Password Depot

最新版本 ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit)

ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit)

ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit)
Password Depot 是一個強大的,非常用戶友好的 PC 密碼管理器,它有助於組織所有的密碼–  而且還包括來自您的信用卡或軟件許可證的信息。該軟件為您的密碼提供安全保護。在三個方面:它安全地存儲您的密碼,保證安全的數據使用,並幫助您創建安全的密碼。然而,Password Depot 不僅保證安全性:它也代表了方便使用,高定制性,在與其他設備的交互方面顯著的靈活性,最後但極為重要的功能通用性。在 Password Depot 中,您的信息不僅被加密了一次,而且實際上被加密了兩次,這要歸功於算法 AES 或 Rijndael 256. 在美國,這個算法被批准用於最保密的狀態文件!


防止攻擊力的攻擊。每次主密碼輸入錯誤後,程序將被鎖定三秒鐘。這使得依靠對可能的密碼進行純粹測試的攻擊成為可能。所謂的“蠻力攻擊” &ndash 的; 幾乎不可能.

備份副本。 Password Depot 生成密碼文件的備份副本。備份可以選擇存儲在 Internet 上的 FTP 服務器(也可以通過 SFTP)或外部硬盤上。您可以單獨定義備份副本之間的時間間隔。創建.123535896
保護 KEYLOGGING。程序中的所有密碼字段在內部都受到保護,以防止不同類型的按鍵截取(鍵盤記錄)。這將禁用您的明智的數據條目可以窺探.

TRACELESS MEMORY。處理您的密碼,Password Depot 不會留下任何痕跡在您的電腦的工作記憶。因此,即使黑客直接坐在電腦上搜索其內存轉儲也找不到任何密碼.

CLIPBOARD PROTECTION:Password Depot 自動檢測任何活動的剪貼板查看器並將其更改掩碼到鍵盤; 執行自動完成後,所有敏感數據將自動從剪貼板清除.

虛擬鍵盤。最終防止鍵盤記錄。使用此工具,您甚至可以輸入主密碼或其他機密信息,甚至無需觸摸鍵盤。 Password Depot 不模擬按鍵,而是使用內部緩存,以便它們既不能被攔截軟件也不能基於硬件.


非易碎的密碼。集成的密碼生成器為您創建幾乎不可破解的密碼。因此,將來您不必使用“甜心”等密碼。此外,密碼可能在幾分鐘內被破解,但例如, “克 /:1bmVuz / z7ew 大街 5T $ x_sb} @< I”。即使是最新的個人電腦也可以用千年來破解這個密碼!

確保密碼質量。讓 Password Depot 檢查你的密碼的質量和安全!智能算法將細讀您的密碼,並警告您“弱”密碼,您隨後可以在密碼生成器的幫助下進行替換.

CARDS,IDENTITIES,LICENSES。 Password Depot 不僅保護和管理您的密碼,而且還從信用卡,EC 卡,軟件許可證和身份信息。每種信息類型都提供了一個單獨的模型,例如具有 PIN 字段的信用卡窗口.

FILE ATTACHMENTS。您可以添加包含例如您的密碼輸入的附加信息。這些附件可以在 Password Depot 之內直接打開,也可以保存在數據存儲介質上.

轉發密碼。您可以從其他密碼管理器導入兩個密碼條目到 Password Depot 以及從 Password Depot 導出條目。為此,該軟件為您提供了便於導入和導出密碼信息的特殊嚮導.



檔案版本 ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 scriptcase_install_en_us_v9.0.043-x64.exe
檔案大小 350 MB
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 AceBIT GmbH
更新日期 2018-03-23

What's new in this version:

ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit)

Specific correction:
- Fixed problem with alignment of fields' type "radio" and "checkbox" when using manual lookup
- Fixed issue in visualization of indexes on the dashboard applications using the SQL Server connection
- Fixed issue in the HealthCare System with Postgres, SQL Server and Oracle connections

Performance improvement:
- Improvements in the applications sorting in the project applications's list

- Fixed issue in target "_blank" parameter of the macro "sc_redir" by using the macro along with the macro sc_exit
- Fixed issue when using the "dynamic filter" button on summary application

ScriptCase 9.0.042 (64-bit)

Specific correction:
- Fixed problem using the macro sc_hide_groupby_rule in grid applications

Performance improvement:
- Improvement in group by of summary group by using Progress connection

ScriptCase 9.0.041 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added new healthcare sample system

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in Quicksearch when using the connections of type "Progress"
- Fixed issue of accentuation in the help descriptions of the fields in the Filter application
- Fixed issue of accentuation in the visualization of the values of the manual lookup in the breakdown of the query
- Fixed issue in the search of field type "data" in connection of type "Progress"

- Fixed issue in viewing the "rows" button in the Grid, when the Summary module was disabled

ScriptCase 9.0.040 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added option to run the onchange event in the field of the master Form when using sc_master_value macro in Form detail

Specific correction:
- Corrected issue when using the values of the field of type "data" in the Groupby of the Summary, in the connections of type Progress

- Fixed issue using the CONCAT command in the Grid lookup
- Fixed bug when using the "Arial" font in the Reportpdf application
- Fixed issue in Chart filter view when exporting to pdf

ScriptCase 9.0.039 (64-bit)

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in updating the values in the lookup type of multiple binary values
- Fixed issue in the field tab "date" in the Filter using the range condition
- Fixed issue when using SQL UNION in autocomplete fields

Performance improvement:
- Improved performance in the "date" field searches on MSSQL Server connections

- Fixed issue with “Filter Saving” using "double select" field type
- Corrected issue with "Filter Saving", when the Grid had Group by using data type fields
- Fixed issue when saving theme in Charts, in Scriptcase versions that were installed with Mysql
- Fixed issue in ajax events of the Grid when using full pagination. Before that, the event was only created in the first 10 records
- Fixed issue in Filter search with negative values
- Fixed issue in character display in Summary Filter using charset windows-1255 (Hebrew)
- Fixed issue using the CONCAT command in the Grid lookup

ScriptCase 9.0.038 (64-bit)

- Adjustments in the display of the Chart application and Summary Filter buttons

- Fixed issue in the lookup description of the text fields and autocomplete numbers when returning from the Grid
- Fixed height in the checkbox by clicking multiselect on refined filter
- Fixed issue when using the sc_log_add macro in the Blank application
- Fixed issue when assembling the "Order by" in the SQL of the Grid, when the application has two breaks for the same field of type data
- Fixed issue in viewing images from field "image file name" using the subdirectory option

ScriptCase 9.0.037 (64-bit)
Specific correction:
- Fixed issue when using parentheses at the "hint" parameter in the sc_link macro
- Fixed issue when using the "sc_label" macro in fields that use language variables, generated by the data dictionary in Grid applications
- Fixed issue in the display of the "docx" extension icon, when using the "Display the file type icon" option in the document fields of the Grid application
- Corrected height in the checkbox by clicking multiselect of the refined filter

Performance improvement:
- Improved performance in Summary applications
- Improved performance in field data searches on Postgres connections

ScriptCase 9.0.036 (64-bit)

New functionalities:
- Added support for global variables through the new macro "sc_make_link"
- Added new options under summary and charts filters

Specific correction:
- Fixed problem in the table creator interface for calendar applications with an Access connection
- Fixed problem with the format of time values in the backup filenames
- When using an Editable Grid (View) form, File Upload fields now can only be downloaded on lines that are in editing mode

Performance improvement:
- Improvement of performance of autocomplete fields on a filter

- Fixed problem with the images and templates copied while migrating from version 7 to 9
- Fixed problem with the images and templates copied while migrating from version 6 to 9
- Fixed problem that could corrupt GroupBy data while migrating from version 6 to 9
- Fixed issue in version 5 to 9 migration
- Fixed problem when using sc_redir in a PHP method called from a PHP button

ScriptCase 9.0.035 (64-bit)
Specific correction:
- Fixed issue in returning a connection when we use the sc_select (where) macro in the source application
- Fixed issue when running the application "Dashboard" in the interface's initial mode
- Fixed issue in view of field view lookup when condition had dot
- Fixed problem of accentuation in the label of the macro button "sc_ajax_message", when using charset other than UTF-8
- Corrected spacing of the navigation buttons being displayed below

- Corrected issue in displaying the values of the field "Data" in the interface of the Group By. You will need to clear your browser's cache
- Fixed special SQL error in Grid Application
- Fixed anchor of the menu link in the documentation

ScriptCase 9.0.034 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added lang support in the sc_alert macro. Ex: sc_alert ({lang_btns_ajax})
- Enabled the image and document database fields in the Grid columns interface
- Enabled the examples in the onScriptInit event of the Grid

Specific correction:
- Fixed validation of values in the interface of version incrementation
- Fixed issue in the events help link
- Fixed issue in searching for Dynamic Search with data type "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE"
- Corrected issue in viewing the refined filter values, after returning from Summary Group by links
- Fixed issue in hint viewing on field links using Sc7_Black theme

- Fixed issue Tab_lig_apls is not defined in Grid links called through the Menu
- Fixed issue in the display of the "delete" button when canceling the edition of record in the Grid view editable Form
- Fixed "Array to string conversion" error when using the sc_mail_send macro
- Fixed issue when generating a free format Grid without the toolbar buttons

ScriptCase 9.0.033 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added RTL language support in the Summary filter

Specific correction:
- Fixed Grid export issue when using macros "sc_seq_register" and "count_ger" in the OnRecord event
- Fixed macro help link in events

- Fixed issue in Chart display in pdf export
- Fixed issue in NestedGrid type links

ScriptCase 9.0.032 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added option to display the background image of the pdf report when no record is found. This option is available in the SQL interface menu
- Added option for the positioning of the registration message that does not exist in the PDF Report. This option is available in the SQL interface menu
- Added dropdown support in SELECT filter fields
- Added support for complex SQL in Auto-complete fields

ScriptCase 9.0.031 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added new values ​​in the "negative currency format" option in the total fields of the summary
- Added grid navigation configuration support from master / detail
- Added support for YEAR fields
- Added support for Nested Grids in Grid details
- Implemented support to macro "sc_format_num" in the onrecord event of the grid, using summary fields
- Added "port" option in SFTP publishing settings
- Added port data entry for DB2 connection

Specific correction:
- Fixed issue when converting Access tables that have images
- Fixed issue in the initial execution of pyramid and 2D funnel charts
- Fixed issue when using subselect command in field lookup
- Fixed issue when running operations directly in the application's SQL
- Fixed issue using "Use ENTER to Submit" option in dynamic filter settings
- Adjustments in the Nested Grid css when using the title option on the same row
- Fixed issue in view of the buttons size on the iframe type connections

- Fixed issue in viewing the records in the calendar by checking the option "all day". The schedule showed less 1 day
- Fixed issue in formatting millisecond fields
- Fixed duplicate data insertion problem with dynamic search
- Fixed issue when using the database session option in the post
- Fixed issue in viewing calendar time on Oracle connections
- Fixed issue in the Themes view of the tree menu. The tree menu was not inheriting the Themes css
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call a member function Execute () when using the sc_lookup macro in the ReportPdf application onHeader event
- Fixed issue in the informed value of the negative field of manual lookup of the multiple selection fields
- Fixed issue in viewing calendar records on Access database connections
- Fixed issue when using the menu toolbar with image type buttons
- Fixed issue when using link button in Editable Grid Form (view)
- Fixed issue in pdf export when printing mode was configured for economic

ScriptCase 9.0.030 (64-bit)
New functionalities:
- Added macro support "sc_format_num" in the onrecord event of the grid

Specific correction:
- Adjustment in error display when editing multi-upload fields
- Fixed issue in gantt chart view with other date formats
- CSS settings in the editing of the menu toolbar and editing of menu items

- Fixed issue in macro "sc_field_disabled" in fields select multiple values in single record form
- Fixed issue in connection of subquery type in firebird connections
- Fixed issue in express creation of applications
- Fixed bug with sc_ajax_message macro

ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
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ScriptCase 9.2.016 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

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ScriptCase 9.3.000 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

2019年1月24日 — ScriptCase 9.3.000 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹&下載. Paragon HFS+,軟體教學, ... ScriptCase 9.2.016 (64-bit) ... ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit) Specific ...

ScriptCase 9.3.004 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 ...

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ScriptCase 9.3.011 (64-bit) 軟體資訊介紹 | 電腦資訊007情報站

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ScriptCase 9.4.000 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流 ...

2019年7月24日 — ScriptCase 9.4.000 (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載 ... ScriptCase 9.3.012 (64-bit) ... ScriptCase 9.0.043 (64-bit) Specific ...

Scriptcase Changelog | Form Builder | Buy now

Scriptcase is constantly updated. Check out the last ... Added support for .webp files in the Scriptcase image manager. Added support ... 9.0.043. March 22, 2018 ...