NVIDIA Forceware (Windows 10 64-bit)

最新版本 Visual Assist 2358

Visual Assist 2358

Visual Assist 2358
適用於 Windows 10 的 nVIDIA GeForce 遊戲就緒驅動程序 64 位驅動程序軟件充分發揮了 NVIDIA 台式機,遊戲機,平台,工作站,筆記本電腦,多媒體和移動產品的全部功能和特性,所有這些都安裝在您的個人電腦上,要求良好的多媒體支持的普通用戶,正在尋求渲染性能的重型玩家以及重視通行費和穩定性的專業人士的需求。通過最廣泛的遊戲和應用程序提供兼容性,可靠性和更高的性能和穩定性的可靠記錄,ForceWare 軟件確保您的 NVIDIA 硬件獲得最佳體驗.

通過在您的 PC 上安裝最新的認證版本的 NVIDIA ForceWare 驅動程序,您的 Windows 操作系統及其所有應用程序都將充分利用您所有的 GPU 功能,而這些功能往往非常依賴於屬於 DirectX 的強大而精簡的 API。它的模塊涵蓋了從 2D 和 3D 圖形到網絡,聲音甚至是控制器數據輸入的所有功能。此外,nVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Driver 的主控制面板是一個完美的地方,所有知識級別的用戶可以優化他們的 GPU 在日常工作中的使用方式,從調整色彩再現到管理 3D 娛樂兼容性,旋轉顯示器和完全控制 GPU 超頻,溫度和風扇速度.

NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready 驅動支持的產品:

GeForce MX100 Series(筆記本):
GeForce MX150.

GeForce 10 系列(筆記本):
GeForce GTX 1080,GeForce GTX 1070,GeForce GTX 1060,GeForce GTX 1050 Ti,GeForce GTX 1050.

GeForce 900M Series(筆記本):
GeForce GTX 980,GeForce GTX 980M,GeForce GTX 970M,GeForce GTX 965M,GeForce GTX 960M,GeForce GTX 950M,GeForce 945M,GeForce 940MX,GeForce 930MX,GeForce 920MX,GeForce 940M,GeForce 930M,GeForce 920M,GeForce 910M.

GeForce 800M Series(筆記本):
GeForce GTX 880M,GeForce GTX 870M,GeForce GTX 860M,GeForce GTX 850M,GeForce 845M,GeForce 840M,GeForce 830M,GeForce 825M,GeForce 820M,GeForce 810M,GeForce 800M.

GeForce 700M 系列(筆記本):
GeForce GTX 780M,GeForce GTX 770M,GeForce GTX 765M ,GeForce GTX 760M,GeForce GT 755M,GeForce GT 750M,GeForce GT 745M,GeForce GT 740M,GeForce GT 735M,GeForce GT 730M,GeForce GT 720M,GeForce GT 710M,GeForce 710M,GeForce 705M.

GeForce 600M Series(筆記本):
GeForce GTX 680MX,GeForce GTX 680M,GeForce GTX 675MX,GeForce GTX 675M,GeForce GTX 670MX,GeForce GTX 670M,GeForce GTX 660M,GeForce GT 650M,GeForce GT 645M,GeForce GT 640M,GeForce GT 640M LE,GeForce GT 635M,GeForce GT 630M,GeForce GT 625M,GeForce GT 620M,GeForce 610M.

GeForce 500M Series(筆記本):
GeForce GTX 580M,GeForce GTX 570M,GeForce GTX 560M,GeForce GT 555M,GeForce GT 550M,GeForce GT 540M,GeForce GT 525M,GeForce GT 520M,GeForce GT 520MX.

GeForce 400M 系列(筆記本):
GeForce GTX 485M,GeForce GTX 480M,GeForce GTX 470M,GeForce GTX 460M,GeForce GT 445M,GeForce GT 435M,GeForce GT 425M,GeForce GT 420M,GeForce GT 415M,GeForce 410M.

目前 NVIDIA 支持大多數現代遊戲玩家使用 Windows XP 驅動程序包和適用於 Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8 和 Windows 10 的驅動程序包的最新版本。還支持許多其他操作系統(Linux,Mac OS X ),但功能較小,每年更新較少.


檔案版本 Visual Assist 2358

檔案名稱 VA_X_Setup2358_0.exe
檔案大小 46.4 MB
系統 Windows 10 (64-bit)
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 NVIDIA Corporation
官網 http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
更新日期 2019-12-19

What's new in this version:

- New: Added C++ modernization refactoring: Convert Unscoped Enum to Scoped Enum (execute on the enum definition).
- New: Added option (on the Goto page of Visual Assist Options dialog) to prefer implementations when executing Goto (Alt+G) (execution on the implementation will continue to go to the declaration as before).
- New: Goto Related supports related Unreal Engine RPC implementations.
- New: Fix for Visual Studio code formatter indenting method declarations when preceded by Unreal Engine attributes (macros like UFUNCTION).
- Fix for corruption of license storage in some circumstances (notably when Visual Studio is opened by Unity).  If you continue to receive "The registration limit for this serial number has been reached" error message after installing this release, please contact [email protected] for registration server intervention.
- Added support for parsing of C99/C++20 designated initializers.
- Create Implementation is no longer offered on inline initialized static members.
- Updated configuration dialog of Jira plugin for Source Links, adding link to instructions for generating an API Token required (instead of a password) for newer versions of Jira.
- In some cases, prevent unnecessary rebuild of symbol database after Visual Studio crash.
- Fix for missing Unreal Engine RPC implementation (when more than one exists) when Goto is executed.

Visual Assist 2358 相關參考資料
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