
最新版本 SeaMonkey 2.39

SeaMonkey 2.39

SeaMonkey 2.39
SeaMonkey 是以前稱為“Mozilla 應用程序套件”的一體化互聯網應用程序套件,包含互聯網瀏覽器,電子郵件和電子郵件。新聞組客戶端與一個包括網絡提要閱讀器,HTML 編輯器,IRC 聊天和 Web 開發工具,SeaMonkey 肯定會吸引高級用戶,Web 開發人員和企業用戶。

SeaMonkey 套件的功能:

Sync 允許您以安全的方式在不同設備(計算機)間同步瀏覽歷史記錄,密碼,書籤,首選項和選項卡。


Session 恢復會在罕見的 SeaMonkey 崩潰事件之後帶回所有打開的窗口和標籤,如果您希望即使關閉並重新打開瀏覽器或重新啟動計算機時也是如此.

Add-ons 管理提供幾乎無限的可能性,通過安裝別人創建的附加功能來擴展您的 Internet 體驗,甚至可以自由開發自己的擴展,並將其提供給 SeaMonkey 社區的其餘部分.

當網頁提供 RSS 或 Atom 提要時,Feed 檢測會通知您 Feed 預覽功能可讓您查看其內容並選擇訂閱這些內容的閱讀器 - 包括 Mail& SeaMonkey.

Tabbed Mail 的新聞組組件允許您並行管理您的郵件和文件夾,而不會失去對閱讀,回復和使用更複雜模式的郵件時所處位置的控制.

垃圾郵件控件可幫助您恢復對電子郵件的控制來自垃圾郵件發送者的郵件 SeaMonkey 的自適應垃圾郵件控制變得更聰明與使用,並為您收到的電子郵件個性化.

Chat 這個簡單而強大的 IRC 客戶端的 IRC 網絡上。多個網絡和渠道很容易跟踪熟悉的標籤界面.

DOM Inspector 使您能夠深入到網頁,附件或甚至 SeaMonkey“鉻”本身的文檔結構,並檢查任何大量的屬性包括 JavaScript 對象和 CSS 樣式.

JavaScript 調試器(“Venkman”)可以讓你調試你的網站,附件甚至 SeaMonkey 本身的一些強大的調試工具本身的 JavaScript 代碼.

也可用:下載 SeaMonkey Mac


檔案版本 SeaMonkey 2.39

檔案名稱 SeaMonkey Setup 2.39.exe
檔案大小 34.34 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Mozilla Organization
更新日期 2015-11-09

What's new in this version:

Extensions (Add-ons) and Themes:
- Extensions installed under SeaMonkey 1.x are not migrated to SeaMonkey 2, and may not be compatible for reinstalling in this version due to major changes in our architecture. Please report any issues to the maintainer of the extension. Extensions and Themes for SeaMonkey 2.39 can be installed from the SeaMonkey Add-Ons website or the "Get Add-Ons" section in the Add-ons Manager
- Extensions with binary components such as Lightning, Enigmail and HTML Validator only work on certain platforms (e.g. Windows). Furthermore they need to be adjusted for each new SeaMonkey release, which also means that an old version of such an add-on can break SeaMonkey if you disabled compatibility checking (which e.g. happens when you install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter add-on)
- For Lightning, please check the Stable Releases section on the Calendar Versions page. Alternatively check the Lightning add-on page (Development Channel at the bottom of the page)
- For Enigmail, please refer to the Enigmail Nightly Builds page
- For HTML Validator you need to check whether the Firefox version that appears on SeaMonkey's about: page is listed on the 0.9x download page. Note that only Windows is supported at this time
- SeaMonkey 2.29 dropped support for the legacy JavaScript Debugger interface (JSD1). Hence add-ons that relied on it, like the JavaScript Debugger (Venkman) that came bundled with SeaMonkey, or Firebug 1.x, have stopped working. While Venkman has been discontinued, Firebug can simply be upgraded to a more recent version (2.x) which supports the new JSD2 interface. If you are searching for a Venkman replacement (especially for debugging SeaMonkey itself or add-ons), have a look at the Tiny JavaScript Debugger add-on

SeaMonkey 2.39 相關參考資料
Fedora 22:seamonkey-2.39-1.fc22 (2015-c7b1be8823)

概要. 遠端Fedora 主機遺漏安全性更新。 說明. 2.39 的更新,修正多種安全性問題,請參閱 瞭解 ...

Fedora 22:seamonkey-2.39-1.fc22 (2015-c7b1be8823) 相依性

遠端Fedora 主機遺漏安全性更新。 (Nessus Plugin ID 89403)

SeaMonkey 2.39

2015年11月8日 — SeaMonkey 2.39 · Official builds · Source code · Language Packs · Contributed builds (other platforms). These are unofficial builds and may be ...


SeaMonkey 2.39 Beta 1

2015年11月2日 — The README file explains how to pull SeaMonkey 2.39 Beta 1 from the source repository. Language Packs. See the activation notes for how to ...


SeaMonkey 2.39 Download

2024年3月27日 — SeaMonkey version 2.39 (seamonkey.exe) free download, latest version

SeaMonkey 2.39 Release Notes

SeaMonkey 2.39. These release notes describe system requirements, installation instructions, and known issues for SeaMonkey 2.39 up to/including SeaMonkey 2.39.


SeaMonkey - 下載

SeaMonkey is a free and open-source internet suite developed by the Mozilla Foundation. It serves as an all-in-one internet application suite that ...


SeaMonkeyFeatures2.39 - MozillaWiki

Menu Bar ... now can be hidden via menu View → Show/hide. Will reappear for 1 mouse action with <alt> key. (bug 1153577 - Users should be able to hide the ...


Dir .. File, SeaMonkey Setup 2.39.exe, 34M, 13-Feb-2023 03:25. File, seamonkey-2.39.checksums, 1K, 13-Feb-2023 03:25. File,, 44M, 13-Feb-2023 ...

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14,983 位使用者. 立即下載. 可於SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.39 使用 檢視其他版本 · ChatZilla 需要重新啟動. A clean, easy to use and highly extensible Internet Relay Chat ...