Resilio Sync (32-bit)

最新版本 BitTorrent Sync 2.0.120 (32-bit)

BitTorrent Sync 2.0.120 (32-bit)

BitTorrent Sync 2.0.120 (32-bit)
以前稱為(BitTorrent Sync)的 Resilio Sync 允許您在所有設備之間免費同步文件。它具有在您自己的設備之間同步無限文件,或與朋友和家人共享文件夾以自動同步任何內容,文件傳輸被加密,並且您的信息永遠不會存儲在雲端的服務器上,您的數據受到私鑰的保護。 Resilio Sync 是專為處理大文件而設計的,因此可以隨時同步原始,高質量和無壓縮的文件.

Resilio 同步功能:

Resilio Sync 使用 BitTorrent 的點對點技術來查找最短傳輸數據時設備之間的路徑。不管這些設備是在同一個家庭還是在全球範圍內,都無關緊要。這節省了時間,特別是對於大量文件,並使失敗的傳輸成為過去。 Resilio Sync 還可以使用本地網絡移動數據,即使互聯網關閉或不可用。

編輯現有文件後,Resilio Sync 知道如何僅更新已更改的部分,而不是整個文件。這使移動數據更快,特別是對於大文件。更新和更改會立即自動同步。當你共享一個文件夾時,每個額外的設備使共享更快,並可以傳輸數據到任何其他同行。在連接受限的情況下,您可以暫時同步特定文件夾或所有內容.

Secure Links for Sharing
您可以設置創建的鏈接的到期時間,以便鏈接僅在特定時間段內有效。如果任何人在期限過期後嘗試使用該鏈接,將不再有效。與某人分享鏈接後,您可以在該鏈接被點擊並批准或拒絕訪問時收到通知。注意:您可以選擇 30 天試用 Pro 版本.

注意:30 天試用版。有限功能.

也可用:下載 Resilio Sync for Mac


檔案版本 BitTorrent Sync 2.0.120 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 BitTorrent-Sync.exe
檔案大小 5.18 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Resilio, Inc.
更新日期 2015-05-20

What's new in this version:

- Search for folders, users, and devices in the folder list, peer list, and licenses
- New optional column for “Owner” so you can easily see who owns which folder
- New optional column for “Last transferred” so you know the last time files were changed in a folder
- Ability to hide offline devices in the My Devices list that you are not using anymore Enhancements:
- All settings in a folder's Share dialog are now remembered the next time it is opened
- For Sync-specific options, icons have been added to the contextual menu of folders and files in Explorer (Windows) and Finder (OS X)
- When manually installing a new version of Sync for Windows, the installer now properly shuts down the existing version of Sync, making the update process easier
- Additional usability and design improvements
- Many core engine improvements Fixes:
- The UI is now properly scaled on high-resolution Windows displays, like those on the Microsoft Surface Pro
- Improved the accuracy of files that need to be sent or received in the peer list
- Accuracy of receiving performance statistic has been improved
- Resolved an issue when disconnecting/connecting a folder after changing the default path
- Resolved an issue that would cause the incorrect path to show in the “Path” column
- Resolved a CPU usage issue on OS X that would result in the WindowServer process consuming resources
- On OS X, hidden items can now be selected when adding a folder if they are made visible in the Finder
- Resolved an issue on OS X Yosemite that caused some checkboxes and radio buttons to be duplicated
- Pause receiving” is changed to “Cancel receiving” in a file’s contextual menu when it is being received
- Resolved an issue that sometimes caused the Sync-specific contextual menu options disappear in the Finder

BitTorrent Sync 2.0.120 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
Resilio Sync - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

Resilio Sync(曾經名為「BitTorrent Sync」)是由BitTorrent公司開發的專有的對等網路資料同步工具,可在Windows、OS X、Linux、Android、iOS和FreeBSD上使用。

Descargar Resilio Sync 2.0.120 para Windows

... torrent. Se trata de una aplicación ligera bastante fácil de · qBittorrent. qBittorrent 32-bit es un software gratuito P2P que permite la descarga de archivos ...

雲端硬碟請借過,BitTorrent Sync 讓我的雲端空間無上限

2015年7月28日 — 什麼是BitTorrent Sync · 事前準備 · 在Linux 安裝BT Sync · 在Mac 安裝BT Sync · 在Windows 安裝BT Sync · 設定第一台裝置 · 加入其他裝置 · 在裝置間同步資料.

BitTorrent Sync предыдущие версии - Windows - Uoldown

2.3.8 (64-bit) 9.74MB · 16/12/2020 ; 2.3.7 (32-bit) 0KB · 2016-05-05 ; 2.3.7 (64-bit) 0KB · 2016-05-05 ; 2.3.6 (64-bit) 9.73MB · 2016-03-30 ; 2.3.6 (32-bit) 8.54MB ...

BitTorrent Sync 的旧版本(Windows)

... Windows 上BitTorrent Sync 的旧版本。BitTorrent Sync ... bit) 27 6月2016. exe 2.3.6 (32-bit) 30 3月2016. exe ... 2.0.120 (32-bit) 20 5月2015. 查看更多. 关闭图标. CN ...

Older versions of BitTorrent Sync (Windows)

BitTorrent Sync. 2.3.8 (64-bit). Rainberry, Inc. 2 ... 6 (32-bit) Mar 30, 2016. exe 2.3.6 (64-bit) Mar 30 ... 2.0.120 (32-bit) May 20, 2015. See more. Close icon.


HobbledGrubs's Content

One node couldn't complete indexing. I suspect the problem was related to it being the only node running a 32bit executable as the machine was far more powerful ...

Bittorrent Sync 讓人更輕鬆地在各裝置之間分享資料夾檔案

2015年3月4日 — BitTorrent 推出的自建雲端資料夾應用Sync app,主打無需經由第三方伺服器,即可讓人簡單地透過連結,便能在各裝置之間透過點對點的方式彼此分享資料 ...

How To Remove Device In "my Devices" - Sync Forums - Resilio

2015年3月5日 — (as it is little bit annoying to see that) ... Starting from Sync 2.0.120 there is a way to ... BitTorrent Sync settings and unlink it from there.