Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise

最新版本 dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.8.838

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.8.838

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.8.838
遠程桌面管理器是一種流行的應用程序,專業用戶,網絡管理員和 IT 部門使用該應用程序來管理虛擬機和所有類型的遠程連接。它使用直觀的界面,並支持所有的連接標準,如 VPN,FTP,SSH,Telnet 等。通過在您的 PC 上安裝“遠程桌面管理器”,用戶可以輕鬆創建虛擬映像和連接的網絡,不僅可以滿足幾個要求不高的用戶的需求,還可以滿足需要對網絡資源進行精確控制的遠程處理功能,協作,異地備份,安全性,無數其他東西.

有了它,您可以輕鬆創建,編輯,共享,組織和查找遠程連接,並直接聯繫所有常用的遠程連接程序,如 LogMeIn,VNC,終端服務,Team Viewer,Telnet,Microsoft 遠程桌面,VMware, Virtual PC,X Window,Dameware,Citrix,Hyper-V,Microsoft 遠程協助,Oracle Virtual Box,Radmin,PC Anyswhere 等等。儘管這個應用程序提供了令人難以置信的功能,但仍然可以在免費軟件模式下使用幾乎每個專業用戶的微笑。只有要求最苛刻的用戶才會覺得有必要從免費版本切換到企業版計劃,以便解鎖更多的工具和服務,以滿足需要服務數百個用戶的超大型企業的需求。


自動 VPN 連接
遠程桌面管理器本地支持多種 VPN 類型,例如:Microsoft VPN,Cisco VPN,SonicWall VPN 和 TheGreenBow VPN。作為一個免費的插件,它還提供了一個廣泛的 VPN 列表,例如:OpenVPN,Shrewsoft VPN 以及許多其他與 IPSec 兼容的 VPN。這些可以在幾秒鐘內下載和安裝。


使用快速連接功能可以使用 Microsoft 遠程桌面,VNC 或 Web 快速訪問遠程計算機頁。只需輸入主機名或 IP 地址即可.

訪問和管理您的連接,查看打開的會話並更改活動的數據源。訪問本地工具,如:命令提示符,註冊表編輯器,性能監視器,遠程 shutdown


該應用程序集成了高級加密標準(AES)算法,以保護您的本地文件和數據庫中的敏感數據。使用自己的私鑰和主密碼(密碼短語)來創建強加密密鑰(256 位密鑰).

注意:30 天試用版。需要.NET Framework.

也可用:下載用於 Mac



檔案版本 dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.8.838

檔案名稱 dcoracle.exe
檔案大小 79.67 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Devolutions
更新日期 2019-09-13

What's new in this version:

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.8.838
- The integration with Visual Studio 2019 is improved: now the installation detects both 2019 Release and 2019 Preview versions
- The bug with applying Oracle globalization settings for TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE is fixed
- The bug with throwing "Unknown error 1" by OracleDataReader.GetOracleLob() in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with using array binding on Oracle 19c in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with using parameters of invalid object type in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with generating code for a parameterless package procedure by Oracle Package Wizard for Oracle 12c and higher is fixed

Entity Developer:
- Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 9 is supported for projects with target framework .NET Core 3 or .NET Standard 2.1
- The behaviour is changed: a plural form of names ending with "s" now has a longer version (for example, status -> statuses)
The bug with applying the new Foreign Key's Delete Rule values SET DEFAULT and SET NULL by the Update Database From Model and Update Model From - Database wizards is fixed (Entity Framework)
- The bug with copying a property with Primary Key=True / Entity Key=True to a complex type is fixed (Entity Framework)
- The bug with naming of a composing unique key by Create Model Wizard / Update From Database Wizard in EF Core is fixed (Entity Framework)
- The bug with invalid attempt to cast unsupported Visual Studio project to type 'VSLangProj.VSProject' is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 9 is supported
- A new NuGet package Devart.Data.Oracle.EF6 with a .NET Standard 2.1 assembly, compatible with .NET Core 3, is added
- The bug with missing CAST for RAW(16) parameters in the WHERE clause of UPDATE statements in EF6 is fixed
- The bug with using the same database connection in several EF Core contexts is fixed
- The bug with applying a value converter to .Where expression with .Contains on nullable enum in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with translating .All clause within .Where condition in EF Core 2 is fixed

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.7.805
- The bug with throwing System.IndexOutOfRangeException when OracleParameter.Size=-1 is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- The bug with applying a value converter to a nullable column in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with using the binary operator Add for the types 'System.String' and 'System.String' within LINQ query in EF Core 2 is fixed

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.7.790
- The bug with inserting TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE values with negative timezone in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with throwing "Operation is not supported" by web providers, when the cookie is used, is fixed
- The bug with reading incorrect timestamp's timezone and offset in the Direct connection mode when the timezone is presented as a string value is fixed

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.7.770
- Deprecated design-time Synchronous API calls are no longer used with Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2017
- The bug with executing OracleCommand, having CommandType.StoredProcedure, when its CommandText contains a colon, which does not denote a stored procedure overload number, is fixed
- The bug with processing line breaks by OracleScript, when a script contains lines of only a semicolon character, is fixed
- The bug with inserting a long string into the VARCHAR2 column on Oracle Server with NLS_CHARACTERSET=UTF8 in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with reading data from the NVARCHAR2 column on Oracle Server with NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET=UTF8 in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with reading CLOB data in the OracleUtils.OracleClientCompatible mode via the reader.GetOracleLob().Value and reader.GetOracleLob().Length properties and reader.GetOracleLob().Read() and reader.GetString() methods is fixed
- The bug with reading incorrect timestamp's timezone and offset from an Oracle object field when the timezone is presented as a string value, is fixed
- The bug with throwing "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with errors when executing ExecuteArray with large string array parameters without specifying the parameters Size is fixed

LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle):
- The bug with executing incorrect SQL request (cached during one of the previous calls), when a variable initialized with an empty collection participates in LINQ query, is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.4 is supported
- The bug with closing database connection by context.Dispose() in the scope of a distributed transaction in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with using a value converter, when the .NET data type remains the same, within the WHERE clause in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with applying an escaped quotation to the idempotent script in EF Core 2 Code-First Migrations is fixed

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.7.734

- Visual Studio 2019 is supported
- OS authentication is supported in the Direct mode
- The behaviour is changed: when loading data in the Direct mode, OracleLoader now adds the /* APPEND_VALUES */ hint to the generated SQL for Oracle 11g Release 2 and higher
- The bug with freezing when reading an XMLTYPE value in the OCI mode, when CommandBehavior is set to SequentialAccess, is fixed
- The bug with encoding registration in .NET Standard compliant assemblies is fixed

Entity Developer:
- The bug with processing DBNull returned by the function in EF Core is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- The bug with using the "Generate Database from Model" wizard when working with Entity Framework 6 Tools is fixed
- The bug with quoting string parameter set in the DbFunction attribute in EF Core is fixed

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.6.725

- Visual Studio 2019 Release Candidate 4 is supported
- The GetOracleTimeStamp, GetDateTimeOffset, and GetTimeSpan methods are added to OracleArrayDataReader
- The bug with throwing NRE when calling the GetSchemaTable method of OracleArrayDataReader for a VARRAY column is fixed
- The bugs with reading data via OracleArrayDataReader are fixed
- The bug with corrupting not Latin-1 characters by Migration Wizard for files with non-unicode encoding is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.3 is supported
- The SQL translation of the following method overloads, that accept the StringComparison argument and return bool, in the System.String class is supported in EF Core 2: Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, Equals
- The .HasComputedColumnSql functionality for the AddColumn and AlterColumn operations in EF Core Code-First Migrations is supported
- The bug with using the TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE column type in EF Core 2.2 mapping is fixed
- The bug with generating the COALESCE expression in EF Core is fixed
- The bug with calling DbExecutionStrategy.ShouldRetryOn(Exception), when the first connection fails to open, is fixed

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.6.675

- The bug with calling OracleDataReader.IsDBNull() for a NULL value from an XMLTYPE column is fixed
- The bug with connecting to a localhost in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with connecting to Oracle 12c in the Direct mode is fixed

LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle):
- The new overload DataContext.Refresh(bool ignoreErrors, RefreshMode mode, object entity) is added for ignoring errors during refresh
- The existing overload DataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode mode, object entity) is improved: its check avoids the try to refresh the entity that is added to the context but not submitted to the database
- The type and text of the error generated by the DataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode mode, object entity) method, when the passed entity doesn't exist in database, is fixed

Entity Developer:
- The multiple select functionality in EF Core Model is improved: now it allows setting PrimaryKey, ValueGenerated, Concurrency for several properties simultaneously
- The bug with detecting order of columns in composite primary key with two or more columns by Update To Database and by Update From Database wizards in EF Core is fixed
- The bug with using ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Framework) and Azure Functions v1 (.NET Framework) projects in Visual Studio 2017 is fixed

Entity Framework support:
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.1 is supported
- The new extension method Database.IsOracle() in EF Core 2 is implemented
- The .HasComputedColumnSql functionality in EF Core Code-First Migrations is supported
- The performance of Entity Data Model Wizard is improved
- The bug with applying config.Workarounds.IgnoreSchemaName=true to the .ToTable() functionality in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bugs with using the GuidToStringConverter, EnumToStringConverter, ValueConverter classes in EF Core 2 are fixed
- The bug with constructing the LIKE clause in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with generating a subselect within the SELECT list in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with applying an aggregate function to the result of a subselect in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with throwing "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis" in EF Core 2 is fixed
- The bug with accessing FKs, when the SELECT permission is granted through roles, by Entity Data Model Wizard is fixed

dotConnect for Oracle Professional 9.8.838 相關參考資料