NetBalancer 9.16.1 軟體 Download 下載

檔案名稱 NetBalancerSetup.exe

NetBalancer 9.16.1 軟體下載

檔案版本 NetBalancer 9.16.1

檔案名稱 NetBalancerSetup.exe
檔案大小 7.35 MB
更新日期 2020-04-03
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

NetBalancer 9.16.1
NetBalancer 使用瀏覽和做任何網上活動舒適,即使您的下載管理器或洪流客戶從互聯網下載大文件只是降低其網絡優先級與 NetBalancer. 您可以使用 NetBalancer 來設置下載或上傳傳輸速率優先級的應用程序,並監視他們的互聯網交通。具有較高網絡優先級的應用將比具有較低網絡優先級的應用獲得更多的通信帶寬。福利 NetBalancer 等流量整形軟件是 NetBalancer 的作... NetBalancer 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- NetBalancer v9.16 gets the second part of scripting support with Programmatic Rules for most advanced scenarios
- Today NetBalancer adds its most advanced feature ever since inception: Programmatic Rules
- A programmatic rule is a rule defined entirely in C# code, is compiled and then executed for every single network packet
- Based on the packet's properties and various environment data the rule then decides what priority, limit or block to assign to the packet.
- Alternatively the rule can just pass the packet to the next rule if it doesn't match its criterias
- A unique feature of programmatic rules is that they can assign multiple different priorities to packets, not just a single download and upload priority like normal rules.
- All the source code required to compile a programmatic rule in your preferred code editor is openly available in NetBalancer under an open source MIT license.
- See the 'View embedding source code' link in the image above
- Programmatic rules are able to handle up to 10 Gbps on a single CPU code, depending on the complexity of the code
- Just like C# scripts from the previous release, the rules also are not permitted any IO operation, including file, registry and network access to avoid elevation security vulnerabilities.
- Code reflection is prohibited as well

NetBalancer 9.16.1 相關參考資料