Rainlendar Lite (64-bit)

最新版本 VASSAL Engine 3.5.0

VASSAL Engine 3.5.0

VASSAL Engine 3.5.0
Rainlendar 64 位是一個功能豐富的日曆應用程序,易於使用,並不佔用太多的空間在您的桌面上。該應用程序是平台獨立的,所以你可以在所有主要的操作系統上運行它:Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X. 外觀可以定制皮膚,你甚至可以混合不同的皮膚。也可以將 Rainlendar 與其他日曆應用程序一起使用。 Rainlendar 使用標準的 iCalendar 格式來存儲它的事件和任務,以便您可以輕鬆地在應用程序之間傳輸它們.

Rainlendar 64 位是一個 unicode 應用程序,支持本地化,因此您可以使用它自己的語言。所有未來事件都顯示在一個單獨的列表中,您可以一眼看到一周的事件。你可以決定提前幾天你想在列表中看到。不同的事件在列表中可以有不同的外觀,因此您可以輕鬆地從其他事件中發現重要事件。日曆中的圖標也可以在事件列表和其他窗口中使用,以便更容易地分離事件.

您也可以為您的長期任務單獨列出一個列表。任務列表可以以幾種方式排列,以便您可以更好地組織。您還可以設置任務的到期日期,以確保您能夠按時完成任務。當事件或任務到期時,您也會發出警報,以免錯過。警報可以被定義為在實際事件之前的任何持續時間被設置,以便您有時間做好準備。而這還不是全部。檢查功能列表和畫廊,以更好地了解 Rainlendar 可以做的所有事情.

Rainlendar 功能:

Events 和 Tasks
Rainlendar 支持事件和任務,這兩個事件和任務都保存在單獨的列表中。這可以幫助你保持你的生活更好的組織,讓你更容易看到即將到來的事情你需要做什麼.


所有數據都以標準的 iCalendar 格式(RFC2445)存儲,大多數日曆應用程序都支持這種格式。這使得在應用程序之間傳輸事件變得很容易.


Rainlendar 已被翻譯成超過 50 種不同的語言,因此您可以使用您的母語。在輸入事件時,還可以使用任何語言.

該應用程序適用於所有主流操作系統:Windows,Mac OS X 和 Linux。所有平台上的數據,皮膚,語言和腳本都是相同的,因此您可以輕鬆地在兩者之間遷移.

也可用:下載 Rainlendar for Mac


檔案版本 VASSAL Engine 3.5.0

檔案名稱 VASSAL-3.5.0-windows-64.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Rainy
官網 http://www.rainlendar.net/
更新日期 2021-02-01

What's new in this version:

New features:
- Console, for entering commands to affect errorlog, properties, etc.
- Performance improvements for Global Key Commands
- Simpler way to display PDF files from Help menu
- Expose version numbers and module strings to module as properties
- MouseOverStackViewer can show > 1 piece of a deck
- Editor's search function can now search piece traits and component attributes
- MouseoverStackViewer has HTML support and additional formatting options
- "Help" button (and help information) added to Preferences dialog
- Added preference to control drag-at-edge-of-map width
- Threshold for centering on opponent's move is now configurable
- Title Bar of module should always show most recent Save/Load/Log
- Ability to Deselect a piece with a Key Command (also remove it from its stack)
- Flare feature for map
- Added KeyNamer for overriding key names
- Method for removing unused images from modules
- Aesthetic improvements to dialogs
- Chess clocks
- Added Preference for turning off sounds

- Level name in Layer trait is not being saved
13900: MassPieceLoader trait editor shows standard Embellishment trait editor instead of -ecific one
- Reinstate removed TilingHandler ctor for VASL 6.6.1
- NPE in DieManager ctor
- NPE in AbstractMetaData.getVassalVersion()
- Added description field to (nearly) all traits
- Toolbars missing from non-dockable windows
- "Module from older version" check is too strict
- Map/Module Global Key Command Description not being saved
- SendToLocation does not create Movement Trail points
- NPE in DiceButton.setAttribute()
- Find all parentless Dialogs and JOptionPanes and give them a parent
- Non-rectangular trait should remember name of image that created it
- Suffix/Prefix fields in Layer trait are not displayed correctly
- Bad parameter in Editor.UniqueIdManager.more_than_one message
- NPE after cutting/pasting piece palettes in Editor
- Chess clock help file is misnamed
13741: DataArchive.getImageNames() incorrectly returns an empty string if images/ has an -in the ZIP archive
- Piece Slots shouldn't be allowed at very top level of Piece Palette
- Replaced ComponentSplitter with SplitPane for better splitter positioning
- "Remember window size" preference is no longer ignored
- Global preferences are written when changed
- Save As in Editor, if it fails, complains the new filename
- Wizard should set the initial value for next save/load dialog
- Fixed incorrect date format in SecretNotesController
- Prevent top level required components from being deleted in Editor
- Comparison operator >= no longer incorrectly documented as =>
- Antialiasing RenderingHints not set properly for drawing game components

Other improvements:
- Make Flare animation disableable
- File > Import Module moved to Tools > Convert Module
- Simplified communication between Module Manager, Player, Editor
- Combined save and log loading; Load Continuation moved from File to Tools menu
- Improved workflow of zone editor
- Refer to MacOS instead of MacOS X now that MacOS 11 is out
- Simplified ZIP archive writing and error reporting
- Improve look of Auto Configured editor dialogs
- Improve visibility of Logging status - Help people to remember to start logs
- buildFile renamed to buildFile.xml
- Add a chatter message when starting to write a logfile
- Use native file chooser on Linux
- Better handling of logfile/savefile comments
- Saving a module will default to .vmod, an extension to .vext
- Player switching sides now reported in Chat Log
- Move Compatibility related preferences on the General tab to a new Compatibility tab
- Suggest default filename extensions

VASSAL Engine 3.5.0 相關參考資料
Index of mavenorgvassalenginevassal-app3.5.0-beta3

Name · Last modified · Size · Description. [PARENTDIR], Parent Directory, -. [ ], vassal-app-3.5.0-beta3-javadoc.jar, 2021-01-21 16:46, 8.9M. [ ] ...


VASSAL 3.5.0 Released - vassalengine.org • View topic

13 小時前 — * Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL. We recommend keeping a backup copy of any pre-3.5 modules you plan ...


VASSAL 3.5.0 Released | VASSAL

16 小時前 — Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL. We recommend keeping a backup copy of any pre-3.5 modules you ...


VASSAL 3.5.0-beta1 Released - vassalengine.org • View topic

2020年11月27日 — The VASSAL Team is happy to announce VASSAL 3.5.0-beta1, which ... Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL.


VASSAL 3.5.0-beta1 Released | VASSAL

2020年11月27日 — Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL. We recommend keeping a backup copy of any pre-3.5 modules you ...


VASSAL 3.5.0-beta2 Released - vassalengine.org • View topic

2021年1月5日 — The VASSAL Team is happy to announce VASSAL 3.5.0-beta2, which ... Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL.


VASSAL 3.5.0-beta2 Released | VASSAL

2021年1月5日 — Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL. We recommend keeping a backup copy of any pre-3.5 modules you ...


VASSAL 3.5.0-beta3 Released | VASSAL

2021年1月21日 — Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL. We recommend keeping a backup copy of any pre-3.5 modules you ...



... Uncategorizeduckelman. The VASSAL Team is happy to announce VASSAL 3.5.0. ... Modules saved in 3.5 are not openable by earlier versions of VASSAL.


VASSAL-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT ... - vassalengine.org • View topic

2020年12月16日 — OK, while testing VASSAL-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT-db7ecdc7e to see if it fixed another bug, I discovered some really strange behavior; the toolbar ...
