Pale Moon (32-bit)

最新版本 Pale Moon 25.8.0 (32-bit)

Pale Moon 25.8.0 (32-bit)

Pale Moon 25.8.0 (32-bit)
Pale Moon 是開源的,基於 Goanna 的 Web 瀏覽器,可用於 Microsoft Windows 和 Linux(其他操作系統正在開發中),重點在於效率和易用性。確保充分利用您的瀏覽器!

Pale Moon 為您提供瀏覽體驗,完全由自己開發的瀏覽器完全構建,源自 Firefox / Mozilla 代碼,並通過精心挑選的功能和優化來改進瀏覽器的速度,資源使用,穩定性和用戶體驗,同時提供完整的定制和不斷增加的擴展和主題集合,使瀏覽器真正成為您自己的。 Pale Moon 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。它是 Pale Moon 的完全離線設置安裝程序.

Pale Moon 主要特性:
針對現代處理器進行了優化基於優化的佈局引擎(Goanna)安全:從成熟的 Mozilla 代碼中分離出來並定期更新安全:其他安全功能和安全意識開發一個友好的,活躍的用戶社區熟悉的,高效的,完全可定制的界面支持完整的主題:完全自由的任何元素的設計支持輕鬆創建輕量級主題(外觀)平滑和快速的頁面繪圖和腳本處理增加穩定性:遇到更少的瀏覽器崩潰支持許多 Firefox 擴展支持越來越多的 Pale Moon 專有擴展對 HTML5 和 CSS3 的廣泛和增長的支持許多自定義和配置選項可以使用遷移工具導入現有的 Firefox 配置文件


檔案版本 Pale Moon 25.8.0 (32-bit)

檔案名稱 palemoon-25.8.0.win32.installer.exe
檔案大小 20.36 MB
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Moonchild Productions
更新日期 2015-11-17

What's new in this version:

- Updated LibVPX to 1.4.x to be able to play more kinds of VP9-encoded videos
- Updated the JPEG decoder library to 1.4.0
- Fixed and cleaned up XPCOM timer thread code to avoid intermittent issues with events not firing (especially after stand-by)
- Updated overrides to work around issues with Facebook and Netflix
- Fixed an issue where too-old system-supplied NSPR and/or NSS libraries would be accepted for use

Security fixes:
- Updated the libpng library to 1.5.24 to address critical security issues CVE-2015-7981 and CVE-2015-8126
- Updated the NSPR library to 4.10.10 to address several security issues
- Updated the NSS library to 3.19.4 to address several security issues
- Fixed a memory safety hazard in SVG path code (CVE-2015-7199)
- Fixed an issue with IP address parsing potentially allowing an attacker to bypass the Same Origin Policy (CVE-2015-7188)
- Fixed an Add-on SDK (Jetpack) issue that would allow scripts to be executed despite being forbidden (CVE-2015-7187)
- Fixed a crash due to a buffer underflow in libjar (CVE-2015-7194)
- Fixed an issue for Android full screen that would potentially allow address spoofing (CVE-2015-7185)
- Added size checks in canvas manipulations to avoid potential image encoding vulnerabilities like CVE-2015-7189. DiD
- Fixed potential information disclosure vulnerabilities through the NTLM authentication mechanism. Insecure NTLM v1 is now disabled by default, and the workstation name is set to WORKSTATION by default (configurable with a preference for environments where identification of workstations is done by actual reported machine name). This avoids issues like CVE-2015-4515
- Fixed a potentially vulnerable crash from a spinning event loop during resize painting. DiD
- Fixed several Javascript-based memory safety hazards. DiD
DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to an actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.

Pale Moon 25.8.0 (32-bit) 相關參考資料
download Pale Moon

7-ZIP packed Windows versions · Download from the European mirror: 32-bit or 64-bit · Download from the American mirror: 32-bit or 64-bit.

Download Pale Moon (32bit) 25.8.0

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2015年11月17日 — Version 25.8.0. Fixes/changes · Updated LibVPX to 1.4. · Updated the JPEG decoder library to 1.4. · Fixed and cleaned up XPCOM timer thread code ...

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Pale Moon (32-bit) for Windows

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25.8.0, 17 November 2015. 25.8.1, 18 November ... Benchmarks. In 2013, Pale Moon was a bit slower than Firefox ... 32-bit vs 64-bit browsers: which version has the ...

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