PostgreSQL (64-bit)

最新版本 Scala 2.13.9

Scala 2.13.9

Scala 2.13.9
PostgreSQL 64 位是一個功能強大的開源對象關係數據庫系統。它擁有超過 15 年的積極開發和經過驗證的架構,在可靠性,數據完整性和正確性方面贏得了良好聲譽。它運行在所有主要的操作系統上,包括 Linux,UNIX(AIX,BSD,HP-UX,SGI IRIX,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64)和 Windows。  PostgreSQL 64 位是一個功能強大的對象關係數據庫管理系統!下載 PostgreSQL 脫機安裝程序安裝 64 位的 PC!

它完全符合 ACID,完全支持外鍵,連接,視圖,觸發器和存儲過程(多語言)。它包括大多數 SQL:2008 數據類型,包括 INTEGER,NUMERIC,BOOLEAN,CHAR,VARCHAR,DATE,INTERVAL 和 TIMESTAMP。它還支持存儲二進制大對象,包括圖片,聲音或視頻。它具有用於 C / C ++,Java,.Net,Perl,Python,Ruby,Tcl,ODBC 等的本地編程接口,以及特殊的文檔(表大小可以達到 32TB).

也可用:下載 PostgreSQL for Mac


檔案版本 Scala 2.13.9

檔案名稱 scala-2.13.9.msi
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 PostgreSQL Global Development Group
更新日期 2022-09-22

What's new in this version:

Compatibility with Scala 3:
- Tasty Reader: Add support for Scala 3.2
- Tasty Reader: Restrict access to experimental definitions
- To aid cross-building, accept and ignore using in method calls
- To aid cross-building, allow ? as a wildcard even without -Xsource:3
- Make Scala-3-style implicit resolution explicitly opt-in rather than bundled in -Xsource:3
- Prefer type of overridden member when inferring (under -Xsource:3)

JDK version support:
- Make -release more useful, deprecate -target, align with Scala 3
- Support JDK 19

Warnings and lints:
- Add -Wnonunit-statement to warn about discarded values in statement positionby
- Make unused-import warnings easier to silence (support filtering by origin=)
- Add -Wperformance lints for *Ref boxing and nonlocal returnby

Language improvements:
- Improve support for Unicode supplementary characters in identifiers and string interpolationby

Compiler options:
- Use subcolon args to simplify optimizer optionsby
- For troubleshooting compiler, add -Vdebug-type-error (and remove -Yissue-debug)

- Error on source files with Unicode directional formatting characters)
- Prevent Function0 execution during LazyList deserialization

- Emit all bridge methods non-final (perhaps affecting serialization compat)
- Fix null-pointer regression in Vector#prependedAll and Vector#appendedAll
- Improve concurrent behavior of Java ConcurrentMap wrapper
- Preserve null policy in wrapped Java Maps

Scala 2.13.9 相關參考資料
2.13.9 Milestone

2022年9月1日 — Scala 2 bug reports only. Please, no questions — proper bug reports only. - 2.13.9 Milestone · scala/bug.

org.scala-lang » scala-dist » 2.13.9

Scala Distribution Artifacts » 2.13.9 ; · Sep 19, 2022 · pom (2 KB) jar (78 KB) View All · Central · #658773 in MvnRepository (See Top ...

org.scala-lang » scala-library » 2.13.9

Scala Library » 2.13.9 ; · Sep 19, 2022 · pom (1 KB) jar (5.7 MB) View All · Central · #5 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts) #1 in JVM ...

p10 - scala-2.13.9-alt3 - Hybrid functionalobject-oriented ...

2023年10月24日 — Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way.

Releases · scalascala

Scala 2.13.9. The following changes are highlights of this release: Regression. Library maintainers should avoid publishing libraries using Scala 2.13.9.

Scala 2.13.9

You can find the installer download links for other operating systems, as well as documentation and source code archives for Scala 2.13.9 below.

Scala 2.13.9 is here : rscala

2022年9月22日 — Scala 2.13.9 is here. It improves compatibility with Scala 3, supports JDK 19, updates -release and deprecates -target , adds -Wnonunit- ...

Scala 2.13.9 is now available!

2022年9月21日 — Scala 2.13.9 is now available! This release improves compatibility with Scala 3, supports JDK 19, updates -release and deprecates -target ...

scala-2.13.9-alt3.aarch64.rpm - ALT Linux Repositories

Download scala-2.13.9-alt3.aarch64.rpm for ALT Linux P10 from Classic repository.

Support ? as wildcard by default in Scala 2.13.9 and 2.12.16

Support ? as wildcard by default in Scala 2.13.9 and 2.12.16.