Qt Creator (32-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page1

最新版本 Qt Creator 4.5.0 (32-bit)

Qt Creator (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

Qt Creator 是面向應用程序開發人員的完整集成開發環境(IDE)!無論您是創建移動應用程序,桌面應用程序還是連接的嵌入式設備,Qt Creator 都是跨平台的 IDE,使應用程序和 UI 開髮變得輕而易舉。由於上市時間至關重要,因此 IDE 包含可加快開發時間的生產力工具。完整的跨平台集成開發環境,可輕鬆創建連接設備,用戶界面和應用程序.超越代碼設計和創新我們相信,提供滿足並超出最終用戶... Qt Creator (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Qt Creator 4.5.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Implemented "fuzzy" camel case lookup similar to code completion for locator (QTCREATORBUG-3111)
- Changed `File System` pane to tree view with top level directory selectable from `Computer`, `Home`, `Projects`, and individual project root directories (QTCREATORBUG-8305)
- Fixed crash when closing Qt Creator while searching for updates (QTCREATORBUG-19165)

- Added `Edit` > `Advanced` > `Sort Selected Lines`, replacing `Tools` > External` > `Text` > `Sort Selection`

All Projects:
- Added progress indicator to project tree while project is parsed
- Added support for changing the maximum number of lines shown in compile output (QTCREATORBUG-2200)

QMake Projects:
- Fixed support of wildcards in `INSTALLS` variable (QTCREATORBUG-17935)
- Fixed that `QMAKE_CFLAGS` was not passed to code model

CMake Projects:
- Added groups to CMake configuration UI
- Added option to change configuration variable types
- Added option to unset configuration variable
- Improved handling of CMake configuration changes on disk (QTCREATORBUG-17555)
- Improved simplified project tree (QTCREATORBUG-19040)
- Fixed that value was removed when renaming configuration variable (QTCREATORBUG-17926)
- Fixed that `PATH` environment was unnecessarily modified (QTCREATORBUG-18714)
- Fixed that QML errors in application output where not linked to the source (QTCREATORBUG-18586)

Qbs Projects:
- Fixed that custom `installRoot` was not saved (QTCREATORBUG-18895)

C++ Support:
- Fixed lookup of functions that differ only in const-ness of arguments (QTCREATORBUG-18475)
- Fixed detection of macros defined by tool chain for `C`
- Fixed that `Refactoring` context menu blocked UI while checking for available actions
- Fixed crash when refactoring class with errors (QTCREATORBUG-19180)

Clang Code Model:
- Added sanity check to `Clang Code Model Warnings` option (QTCREATORBUG-18864)
- Fixed completion in `std::make_unique` and `std::make_shared` constructors (QTCREATORBUG-18615)
- Fixed that function argument completion switched selected overload back to default after typing comma (QTCREATORBUG-11688)

- Improved auto-detection to include versioned binaries and cross-compilers

QML Support:
- Added wizards with different starting UI layouts
- Fixed that undo history was lost when reformatting file (QTCREATORBUG-18645)

Python Support:
- Added simple code folding

- Changed pretty printing of `QFlags` and bitfields to hexadecimal
- Fixed `Run in terminal` for debugging external application (QTCREATORBUG-18912)

LLDB / macOS:
- Added pretty printing of Core Foundation and Foundation string-like types (QTCREATORBUG-18638)

- Fixed attaching to running process with command line arguments (QTCREATORBUG-19034)

- Fixed changing values of ECMAScript strings (QTCREATORBUG-19032)

QML Profiler:
- Improved robustness when faced with invalid data

Qt Quick Designer:
- Added option to only show visible items in navigator
- Fixed crash in integrated code editor (QTCREATORBUG-19079)
- Fixed crash when Ctrl-clicking on newly refactored QML file (QTCREATORBUG-19064)
- Fixed filtering in Library view (QTCREATORBUG-19054)
- Fixed `Cmd + Left` in integrated code editor on macOS (QTCREATORBUG-19272)
- Fixed crash with `Become Last Sibling` and multiline expressions (QTCREATORBUG-19284)

Version Control Systems:
- Added query for saving modified files before opening commit editor (QTCREATORBUG-3857)

- Fixed issues with localized tool output (QTCREATORBUG-19017)

Test Integration:
- Fixed issue with finding test target with CMake projects (QTCREATORBUG-17882, QTCREATORBUG-18922, QTCREATORBUG-18932)

- Clang Format
- Added action `Disable Formatting for Selected Text`
- Changed formatting without selection to format the syntactic entity around the cursor

Model Editor:
- Added support for custom relations

SCXML Editor:
- Fixed crash after warnings are removed

- Fixed detection of Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 (QTCREATORBUG-19053)
- Fixed that environment variable keys were converted to upper case in build and run configurations (QTCREATORBUG-18915)

Qt Creator 4.4.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add Existing Files now works again even for the top level project
- We adapted Android support to the changes Google made to the tools in the new Android SDK 26.1.1
- We fixed debugging and QML profiling on QNX targets
- Our packages are based on Qt 5.9.2, which also fixes the issue that menus could open behind the application on Windows

Qt Creator 4.4.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added highlighting of search term in Locator results
- Added larger icons to `New` dialog
- Added locator input to extra editor and help windows (QTCREATORBUG-9696)
- Fixed theming of Debugger Console and TODO pane (QTCREATORBUG-17532)

QtWebEngine backend:
- Fixed that wait cursor was sometimes never restored (QTCREATORBUG-17758)

- Added optional inline annotations for Clang code model errors and warnings, and bookmarks
- Added optional smooth scrolling when navigating within the same file for example with Locator or `Follow Symbol Under Cursor`)
- Added overridable `DeleteStartOfLine` and `DeleteEndOfLine` actions (QTCREATORBUG-18095)
- Added support for relative path to active project to `Advanced Find` > Files in File System` (QTCREATORBUG-18139)
- Added colors to default text editor scheme (the previous default is available as `Default Classic`)

- Fixed `gt`/`gT`/`:tabnext`/`:tabprevious`

All Projects:
- Improved detection of cross-compilers

CMake Projects:
- Added option to filter for CMake variables in build configuration (QTCREATORBUG-17973)
- Added warning when detecting `CMakeCache.txt` in source directory even though build is configured for out-of-source build (QTCREATORBUG-18381)
- Fixed `CMake configuration has changed on disk` dialog (QTCREATORBUG-18292)

CMake >= 3.7:
- Removed `` node from project tree
- Fixed that headers from top level directory were not shown in project tree (QTCREATORBUG-17760)
- Fixed progress information (QTCREATORBUG-18624)

Qbs Projects:
- Re-added `Qbs install` deploy step (QTCREATORBUG-17958)
- Added `rebuild` and `clean` actions to products and subprojects (QTCREATORBUG-15919)

C++ Support:
- Added option to rename files when renaming symbol using same name (QTCREATORBUG-14696)
- Added auto-insertion of matching curly brace (QTCREATORBUG-15073)
- Fixed that C++ and Qt keywords were considered keywords in C files
- Fixed highlighting of raw string literals (QTCREATORBUG-17720)
- Fixed `Add #include` refactoring action for static functions
- Fixed crash when parsing invalid C++ code (QTCREATORBUG-18499)
- Clang Code Model
- Added highlighting of identifier under cursor, which was still
- delegated to built-in code model
- Improved order of items in completion list (QTCREATORBUG-18319, QTCREATORBUG-15445)
- Fixed function signature hint when completing constructors and functors (QTCREATORBUG-14882)
- Fixed that completing function pointer was adding parentheses (QTCREATORBUG-17578)
- Fixed completion inside function template (QTCREATORBUG-17222)
- Fixed wrong column number with non-ASCII characters (QTCREATORBUG-16775)
- Fixed highlighting of primitive types and operators (QTCREATORBUG-17867)
- Fixed highlighting of partial template specializations
- Fixed highlighting of functions in `using` declarations
- Fixed that keywords were highlighted in preprocessor directives (QTCREATORBUG-15516)
- Built-in Code Model
- Fixed completion of STL containers (QTCREATORBUG-1892)

QML Support:
- Updated QML parser to newer QML version (QTCREATORBUG-17842)
- Fixed crash in QML `Outline` pane
- Fixed that auto-completion could overwrite text (QTCREATORBUG-18449)

- Added `Alt+V` + letter shortcuts to open views
- Added pretty printing for `qfloat16`, `std::{optional,byte}`, `gsl::{span,byte}` and `boost::variant`
- Improved display of enum bitfields
- Fixed support for `long double` (QTCREATORBUG-18023)
- Fixed editing of strings (QTCREATORBUG-18681)

- Fixed disassembly view for code that contains quotes (QTCREATORBUG-18721)

- Added support for extra debugging helpers and debugging helper customization
- Added warning if run configuration uses unsupported shell command

QML Profiler:
- Fixed that timeline could stay empty after analyzing small range (QTCREATORBUG-18354)

Version Control Systems:
- Fixed format of visual whitespace in blame, log and git rebase editors (QTCREATORBUG-17735)

- Improved branch listing in `Show` (QTCREATORBUG-16949)
- Made `git grep` for file system search recurse into submodules

- Added validation of server certificate when using REST API
- Fixed that non-Gerrit remotes were shown in `Push to Gerrit` dialog (QTCREATORBUG-16367)

- Disabled by default

Diff Viewer:
- Improved performance
- Fixed state of actions in `Edit` menu
- Fixed that context information for chunks was not shown in side-by-side view (QTCREATORBUG-18289)
- Fixed that UI blocked when showing very large diffs

Test Integration:
- Added view with complete, unprocessed test output
- Made it possible to enable and disable all tests using a specific test framework
- Fixed wrong location of results for tests with same name (QTCREATORBUG-18502)

- Added option to run verbose and with logging of signals and slots (vb` and `-vs`)

Platform Specific:
- Removed support for Windows CE

- Added option for using a different AStyle configuration file
- Added option for fallback style for `clang-format`

Model Editor:
- Fixed crash with invalid files (QTCREATORBUG-18526)
- Fixed crash when dropping package into itself (QTCREATORBUG-18262)

Qt Creator 4.3.1 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed that wizards overwrote existing files even when told not to do so

- Fixed memory leak in code completion

All Projects:
- Fixed that links in `Application Output` stopped working after application stops
- Fixed that `Application Output` was no longer editable

QMake Projects:
- Fixed `Add Library`

CMake Projects:
- Fixed crash when restoring session with multiple CMake projects
- Fixed that `test` target was missing
- Fixed that `STATIC` and `INTERNAL` variables were shown in project configuration
- Fixed that CMake `message`s were not shown in `Issues` pane
- Fixed issues with CMake variables that contain `//` or `#`
- Fixed that deployment information could contain empty items
- Fixed that targets were duplicated when importing project
- Fixed that building application failed first time and after build error when using CMake < 3.7

Qbs Projects:
- Fixed crash when renaming files

Autotools Projects:
- Fixed regressions in project tree

C++ Support:
- Fixed crash when requesting refactoring operations on invalid code

QML Support:
- Fixed crash when changing kit environment

- Fixed crash when running analyzer for iOS and Android

Version Control Systems:
- Fixed filtering of untracked files in commit editor when multiple projects are open

- Fixed that ref names were missing for `Show`

- Fixed extra options in diff and log

- Fixed parsing output from Gerrit 2.14

Test Integration:
- Fixed that changing QML file triggered full rescan for tests
- Fixed issues with multiple build targets

- Fixed checking whether example should be copied to writable location
- Fixed issues with MSVC2017 and CMake

Qt Creator 4.3.0 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added option to search `Files in File System` with Silver Searcher (`ag`)
- experimental `SilverSearcher` plugin)
- Added exclusion patterns to `Advanced Find` and custom locator filters
- Added navigation pane on right side of edit mode
- Fixed wrong UI colors after suspend (QTCREATORBUG-14929)
- Fixed crash with invalid themes (QTCREATORBUG-17517)

- Fixed that help bookmarks got lost (QTCREATORBUG-17537)

- Added optional shortcut for duplicating current selection
- Adapted to changes of code pasting services (QTCREATORBUG-17942, QTCREATORBUG-18192)
- Fixed freeze when highlighting `Kconfig` file (QTCREATORBUG-14611)

All Projects:
- Added support for `.qrc` files in project tree for all projects
- Added Qt Creator variable `CurrentRun:Executable` (QTCREATORBUG-12201, QTCREATORBUG-16830)
- Added choice of build system to most project wizards (QTCREATORBUG-17308)

QMake Projects:
- Fixed wrong warning when specifying absolute path to mkspec (QTCREATORBUG-17237)
- Fixed deployment of symlinks for versioned shared libraries

CMake Projects:
- Added support for `server-mode` with CMake 3.7 or later
- Added products and targets to project tree
- Added option to build individual products and targets
- Removed the need for `CodeBlocks` extra generator
- Added header files to project tree, even if not listed explicitly in project files
- Added import of configuration of existing builds
- Fixed `Build > Clean`

Generic Projects:
- Added expansion of Qt Creator variables in project files

C++ Support:
- Added support for `clang-query` in `Advanced Find` to experimental ClangRefactoring` plugin
- Added switching project and language context for parsing files to editor toolbar
- Added support for `--gcctoolchain` option
- Improved performance of first completion in file on Windows
- Fixed handling of Objective-C/C++
- Fixed cursor position after correcting `.` to `->` (QTCREATORBUG-17697)
- Fixed that quotes were added when splitting raw string literals (QTCREATORBUG-17717)

QML Support:
- Added option to automatically format QML files on save
- Added menu item for adding expression evaluators from QML code editor (QTCREATORBUG-17754)
- Fixed reformatting of signals (QTCREATORBUG-17886)
- Fixed issues with jumping text cursor while editing (QTCREATORBUG-15680, QTCREATORBUG-17413)

Nim Support:
- Added automatic reparsing when files are added to or removed from project
- Added Nim compiler setting to kits
- Fixed that loading projects blocked Qt Creator
- Fixed crash when opening empty projects

- Added pretty printing of `unordered_multi(set|map)`, `boost::variant` and QLazilyAllocated`
- Fixed that expression evaluators were not evaluated when added (QTCREATORBUG-17763)
- QML. Fixed accessing items by `id` in `Debugger Console` (QTCREATORBUG-17177)
- GDB. Fixed issue with templated types that are pretty printed differently depending on argument type (`std::vector` versus `std::vector`)
- CDB. Changed to Python based pretty printing backend, resulting in faster startup and more, faster, and unified pretty printers

QML Profiler:
- Added performance information to QML code editor (QTCREATORBUG-17757)
- Improved performance of rendering timeline and loading trace files
- Improved error and progress reporting for loading and saving trace files
- Fixed pixmap cache size information when loading profile (QTCREATORBUG-17424)
- Fixed UI issues (QTCREATORBUG-17939, QTCREATORBUG-17937)

Qt Quick Designer:
- Added support for HiDPI
- Added text editor view
- Added tool bar for common actions
- Added changing type of item by changing type name in property editor
- Added support for `qsTranslate` (QTCREATORBUG-17714)
- Added actions for adding items, selecting visible item, and adding tab bar to stacked containers
- Fixed that `Dialog` was not allowed in `.ui.qml` files
- Fixed that error messages could be shown twice
- Fixed handling of escaped unicode characters (QTCREATORBUG-12616)
- Fixed that document needed to be manually re-opened after type information became available
- Fixed crash when root item is layout
- Fixed that expressions were not shown in URL input field (QTCREATORBUG-13328)
- Version Control Systems

- Added option to only show the first parent of merge commits in log
- Added action to skip a commit during rebase (QTCREATORBUG-17350)
- Added option to sign-off commits
- Fixed handling of already merged files in merge tool

- Added detection of Gerrit remotes (SSH only)
- Added support for accessing Gerrit via HTTP(S)

Test Integration:
- Removed `experimental` state
- Improved display of test results (QTCREATORBUG-17104)
- Added option to limit searching for tests to folders matching pattern (QTCREATORBUG-16705)
- Fixed detection of inherited test methods (QTCREATORBUG-17522)
- Fixed missing update of test list when QML files are added or removed (QTCREATORBUG-17805)

SCXML Editor:
- Fixed adding elements to `else` case (QTCREATORBUG-17674)
- Fixed that copying and pasting state created invalid name

- Uncrustify
- Added option to select config file to use

Platform Specific:
- Fixed that it was not possible to save files with arbitrary extension (QTCREATORBUG-15862)
- Fixed ABI detection for Clang
- Fixed that ABI of MSVC2017 was considered different from ABI of MSVC2015 (QTCREATORBUG-17740)

Qt Creator 4.2.2 查看版本資訊


Qt Creator 4.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed `Open Command Prompt Here` on Windows (QTCREATORBUG-17439)

- Fixed that viewport could change unexpectedly when block selection was active but not visible in viewport (QTCREATORBUG-17475)

- Fixed crash when using drag & drop with bookmarks (QTCREATORBUG-17547)

All Projects:
- Fixed issue with upgrading tool chain settings in auto-detected kits
- Fixed crash when setting custom executable (QTCREATORBUG-17505)
- Fixed MSVC support on Windows Vista and earlier (QTCREATORBUG-17501)

QMake Projects:
- Fixed wrong warning about incompatible compilers
- Fixed various issues with run configurations
- Fixed that `OTHER_FILES` and `DISTFILES` in subdirs projects were no longer
- shown in project tree (QTCREATORBUG-17473)
- Fixed crash caused by unnormalized file paths (QTCREATORBUG-17364)

Qbs Projects:
- Fixed that target OS defaulted to host OS if tool chain does not specify target OS (QTCREATORBUG-17452)

Generic Projects:
- Fixed that project files were no longer shown in project tree

C++ Support:
- Fixed crash that could happen when using `auto` (QTCREATORBUG-16731)

- Fixed issue with infinite message boxes being displayed (QTCREATORBUG-16971)
- Fixed `QObject` property extraction with namespaced Qt builds

Platform Specific - Windows:
- Fixed detection of MSVC 2017 RC as MSVC 2017
- Fixed that environment detection could time out with MSVC (QTCREATORBUG-17474)

Qt Creator 4.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- We fixed that the run button could spuriously stay disabled after parsing QMake projects
- Qt Creator is no longer blocked while the iOS Simulator is starting up
- We added preliminary support for MSVC2017 (based on its RC)

Qt Creator 4.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added `Flat Dark` and `Flat Light` themes
- Added `Ctrl+N` and `Ctrl+P` shortcuts for navigating in locator
- Added experimental support for `Nim` programming language

- Added automatic release of resources for unmodified documents that have
- not been visible recently (QTCREATORBUG-10016)
- Added separate options for automatically inserted characters
- Added highlighting of automatically inserted characters
- Added option for skipping automatically inserted character, and changed
- it to be done only if the cursor stays before the character
- Added `Modnokai Night Shift v2`, `Qt Creator Dark`
- Solarized Dark` and `Solarized Light` editor schemes
- Fixed that replacing could change selection
- Fixed opening bookmarks in external editor window

- Fixed crash when removing multiple documentation sets

All Projects:
- Improved feedback when building results in errors, because of issues with kits
- Fixed issue with building in paths with non-ASCII characters
- Fixed that `%{buildDir}` and `%{sourceDir}` stopped working in run configurations
- Fixed that `CurrentProject:` variables were sometimes not resolved from the appropriate project

QMake Projects:
- Added `Duplicate File` to context menu in project tree
- Added `QtWebEngine` to modules list
- Changed `Run Qmake` from `qmake -r` to `qmake && make qmake_all` for Qt 5
- Fixed renaming files used in QRC files

CMake Projects:
- Improved parsing of errors
- Added workaround for CMake issue that include paths are in random order
- Added option for disabling automatic running of CMake to `Build & Run` > CMake`
- Fixed that CMake was automatically run even if Qt Creator application is not in foreground
- QML_IMPORT_PATH can now be set in CMakeLists.txt files. This information will be passed on to QmlJS code model
- Example CMakeLists.txt code: set(QML_IMPORT_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/qml ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/imports CACHE string "" FORCE)`
- Fixed crash when re-opening project
- Fixed that `CMakeLists.txt` file was not shown for projects with errors

Qbs Projects:
- Added support for `qtcRunnable` property, similar to `qtc_runnable` for Qmake projects

C++ Support:
- Added separate highlighting for function declarations and usages
- Added highlighting option for global variables
- Added coding style option for preferring getters with `get`
- Fixed parsing of `-std=gnu++XX` option
- Fixed refactoring of methods with ref-qualifier

QML Support:
- Added formal parameters of JavaScript functions to outline and locator

- Added support for copying selected values from `Locals and Expressions`
- Fixed jumping to address in binary editor
- Fixed environment for `Start and Debug External Application`

- Fixed that `qint8` values where shown as unsigned values

QML Profiler:
- Improved progress information
- Improved performance when many events are involved

Clang Static Analyzer:
- Fixed that built-in headers were not found

Qt Quick Designer:
- Added support for Qt Quick Controls 2 styles
- Added `Move to Component` action
- Added `Add New Signal Handler` action
- Added support of Qt Creator themes in the Designer UI

Improved performance:
- Improved error dialog
- Fixed crumble bar for component navigation
- Fixed that `Connections` was not allowed in `.ui.qml` files
- Fixed crashes with spaces in properties
- Fixed that child items of `State` were rendered


- Added date and time information to branch dialog
- Added support for running `git blame` only on selected lines
- Fixed that branch dialog suggested existing branch name for new branch

- Added conflicted files to file list in submit editor

Test Integration:
- Fixed that test case summary stayed visible even if no entries matched the applied filter
- Fixed parsing of failure location for Google Test on Windows

- Added expansion of `~` in file names

Model Editor:
- Added zooming of diagrams

- Added option to automatically format files on save

- Fixed issues with non-C++ files

Platform Specific:
- Added detection of MSVC amd64_x86 toolchain