Resilio Sync (64-bit)

最新版本 BitTorrent Sync 2.1.1 (64-bit)

BitTorrent Sync 2.1.1 (64-bit)

BitTorrent Sync 2.1.1 (64-bit)
以前稱為(BitTorrent Sync)的 Resilio Sync 64 位允許您在所有設備之間免費同步文件。它具有在您自己的設備之間同步無限文件,或與朋友和家人共享文件夾以自動同步任何內容,文件傳輸被加密,並且您的信息永遠不會存儲在雲端的服務器上,您的數據受到私鑰的保護。 Resilio Sync 是專為處理大文件而設計的,因此可以隨時同步原始,高質量和無壓縮的文件.

Resilio 同步功能:

Resilio Sync 使用 BitTorrent 的點對點技術來查找最短傳輸數據時設備之間的路徑。不管這些設備是在同一個家庭還是在全球範圍內,都無關緊要。這節省了時間,特別是對於大量文件,並使失敗的傳輸成為過去。 Resilio Sync 還可以使用本地網絡移動數據,即使互聯網關閉或不可用。

編輯現有文件後,Resilio Sync 64 位知道如何僅更新已更改的部分,而不是整個文件。這使移動數據更快,特別是對於大文件。更新和更改會立即自動同步。當你共享一個文件夾時,每個額外的設備使共享更快,並可以傳輸數據到任何其他同行。在連接受限的情況下,您可以暫時同步特定文件夾或所有內容.

Secure Links for Sharing

注意:30 天試用版。有限功能.

也可用:下載 Resilio Sync for Mac


檔案版本 BitTorrent Sync 2.1.1 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 BitTorrent-Sync_x64.exe
檔案大小 6.39 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Resilio, Inc.
更新日期 2015-07-17

What's new in this version:

- If you have a storage device linked to your identity in “Synced” mode, capacity information about that device is shown in the My Devices window so it can be remotely monitored; that device must also be running Sync 2.0.125 or later
- Notifications in Sync are now synchronized across your devices
- Keyboard shortcuts have been added; “ctrl + /” on Windows and “command + /” on OS X to display the available shortcuts
- You can now add a folder to Sync by dragging and dropping it into the main window
- Search for folders, users, and devices in the folder list, peer list, and licenses
- New optional column for “Owner” so you can easily see who owns which folder
- New optional column for “Last transferred” so you know the last time files were changed in a folder
- Ability to hide offline devices in the My Devices list that you are not using anymore

- Sync API v2 is enabled. For detailed information, see API page.
- Notifications have been added for changes in folder permissions and licensing status
- Reduced the size of placeholder files on OS X when the folder’s “Sync all” option is off
- All settings in a folder's Share dialog are now remembered the next time it is opened
- For Sync-specific options, icons have been added to the contextual menu of folders and files in Explorer (Windows) and Finder (OS X)
- When manually installing a new version of Sync for Windows, the installer now properly shuts down the existing version of Sync, making the update process easier
- Additional usability and design improvements
- Many core engine improvements

- Fixed issue that would cause UI to not update (like when linking a device or adding a folder)
- “Date synced column” is not empty when peers go offline
- Critical issues have been resolved on POSIX-based systems
- The UI is now properly scaled on high-resolution Windows displays, like those on the Microsoft Surface Pro
- Improved the accuracy of files that need to be sent or received in the peer list
- Accuracy of receiving performance statistic has been improved
- Resolved an issue when disconnecting/connecting a folder after changing the default path
- Resolved an issue that would cause the incorrect path to show in the “Path” column
- Resolved a CPU usage issue on OS X that would result in the WindowServer process consuming resources
- On OS X, hidden items can now be selected when adding a folder if they are made visible in the Finder
- Resolved an issue on OS X Yosemite that caused some checkboxes and radio buttons to be duplicated
- “Pause receiving” is changed to “Cancel receiving” in a file’s contextual menu when it is being received
- Resolved an issue that sometimes caused the Sync-specific contextual menu options disappear in the Finder
- Resolved an issue that Sync prevents OS X from entering sleep mode
- Minor design improvements

BitTorrent Sync 2.1.1 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
All Versions of BitTorrent Sync (64bit)

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BitTorrent Sync 的旧版本(Windows)

... Windows 上BitTorrent Sync 的旧版本。BitTorrent Sync ... BitTorrent Sync. 2.3.8 (64-bit). Rainberry, Inc. 2 ... 2.1.1 (32-bit) 17 7月2015. exe 2.1.1 (64-bit) 17 7 ...

Download BitTorrent Sync (64bit) 2.1.4

Sync uses BitTorrent technology to provide fast and private file sharing for teams and workgroups. Every transfer is direct, from device to device.

Download Resilio Sync 2.1.1 for Windows

2022年6月7日 — Download Resilio Sync 2.1.1 for Windows. Fast ... BitTorrent-Sync.exe. Also available in other ... qBittorrent 64-bit ...

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2015年8月26日 — Dear community,Sync 2.1.4 is now available. You can get it via official download site or using direct links below.

Older versions of BitTorrent Sync (Windows)

BitTorrent Sync. 2.3.8 (64-bit). Rainberry, Inc. 2 ... Download rollbacks of BitTorrent Sync for Windows. Any version of BitTorrent Sync ... 2.1.1 (32-bit) Jul 17, ...


Resilio Sync change log

- Sync rebranding to Resilio & migration from BitTorrent Sync - ... - Sync leaves old binary when upgrading from x86 to x64 version ... 2.1.1 - Fixed issue that ...

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Key Details of SyncToy (64-Bit) · Synchronize files and folders between locations. · Last updated on 8/2/2011 · There have been 2 updates · Virus scan status: Clean ...

下载Resilio Sync 2.1.1 Windows 版

BitTorrent-Sync.exe. 也可用于其他平台. MacBitTorrent Sync. PCResilio Sync. 2.1.1. BitTorrent(免费). 用户评分. 免费下载 ... qBittorrent 64-bit · MegaDownloader ...