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最新版本 Roxio Creator NXT Pro 9

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 歷史版本列表

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 讓你增強,保存和分享你的數字視頻,音樂和照片你想要的方式,你想要的。使用 WinDVD 在您的電腦上享受清晰的播放和劇院般的環繞聲。造物主 NXT 的所有功能 + 250 美元的寶貴額外!更多的照片和視頻的力量! 新的創意照片編輯工具和增強的性能,讓您創造有史以來最好的圖片。使用內容感知編輯功能擦除照片中不需要的部分,處理圖層並添加令人興奮的效果。 Ro... Roxio Creator NXT Pro 軟體介紹

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 9
Customize your menus with the NEW Template Designer:
- Customize DVD menu templates, or create your own brand new ones with the new Template Designer, now available in MyDVD. Control the appearance and structure of your menus, including the style and placement of thumbnails and titles, the number of chapters displayed per page, and the visual appearance of frames and icons. Adjust the menus and submenus of your media projects to perfectly express your creative vision and match your personal preferences.

Convert media on the fly with the NEW easy file converter:
- With this new easy-to-use tool, quickly convert your videos, images, and audio between different popular formats. Even convert from video to audio, or target specific profiles for your favorite devices. This simplified conversion option makes it more convenient to share your media across different devices and online platforms.

Easily access Help documentation online, all in one place:
- To make it easier to find the information you need, Roxio Creator NXT 9’s Help documentation is available online all in one place, with an index and a powerful search function to get you to the exact section you’re looking for. Easily access the Roxio Creator user guide as well as “how to” tutorials to streamline your workflow and make your projects even better.

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 8
- NEW PaintShop Pro 2020 advanced photo editing and graphics suite
- PhotoMirage Express photo animation software
- Encryption and secure disc burning
- MORE video editing power with: Audio Ducking, Paint effect filters, 360 video conversion

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 7
- New PaintShop Pro 2018 photo editing and graphics suite
- New Photo Mirage photo animation software
- Roxio Burn 4 with encryption ensures easy and secure disc burning
- MORE video editing power: Easy disc burning with added encryption tools
- New Audio Ducking
- New Paint effect filters
- New 360 video conversion

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 6
- New MultiCam Capture video capture and screen recording software
- New WinDVD 12 media playback software
- New Paintshop Pro X9 photo editing suite

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 5
- New: Multi-camera video editing for 4 cameras
- New: Corel PaintShop Pro X8: Creative photo editing and graphic design
- New: Corel AfterShot 3 RAW editing and photo management
- New: Roxio Burn 4: Easy disc burning and encryption

Roxio Creator NXT Pro 3
- New: Live Screen Capture - Record your screen, then add footage to movies, presentations, training videos and more.
- New: Corel FastFlick easy video editing - create videos and slideshows with an easy three step process
- New: New device profiles for video conversion including iPad, iPhone and Android smartphones
- New: Speed up video processing and preserve quality of original with Smart Encoding

KNIME 4.5.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New nodes:
- Python Script (Labs) ("zero copy" data exchange giving significant performance improvements)
- Workflow Service: New nodes to build and call (remote) workflows, incl. support for dynamic and large data (Labs)
- Set Files/Folders Permissions
- MongoDB Run Command
- KNIME Mountpoint Connector
- MongoDB Aggregation node
- KNIME Workflow Data Area Connector
- SharePoint Online List Reader
- Local File System Connector
- Binary Object to Model and Model to Binary Object nodes
- Excel Cell Updater
- Parameter Optimization Loop Start with table input
-Generic S3 Connector

- "Column Backend" table storage format moved out of KNIME Labs (ready for production use)
- Add option to read POSIX attributes to Files/Folders Meta Info node
- Support code completion in MongoDB nodes
- Support bulk execution in MongoDB for better performance
- Support Azure AD login in Snowflake Connector
- Support Azure AD login in MS SQL Server Connector
- WEKA models should not be kept in memory
- Support Kerberos authentication in PostgreSQL Connector node
- Add node decorator for single selection widgets with active re-execution setting
- Configure re-execution in single selection widget node
- Feature Request: Add "Reply to" field in Send Email node
- Support database connection initialization statement on KNIME Server
- JDBC parameter type DELEGATED_GSS_CREDENTIAL to support Kerberos constrained delegation for Microsoft SQL Server
- Deprecation of "Pipeline Pilot Connector" (users instructed to consume Pipeline Pilot's REST API)
- Recursive Loop Start and End Node to support dynamic ports
- Power BI: Improve error message in dialog if the authentication is not working
- Add dynamic port support to Counting Loop Start, Interval Loop Start and Generic Loop Start nodes
- Numeric Scorer: add adjusted R Square
- Cleanup Views available in the AP
- Support Java-based constrained delegation in DB Connector nodes
- Configure re-execution in widgets with clear defined action
- REST nodes: Additional column with error cause
- Support more recent Python version(s)
- Sunburst Chart with Option to show Tool tip text
- Platform-aware fuzzy logic / heuristics for Conda Env Prop node
- Option to check for missing values in a DB WHERE clause
- Store time zone with component/metanode template
- Case Switch (replacing old "Case Switch (...)" nodes, now with dynamic ports)
- Add option to append rows to an existing sheet in Excel Writer
- Add option to update/remove links on linked components/metanodes in captured Workflow Segments
- Add dynamic port support to Loop End and Variable Condition Loop End nodes
- Microsoft SQL Server driver updated to version 9.4.0
- Pattern Filter Panel with option to exclude items that match the pattern
- Redshift support for DB Loader
- Table Editor (JavaScript): Support dropdown selection for string columns
- Add Kerberos authentication support to REST Client Nodes (GET, POST, ...)
- (Big Data Extensions): Add support for new type annotations in Parquet Reader
- (Big Data Extensions): Support legacy LIST format in Parquet Reader

- Workflow Executor does not apply new port configuration when configured in executed/green state
- Azure Blob Storage Connection does not allow listing/browsing container root despite SAS token permission
- Threads for shuffling the training data have no NodeContext
- Python Serializers create tables in threads without NodeContext
- AbstractDataInputDelegator does not fulfill InputStream#read(byte[],int,int) contract
- UpdatedColumnarValueSchema doesn't preserve table spec name
- Index Query node (knime-lucene) doesn't catch DuplicateKeyException on BufferedDataContainer#close
- SHAP and Shapley Values Loop fail because of already closed resources
- Document Parsers don't support KNIME URLs
- Class Cast exception when materializing Table for Python3
- Re-execution does not show error although workflow execution failed
- "Regression Tree" appears twice in any port type selector (one is deprecated and should be hidden)
- NPE when releasing MappedByteBuffer
- External XML entity injection in workflow.knime files
- IllegalArgumentException in Testworkflows
- Unnecessary call exceptions spam log
- Error when attempting to close open closeable
- Memory leak with Fast Tables and "Add Empty Rows"
- MongoDB manipulation nodes do not check column name in configure
- Memory leak in Voting Loop End causes hanging workflows
- Polynomial Regression Learner: Multiple R-Squared is incorrect
- Division by zero when creating cursor of empty AbstractColumnarContainerTable
- NER Tag set lacks PERCENT tag value
- Wait... node should not block a worker thread from the thread pool when waiting for file
- R conda environment: Handle different capitalization of PATH on Windows
- Text Output node throws NPE for string flow variables with null value
- Division by zero leads to "NaN" in the scorer
- “Interval Loop Start” can cause infinite loops due to floating point precision problems
- Suboptimal estimation of default thread count (#cores + 2) -- new default to be 3 / 2 * #cores
- Allow leaving R preference page with invalid R home
- Component could not be updated if name contains a special character
- Error when opening views (most likely CEF only)
- String Manipulation logic breaks if KNIME open too long
- Deep learning still relying on long-deprecated pandas.DataFrame.convert_objects method
- Donut Chart shows title in the middle with weird default color
- Keybinding conflicts when starting KNIME AP
- Relative to current mountpoint/workflow and should allow to delete/copy/move workflows within the mountpoint
- Python model size is limited by serializer buffer size
- Workflow temp directory deleted while workflow is running
- (Big Data Extensions): Hive Loader should fail with a human readable error message if the file system connection is not supported

KNIME 4.4.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- XPath node fails to parse XML documents with more than 2000 lines on non-English locale
- Deeply Nested Components won't show views
- DB metadata browser should expand only first hierarchy level
- Call workflow table-based does not recognise Container input variable
- Dragging and dropping XML files to a workflow calls deprecated XML Reader
- JSON/XML/Image Writer node dialog does not detect port-based file system connection
- DB functions starting with $ can make KNIME unresponsive
- Microsoft Authentication node claims success but does not provide authentication
- Excel Reader only hides first column in a group of consecutive hidden columns when reading XLSB files
- Refresh button deactivates interactive filters widget
- SAP Reader (Theobald Software) fails when reading missing date and time fields
- Excel Reader shifts data if column on the left of a hidden column contains missing values
- Call Workflow (Table Based) node doesn't delete jobs after configure
- Fix "Include only explicitly installed" button of Conda Env Prop node on target machine
- Table Row to Variable node no longer able to handle columns of missing type
- Widgets: flow variable-controlled configs are not transferred to view value on re-execution
- Workflow Writer fails on opening written workflow if Explorer is not initialised
- Typo in Workflow Editor Settings
- Non-deterministic output in String Manipulation Multi Column Node
- File Upload Widget does not percent-encode illegal characters in knime:// URLs
- Cannot update mountpoint-relative components when opening workflow from server as local copy
- Memory leak when hiliting is enabled leads to executors running out of heap space
- Heatmaps in the Same Component Plot the same Columns
- Number to String and String to Number check included columns, even if exclude list is enforced

KNIME 4.4.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New nodes:
- XML Reader (new file handling)
- JSON Writer (new file handling)
- XML Writer (new file handling)
- (Big Data Extensions): Spark Logistic Regression Learner (based on
- (Big Data Extensions): Spark Linear Regression Learner (based on

- SVM Learner: Better error message when target column contains constant value
- SAP Reader (Theobald Software) with support for Kerberos authentication
Bug Fixes:
- Save As button sometimes disabled (but shouldn't)
- Problems deserializing AdapterCells containing blobs after restoring workflow
- Amazon S3 Connection (legacy) throws NoClassDefFoundError
- Path To String and Path To String (Variable) nodes do not work with workflow-relative paths if executed on KNIME Server
- External Tool node Error / Output View does not work anymore in 4.4.0
- Windows: KNIME 4.4. up to 30% slower than KNIME 4.3 (not using "server" VM)
- Arrow Python serializer fails with environments created by preference page on Windows
- JSON To XML Node generates an invalid XML
- Component views only work for top-level components
- Reader and writer node dialogs do not open in RWE anymore
- Drag and drop of shortlinks from workflows etc. not working anymore
- Dialog of Create Date&Time Range node cannot be closed
- Fix Metadata Browser on database connections without multi DB support
- Workbench focus lost when configuring node
- Parquet Reader and Writer fail with SMB Connector
- FTP Connector: Unable to list directory if it's name contains spaces
- FTP Connector: concurrency issue with the createDirectory method
- FTP Connector: "Execute failed: 150" error when running Table Reader node
- FTP Connector: OutputStream is extremely slow
- Deep learning: Installation tests do not use variable-controlled Python environment
- AP can't extract creation date from workflow
- NPE in Decision Tree to Ruleset if tree contains only the root node
- File Reader node description should refer to the Complex File Reader
- Python Object Writer has wrong default script
- Double Widget node overrides user input in scientific notation when lowercase 'e' is used
- Filter event fired on re-load after re-execution (Refresh Button) event does not contain filter information
- Typo: "Specifiy" in the Setup Component Wizard
- Deep learning conda environments specified via executor.epf are ignored
- No Focus on dialog when opening node configuration
- Closing and saving a workflow sometimes throws NPE
- MultiLayerPerceptron Predictor node: Node configuration is not in sync with node description
- Simple Streaming Executor can not handle inactive ports
- File Chooser Widget node leads to following error when clicking the refresh button
- Node view values not updated on config- or input-spec-change
- Default configuration of Strings to Document node can lead to NPE errors
- Conda Env Prop node needs to clean up after itself when conda env re-creation fails
- Python: Dialog panes of scripting nodes throw NullPointerException/IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Double Configuration node overrides user input in scientific notation if lowercase 'e' is used
- Credentials Widget does not save KNIME Server Login
- Opening workflow with “External Tool” node with invalid dialog settings causes errors even if configured using flow variable
- Keras: Unmaterialized port object does not use variable-controlled Python environment
- Component on server can't be overwritten from KNIME Explorer
- Keras: LSTM layers cause OpenMP Error #15 (Mac only)
- Downstream metanodes prevent re-execution of single page

KNIME 4.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Table to PDF & HTML cannot write pngs
- Twitter Streaming node failure
- Move file name column to the end rather than prepending it in reader nodes
- NPE in Parameter Optimization Loop Start
- Annotation text on Linux sometimes not readable (font not installed)
- Add better error message for SPA not working in Bundled Chromium and SWT Browser
- Workflow Writer / Deploy to Server nodes do not work if the server URL contains a port and contains a trailing slash
- Unusual / blurry node rendering on macOS
- Community converter can overwrite KNIME converter
- MacOS Big Sur: Various screen artifacts (distorted table, broken splash screen, etc...)
- Conda Environment Propagation Dialog forever loads if Python is not set up
- Fix Locales for extract date & time
- Python: File extension mapping of pickled files (.pkl) maps to deprecated Python Object Reader node
- "Workflow Executor" exports variables in reverse order
- Race condition (and memory leak) when data is retrieved and evicted from the cache at the same time
- Conda Environment Propagation: Kernel queue is not cleared upon failure during environment creation
- Python: Deprecated port type selectable in component setup
- Column selection set to "Document" instead of "Preprocessed Document" in workflow example
- Add data to Reference Reader nodes recursively (for workflow ports)
- Domain Calculator throws exception if Path column is included
- NPE on DnD of an URI lacking a host
- Problem with connections reaching into a capture scope whose source is the parent workflow (i.e. metanode port)
- Fix virtual scope context retrieval from metanode
- Parallel Chunk Loop should retain port objects which lead into a capture scope for later usage
- TRF based Readers don't recalculate the spec if spec affecting settings are controlled via flow variable
- Wrapping/scrolling of status message doesn't work properly
- FileReader throws wrong exception text
- SettingsModelReader/Writer show filter options though they are not available
- Workflow Writer displays confusing warning on escaped default workflow name
- TensorFlow 2 Reader: Reading a network in SavedModel format from TensorFlow Hub fails with ProviderMismatchException
- Check if “Custom workflow name” in ”Capture Workflow End“ node has illegal characters
- Problem with credentials flow variables when injected via reference reader node
- Workflow temp directory deleted while workflow is running
- Configure in Joiner slow for wide tables
- Send to Power BI node: Upload with special column name fails

KNIME 4.3.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


KNIME 4.3.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


KNIME 4.3.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

File Handling Framework:
- Easy to use different file systems and migrate from one system/cloud to another
- Managing of various file systems within the same workflow
- Powerful framework that allows us to integrate more and more file systems
- Consistent user experience across all nodes and file systems
- Performance improvements

Consistent UX & Features for Readers & Writers:
- Read multiple files from a folder into a single KNIME data table
- Visual column transformations, e.g. filtering, sorting, renaming, and type mapping - all available in a responsive and easy to use interface that instantly shows changes in a preview window

Columnar Table Backend for Fast Tables (KNIME Labs):
- Improved performance
- Memory efficiency and in-memory processing

Python Enhancements:
- Easier to share and productionize workflows and components containing Python Scripting nodes; Conda Environment Propagation node captures and replicates required dependencies alongside your workflows or components
- Multiple input and output of Python Scripting nodes
- Integrate functionality from Jupyter notebooks directly into KNIME workflows / Invoke KNIME workflows from Python or Jupyter notebooks

Extensions and Integrations Moving out of KNIME Labs:
- The KNIME Deep Learning Extensions based on Keras and Tensorflow
- Our integrations with H2O, Tableau, and Salesforce

- More Utility Nodes
- Components

KNIME 4.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New nodes:
- AP-15781: String to Path (Variable) (New File Handling)
- AP-15730: Path to String (Variable) (New File Handling)
- AP-15703: Excel Reader (New File Handling)
- AP-15614: HTTP(S) Connector (New File Handling)
- AP-15576: FTP Connector (New File Handling)
- AP-15571: Excel Sheet Reader (New File Handling)
- AP-15518: Call Workflow (Table Based) (New File Handling)
- AP-15499: Excel Writer (New File Handling)
- AP-15464: Google Drive Connector (New File Handling)
- AP-15367: Path to String (New File Handling)
- AP-15355: Azure Blob Storage Connector (New File Handling)
- AP-15283: SSH Connector (New File Handling)
- AP-15257: Parquet Writer (New File Handling)
- AP-15198: Binary Objects to File (New File Handling)
- AP-14855: KNIME Server Connector (New File Handling)
- AP-14083: Line Reader (New File Handling)
- AP-13784: Compress Files (New File Handling)
- AP-13783: De-compress Files (New File Handling)
- AP-13729: Create File/Folder Variables (New File Handling)
- AP-13721: String to Path (New File Handling)
- AP-13479: Files/Folders Meta Info (New File Handling)
- AP-13434: Create folder (New File Handling)
- AP-13433: Transfer Files (New File Handling)
- AP-13432: Delete files/folder (New File Handling)
- AP-13429: ORC Reader (New File Handling)
- AP-13428: Parquet Reader (New File Handling)
- AP-13427: ORC Writer (New File Handling)
- AP-15469: Conda Environment Propagation
- AP-13482: Python Script (with dynamic inputs and outputs)
- AP-14864: Table Manipulator
- AP-14860: Variable to Credentials
- AP-11405: PATCH request
- BD-1083: (Big Data Extensions): Databricks File System Connector (New File Handling)
- BD-1080: (Big Data Extensions): Create Databricks Environment (New File Handling)
- BD-1079: (Big Data Extensions): Create Spark Context (Livy) (New File Handling)
- BD-1078: (Big Data Extensions): Create Local Big Data Environment (New File Handling)
- BD-1076: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to Text (New File Handling)
- BD-1075: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to Parquet (New File Handling)
- BD-1074: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to ORC (New File Handling)
- BD-1073: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to JSON (New File Handling)
- BD-1072: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to CSV (New File Handling)
- BD-1071: (Big Data Extensions): Spark to Avro (New File Handling)
- BD-1070: (Big Data Extensions): Text to Spark (New File Handling)
- BD-1069: (Big Data Extensions): Parquet to Spark (New File Handling)
- BD-1068: (Big Data Extensions): ORC to Spark (New File Handling)
- BD-1067: (Big Data Extensions): JSON to Spark (New File Handling)
- BD-1066: (Big Data Extensions): CSV to Spark (New File Handling)
- BD-1065: (Big Data Extensions): Avro to Spark (New File Handling)
- BD-1054: (Big Data Extensions): HDFS Connector (KNOX) (New File Handling)
- BD-1046: (Big Data Extensions): HDFS Connector (New File Handling)

- AP-15850: "Columnar Table Backend" as part of KNIME Labs -- enables faster execution of workflows
- AP-15777: Configuration Dialogue Layout should display message instead of blank page when empty
- AP-15704: Add transformation support to CSV Reader (New File Handling)
- AP-15672: Amazon S3 Connector: Add SSE-S3 and SSE-KMS support
- AP-15649: Enrich Node Monitor with table dimensions
- AP-15488: Add hub view to default build
- AP-15483: Dynamic ports: Allow to specify default ports for extendable and optional groups
- AP-15477: Layout editor for configuration nodes
- AP-15442: Add system property to disable storing weakly encrypted passwords in workflows
- AP-15432: Update Apache CXF from 3.0.7 to 3.2.14
- AP-15328: Transpose Node should make use of ColumnFilter API
- AP-15299: Add Column Filter to Table Row to Variable
- AP-15270: Support list columns in Parquet Reader
- AP-15259: Support multi-file writing for ORC/Parquet Writer (new filehandling)
- AP-15201: Allow workflow diff between current version and snapshot on server mount point
- AP-15140: Support FSLocation and Collection FlowVariables in Variable Loop End
- AP-15134: Support Paths and ListCells in Table to Variable Loop Start
- AP-15061: Handle drag on drop of workflow from Hub to workbench
- AP-15047: Support Paths in Table to Variable and vice versa
- AP-15039: Set Python node executable's "current working directory" to Workflow directory
- AP-14942: Additional type mappings for NULL DB type
- AP-14874: Design Read "Enduser API" for Fast Tables
- AP-14834: Update ChemAxon Marvin extension to x.y.z and re-categorize into "Partner Extension" (now with more stringent license checking)
- AP-14742: Make Chromium.SWT part of KNIME AP build
- AP-14428: SAP Theobald Reader: CSV Options
- AP-14231: Show KNIME Hub in AP Panel
- AP-14193: (Semi-) Automatically add and enable update sites on node drag&drop from the Hub
- AP-14132: "Open in KNIME Hub" Links: Use AP integration instead of external browser
- AP-14035: Enable file download widget to work in the AP
- AP-14034: Enable file upload widget to work in the AP
- AP-13883: Excel Reader enhancement when reading multiple files with different structure
- AP-13827: Google Authentication Should Only Involve The Google Analytics ReadOnly scope Instead Of The Full Scope Set
- AP-13130: Call Workflow (Table Based) should allow calling workflows without any input or output nodes
- AP-13019: Input Filtering in Column Selection and Column Filter Configuration
- AP-11813: More efficient update check of (web-)linked components
- AP-11549: Excel Reader (XLS) automatically update data preview
- AP-10689: Configurable load timeout in "Call Workflow" nodes
- AP-9451: Changing the order of dialog elements in Component Dialogs
- AP-5400: XLS Reader should allow changing column type in dialog
- BD-1087: (Big Data Extensions): Update Spark version in Create Local Big Data Environment to Spark 2.4.7
- WEBP-615: New File Upload Widget should additionally export a path flow variable new File Handling nodes can read
- WEBP-567: Toggle component
- WEBP-391: File Download Widget does not support new flow variable type for Path
- WEBP-182: Frontend: rewrite the file upload input widget (input)
- WEBP-178: Frontend: rewrite file download widget (output)
- WEBP-172: Frontend: rewrite date input widget (input)
- WEBP-170: Frontend: rewrite credentials input widget (input)

- AP-15044: On Linux, node dialog input fields require extra click to become active
- AP-14945: "Shift + key" in Table Creator doesn't work any more
- AP-15782: Force-Enable Create Snapshot does not create a snapshot
- AP-15758: Configuration Layout Editor shows missing nodes when only views are present
- AP-15723: DB Connection Closer node should log a warning instead of an error if connection is already closed
- AP-15721: Support newOutputStream with append option in URIFS
- AP-15720: If exists options must not be disabled for Costum/KNIME URL
- AP-15691: Layout Editor of Composite View: Drag&Drop is broken on Windows
- AP-15645: Tableau Integration: Write hyperd.log to temporary file
- AP-15641: File and line reader don't read size of .gz files correctly (incorrect progress report)
- AP-15638: Mountpoints cannot be changed in case content provider factory isn't known.
- AP-15585: Transformation Table disappears if names are wrong and other setting is changed
- AP-15582: ORC Writer corrupts lists if a list cell is missing
- AP-15550: NullPointerException in Call Workflow (Table based) node
- AP-15529: Transformation tab does not restore changed columns orders
- AP-15527: Port type mix-up when changing port order on components and metanodes (which are connected to a downstream metanode)
- AP-15501: Call Workflow (Table Based) throws exception while cleaning delegate table
- AP-15476: Writing workflow summary locks up executor
- AP-15473: Save Workflow Node does not work in Components
- AP-15440: File extensions in filter mode are not parsed correctly if they are separated by spaces
- AP-15357: KNIME Server Connection Builds Incorrect Endpoint with Email-based Usernames
- AP-15339: Fix broken error message for empty input file paths
- AP-15244: Errors while loading data in workflows sometimes not properly handled in downstream components
- AP-15190: DB Loader occasionally fails in a loop
- AP-15128: DL Keras Learner: View throws an error if loss is negative
- AP-15098: Excel Sheet Appender truncates sheet names with more than 25 characters
- AP-15065: Workflow Writer sets inputs and outputs to None if the dialog is canceled when it is opened for the first time
- AP-15029: Component inside encrypted component is lost after reopening workflow
- AP-15010: Call Workflow nodes on Windows use '' -- should be '/' to be cross platform compatible
- AP-14997: Flow variable controlled settings using flow variables from unexecuted components are lost when configuring
- AP-14894: Create Temp folder dialog does not warn about missing folders
- AP-14752: Binary Object to File node giving NullPointerException when run on server
- AP-14748: Closing (some) node configuration dialogs may occasionally cause freeze on MacOS
- AP-14642: Excel Reader fails in case column cell has only space in column row
- AP-14568: Workflow Annotation Edit Toolbar color chooser is buggy
- AP-14408: DL Keras Learner creates many temporary files which are not deleted during execution
- AP-13932: Potential StackOverflow in NodeContext/NodeLogger in development mode (assertions enabled)
- AP-13919: Configuration Dialog of Components does not increase width when scaling the windows
- AP-13067: 'Select Loop' shown in context menu of component input node
- AP-12595: Metanode reconfiguration does not allow addition of Network port type
- AP-11847: Excel Reader extracts false Value for Date&Time Column
- AP-9051: Excel Sheet Appender Hits 65536 Row Limit for XLSM File Type
- AP-3746: XLS reader sets error on execution when the xls file has slightly changed (e.g. different column names)
- BD-1094: (Big Data Extensions): Pyspark nodes can not be edited with remote editing
- BD-1058: (Big Data Extensions): Disable transactions only on Impala BigData/HiveLoader tmp table
- BD-1057: (Big Data Extensions): Parquet/ORC reader nodes fail on S3 bucket in new regions and buckets created after June 24, 2020
- WEBP-634: Date&Time Widget is broken
- WEBP-624: Support local file upload with non-legacy file upload
- WEBP-578: File Upload Widget - Validation of File extension should not be case sensitive
- WEBP-477: Fix 'WizardExecutionController#hasCurrentPage' in case the page is still in execution and part of a loop

KNIME 4.2.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- AP-15232: "-profileLocation" paths should be relative to installation folder (unless they are absolute)

Bug Fixes:
- AP-15396: File Chooser throws error if default path is '/'
- AP-15286: "workflow.svg" looks slightly different (labels cropped) on MacOSX
- AP-15482: Visual Layout editor doesn't work, if apostrophe (') is used in node annotation
- AP-15454: Fix Path sorting for PathAccessor and FSFiles
- AP-15384: Athena Connector does not report proper exception if S3 authentication fails during dialog opening
- AP-15371: Reading from Custom URL fails when URL contains percent-encoded characters in query or fragment
- AP-15362: SharePoint Online Connector directory creation has race condition that causes wrong error to be thrown
- AP-15313: Resetting connector node together with Create Temp Dir node sometimes results in NPE
- AP-15307: Labeling View Widget buttons order is wrong
- AP-15278: AbstractDialogComponentFileChooser doesn't always update the status message properly
- AP-15207: Windows Defender handling fails with recent Windows updates
- AP-15151: Workflow Writer "Deployment Options" are gone
- AP-15076: Conda env specification via executor.epf seemingly ignored on distributed executors
- AP-13814: Conditional Box Plot has a strange sorting for the nominal values when containing 00, 01, 10 ...
- WEBP-565: File Upload Widget receives status 403 when used on KNIME Server Small
- WEBP-555: Large file uploads crash Chrome and Edge
- WEBP-547: Padding of button on File Upload Widget
- WEBP-524: JavaScript views are not working in legacy Edge