
最新版本 phpMyAdmin 4.9.2

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2
phpMyAdmin 是一個用 PHP 編寫的免費軟件工具,旨在通過 Web 處理 MySQL 的管理。 phpMyAdmin 支持 MySQL,MariaDB 和 Drizzle 上的各種操作。經常使用的操作(管理數據庫,表,列,關係,索引,用戶,權限等等)可以通過用戶界面執行,而您仍然可以直接執行任何 SQL 語句。

phpMyAdmin 功能:直觀的 Web 界面支持大多數 MySQL 功能:瀏覽和刪除數據庫,表,視圖,字段和索引創建,複製,刪除,重命名和更改數據庫,表,字段和索引維護服務器,數據庫和表,包含服務器配置提案執行,編輯和書籤 SQL 語句,甚至批處理查詢管理 MySQL 用戶和權限管理存儲過程和触發器從 CSV 和 SQL 導入數據導出數據為各種格式:CSV,SQL,XML,PDF,ISO / IEC 26300 - OpenDocument 文本和電子表格,Word, Excel,LATEX 和其他管理多個服務器創建數據庫佈局的 PDF 圖形使用查詢示例(QBE)創建複雜查詢在全局範圍內搜索數據庫或其子集使用一組預定義的函數將存儲的數據轉換為任何格式,如將 BLOB 數據顯示為圖像或下載鏈接等等。注意:需要 MySQL 和 PHP。使用 7 -Zip 解壓縮存檔.

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檔案版本 phpMyAdmin 4.9.2

檔案大小 10.61 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 phpMyAdmin devel team
更新日期 2019-11-23

What's new in this version:

- Fixes for the "Failed to set session cookie" error which relates to the cookie name. In some cases, data stored in the cookie (such as the previously-used user account) may not be loaded from a previous phpMyAdmin cookie the first time you run version 4.9.2
- Fix for Advisor with MySQL 8.0.3 and newer
- Fix PHP deprecation errors
- Fix a situation where exporting users after a delete query could remove users
- Fix incorrect "You do not have privileges to manipulate with the users!" warning
- Fix copying a database's privileges and several other problems moving columns with MariaDB
- Fix for phpMyAdmin not selecting all the values when using shift-click to select during Export

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2 相關參考資料
4.9.0 - phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin 4.9.0. Released 2019-06-04. Welcome to phpMyAdmin 4.9.0, a bugfix release that includes important security fixes. This release fixes two security ...

4.9.2 - phpMyAdmin

22 小時前 - Welcome to phpMyAdmin 4.9.2, a bugfix release that also contains a security fix. This security fix is part of an ongoing effort to improve the ...

Downloads - phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2. Released 2019-11-22, see release notes for details. Current version compatible with PHP 5.5 to 7.3 and MySQL 5.5 and newer.

News - phpMyAdmin

Welcome to phpMyAdmin 4.9.2, a bugfix release that also contains a security fix. This security fix is part of an ongoing effort to improve the security of the ...


phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the ... phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. ... 2019-11-22: phpMyAdmin 4.9.2 is released ·...

PhpMyAdmin 4.9.2 Free Download, Linux, Windows, MacOS ...

Download PhpMyAdmin - PhpMyAdmin 4.9.2, PhpMyAdmin is a php front-end that allow to manage a whole MySQL server, as well as a single database, locally ...

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2 is released - phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2 is released. 2019-11-22. Welcome to phpMyAdmin 4.9.2, a bugfix release that also contains a security fix. This security fix is part of an ...

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2 releases: fix bugs & SQL injection in ...

11 小時前 - phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP that is intended to handle the administration of a MySQL or MariaDB database server.

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2 发布,可视化MySQL 管理后台- 里维斯社

11 小時前 - phpMyAdmin 4.9.2 发布了。phpMyAdmin 是一个非常受欢迎的web MySQL 数据库管理工具。它能够创建和删除数据库,创建/删除/修改表格,删除/ ...

phpMyAdmin 4.9.2发布下载,附主要更新内容介绍_Linux云 ...

11 小時前 - phpMyAdmin 4.9.2已经正式发布,提供有包下载,还提供phpMyAdmin-4.9.2-english.tar.gz ...