動編入索引並存檔,以便隨時隨地獲得。 Slack for Windows 也索引每個文件的內容,所以你可以搜索 PDF 文件,Word 文檔,谷歌文檔,等等。通過一個搜索框和一組強大的搜索運算符,您可以在通信中切分和切換一條消息。haystack.

在公開頻道中組織您的團隊對話。為一個項目,一個主題,一個團隊或任何其他事物建立一個渠道 - 每個人都可以透明地了解所有正在進行的活動.


要直接與同事聯繫,請向他們發送直接信息。這是完全私人和安全的。下載 slack 離線安裝程序安裝程序的 PC!

也可用:下載 Slack for Mac


檔案版本 Slack for Windows 3.1.1

檔案名稱 SlackSetup.exe
檔案大小 69.9 MB
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Slack Technologies Inc
更新日期 2018-04-03

What's new in this version:

Slack for Windows 3.1.1
- Bug Fixes: We got so excited about your emoji we kept requesting them, particularly at the moment you switched channels. This caused all manner of slowness. We've since bottled our enthusiasm, and now request emoji exactly one (1) time

Slack for Windows 3.1.0

- We’re using a new font for Japanese. It’s clearer, more legible, and goes well with aubergine. (Which is the default color of your sidebar. As well as a vegetable)
- Sometimes Slack takes too long to start up. If that happens, a) we’re sorry that it does, but b) you’ll now see a link with some helpful troubleshooting ideas
- When a file’s done downloading, a new notification will dutifully let you know
- If you’ve asked Slack to launch right when your computer turns on, Slack now does so much more quietly — with less extraneous loading screen action, and fewer fanfares
- For Windows 10 users, we now offer the option to disable hardware acceleration. If you’re seeing glitchy graphics and other unpleasantness, try toggling this option to on

- Badges about unread messages would linger on the dock icon, even after said messages had been read. These badges will linger no more
- Slack would occasionally crash when it wasn’t allowed to put files in the Temp folder. Now, it will simply use the Downloads folder, instead
- Some users who clicked on a magic link were not taken to their workspace. We have set our cauldrons to a slow simmer and magic links should now work as expected
- When trying to connect via a proxy, Slack no longer refuses to load
- Sometimes, during a support conversation, we’d ask you to reset your app data with the click of a button. Clicking this button will now actually reset all the necessary data, rather than some. Which is good for everyone
- Now you can download a file from Slack, delete it, and then download it again. If that seems like the way the Slack should’ve always worked, well, you aren’t wrong
- Right clicking “something” and choosing “Search with Google” had a tendency to search for “so”, “me”, or “thing.” It will now search for the entire text. So if you really do want to Google “something” (or something else), we’ll have your back
- Images sometimes were appearing in notifications, contrary to the wishes of those who had chosen to hide message previews. This is now fixed, your wishes respected
- Clicking the close, minimize, and maximize buttons would occasionally do nothing at all. You can now close, minimize, or, preferably, maximize Slack
- If you dismiss a tooltip, it will leave promptly and politely
- Previously, Slack would override a system’s TEMP variable. If you know what that means, know now that it is fixed
- Some anti-virus software had become overly suspicious of Slack. We are not a virus, and we’ll do better about letting your anti-virus software know
- If you’ve chosen to disable hardware acceleration, we’ll also put the brakes on a few other visual flourishes, particularly around notifications. This decelerates the desirable parts further, making the worse things better and the people happier

Slack for Windows 3.0.5
- Bug Fixes: Another important security update. See? We told you they were all important

Slack for Windows 3.0.3
Bug Fixes:
- On some Windows 7 systems, Slack kept Windows from shutting down without making a fuss. It’ll now let your system shut down in peace.
- When Windows had trouble showing your notification, Slack would panic and crash. It’ll stop doing that.
- An important security update. Security updates are always important. This is one of those.

Slack for Windows 3.0.0
- When you’re in a lot of workspaces, the app now uses much less memory, and starting up is faster, to boot
- And flipping between those workspaces is now faster. Not super-sonic, but certainly somewhere between a jiffy and lickety-split
- We shunted the sign-in page out of the app — it's now rerouted to a new window, for reasons of reliability
- A new-fangled lock badge subtly lets you know which workspaces you're currently signed out of. Or of which you're currently signed out. Either way
- Our start up screen, spruced-up and slimmed-down, is worth a gander — as is the helpful way that dates now stick to the top of a channel while scrolling through messages. Though if you don't notice them, but quietly feel a little bit happier for reasons you can't put your finger on, that's cool too

- It’s been a long time coming but brings us joy to say: 100% less reloading during drag and drop. How much? 100%. That's all the percents, people. Sorry about the previous frustration
- For those encountering a screen claiming "Something’s not working", it turns out the main thing not working was this screen: it is no more
- If you kept the app running for a long time, you might be on the receiving end of two consecutive updates. Now good things come to those who wait, one-at-a-time, as is proper
- The sidebar now scoots considerately out of the way when viewing full-screen video
- We fixed exiting full-screen video when pressing the aptly-named “Escape” key
- The blackout caused by a window being closed while full-screen, with one request confoundingly eclipsing the other, has been sunsetted
- Found: One missing Ctrl-1 / Cmd-1 hotkey. Please call 1-800-SLACKME to claim. Don't actually call that. It doesn't do anything. Unlike the hotkey (now)
- And finally, sometimes selecting text in the search box would move the window around. You could say… it was a bit of a drag
- For the Windows Store folks: say howdy to genuine auto-launch support
- Remedied: A crash on Windows 10 when an Action Center notification contained special characters
- Speaking of notifications, we ferreted out a few cases where sounds were not playing or profile images were missing, and righted them
- If you connected a secondary display, then later disconnected it only to find Slack missing offscreen, you’re in luck. This version is less jumpy

Slack for Windows 2.8.2
- A small release containing nothing but another Electron update, this one better than the last

Slack for Windows 2.8.1
- Previously in Slack app releases: we fixed the Japanese input in 2.6.3. Then we re-broke it in 2.8.0. And now it’s fixed again. Stay tuned for the next thrilling installment
- Added bonus: An Electron update improving security. A precautionary measure, but it’s always good to be up to date

Slack for Windows 2.8.0
What's New:
- Support for a top secret, very hush-hush, highly classified and very exciting new feature that we wish we could call by name, but we cannot
- All mentions of “team” have been changed to “workspace” when referring to the app, though not when referring to the people in it. You create a workspace. You invite people from your team. Simple!
- You can now configure the language used by the spellchecker in Preferences to be the language you wish to spell correctly
- You can now configure your delivery method of choice for notifications (build-in, Action Center, Action Center Abbreviated), in addition to being able to configure the position of those notifications (again)

- Fixed: A few rare crashes when making a call and/or screen sharing on a call are now, we believe, on the brink of extinction - or possibly, we hope, gone forever
- Fixed: An issue where the app would hang if your OS reported that you were in certain timezones
- Fixed: You may have been running into a `Something's Not Working` screen when waking your computer from sleep. Turns out the thing not working was that. So we fixed it
- Fixed: Windows Action Center notifications were bright red for some reason: they are now less red
- Fixed: Notification sounds would sometimes play twice. Notification sounds will no longer play twice

Slack for Windows 2.7.1
- You're nearly finished signing in when suddenly – bonk – you're brought back to the first page. Hey, what gives? Please accept our apologies and, in this version, 100% less bonking

- Ding. Ba-dum tsss. Plink. Boing. Hummus. We know you've been missing all of these sounds, so we wrote them down for you. The app should play them more often now, too

Slack for Windows 2.7.0
- File downloads are now pausable and – in perhaps a master stroke of matchmaking – resumable too
- A bevy of changes to make the app more keyboard navigable
- We’ve adjusted the app icon, but just a skosh. Putting our best foot forward
- Should the worst happen and the app fail to load, you'll see a less dreadful error page and perhaps even a code you can share

- On Windows 7, notifications have been made more reliable, at the expense of a preference: you’ll no longer be able to customize their position on-screen
- On Windows 10, we’ve negotiated a truce between notifications and your antivirus. This will keep notifications appearing in a timely manner. They’ll play whatever sound you’ve told them to play more reliably, too
- The team sidebar is no longer touch-challenged. Tap, flick, and drag teams to your heart’s content
- Cancelling a running download is 38% less crashy. For when you decide you didn’t need that third gif after all
- We spliced some wires we shouldn’t have, causing a loading screen to flash briefly after signing into a team. Now it’s as it should be
- Those little white dots in the team sidebar that let you know when you have messages to read? They’re no longer obscured when the app is maximized

Slack for Windows 2.6.5
- The certificate used by Windows to confirm that Slack is truly from Slack expires on September 14, 2017. Since Slack is 100% from Slack, and it would be ridiculous to think otherwise, we got it re-certified. That's literally all that's changed.

Slack for Windows 2.6.3
- Fixed: Sometimes if you changed networks, we used to rouse from sleep in a bit of a daze, greeting you with a blank screen. Now, we awaken bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Or at the very least, with your team displayed
- Fixed: Where, in rare cases, some external links didn't end up pointing to the right place when you clicked them, they now do
- Fixed: Video playback should now be much smoother, and nicer to your network
- Fixed: On certain keyboard layouts, hitting backspace didn't actually delete the last character, which was a surprise, but a surprise of the lesser kind - there is now one fewer lesser surprise

Slack for Windows 2.6.2
- Fixed: Unexplainably, context menus and spell-check stopped working in some teams. OK: we have an explanation but we'd rather not discuss it. It's embarrassing. Rest easy knowing that it's fixed here

Slack for Windows 2.6.0
What's New:
- We revamped video calls, making the experience more intuitive, and more attractive. As a bonus, they're more resource efficient and now let you change audio devices during a call. If that's the kind of thing you need to do.
- Remove thine shackles from thine eyes, and behold: gloriously legible text, regardless of your display scaling!
- We'll no longer clear notifications from the Action Center automatically, but if you're on the Windows Creators Update we'll bundle them up so that it's easier for you to do.

- A rare bug that turned Slack into a process hydra: receiving notifications or switching channels would spawn new processes seemingly without end.
- The Launch on login preference should be more reliable this time around (for the technically inclined: it now uses the registry instead of a Startup shortcut).
- We paved over a series of potholes that were strewn about the app, making crashes far less likely.
- Should you ever wish to say goodbye to one of your teams, a right-click > Remove from the sidebar will do the trick now more reliably than before.
- Switching teams using the numbered shortcuts is noticeably faster. We would say "37%" if we were forced to put a number on it. Fortunately, we aren't, and we won't.
- Opening a context menu won't freeze videos or gifs playing in the app.
- We dusted off the cobwebs in the app menu and composted a few menu items that weren't useful when signed into one team.
- The default window size is a smidgen larger. You won't notice, because your window will keep being the same size it's always been. That's just the way it is, and we don't want it to change.
- Our spellchecker would occasionally mark correctly spelled words as incorrect. It had ONE job. It now performs it.
- With surgical precision, we cut out the frame border that appeared when the app window was maximized.

Slack for Windows 2.5.2
- We made the act of signing in more reliable for teams using SSO
- It transpired that folks who downloaded our installer from were added to the beta program. If you wanted to be in the beta, you would have said so
- For the times when Slack just... doesn't: try Help > Clear Cache and Restart. It has all the nougaty goodness of Reset App Data, without the stale aftertaste of losing your teams

Slack for Windows 2.5.1
What's New:
- We tried to imagine a centralized location that made it easy to put Slack onto a bunch of Windows computers all at once. Then realised we were imagining the Windows Store. So we put the app in there instead. It made so much more sense
- The way we load teams you don’t view often has been changed to improve the memory footprint of the app. One day, it will be a pitter patter of tiny footprints. For now, it’s a tad slower, a little less hefty, and a lot more attractive. Think “brontosaurus in a nice hat.”
- Folks consistently unable to load the app will now be greeted by a troubleshooting page that offers suggestions on making their situation better. (Spoiler: it's usually to do with over-zealous antivirus software)
- Those pasting text with style into a Post then finding their text to have "no style" can now Paste & Match Style under the Edit menu
- You can see our Help Center documentation in – of all places – the Help menu. The almost over-intuitively named Open Help Center item will be your friend
- Spellcheck support for three (세!) additional languages; writers of Korean, Portugese (Brazilian), and Albanian type a little easier

- Waking Slack after hibernation or a system crash occasionally found all your teams missing. Thank you for your patience, and sorry for the inconvenience; it no longer should
- Some bold explorers moved their user profile off of the default drive (C:) and started the app to find nothing but a cryptic error message. We weren't prepared for this boldness, but have since girded our loins. Fine, explorers: Set your profiles free
- A rare bug where team icons shuffled out of formation in the sidebar. They're more stoic and sticky and as a bonus, rearranging them is smoother
- On Windows, a handful of zoom-based glitches: borders inappropriately sized, taskbars jumping around. All of that? Smoothed
- Customers typing in languages that use IME composition (Korean, for example) will find that the message input is 82% stickier
- In a truly McGyver maneuver, we applied an additional layer of duct tape around Windows 10 notifications. Literal duct tape. Ask no questions

Slack for Windows 2.4.1
What's New:
- The shades of gray in our menu bar were so 1992 — they didn't match any of our outfits. So: we went shopping for a new window frame. This one matches your theme, and comes with a free hamburger menu!
- We discovered that removing a bunch of unnecessary processes improved app startup time. Who knew? Less really is more. Or at least, less is more-faster. Or should that be fewer? Whatever: It's better
- We simplified the way we remember your teams and app settings. This shouldn't affect much, aside from some bugs wherein we forgot your teams or app settings, which are now fixed
- For the savvy troubleshooter, a new tool: Help > Show Logs in Explorer will package up some app diagnostic files, should you ever need them

- Our zoom levels now match the Chrome browser, so you should feel right at home (so long as your home is Chrome)
- An infrequent crash when quitting the app has been dispatched
- A slightly more frequent crash while checking for updates; eliminated
- Signing out of teams from the right-click menu is 46.8% more reliable
- And finally, if you had multiple displays, new windows (such as a call or a Post) would appear on the primary display instead of the display that Slack was on. Rather than submit this to a physics journal for peer review, we decided to fix it. All is as it should be

Slack for Windows 2.3.4
- Fixed: There was a small bug in Calls. We don’t think you saw it, but we fixed it anyway

Slack for Windows 2.3.3
- Window zoom jumping back and forth? No longer–we locked it down and threw away the key
- Some folks on Windows 10 were beset by lag when switching channels, making the app unresponsive in the best case and altogether frozen in the worst. This update should thaw them out

Slack for Windows 2.3.2
- Signing into a new team now gets the same pleasantly clear-eyed full screen treatment as our other dialogs
- You're now able to approve deep links from other apps. And then, with a full heart (and a click of your magical computer arrow) open them
- Notifications will show up on time, every time. Can't lose

- If you're using NTLM or basic authentication to sign into a team, you'll be relieved to find that your credentials work. Good as new!
- Opening Slack from a Slack-flavored link (say, a magic login email) is 100% more reliable
- The window should flash when set to Idle and you receive a notification, even if you've stashed it in the tray
- Some folks were hearing the default system notification sound in addition to the sound from the app, and it wasn't just their imagination. This was confounding, and we took it out
- If you don't have a team icon set, we instead show the initials of your team name in the sidebar. Astute observers noticed that those initials were too bright when the team was not selected, and (gasp) they didn't support Unicode characters, such as emoji. All of this has been made right
- Switching teams using the quick-switcher works every time. Promise
- We turned Dropbox imports upside down, shook out a few bugs, then put them right-side up again
- Several folks mentioned that our zoom levels were not fine-grained enough. So, we made them match Chrome! You should feel right at home

Slack for Windows 2.2.1
What's New:
- Rather than reloading the whole app, View > Reload now reloads just your current team. We're pretty sure that's what you meant.
- What is that beacon of pure white light? Oh! It's the Windows 10 Action Center, with the rubbish–err, notifications–taken out. Whenever you switch channels, we'll dismiss notifications in that channel from the Action Center.
- Use Help > Report Issue to send feedback or file a bug. It attaches your log files automatically, because who has the time for attachments?
- So, you want to memorize every hotkey? Of course. Consult our ever-expanding cheatsheet, now available from Help > Keyboard Shortcuts.

- Blank white apps as a result of network troubles should be a rare circumstance. It was rare before, but now it's like, extinct. Or endangered. One of those.
- Launching the app from the Windows command prompt should work more reliably. Before it was, well... we don't want to talk about it.

Slack for Windows 3.1.1 相關參考資料
A fierce man who developed a Slack client that runs on ...

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2019年12月24日 — After all, Slack clients exist for most platforms but I'm certain one does not exist for Windows 3.1. A few months later in Dec 2019, I would join the ...

Building a new Win 3.1 app in 2019 Part 1: Slack client - Reddit

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This reminds me of my attempts to write an IRC client in an evening. Creating a native Windows app to mimic the Electron Slack client would not be a trivial task.

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Slack for Windows - Release Notes | Slack

Sometimes, you could not exit full screen mode with escape on windows, which was ... We added support for Windows 10 Focus Assist priority list. ... Slack 3.1.1.

Slack, Now On Windows 3.1 | Hackaday

2019年12月23日 — Old school Windows simply isn't capable of dealing with HTTPS, necessitating a proxy to handle the exchange of packets with Slack servers.

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A proof-of-concept Slack client for Windows for Workgroups 3.11 with tests. - yeokm1/w31slack.