
最新版本 Scala 2.13.7

Scala 2.13.7

Scala 2.13.7
Skype 是使您能夠在世界任何地方撥打免費電話的軟件。 Skype 使用 P2P(點對點)技術將您與其他用戶連接起來。它提供了幾個功能,包括 Skype 從 Skype 撥打全球的普通和移動電話,電話會議和安全的文件傳輸。您現在也可以與其他用戶共享您的屏幕。 Skype 調用專注於視頻和音頻質量,並確保與端到端的加密調用。所有你需要開始的是 Windows XP SP3,Vista,7,8 或 10,視頻通話和麥克風的網絡攝像頭。您可以點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 Skype PC 離線安裝程序.

Skype 功能:

Skype 至 Skype 調用
視頻或語音撥打世界上任何人,免費。了解 Skype 電話如何使您接近,即使是在一個群組中.


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在線觀看精彩的演示或展示使用 Skype 的簡單方法。發現與屏幕共享協作的新方法.

還提供:下載 Skype 為 Mac


檔案版本 Scala 2.13.7

檔案名稱 scala-2.13.7.msi
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Microsoft Corporation
更新日期 2021-11-02

What's new in this version:

Align with Scala 3:
- Update TASTy reader to support Scala 3.1
- Allow import x.{*, given} under -Xsource:3
- Allow case in pattern bindings even without -Xsource:3
- Deprecate top-level wildcard type parameters

JDK and Java compatibility:
- Support JDK 18
- Support JDK 16 records in Java sources
- Allow concrete private interface methods in Java sources
- Use StringConcatFactory for string concatenation on JDK 9+

Android compatibility:
- Add ClassValueCompat to support systems without java.lang.ClassValue (such as Android)
- For Android compatibility, make Statics.releaseFence() also catch NoSuchMethodException for java.lang.invoke.VarHandle.releaseFence() call

- Fix asymmetric failure behavior of Future#{zip,zipWith,traverse,sequence} by making them fail fast regardless of ordering

- Make ArrayBuffer's iterator fail fast when buffer is mutated
- Fix ArrayOps bugs (by avoiding ArraySeq#array, which does not guarantee element type)
- Deprecate IterableOps.toIterable

Other changes:
- Accept supplementary Unicode characters in identifiers
- Improve tab completion and code assist in REPL

Scala 2.13.7 相關參考資料
2.13.7 Milestone - GitHub

Scala 2 compiler and standard library. For bugs, see scala/bug - 2.13.7 Milestone · scala/scala.

All Available Versions | The Scala Programming Language

This page contains a comprehensive archive of previous Scala releases. Scala 3.1.0 · Scala 3.0.0 · Scala 3.0.1 · Scala 3.0.2 · Scala 2.13.0-M1.

Download | The Scala Programming Language

Download. Which Scala version do you want to use? You can choose between the battle tested Scala ...

Releases · scalascala - GitHub

2021年9月14日 — Scala 2 compiler and standard library. For bugs, see scala/bug - Releases · scala/scala.

Scala 2.13.0

The most popular way to get Scala is either using Scala through sbt, the Scala build tool, or to use Scala through an IDE.

Scala 2.13.3

The most popular way to get Scala is either using Scala through sbt, the Scala build tool, or to use Scala through an IDE.

Scala 2.13.7 is here! - Announce

2021年11月1日 — The Scala team at Lightbend is proud to announce Scala 2.13.7. Highlights: Support Scala 3.1 in TASTy reader Support JDK 18 Support JDK 16 ...

Scala 2.13.7 is now available!

2021年11月1日 — Highlights: Support Scala 3.1; Support JDK 18; Support JDK 16 record syntax in Java sources; Improve Android compatibility. For all the details, ...

Scala 2.13.7 release planning - Announcements

2021年8月16日 — This thread is for updates and discussions about an eventual Scala 2.13.7 release. At this time there there isn't any single issue clearly ...


Scala Standard Library 2.13.7

package root. This is the documentation for the Scala standard library. Package structure. The scala package contains core types like Int ...