S3 Browser 歷史舊版本 Page1

最新版本 S3 Browser 10.8.1

S3 Browser 歷史版本列表

S3 Browser 是針對 Amazon S3 和 Amazon CloudFront 的免費 Windows 客戶端。 Amazon S3 提供了一個簡單的 Web 服務界面,可以隨時從 Web 上的任何位置存儲和檢索任意數量的數據。 Amazon CloudFront 是一個內容交付網絡(CDN)。它可以用來使用邊緣位置的全球網絡傳送文件。 S3 Browser 是亞馬遜 S3 服務的用戶的... S3 Browser 軟體介紹

S3 Browser 10.8.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 10.8.1
- Added support for new regions - Zurich, Spain, Jakarta, Osaka, UAE
- Improved support for S3-Compatible storages
- New option for S3-Compatible storages (optional use of Multi-Object Delete API)
- Retrieval calculator updated to reflect free GLACIER Bulk retrievals
- UI improvements and bug-fixes for to the Versioning tab
- Inernal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.7.1
- Maintenance release
- Minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.6.7
- Added support for advanced account properties
- New and improved command line interface
- MSI installer for automatic deployment
- License activation for all user profiles
- New Buckets, Copy All Files to feature
- Variuos internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.5.9
- Maintenance release
- Minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.5.7
- Added support for restore of objects archived by INTELLIGENT_TIERING
- Added support for Bucket Intelligent Tiering Configuration
- Added support for GLACIER_IR and OUTPOSTS storage classes
- Added support for Session Duration for AssumeRole/GetSessionToken accounts
- Added support for IMDSv2 for S3 via EC2 Role account type
- New filters support for the Versioning tab
- Improved the Preview feature (WebP support, XML formatting, optimizations)
- Added support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3
- Correct Content-Type for json files uploaded
- Redesigned and improved Uncompleted Multi-Part Uploads Dialog
- Minor improvements for command line sync tool (confirmation prompt)
- Other internal stability and performance improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.3.1
- Improved GovCloud support for STS based account types
- New s3_endpoint variable for S3 via Config File account type
- Improved command command line downloader
- Mintor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.3
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.1
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improments and bug-fixes
- Other internal improments and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.0.9
- Added support for multiple comma-separated display filters
- Added support for China Region specific STS endpoints
- Fixed an issue with client-side encryption for multipart uploads
- Fixed an issue with HTTP headers editor
- Restored support for uppercase letters and underscores in external buckets
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.9.7
- Added full support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C)
- Server-Side Encryption Rules for automatic SSE assignment
- Added support for Amazon S3 Default Encryption
- Added support for the S3 via GetSessionToken account type
- Added support for Default Storage Classes
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Web URL Generator
- Improvements and bug-fixes for IAM Manager
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Improvements and bug-fixes for the Versioning tab
- Improved and bug-fixes for CloudFront Manager
- Various UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability and performance improvements

S3 Browser 9.5.5
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.5.3
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.4.9
- support for s3-compatible storages (Openstack, Ceph, Minio)
- Web URL Generator (bugfixes and new Bitly options)
- Glacier restore feature (increased max restore period)
- the Preview feature (JSON formatting)
- Multipart Copy operations (tags are preserved now)
- support for object lock enabled buckets
- support for limited IAM accounts
- the Versioning support (select all non current versions)
- overall performance for many multi-file operations

- support for image/webp content type
- support for wildcards for the command line list command

- an issue with copying GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE restored objects
- an issue with command line downloader (premature exit in some cases)
- an issue with command line sync (temp files were not deleting)

- Other UI and internal improvements and bugfixes

S3 Browser 9.2.1
- Improved S3 via AssumeRole account type to work with all source accounts
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Fixed an issue with web URLs generation for HTTPS links and buckets with dots
- Added support for session tokens for CloudFront API calls
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Other various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.1.3
- Added Auto-Rename feature for existing files
- Added support for Europe (Milan) region
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Improved support for MFA protected accounts
- Improved logging and diagnostics
- Improved Bucket Sharing Wizard
- Improved web URLs generation for IP-style hosts
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.7
- Region-specific endpoints for S3-compatible storages (usage example)
- Minor bug-fix in bandwidth throttling feature
- Other minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.5
- Added support for custom regions for S3-compatible storages
- Improved multi-part upload support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.9
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.7
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.3
- Added support for Africa (Cape Town) region
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.1
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.6.7
- Added support for the List operation in command line interface
- Fixed an issue with the Preview feature
- Minor improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Minor improvements for the Buckets Lifecycle Rules dialog
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.5.9
- Added support for Middle East (Bahrain) region
- Stability improvements in uploading engine
- Improved support for Windows 10 OS
- Improved wildcards support for command line uploader
- Fixed in issue with GovCloud endpoints
- Fixed an issue with Web Urls Generator and CloudFront host
- Fixed an issue with versioned buckets deletion
- Other bug-fixes and stability improvements

S3 Browser 8.4.1
- Added support for the DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class
- Added support for the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) region
- Added support for the Delete operation in command line interface
- New and improved context menu for the HTTP Headers tab
- Improved CloudFront Invalidation to use wildcards to reduce costs
- Stability improvements and bugfixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed appcrash when adding new Default Http Header
- Fixed an issue with the retrieval pricing for some regions
- Fixed an issue with GZIP compression for small files
- Fixed an issue with copying GLACIER restored files
- Fixed an issue with multipart copy for versioned objects
- Fixed an issue with EC2 IAM Role account type
- Fixed an issue with multi-part uploads to object-lock enabled buckets
- Improved the IAM access keys management dialogs
- Monor UI improvements and bugfixes
- Various internal improvements and bugixes

S3 Browser 8.1.5
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.6.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 10.6.7
- Added support for advanced account properties
- New and improved command line interface
- MSI installer for automatic deployment
- License activation for all user profiles
- New Buckets, Copy All Files to feature
- Variuos internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.5.9
- Maintenance release
- Minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.5.7
- Added support for restore of objects archived by INTELLIGENT_TIERING
- Added support for Bucket Intelligent Tiering Configuration
- Added support for GLACIER_IR and OUTPOSTS storage classes
- Added support for Session Duration for AssumeRole/GetSessionToken accounts
- Added support for IMDSv2 for S3 via EC2 Role account type
- New filters support for the Versioning tab
- Improved the Preview feature (WebP support, XML formatting, optimizations)
- Added support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3
- Correct Content-Type for json files uploaded
- Redesigned and improved Uncompleted Multi-Part Uploads Dialog
- Minor improvements for command line sync tool (confirmation prompt)
- Other internal stability and performance improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.3.1
- Improved GovCloud support for STS based account types
- New s3_endpoint variable for S3 via Config File account type
- Improved command command line downloader
- Mintor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.3
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.1
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improments and bug-fixes
- Other internal improments and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.0.9
- Added support for multiple comma-separated display filters
- Added support for China Region specific STS endpoints
- Fixed an issue with client-side encryption for multipart uploads
- Fixed an issue with HTTP headers editor
- Restored support for uppercase letters and underscores in external buckets
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.9.7
- Added full support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C)
- Server-Side Encryption Rules for automatic SSE assignment
- Added support for Amazon S3 Default Encryption
- Added support for the S3 via GetSessionToken account type
- Added support for Default Storage Classes
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Web URL Generator
- Improvements and bug-fixes for IAM Manager
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Improvements and bug-fixes for the Versioning tab
- Improved and bug-fixes for CloudFront Manager
- Various UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability and performance improvements

S3 Browser 9.5.5
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.5.3
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.4.9
- support for s3-compatible storages (Openstack, Ceph, Minio)
- Web URL Generator (bugfixes and new Bitly options)
- Glacier restore feature (increased max restore period)
- the Preview feature (JSON formatting)
- Multipart Copy operations (tags are preserved now)
- support for object lock enabled buckets
- support for limited IAM accounts
- the Versioning support (select all non current versions)
- overall performance for many multi-file operations

- support for image/webp content type
- support for wildcards for the command line list command

- an issue with copying GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE restored objects
- an issue with command line downloader (premature exit in some cases)
- an issue with command line sync (temp files were not deleting)

- Other UI and internal improvements and bugfixes

S3 Browser 9.2.1
- Improved S3 via AssumeRole account type to work with all source accounts
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Fixed an issue with web URLs generation for HTTPS links and buckets with dots
- Added support for session tokens for CloudFront API calls
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Other various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.1.3
- Added Auto-Rename feature for existing files
- Added support for Europe (Milan) region
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Improved support for MFA protected accounts
- Improved logging and diagnostics
- Improved Bucket Sharing Wizard
- Improved web URLs generation for IP-style hosts
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.7
- Region-specific endpoints for S3-compatible storages (usage example)
- Minor bug-fix in bandwidth throttling feature
- Other minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.5
- Added support for custom regions for S3-compatible storages
- Improved multi-part upload support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.9
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.7
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.3
- Added support for Africa (Cape Town) region
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.1
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.6.7
- Added support for the List operation in command line interface
- Fixed an issue with the Preview feature
- Minor improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Minor improvements for the Buckets Lifecycle Rules dialog
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.5.9
- Added support for Middle East (Bahrain) region
- Stability improvements in uploading engine
- Improved support for Windows 10 OS
- Improved wildcards support for command line uploader
- Fixed in issue with GovCloud endpoints
- Fixed an issue with Web Urls Generator and CloudFront host
- Fixed an issue with versioned buckets deletion
- Other bug-fixes and stability improvements

S3 Browser 8.4.1
- Added support for the DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class
- Added support for the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) region
- Added support for the Delete operation in command line interface
- New and improved context menu for the HTTP Headers tab
- Improved CloudFront Invalidation to use wildcards to reduce costs
- Stability improvements and bugfixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed appcrash when adding new Default Http Header
- Fixed an issue with the retrieval pricing for some regions
- Fixed an issue with GZIP compression for small files
- Fixed an issue with copying GLACIER restored files
- Fixed an issue with multipart copy for versioned objects
- Fixed an issue with EC2 IAM Role account type
- Fixed an issue with multi-part uploads to object-lock enabled buckets
- Improved the IAM access keys management dialogs
- Monor UI improvements and bugfixes
- Various internal improvements and bugixes

S3 Browser 8.1.5
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

Microsoft Safety Scanner 1.381.801.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


S3 Browser 10.5.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

S3 Browser 10.5.9
- Maintenance release
- Minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.5.7
- Added support for restore of objects archived by INTELLIGENT_TIERING
- Added support for Bucket Intelligent Tiering Configuration
- Added support for GLACIER_IR and OUTPOSTS storage classes
- Added support for Session Duration for AssumeRole/GetSessionToken accounts
- Added support for IMDSv2 for S3 via EC2 Role account type
- New filters support for the Versioning tab
- Improved the Preview feature (WebP support, XML formatting, optimizations)
- Added support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3
- Correct Content-Type for json files uploaded
- Redesigned and improved Uncompleted Multi-Part Uploads Dialog
- Minor improvements for command line sync tool (confirmation prompt)
- Other internal stability and performance improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.3.1
- Improved GovCloud support for STS based account types
- New s3_endpoint variable for S3 via Config File account type
- Improved command command line downloader
- Mintor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.3
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.2.1
- Added support for the Single Sign-On service (AWS SSO)
- Client-side encrypted files support for command line downloader
- Added the GIF format support for the Preview feature
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Case sensitivity support for display filters
- Minor usability improments and bug-fixes
- Other internal improments and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 10.0.9
- Added support for multiple comma-separated display filters
- Added support for China Region specific STS endpoints
- Fixed an issue with client-side encryption for multipart uploads
- Fixed an issue with HTTP headers editor
- Restored support for uppercase letters and underscores in external buckets
- Minor usability improvements and bug-fixes
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.9.7
- Added full support for Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C)
- Server-Side Encryption Rules for automatic SSE assignment
- Added support for Amazon S3 Default Encryption
- Added support for the S3 via GetSessionToken account type
- Added support for Default Storage Classes
- Compatibility improvements for S3-Compatible storages
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Web URL Generator
- Improvements and bug-fixes for IAM Manager
- Improvements and bug-fixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Improvements and bug-fixes for the Versioning tab
- Improved and bug-fixes for CloudFront Manager
- Various UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability and performance improvements

S3 Browser 9.5.5
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.5.3
- Maintenance release
- Fixed an issue with Permissions Editor
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.4.9
- support for s3-compatible storages (Openstack, Ceph, Minio)
- Web URL Generator (bugfixes and new Bitly options)
- Glacier restore feature (increased max restore period)
- the Preview feature (JSON formatting)
- Multipart Copy operations (tags are preserved now)
- support for object lock enabled buckets
- support for limited IAM accounts
- the Versioning support (select all non current versions)
- overall performance for many multi-file operations

- support for image/webp content type
- support for wildcards for the command line list command

- an issue with copying GLACIER and DEEP_ARCHIVE restored objects
- an issue with command line downloader (premature exit in some cases)
- an issue with command line sync (temp files were not deleting)

- Other UI and internal improvements and bugfixes

S3 Browser 9.2.1
- Improved S3 via AssumeRole account type to work with all source accounts
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Fixed an issue with web URLs generation for HTTPS links and buckets with dots
- Added support for session tokens for CloudFront API calls
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Other various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 9.1.3
- Added Auto-Rename feature for existing files
- Added support for Europe (Milan) region
- Improved support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Improved support for MFA protected accounts
- Improved logging and diagnostics
- Improved Bucket Sharing Wizard
- Improved web URLs generation for IP-style hosts
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes
- Stability improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.7
- Region-specific endpoints for S3-compatible storages (usage example)
- Minor bug-fix in bandwidth throttling feature
- Other minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.9.5
- Added support for custom regions for S3-compatible storages
- Improved multi-part upload support for S3-compatible storages
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.9
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.7
- Advanced settings for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.3
- Added support for Africa (Cape Town) region
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.8.1
- Improved support for AWS GovCloud
- Improved logging and error handling
- Added new update-credentials CLI command
- New option lets you disable free drive space check(Options/Advanced)
- Virtual hosted path style support for S3-Compatible storages
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.6.7
- Added support for the List operation in command line interface
- Fixed an issue with the Preview feature
- Minor improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Minor improvements for the Buckets Lifecycle Rules dialog
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.5.9
- Added support for Middle East (Bahrain) region
- Stability improvements in uploading engine
- Improved support for Windows 10 OS
- Improved wildcards support for command line uploader
- Fixed in issue with GovCloud endpoints
- Fixed an issue with Web Urls Generator and CloudFront host
- Fixed an issue with versioned buckets deletion
- Other bug-fixes and stability improvements

S3 Browser 8.4.1
- Added support for the DEEP_ARCHIVE storage class
- Added support for the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) region
- Added support for the Delete operation in command line interface
- New and improved context menu for the HTTP Headers tab
- Improved CloudFront Invalidation to use wildcards to reduce costs
- Stability improvements and bugfixes for Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed appcrash when adding new Default Http Header
- Fixed an issue with the retrieval pricing for some regions
- Fixed an issue with GZIP compression for small files
- Fixed an issue with copying GLACIER restored files
- Fixed an issue with multipart copy for versioned objects
- Fixed an issue with EC2 IAM Role account type
- Fixed an issue with multi-part uploads to object-lock enabled buckets
- Improved the IAM access keys management dialogs
- Monor UI improvements and bugfixes
- Various internal improvements and bugixes

S3 Browser 8.1.5
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 8.1.3
- Added support for temporary credentials via STS AssumeRole
- Added support for the INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class
- Added support for instant transition to the GLACIER storage class
- Added support the new EU (Stockholm) region
- Improved the Accounts dialog (accounts import/export/reorder)
- Improved The Lifecycle Rules dialog (copy/paste lifecycle rules)
- Improved downloading engine to correctly work with mounted volumes
- Improved uploading engine to show correct task status during hashing
- Switched from MD5 to SHA256 hashing (faster, get rid of double hashing)
- Switched to Signature V4 for IAM tasks (more secure)
- Security fix (XXE was posible when using s3-compatible storages)
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation
- Fixed appcrash when copying file properties
- Fixed an authentication issue with s3-compatible storages with non std ports
- Fixed an issue with file size filters and directories
- Fixed an issue with the command line sync tool (handling of the 'h' switch)
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.7.7
- Added support for ONEZONE_IA storage class
- New and improved Bucket Lifecycle Rules editor
- Added support for bucket default storage class
- Reduced redundancy storage class is deprecated
- Improved support for external buckets
- Improved support for limited IAM accounts
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.6.9
- SSL/TLS checked by default now for all new accounts
- Improved static website dialog, added redirection protocol selection
- Added export of bucket lifecycle rules
- Multi-part copy now uses multipart upload settings
- Updated bucket name validation to conform with new AWS bucket naming rules
- Added default content types for web fonts
- Fixed missing Requester Pays feature
- Fixed an issue with CloudFront invalidation feature
- Fixed an issue with time limited URLs generation for Sigv4 buckets
- Fixed memory leak during the hash calculation
- Fixed an issue with the bandwidth throttling feature
- Fixed an issue with all buckets/all files mask in Default HTTP Headers
- Fixed an issue with Content-Type edit for files larger than 5 GB
- [UI] implemented saving/restoring for all column width positions
- [UI] added support for reordering Default HTTP Headers via Ctrl+Arrow
- [UI] other cosmetic improvements and bug-fixes
- [UI] fixed the bug with sorting in files view

S3 Browser 7.4.5
- Added support for Paris and Ningxia regions
- Added support for Signature V4 for S3-Compatible storages
- Added Modification date preservation when downloading files
- Added support for Bit.ly in Web URL Generator
- Added support for multi-part downloads for command line tools
- Fixed an issue with relative paths in folder sync tool
- Apply display filters to folders as well
- Minor UI improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.5
- Maintenance release
- Windows XP compatibility fix
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 7.1.1
- Added support for Amazon S3 Object Tagging
- Added support for Flat Browsing Mode
- Added support for GZip Compression
- Added support for wildcards for command line downloader
- Added ability to specify custom IAM endpoint for s3-compatible storages
- Added support for multi-part downloads for console sync tool
- Improved support for large buckets
- Multiple improvements for Amazon GovCloud (IAM, FIPS endpoints, etc)
- Various improvements in Folder Sync Tool
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.5.9
- Added support for new Glacier retrieval methods
- Improved the Versioning tab (reduced the number of reloads)
- Improved support for HTTP redirects on S3-Compatible Storages
- Improved support for multiple external buckets
- Fixed an issue with multi-part downloads
- Fixed an issue with bucket pagination
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.4.1
- Added support for new Amazon S3 regions - Canada (Central) and EU (London)
- Added support for credentials via AWS config file and environment variables
- Various internal improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.7
- Added support for the new US East (Ohio) Region
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.2.3
- Maintenance release
- Improved Uncompleted Uploads dialog (ability to resume uploads)
- Improved error handling in Folder Sync Tool
- Improved Browse for Folder dialog to work with external bucket/path
- Fixed: access denied error when accessing settings on Windows 10
- Fixed: bucket policy formatter issue with multi-statement policies
- Fixed: appcrash when decompression/decryption canceled by the user
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.1.1
- Added support for Mumbai Region
- Improved compatibility with *nix clients
- Bug-fixes in console sync tool
- Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

S3 Browser 6.0.7
- Enabled Transfer Acceleration for downloads
- Improved Web Urls Generator
- SSL/TLS option is moved to the account level
- Fixed an issue with cross-region copy
- Fixed some UI issues in Folder Sync Tool
- Fixed an issue with MPU uploads during file sync
- Other internal improvements and bug-fixes

PlayerFab 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A failure problem when playing certain video files
- A problem that the hotkey N does not work

- Fix: A failure problem when playing certain DVD discs

- A failure problem when playing certain video files
- A failure problem when playing certain Netflix videos

- An authorization failure problem if user's password contains the dash mark "-"
- A failure problem when playing certain streaming videos

- New: Updated the playback engine for streaming videos
- Fix: A failure problem when playing BDAV ISO files
- Fix: A problem that the Dutch option is missing from the language settings

- Added support to play all the video files in a folder from its right-click contextual menu
- Added support to display the IPTV channels of the current country or region by default

- A failure problem when playing an audio folder from its right-click contextual menu
- A problem that the playback progress is incorrect on certain Blu-rays

- Added support to play APE audio files
- Added support to play the first 5 minutes of discs and streaming videos after the 30-day free trial finishes

- A failure problem when playing HBO Max videos
- A failure problem when playing U-NEXT videos

- New: Added support to browse VIP Streaming websites in different tabs
- Fix: A failure problem when playing Hulu videos from Japan

- New: Some improvements on the playback engine for ISO files and other video files
- Fix: A failure problem when playing streaming videos on Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Disney+, The CW TV, etc

- Some improvements on the DVD playback engine
- Added support to play back MJPEG images

- A playback failure problem of certain video files
- A failure problem when updating Player 6 to PlayerFab in certain cases

- A slow speed problem on accessing disc information
- A playback failure problem if the DVD and Blu-ray folders are in the root directory of hard drives
- A playback failure problem of certain 1080p BDAV Blu-rays

- Introduced the Home tab that offers quick access to disc playback, popular VIP streaming services, and IPTV Channels
- Added the playback support for some new Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray discs

- Fix: A crash problem due to playback failure in certain cases

- New: Added Samsung TV Plus to the IPTV list to play 1000+ programs from the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Canada, India, and Korea

- A crash problem in certain cases
- A failure problem when playing certain Tubi videos
- A failure problem when playing certain CWTV videos

- Fixed: A slow startup and button response problem in certain cases

- Introduced the Free Music Radio Player module to play online M3U music
- Introduced the Denoise and Enhance Video features to improve the playback experience

- A failure problem when playing CW videos
- A failure problem when playing Paramount+ videos
- A problem that HBO Max videos display no subtitles during playback

- Some improvements on the startup speed
- Added support to resume playback from where it was left off last time when playing Netflix and Amazon Prime videos
- Updated the supported IPTV Channel list

- A failure problem when opening certain video files
- A failure problem when opening certain Blu-rays

- Fixed: A failure problem when playing certain video files

- Added support to automatically play the next episode when playing TV shows on Amazon Prime and Netflix

- A crash problem upon startup in certain cases
- A failure problem when playing certain Netflix videos
- A failure problem when playing certain Paravi videos
- A problem that the metadata information of certain videos is incorrect if the OS language is Japanese

- Introduced the FOD Player module to play FOD videos in 720p quality
- Introduced the Stan Player module to play Stan videos in 1080p quality

- New: Introduced the CW Player module to play CW videos in 1080p/720p quality without ads
- Fix: A problem that the Download button in the bottom-right corner does not open the matching website of the video being played in StreamFab

- Introduced the Pluto TV Player module to play Pluto TV videos in 720p quality without ads
- Introduced the Tubi Player module to play Tubi videos in 720p quality without ads
- Introduced the Disney Plus Player module to play Disney+ videos in 720p quality.

- Introduced the Roku Channel Player module to play Roku Channel videos in 1080p quality without ads
- Introduced the Paravi Player module to play Paravi videos in 1080p quality
- Introduced the RTL Plus Player module to play RTL+ videos in 1080p quality

- Introduced the Hulu Player module to play Hulu videos in 720p quality and EAC3 5.1 audio
- Introduced the Paramount Plus Player module to play Paramount+ videos in 1080p quality and AC3 5.1 audio
- Introduced the U-NEXT Player module to play U-NEXT videos in 1080p quality and AAC 2.0 audio

- A failure problem when playing certain 4K videos
- Some minor changes and improvements

- New: Introduced the HBO Max Player module to play HBO Max videos in 4K HDR10/1080p quality and AC3 audio

- New: Added support to remember the filter settings when choosing IPTV channels
- Fix: A problem that the player keeps reminding that a new version is available after upgrading from ver. 6 to ver. 7
- Fix: A problem that the subtitles cannot be closed when playing Amazon Prime videos

- New: Some improvements on playing Netflix videos.
- Fix: A failure problem when playing certain video files.
- Fix: A failure problem when adding music to media library.
- Fix: A black-screen problem when playing videos from certain IPTV channels.

- This is the 1st official release of PlayerFab 7 (former DVDFab Player). The installation of the new version will automatically uninstall the existing DVDFab Player version from your computer.
- The former DVDFab Player Standard Version is renamed as PlayerFab DVD Player, while the Ultra Version as PlayerFab Ultra HD Player, all the existing licensed users will not be affected.
- Introduced the Amazon Player module to play Amazon Prime streaming videos in 1080p quality and EAC3 5.1 audio.
- Introduced the Netflix Player module to play Netflix streaming videos in 1080p quality and EAC3 5.1 audio.

Navicat Premium 16.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Navicat Premium 16.1.2 (64-bit)
- Crashed when changing the chart type in some cases
- Hanged when deleting a table in Query Builder
- Text color issue in Dark Mode
- Unable to generate CREATE PROCEDURE SQL in Data Transfer
- Dump Script File feature generated an invalid JSON
- Unable to connect AWS RDS database via SSH
- Backup and Dump SQL File was slow in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.1 (64-bit)
- Unable to open the objects in the "Find in Database" window
- The first number of every value in the list was removed in the table filter
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when updating query results in some cases
- Unable to use "Copy As" in View results
- Crashed when opening functions in some cases
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when foreign key selection window popped up
- Unable to open schema in Azure SQL
- Crashed when clicking on the value box in table filter
- Decimal separator issue in SQLite
- Cannot retain the window size and position for existing objects
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.0 (64-bit)
Main New Features:
- Support OceanBase Community Edition
- Support Trend Line for several chart types
- Support adding On-Prem Server with URI
- Allow skip preview of changes in data sync
- Enhanced responsiveness and performance
- Improved UI/UX
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.14 (64-bit)
- Query parameters did not work in some cases
- Unable to synchronize PostgreSQL data in some cases
- Decimal precision issue when importing from Excel files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.12 (64-bit)
- Wrong time zone was added to TIMESTAMP field when exporting CSV file
- Extra commas were added to the script in Structure Synchronization
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when exporting large amount of data
- Unable to sign in Subscription plan
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.11 (64-bit)
- Crashed when running Automation in some cases
- Missing the first record when import
- Unable to locate project when running batch job
- Unable to get table information when scheduling data synchronization
- Refresh button ran all SQLs in Query Editor
- .0000 data export issue
- Function execution message log issue
- Access Violation error occurred when removing default value
- Navicat exited when clicking the Type column in Table Designer
- Crashed when batch querying tables with FK dependency
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.10 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 16.0.9 (64-bit)
- The "Compare" button did not work in Data Synchronization in some cases
- "Couldn't open known_hosts file" error occurred when the SSH path contained Chinese characters
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.7 (64-bit)
- Unable to show data when using HTTP tunnel
- Unable to show utf8mb4 data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.5 (64-bit)
- Connection encoding issue in Navicat Cloud
- Connection password issue when updating connection in Navicat Cloud
- Error occurred when synchronizing to Navicat Cloud
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when designing PostgreSQL table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.4 (64-bit)
- Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table
- Notification Email authentication failed in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.27 (64-bit)
- Double foreign key lines were printed when exporting a model to a PDF file
- Access violation error occurred when searching in the Backup's Object Selection tab
- No data value on the label when exporting a chart to a PDF file
- Unable to synchronize decimal precision from a model to SQL Server database
- Unable to rename a view inside a group in Navicat Cloud
- Cannot connect to Microsoft Azure Database in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.26 (64-bit)
- Support Retryable Writes and Retryable Reads for MongoDB
- Support tunneling on PHP 8

Bug fixes:
- Unable to show accurate value of Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE type
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing Excel file in some cases
- Wrong SQL generated when comparing SQL Server tables with different constraint names
- An empty string was not quoted when exporting to a text file
- Query was garbled when the system locale set to Japanese
- Export/Import profile did not work if it was copied to Desktop
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.25 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Empty rows were added when exporting more than 1.05 M records to Excel file
- Unable to rename Oracle views when the "Use custom database list" option is enabled
- Error occurred when using Recordset Generator to generate a record set for the Date field
- Hanged when designing a table with many fields
- Error occurred when copying tables from one SQLite database to another
- Unable to display the definition of SQLite View in some cases
- Relation lines were disappeared after saving and reopening Logical Model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.23 (64-bit)
- Unable to exclude collations when synchronizing a model to a database
- Functions were not properly saved as the default value in MariaDB
- ER diagram was reloaded when clicking the Design Table button
- Unable to toggle "Virtual Type" in an existing table
- Error 1227 occurred when creating or designing a table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.22 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.21 (64-bit)
- Queries cannot be displayed when "Settings Location" was set to a network path
- Error 80041318 occurred when setting schedule
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.20 (64-bit)
- Slow response when querying the full collection count
- Flashed in dark mode
- "Unallowed argument in list..." error when running export / import schedule
- Error occurred when modifying the value in a DateTimeOffset field
- Unable to load version 10 data synchronization profiles
- Differences were incorrectly detected in Synchronize to Database
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.19 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.18 (64-bit)
- "IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server tables
- Unable to show records that had -1 data in Table Viewer
- "Drop target objects before create" option did not work in Data Transfer
- Memory leak issue when enabled code completion
- "Relation does not exist" error occurred when debugging a function in a schema other than the "public" schema
- "Unknown Internal Error (A70529211102SE)" error occurred when exporting / importing data
- Slow issue when transferring large tables
- Unable to show the inputted text in Filter Wizard
- Error occurred when filtering data by right-clicking a cell in Table Viewer
- "Cannot insert into column" error occurred when transferring PostgreSQL tables
- Inserted records to the wrong table when transferring data to the target table with a different name
- "Debugger Plugin is not installed or enabled" error occurred when the extension was installed in another schema
- Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2
- "COMMENT ON FUNCTION" clause was mistakenly generated when synchronizing PostgreSQL procedures
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.17 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.16 (64-bit)
- Support Active Directory authentication method for SQL Server
- Integer column exported in Number format when exporting Excel file
- Display export profiles in the same group of queries

- The fields of PostgreSQL compound index were displayed incorrectly
- Unable to show index fields in PostgreSQL 9.0
- Unable to set data to NULL in query results
- Crashed when clicking the ellipsis button in Custom Recordset
- Pasting data into a column cleared another column data
- Default Settings Location path was set to a wrong location for some cases
- "Floating point division by zero" error occurred when setting the dashboard background
- The file extension was missing when exporting the dashboard
- Query Parameter did not work when using a parameter twice
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when adding NULL data to the chart
- Incorrect columns were displayed after clicking the Default button in the "Choose columns" window
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.14 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Unable to set the identity seed and increment in PostgreSQL models
- Unable to synchronize data to MySQL 8.0.19
- Unable to connect AnalyticDB
- Unable to set SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON in Data Synchronization
- Unable to export data to .mdb files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.13 (64-bit)
- MySQL table row format reverted to Compact after editing
- Unknown Internal error occurred when opening Oracle tables
- Syntax error occurred when creating events
- Unable to set default value for fields in Table Designer
- Unable to show SUPER privilege for MariaDB 10.4 in the user object list
- Foreign key was dropped and added when re-comparing the model
- Data Pump Import's Table Exists Action drop-down list options were incorrect
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.12 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Incorrect SQL generated when transferring Oracle tables
- Invalid XML error occurred when importing connections
- Differences was detected in re-comparison in Structure Synchronization and Synchronize to Database
- Incorrect data was updated when saving ; in a non-text field
- Unable to import data to PostgreSQL array fields
- Incorrect SQL generated for altering fields in Structure Synchronization
- Incorrect items were displayed in suggestion list when using code completion with alias
- Incorrect SQL generated when enabling "On Update Current_timestamp" in Table Designer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.11 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Query wrongly returned null results in some cases
- "," was replaced by "." when using Custom Filter in Table Viewer
- Relation attributes were wrong after reopening the logical model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.9 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Only the first batch was transferred when "Number of row per batch" was enabled
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.8 (64-bit)
- Added "Keep Orthogonal Layout" to Model

Bug fixes:
- Unable to update bit type data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.7 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- The "Others" button was missing for PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server connections

Navicat Premium 15.0.6 (64-bit)
- Added shortcuts for "Run Current Statement" and "Select Current Statement" in Query Editor

Bug fixes:
- "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when modeling databases
- Find bar UI issue in Data Viewer
- Unable to print table when using popup menu on Navigation pane
- Syntax error occurred when renaming index in MariaDB table
- Explain feature did not work with query parameters
- Interval type was not supported in Charts
- Highlight color issue in Filter wizard when using Dark mode
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.5 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- OCI Environment setting was unable to save
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when resizing tables in View Builder
- Multiple primary key names were generated when exporting model to SQL files
- int8 type was converted to int8(255) when synchronizing model to PostgreSQL server
- Syntax error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.4 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Access violation error occurred when adding users to Navicat Cloud project
- Access Denied error occurred when designing table
- Unable to highlight field when typing in Filter's field selection list
- Wrong fields are exported to the SQL file when not all fields are selected
- Dark theme kept reverting back to Normal theme
- Wrong CREATE INDEX was generated in Model
- MySQL JSON data was truncated in Table Viewer
- Empty value was exported as **** when exporting DBF file
- Data Transfer high memory consumption issue
- Unable to connect Azure Database for MariaDB
- Run queries slow issue
- Unable to set Numeric field without precision in PostgreSQL server
- "List index out of bounds (-1)" error occurred when editing role privileges
- "Last Tab Window" option was missing

Navicat Premium 15.0.3 (64-bit)
- New Charts
- Advanced Data Transfer
- Brand new Query Builder
- Enhanced Data Modeling Tool
- Dark theme UI and Diagram
- Many other new features and improvements

ScreenSteps 4.4.7 查看版本資訊


Samepage 1.0.45795 查看版本資訊


DVDFab (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- New: Some improvements on the License Info window
- Fix: A startup crash problem caused by failures of accessing drive information in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- Fix: A problem that the estimated output file size is incorrect when the MKV (Dolby Vision) conversion profile is used
- Fix: A GUI display problem under certain displays with different resolution settings

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- Fix: A problem that the metadata of the output MP4 files by the Video Converter module contain messy codes

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Fix: The decryption issues on some new AACS 2.1 protected 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray discs, including Fury, Stand by Me, and more

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

- A freeze problem when using the Enlarger AI module to upscale the VOB videos recorded by VHS camera devices
- A crash problem when loading more than 6 DVD sources in the DVD to Blu-ray Converter module
- A problem that the output Blu-rays created by the Blu-ray Creator module only display one line of subtitles despite there are two lines in the source files
- A problem that the output M2TS videos converted from MP4 videos by the Video Converter module cannot play back normally

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A GUI display problem when the interface language is Italian
- A problem that only one line of subtitles can be verified at a time when outputting SRT subtitles in the Ripper modules
- A problem that the output M2TS videos converted by the Video Converter module in certain cases cannot play back normally

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added support for some new Java protections
- Added a new Enlarger AI training model Real-CUGAN in the Ripper and Converter modules
- Added the M2TS Passthrough conversion profile in the Video Converter module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A failure problem when opening the 4K Ultra HD version of Sicario
- A problem that the user-saved custom 3D profiles are not displayed in the profile library
- A problem that the imported videos in the Creator module are not displayed in the intended order

DVDFab (64-bit)
- An update failure problem in certain cases
- A crash problem when making DVDs with certain video files in the DVD Creator module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A failure problem when checking for updates in certain cases if the OS language is Japanese
- A crash problem after updating from ver. in certain cases
- A failure problem when loading certain ISO files into the Ripper modules
- A crash problem when creating DVDs with certain video files in the DVD Creator module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Fix: A slow startup problem in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added support for some new Java protections
- Added support for AI conversions on machines installed with the newest Intel driver, ver.
- Some improvements on the Live Update feature

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added support for some new Java protections
- Added support to enable IQS (Intel Quick Sync) hardware acceleration with the 12th-gen Intel CPUs

- A crash problem when cropping the Tubi videos downloaded with StreamFab in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A startup crash problem due to altered DVDFab host information in the system hosts file
- A startup crash problem on machines installed with AMD Radeon RX 480 video card
- A subtitle display problem after burning the videos downloaded from Netflix to BD25 discs in the Blu-ray Creator module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A failure problem when copying certain Japanese DVDs in the Full Disc mode of the DVD Copy module
- A problem that Japanese subtitles contain messy codes after burning to BD discs

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Fix: A crash problem when loading sources in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A crash problem when trimming videos in the Video Converter module in certain cases
- A crash problem when adjusting the size of subtitles in the Video Converter module
- A failure problem when loading certain MP4 videos in the Blu-ray Creator module
- A problem that the background art of the menu template in the DVD Creator module cannot be created
- A crash problem when clicking on the Play with PlayerFab icon from the task queue to play the output files if the PlayerFab has been uninstalled
- Some minor changes and improvements

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the H265 encoding support when converting videos with the TS conversion profile in the Video Converter module
- Some improvements on GUI display under higher DPI settings

- A problem that the live update window still pops up after uninstalling all the DVDFab related products
- A problem that the text introduction in the Streaming menu template of the Blu-ray Creator module can be manually removed
- A problem that the cloned ISO files of the 4K Blu-rays recorded by Panasonic DMR-4CW200 cannot play back

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Application deadlock when starting add-on installation externally

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- Fix: A problem that the option to select Japanese audios and subtitles by default is missing when loading certain Blu-rays into the Blu-ray Ripper module if the OS language is Japanese
- Fix: A problem that Blu-rays larger than 40GB cannot be compressed onto DVDs in the Blu-ray to DVD Converter module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added a new AI model DAIN to convert videos with Smoother AI
- Fix: A problem that DVDFab 365 subscribers get incorrect expiration date in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- Fix: A problem that the Cinavia removal feature in the Blu-ray Ripper module does not work despite having purchased the Blu-ray Cinavia Removal
- Fix: A problem that the DVD Creator module cannot remember the menu mode user previously selected

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added support for some new Java protections
- Some minor changes and improvements

- A problem that DVDFab Mini cannot switch display languages
- A problem that the posters are not updated when searching for certain movies
- A freeze problem when enlarging videos with Enlarger AI in the DVD Ripper module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for the new Windows 11 operating system
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- Fix: An incorrect resolution problem when converting 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays to SDR 1080p MKV format in the UHD Ripper module
- Fix: A failure problem when converting with the MP4.Passthrough profile in the Ripper and Video Converter modules

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- Fix: A failure problem when converting GIF images with Enlarger AI in Video Converter
- Fix: A problem that the frame rate of the created video is inconsistent with the conversion settings when converting certain .m2ts files in Video Converter

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the Rife 3.0 and Rife 3.1 models in the Smoother AI
- Added support for the MP4.4K.DolbyVision.H265.10Bit conversion profile in the UHD Ripper module to render subtitles

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Some improvements on the AI conversion engine
- Some improvements on the merging algorithm to reduce the color banding and noise on the edge of images
- Added support for GIF conversion in the Video Converter module
- Added support to convert GIF images to videos in the Video Converter module
- Added support to enlarge GIF images with Enlarger AI in the Video Converter module
- Added support to output GIF images with the Smoother AI

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- New: Added support for the new CAIN model in the Smoother AI module to work with the DVD Ripper and Video Converter modules
- Fix: A black screen problem when playing the videos converted from certain HEVC encoded MP4 videos

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added support for some new Blu-ray Java protections
- Some improvements on the Live Update feature

- A freeze/failure problem when converting certain DVDs containing PCM audios in the DVD Ripper module
- A problem that the converted videos from recorded NHKBS BDAV Blu-rays cannot play back

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the new AI model named CAIN for the Smoother AI in the Blu-ray Ripper module

- A problem that certain Blu-rays made by the Blu-ray Creator cannot play back
- A crash problem when selecting the BD50 output size in the Blu-ray Creator module if the OS language is Japanese
- A display problem under high DPI settings in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for the Smooth AI module to work with the Video Converter module
- Fix: A problem that the edited movie titles change back to the originals after pressing the Enter key on the keyboard

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for the Smoother AI module to work with the DVD Ripper module
- Fix: A freeze problem when copying certain Blu-rays with the Full Disc mode in the Blu-ray Copy module of the x86 version
- Fix: A freeze problem when coverting certain recorded Blu-rays in the Blu-ray Ripper module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A crash problem when checking the Enlarger AI option in the DVD to Blu-ray Converter module
- A problem that the MKV.Enlarger.AI.H265.10Bit conversion profile is missing from the DVD Ripper module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added support for some new Java protections
- New: Some GUI improvements
- Fix: A failure problem when converting certain Blu-rays in the Blu-ray Ripper module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for some new Java protections
- New: Added the Waifu training model to enlarge anime videos, DVDs and Blu-rays to 1080p or 4K with the Enlarger AI module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A problem that the EAC3 audio track of the output video contains only 6 channels despite there are 8 in the source when converting Blu-rays in the Blu-ray Ripper module
- A problem that the titles are displayed in the Playlist order by default after opening Blu-rays in the Blu-ray relevant modules
- A crash problem when converting certain BDAV discs in the Blu-ray Recorder Ripper module
- Some minor changes and improvements

DVDFab (64-bit)
- A problem that the Menu Settings panel is missing from the UHD to Blu-ray Converter module
- An installation failure problem when installing other DVDFab products recommended in the Updater window if the display language is Japanese

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for some new Java protections
- New: Some improvements on GUI display on 4K displays with high DPI settings
- Fix: A B-Frame conversion problem when converting videos to MKV format on machines installed with NVIDIA Turing graphics card

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support to remember user’s preference on the Scan Forced Subtitles option
- Some improvements on GUI display
- Some improvements on converting 8K videos

- A problem that the subtitle font cannot be changed when adding external SRT subtitles
- A failure problem when converting certain Blu-ray ISO files in the Blu-ray Ripper module
- A failure problem when converting the Blu-ray version of Enemy Mine in the Blu-ray Ripper module
- A problem that subtitles color changes after converting the Netflix videos downloaded by DVDFab Downloader to DVDs

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support for some new Java protections

- A failure problem when converting certain Blu-rays to MP4 videos in the Blu-ray Ripper module
- A crash problem when converting certain DVDs to MP4 videos in the DVD Ripper module
- A failure problem when switching to DVDFab Mini in certain cases
- A crash problem when starting up the DRM Removal module in certain cases
- Some minor changes and improvements

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Added the support to convert SRT subtitles to IDX format when converting videos in the Video Converter module
- Added the support to convert the PCM 24 audios from Blu-rays to PCM 16 audios in the Blu-ray Copy and Blu-ray Ripper modules

- A problem that the tabs on the upper navigation menu do not respond in certain cases
- A failure problem when merging DVDs in the DVD Copy module in certain cases
- A problem that the output DVDs converted from certain Blu-rays contain no audios
- A problem that the output file size is 0KB when converting certain Blu-rays to MP4 using the MP4.Apple.Prores profile
- A failure problem when converting certain videos in the Video Converter module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added some 5K relevant MKV, MP4, MOV and M2TS conversion profiles in the Video Converter and Ripper modules

- An update failure problem if the OS language is Japanese
- A freeze problem when upscaling Blu-rays with Enlarger AI on machines installed with certain NVIDIA video cards
- A failure problem when converting Blu-rays with MKV.H265 profile in the Blu-ray Ripper module
- A minor GUI display problem when adjusting the width of the Title column on the main interface

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support to output FLAC audios in the MP4 relevant profiles in the Ripper and Converter modules
- Added two 8K MOV relevant profiles in the Ripper and Converter modules

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Some improvements on the Enlarger AI conversion engine
- Added the support to output ALAC audios when converting with MKV relevant profiles in the Ripper and Video Converter modules
- Added the MOV conversion profile in the Ripper and Video Converter modules

- A freeze problem when converting certain DVDs to Blu-rays with the 32-bit version DVDFab 12
- A freeze problem when converting certain M2TS videos to MP4 videos with TrueHD audios
- A problem the output files are still sent to One Drive despite selecting another output path when merging Blu-rays in the Blu-ray Ripper module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added Netflix Downloader, Amazon Downloader, Disney Plus Downloader and others to the Launchpad

- A problem that DVDFab Remote cannot display the renamed output file title
- A freeze problem when converting certain Blu-rays to MKV videos in the Blu-ray Ripper module
- A problem that the estimated output size does not match with the source size when copying 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays to BD100 size in the UHD Copy module
- a minor GUI display problem

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Some improvements on memory usage when upscaling videos with Enlarger AI
- Some improvements on the software stability when upscaling DVDs to Blu-rays with Enlarger AI
- Added the support to output FLAC audios in the MKV relevant conversion profiles

- A failure problem when converting certain DVDs in the DVD Ripper module
- A failure problem when converting DVDs using the MKV.Apple.ProRes conversion profile in the DVD Ripper module
- A freeze problem when copying certain 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays with the Full Disc mode in the UHD Copy module
- A failure problem when converting certain types of videos in the Creator modules
- A minor GUI display problem

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Added the support to output 7.1-channel TrueHD audios when converting Blu-rays and 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays containing DTS-HD audios in the Ripper modules

- A problem that certain conversion profiles appear twice in the profile library when installing a new version over the previous one
- A freeze problem when converting m2ts videos in the Video Converter module in certain cases.
- A problem that the Volume Up settings at the Advanced Settings panel does not work with the Video Converter module
- Some minor changes and improvements

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Discontinued the OS support for the Enlarger AI module on older Windows versions, only Windows 10 64-bit is supported now
- Added the Apple Prores codec output support in MP4/MKV passthrough conversion profiles

- A problem that the Clear Opening History feature does not work
- A problem that the Metadata of the output files by the Ripper module contain messy codes
- A crash problem upon clicking the Choose Other Titles button in certain cases
- A problem that the output videos by the MKV.3D.MVC conversion profile in the Blu-ray Ripper module are not 3D
- A problem that the output videos by the UHD Ripper module contain no Dolby audios
- A conversion failure problem in the Blu-ray Recorder Ripper module in certain cases
- A text display problem in the Menu Settings panel of the Blu-ray Creator module

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Added the support to convert DVDs to Hi-Fi audio files in the DVD Ripper module
- Improved the support for the AI conversion with NVIDIA Graphics Cards
- Improved the live update feature

- Fix: A Cinavia removal failure problem.

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the TrueHD audio conversion profile in the Ripper and Video Converter modules
- New: Added the MP4.Apple.ProRes and MKV.Apple.ProRes video conversion profiles in the Ripper and Video Converter modules
- Fix: A title bar display problem
- Fix: A Cinavia removal failure problem on certain Blu-rays

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for some new Java protections
- Fix: An abnormal subtitle display problem when converting MKV videos in the Video Converter module or making Blu-rays using MKV videos in the Blu-ray Creator module
- Fix: A task auto-cancellation problem in the DVD Copy module when burning the source to multiple blank DVDs.
- Fix: A crash problem in certain cases.

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the “For Old Movie” training model in the Enlarger AI to enlarge the old movies before 1980
- Added the “Ultra+Deinterlace (Fast)” training model in the Enlarger AI to deinterlace videos much better and faster than “Ultra"
- Added the support for TrueHD 5.1 audio encoding in MKV relevant conversion profiles in the Ripper and Video Converter modules
- Added the support for WMV videos as source in the Creator module

- Fix: A problem that the auto-shutdown feature does not work in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Improved the support for Enlarger AI
- Added the support to upscale videos with Enlarger AI on machines installed with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series Graphics Cards
- Added the support to choose the Premium Quality or Ultra Quality when upscaling Blu-rays with Enlarger AI
- Added the support to output 720p quality when upscaling DVDs with Enlarger AI
- Added the support to output WebM videos in the Ripper and Converter modules

- Fix: A problem that the "Download More Menu" button does not show up under high DPI settings

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Fix: A freeze problem upon startup in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Minor improvement on the Onli Installer
- Major improvement on the H.265 software encoding to speed up the conversion by 20% ~ 50%
- Minor improvement on the burning engine
- Added the support to delete the source from the Converter module when conversion finishes

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for some new Java protections

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Fix: A problem that the Advanced Settings panel does not display normally if the source loaded is an FLAC file in the Video Converter module
- Fix: A switch failure problem from the Mini version to the normal version
- Fix: A crash problem when opening certain types of files in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Temporarily removed the MP4.Passthrough conversion profile from the DVD Ripper module due to certain conversion problems

- Fix: A crash problem when switching display language

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Added the support for some new Java protections
- Added the support to convert the BDAV2 4K Blu-rays recorded by Sony and Sharp devices to other video formats

- A crash problem when clicking the Start button in the DVD Copy module in certain cases
- A crash problem upon the upscaling of DVD to Blu-ray with AI reaches 100% when burning to blank discs

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for AI conversions with AMD Ryzen CPUs
- Fix: A conversion failure problem in the DVD & Blu-ray Ripper modules in certain cases
- Fix: A problem that the option of Output both AAC and AC3 audio tracks is gone missing from the Advanced Settings panel if MP4 profile is selected in the Ripper and Video Converter modules
- Fix: A problem that the custom conversion profiles are gone missing after updating to ver.

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for AI conversions with AMD Ryzen CPUs
- Fix: A conversion failure problem in the DVD & Blu-ray Ripper modules in certain cases
- Fix: A problem that the option of Output both AAC and AC3 audio tracks is gone missing from the Advanced Settings panel if MP4 profile is selected in the Ripper and Video Converter modules
- Fix: A problem that the custom conversion profiles are gone missing after updating to ver.

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for some new Java protections
- New: Added the support to access the information of forced subtitles from cloud server
- Fix: A crash problem if a trial user repeatedly tries a certain feature of the Video Converter module
- Fix: A conversion failure problem when batch processing videos in the Video Converter module
- Fix: A problem that the metadata information of the movie is not written into the MP4 file system during the conversion after searching that movie in the Video Converter module
- Fix: A problem that the UHD Drive Tool shows as unauthorized in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Fix: A problem that the Live Update feature does not work in certain cases

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Fix: An H.265 custom setting problem in the Video Converter module
- Fix: A problem that the HDR10 content in certain videos cannot be recognized

DVDFab (64-bit)
- Fix: A startup crash problem in certain cases
- Fix: An OCR failure problem when outputting SRT subtitles in the Ripper modules on PCs with older CPUs
- Fix: A problem that GPU load shows as 0% during conversion

DVDFab (64-bit)
- All-new modern and elegant UI and color schemes: blue, light, dark, and 365
- Pre-loaded with frequently used profiles for both mobile and home theaters
- Introduced the Launchpad to access the modules and modes quickly and accurately
- Introduced the Blu-ray to UHD Converter to upconvert regular Blu-rays to UHD Blu-rays
- Introduced the Cloud Speedup technology to load sources much faster
- Improved the Cloud Decryption to decrypt discs old and new much faster
- Upgraded the UHD Drive Tool to support more drives and newest firmware
- Enhanced the Blu-ray Creator module to allow users to customize menus
- Automatically scan all subtitle streams to isolate and select forced subtitles
- Improved the Ripper and Video Converter modules to allow custom H.264/H.265 settings
- Tons more other fixes and improvements

DVDFab (64-bit)
- New: Added the support for some new Japanese adult DVDs
- Fix: A problem that the de-interlacing feature does not work as expected

MotionCaster 查看版本資訊
