Opera (64-bit)

最新版本 Opera 12.00 (64-bit)

Opera 12.00 (64-bit)

Opera 12.00 (64-bit)
適用於 Windows 電腦的 Opera 64 位為您提供了瀏覽網頁的快速,高效和個性化的方式。它配備了一個流暢的界面,可自定義的快速撥號,發現功能,它可以幫助您找到新的網頁內容,數據保存 Opera Turbo 模式,可視化書籤,超過 1000 個擴展。在一個快速的瀏覽器上在網上做更多!您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 Opera 離線安裝程序.

State in sync
輕鬆地從您的設備上繼續瀏覽。只需登錄您的 Opera 帳戶即可訪問您的計算機或移動設備上的書籤並在 Opera 中打開標籤。請記住為您的手機和平板電腦獲得 64 位 Opera 瀏覽器!

通過 web
OperaSpeed 團隊添加了許多改進,使 Opera 成為一個快速的瀏覽器。例如,由於內置的視頻支持,視頻啟動速度更快。而且,如果您的網絡連接速度較慢,Opera Turbo 可以壓縮頁面以加快瀏覽速度.

擁有 1000 多個擴展程序,可以很容易地自定義 Opera 並根據您的習慣進行定制。從 Opera 附加組件目錄下載您喜歡的擴展程序和主題,為您添加個性化觸摸並獲得最佳的瀏覽器體驗.

使用 Opera 直觀的組合地址和搜索欄,輕鬆搜索和瀏覽網頁。選擇一個預先安裝的搜索引擎,如穀歌,雅虎!或維基百科,或添加一個自定義搜索引擎。您還可以自定義鍵盤快捷鍵和鼠標手勢。下載 Opera Offline Installer 安裝程序!

Opera 可以讓您瀏覽安全,所以您可以專注於內容。安全的瀏覽器可以防止已知的惡意網站。歌劇的欺詐和惡意軟件保護將提醒你,如果一個網站試圖欺騙你,竊取你的密碼或安裝病毒.

最近關閉標籤,標籤騎自行車一次與多個頁面玩耍的人,和其他小的改進節省您的時間在線。此外,如果使用可視化書籤,默認情況下在任何其他瀏覽器中都不可用,則可以快速返回到有趣的網站。你甚至可以與你的朋友分享書籤。下載用於 Windows 的 Opera Offline Installer 安裝程序!

想要留在最新消息的循環? Opera 的 Discover 功能將您的瀏覽器帶到您所在地區的各種主題的最新內容中.

也可用:下載 Opera for Mac


檔案版本 Opera 12.00 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Opera_1200_en_Setup_x64.exe
檔案大小 10.22 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Opera Software
官網 http://www.opera.com/computer/windows
更新日期 2012-06-14

What's new in this version:

# Improvements:
* General and User Interface
- A custom user agent preference has been added to opera:config
* Display and Scripting
- Improved pipelining, JavaScript, and Turbo
# Fixes and Stability Enhancements 
* General and User Interface
- Fixed an issue with missing region definitions for some regions
- Fixed UI artifacts in viewport when scrolling a page containing a fixed element with 100% height
- Fixed an issue with the tab bar
- Resolved an issue where hovering the close button in an inactive tab would steal its hover state, instead of propagating it
- Fixed incorrect address bar focus and update behavior
- Fixed an issue where search suggestion latency could provide incorrect suggestions under certain conditions
- Cancelling address field dropdown now reverts it to its previous state
- Fixed several minor issues with browser history
- Fixed an issue with Speed Dial entries not updating under certain conditions
* Display and Scripting
- Behvior improvements and enhancements to HTML5 Drag and Drop
- Fixed Canvas clearRect behavior
- Resolved an issue where XMLHttpRequest.status becomes 0 instead of 401 or 407 on cached response
- Fixed artifacts in WebM videos
- Fixed an issue with scripts saturating setInterval()
- Corrected responseXML's null behavior
- Fixed incorrect behavior with window.close and a user-initiated event
- Resolved an issue where clearTimeout() would not remove timeout
- Fixed a clipping error when combining CSS transforms and opacity
- Fixed some issues with painting and repainting that could occur under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue with drag and drop resource usage
* Mail, News, Chat
- Fixed an issue with long attachment names preventing some UI elements from showing properly
* Network and Site-Specific
- Resolved some issues with Google sites
- Resolved an issue that caused some third-party login systems to fail under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue with HTTPS connections and proxies
* Security
- Fixed an issue where hidden keyboard navigation could allow cross site scripting or code execution
- Fixed an issue where a combination of clicks and key presses could lead to cross site scripting or code execution
- Fixed an issue where cross-domain JSON resources may be exposed as JavaScript variable data
- Fixed an issue where carefully timed reloads, redirects, and navigation could spoof the address field
- Fixed an issue where pages could prevent navigation to a target page, spoofing the address field

Opera 12.00 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
64-Bit Opera, and Out-of-Process Plug-Ins

2012年2月9日 — Update, November 22nd 2012: Please note that Opera 12.00 final shipped with 64-bit and OOPP support, and that as of version 12.02, ...


Download Opera 12.00 (Beta 1) (x64) for Windows

2012年4月26日 — Opera 12.00 (Beta 1) (x64) · File Size: 12.48 MB · Date Released: Apr 26, 2012 · Works on: Windows 95 / Windows 98 / Windows ME / Windows 2000 / ...


Downloading Opera 12.00 (64-bit) from FileHorse.com

Opera browser brings you more speed, more discoveries and more safety · Opera 12.00 (64-bit) · Key details about this download.


Opera 12.00 (64-bit) Download

2012年6月14日 — Download Opera 12.00 (64-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download 64-bit Software Version.


Opera 12.15 (64-bit) 下載網頁: 軟體王2024 - 軟體資訊

Opera Browser 和Opera GX 整合了一套新的人工智能工具,包括AI Prompts、ChatGPT 和ChatSonic。 為Windows PC 精心打造的Opera 瀏覽器,暢享網路。


Opera 12.15 (64-bit) 多語系版本下載網頁

... Opera 瀏覽器,暢享網路。Opera 瀏覽器適用於Windows 10 及更早的版本,讓您的網路使用起來速度更快、更安全,而且完全免費。Opera ... Opera 12.15 (64-bit), 英文, 免費.


Opera 12增加布景主題與隱私功能

2012年6月15日 — Opera 12即日起開放繁體中文版下載,新瀏覽器支援64位元Mac、Windows系統及硬體加速功能,開放佈景主題設定、網路安全隱私功能。


Opera 64 bit

When using 64bit java this might be a problem or what ?? Or Opera installer doesn't behave correctly ?? Encluded a list of detected 64/32bits apps and Opera ...


Opera IM » 12.00 - RSSing.com

看样子正式版就要来了。 下载Opera 12 RC4(默认安装路径会覆盖稳定版Opera) Windows 32-bit / Windows 64-bit Mac Linux/FreeBSD 下载Opera Next(默认安装路径仍然是 ...


Where is 64 bit Opera to download?

Yes I have noticed slowness with lots of flash/java pages open. I'm using Opera 12 32bit, because the Opera 12 64 bit email client is unstable.
