Qt Creator (64-bit)

最新版本 Qt Creator 4.3.0 (64-bit)

Qt Creator 4.3.0 (64-bit)

Qt Creator 4.3.0 (64-bit)
Qt Creator 64 位是面向應用程序開發人員的完整集成開發環境(IDE)!無論您是創建移動應用程序,桌面應用程序還是連接的嵌入式設備,Qt Creator 都是跨平台的 IDE,使應用程序和 UI 開髮變得輕而易舉。由於上市時間至關重要,因此 IDE 包含可加快開發時間的生產力工具。完整的跨平台集成開發環境,可輕鬆創建連接設備,用戶界面和應用程序.

超越代碼設計和創新我們相信,提供滿足並超出最終用戶需求的連接設備,用戶界面和應用程序不僅僅是簡潔的代碼。你不能靠直覺和全面的 API 來生活。我們希望您不僅能夠編碼,還能夠設計和創建。您肯定聽到我們說“代碼少,創造更多”?那麼,這是在哪裡“創造”發揮作用。 Qt Creator 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。 Qt Creator

跨平台 Qt Creator IDE
無論您是在創建移動應用程序,桌面應用程序還是連接的嵌入式設備,Qt Creator 64bit 都是跨平台的 IDE,使得應用程序和 UI 開髮變得輕而易舉。由於上市時間非常關鍵,因此 IDE 包含了可加速開發時間的生產力工具.

創建與最終用戶交流的視覺吸引力。這個集成的 UI 設計工具可幫助您使用 Qt Widget 和 Qt Designer 設計 UI,並使用 Qt Quick Designer 設計流暢的動畫 UI.


支持編輯 C ++ 和 QML 上下文相關的幫助,代碼完成,導航等等.


Project& 生成管理

Desktop 到嵌入式
Multiscreen 和多平台支持快速切換構建目標.


檔案版本 Qt Creator 4.3.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 qt-creator-opensource-windows-x86_64-4.3.0.exe
檔案大小 119 MB
系統 Windows Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 The Qt Company
官網 https://www.qt.io/ide/
更新日期 2017-05-24

What's new in this version:

- Added option to search `Files in File System` with Silver Searcher (`ag`)
- experimental `SilverSearcher` plugin)
- Added exclusion patterns to `Advanced Find` and custom locator filters
- Added navigation pane on right side of edit mode
- Fixed wrong UI colors after suspend (QTCREATORBUG-14929)
- Fixed crash with invalid themes (QTCREATORBUG-17517)

- Fixed that help bookmarks got lost (QTCREATORBUG-17537)

- Added optional shortcut for duplicating current selection
- Adapted to changes of code pasting services (QTCREATORBUG-17942, QTCREATORBUG-18192)
- Fixed freeze when highlighting `Kconfig` file (QTCREATORBUG-14611)

All Projects:
- Added support for `.qrc` files in project tree for all projects
- Added Qt Creator variable `CurrentRun:Executable` (QTCREATORBUG-12201, QTCREATORBUG-16830)
- Added choice of build system to most project wizards (QTCREATORBUG-17308)

QMake Projects:
- Fixed wrong warning when specifying absolute path to mkspec (QTCREATORBUG-17237)
- Fixed deployment of symlinks for versioned shared libraries

CMake Projects:
- Added support for `server-mode` with CMake 3.7 or later
- Added products and targets to project tree
- Added option to build individual products and targets
- Removed the need for `CodeBlocks` extra generator
- Added header files to project tree, even if not listed explicitly in project files
- Added import of configuration of existing builds
- Fixed `Build > Clean`

Generic Projects:
- Added expansion of Qt Creator variables in project files

C++ Support:
- Added support for `clang-query` in `Advanced Find` to experimental ClangRefactoring` plugin
- Added switching project and language context for parsing files to editor toolbar
- Added support for `--gcctoolchain` option
- Improved performance of first completion in file on Windows
- Fixed handling of Objective-C/C++
- Fixed cursor position after correcting `.` to `->` (QTCREATORBUG-17697)
- Fixed that quotes were added when splitting raw string literals (QTCREATORBUG-17717)

QML Support:
- Added option to automatically format QML files on save
- Added menu item for adding expression evaluators from QML code editor (QTCREATORBUG-17754)
- Fixed reformatting of signals (QTCREATORBUG-17886)
- Fixed issues with jumping text cursor while editing (QTCREATORBUG-15680, QTCREATORBUG-17413)

Nim Support:
- Added automatic reparsing when files are added to or removed from project
- Added Nim compiler setting to kits
- Fixed that loading projects blocked Qt Creator
- Fixed crash when opening empty projects

- Added pretty printing of `unordered_multi(set|map)`, `boost::variant` and QLazilyAllocated`
- Fixed that expression evaluators were not evaluated when added (QTCREATORBUG-17763)
- QML. Fixed accessing items by `id` in `Debugger Console` (QTCREATORBUG-17177)
- GDB. Fixed issue with templated types that are pretty printed differently depending on argument type (`std::vector` versus `std::vector`)
- CDB. Changed to Python based pretty printing backend, resulting in faster startup and more, faster, and unified pretty printers

QML Profiler:
- Added performance information to QML code editor (QTCREATORBUG-17757)
- Improved performance of rendering timeline and loading trace files
- Improved error and progress reporting for loading and saving trace files
- Fixed pixmap cache size information when loading profile (QTCREATORBUG-17424)
- Fixed UI issues (QTCREATORBUG-17939, QTCREATORBUG-17937)

Qt Quick Designer:
- Added support for HiDPI
- Added text editor view
- Added tool bar for common actions
- Added changing type of item by changing type name in property editor
- Added support for `qsTranslate` (QTCREATORBUG-17714)
- Added actions for adding items, selecting visible item, and adding tab bar to stacked containers
- Fixed that `Dialog` was not allowed in `.ui.qml` files
- Fixed that error messages could be shown twice
- Fixed handling of escaped unicode characters (QTCREATORBUG-12616)
- Fixed that document needed to be manually re-opened after type information became available
- Fixed crash when root item is layout
- Fixed that expressions were not shown in URL input field (QTCREATORBUG-13328)
- Version Control Systems

- Added option to only show the first parent of merge commits in log
- Added action to skip a commit during rebase (QTCREATORBUG-17350)
- Added option to sign-off commits
- Fixed handling of already merged files in merge tool

- Added detection of Gerrit remotes (SSH only)
- Added support for accessing Gerrit via HTTP(S)

Test Integration:
- Removed `experimental` state
- Improved display of test results (QTCREATORBUG-17104)
- Added option to limit searching for tests to folders matching pattern (QTCREATORBUG-16705)
- Fixed detection of inherited test methods (QTCREATORBUG-17522)
- Fixed missing update of test list when QML files are added or removed (QTCREATORBUG-17805)

SCXML Editor:
- Fixed adding elements to `else` case (QTCREATORBUG-17674)
- Fixed that copying and pasting state created invalid name

- Uncrustify
- Added option to select config file to use

Platform Specific:
- Fixed that it was not possible to save files with arbitrary extension (QTCREATORBUG-15862)
- Fixed ABI detection for Clang
- Fixed that ABI of MSVC2017 was considered different from ABI of MSVC2015 (QTCREATORBUG-17740)

Qt Creator 4.3.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
https:download.qt.ioarchiveqtcreator4.34.3.0qt-creator ...

... 4.3.0/qt-creator-opensource-src-4.3.0.zip.metalink generator=MirrorBrain 2.19.0 ... 64>4fd181e763b3d497c06eff72a09701275b6318bd</hash> <hash piece=65 ...


Open Source Development

Learn how you can use the Qt framework under both open source and commercial licenses. Download Qt for open source development and get started today!


Qt Creator 4.3 Beta released

2017年3月30日 — Qt Creator 4.3 Beta released. ... Note: We now provide 64-bit offline installers for Windows. ... Great work, now put a designer inside the code ...


Qt Creator 4.3.0 - Download

Qt Creator, free download. Qt Creator 4.3.0 : Qt Creator is a cross-platform IDE (integrated development environment) tailored to the needs of Qt …


Qt Creator 4.3.0 released

2017年5月24日 — Qt Creator 4.3.0. Based on Qt 5.8.0 (GCC 5.3.1 20160406 (Red Hat 5.3.1-6), 64 bit) Built on May 23 2017 11:09:03. From revision 7482d8a152.


Qt Creator 4.3.1 not detecting MSVC 2015 compiler

2017年6月30日 — I installed Qt Creator from the downloads-open-source path...in the help menu it says Based on Qt 5.9.1 (MSVC 2015, 32 bit). I have Microsoft ...


Releases · fbxfreebox-qtcreator-plugin

Usable with Qt-Creator v3.2.2 or older (from v3.2.0) on Linux 64 bit, Mac 64 bit, Windows 7, WIndows 8 and Windows 8.1 (32 or 64 bit).


This is an archive of historical versions, which may contain ...

Name · Last modified · Size, Metadata. Parent Directory, -. installer_source/, 23-May-2017 12:57, -. qt-creator-opensource-windows-x86_64-4.3.0.exe ...


[Qt-creator] Qt Creator 4.3 crashes while debugging

Hi, this happened now several times: Qt-Creator 4.3.0 (7482d8a152) (64bit in Windows 10) crashes in the midst of debugging an application.



Qt Creator 4.3.0 for Linux/X11 64-bit (107 MB) Qt Creator 4.3.0 for macOS (108 MB) Qt Creator 4.3.0 Source zip (31 MB) Qt Creator 4.3.0 Source tar.gz (22 MB)
