Navicat for MySQL (64-bit)

最新版本 Navicat for MySQL 15.0.20 (64-bit)

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.20 (64-bit)

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.20 (64-bit)
Navicat for MySQL 64 位是 MySQL / MariaDB 管理和開發的理想解決方案。在一個應用程序中同時連接到 MySQL 和 MariaDB 數據庫。這個全面的前端為數據庫管理,開發和維護提供了直觀而強大的圖形界面。它為 MySQL / MariaDB 以及專業開發人員提供了一套全面的工具.

Navicat for MySQL 64 位連接到本地 / 遠程 MySQL 或 MariaDB 服務器。它適用於 3.21 或更高版本以及 MariaDB 5.1 或更高版本的 MySQL 數據庫服務器。它也與 Drizzle,OurDelta 和 Percona Server 兼容,並且支持大多數最新的功能,包括表,視圖,函數 / 程序,事件等等。下載 Navicat for MySQL Offline Installer 安裝程序 64bit for PC!

主要功能包括 SQL Builder / 編輯器,數據建模工具,數據傳輸,導入 / 導出,數據 / 結構同步,報告等等

注意事項:14 天試用版限制是嘮叨屏幕.

也可用:下載 Navicat MySQL for Mac


檔案版本 Navicat for MySQL 15.0.20 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 navicat150_mysql_en_x64.exe
檔案大小 34.7 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.
更新日期 2020-12-08

What's new in this version:

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.20 (64-bit)
- Flashed in dark mode
- "Unallowed argument in list..." error when running export / import schedule
- Unable to load version 10 data synchronization profiles
- Differences were incorrectly detected in Synchronize to Database
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.19 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.18 (64-bit)
- Unable to show records that had -1 data in Table Viewer
- "Drop target objects before create" option did not work in Data Transfer
- Memory leak issue when enabled code completion
- "Unknown Internal Error (A70529211102SE)" error occurred when exporting / importing data
- Slow issue when transferring large tables
- Unable to show the inputted text in Filter Wizard
- Error occurred when filtering data by right-clicking a cell in Table Viewer
- Inserted records to the wrong table when transferring data to the target table with a different name
- Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.17 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.16 (64-bit)
- Integer column exported in Number format when exporting Excel file
- Display export profiles in the same group of queries

- Unable to set data to NULL in query results
- Crashed when clicking the ellipsis button in Custom Recordset
- Pasting data into a column cleared another column data
- Default Settings Location path was set to a wrong location for some cases
- "Floating point division by zero" error occurred when setting the dashboard background
- The file extension was missing when exporting the dashboard
- Query Parameter did not work when using a parameter twice
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when adding NULL data to the chart
- Incorrect columns were displayed after clicking the Default button in the "Choose columns" window
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.14 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Unable to synchronize data to MySQL 8.0.19
- Unable to connect AnalyticDB
- Unable to export data to .mdb files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.13 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- MySQL table row format reverted to Compact after editing
- Syntax error occurred when creating events
- Unable to set default value for fields in Table Designer
- Unable to show SUPER privilege for MariaDB 10.4 in the user object list
- Foreign key was dropped and added when re-comparing the model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.12 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Invalid XML error occurred when importing connections
- Differences was detected in re-comparison in Structure Synchronization and Synchronize to Database
- Incorrect data was updated when saving ; in a non-text field
- Incorrect SQL generated for altering fields in Structure Synchronization
- Incorrect items were displayed in suggestion list when using code completion with alias
- Incorrect SQL generated when enabling "On Update Current_timestamp" in Table Designer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.11 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Query wrongly returned null results in some cases
- "," was replaced by "." when using Custom Filter in Table Viewer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.9 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Only the first batch was transferred when "Number of row per batch" was enabled
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.8 (64-bit)
- Added "Keep Orthogonal Layout" to Model

Bug fixes:
- Unable to update bit type data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.6 (64-bit)
- Added shortcuts for "Run Current Statement" and "Select Current Statement" in Query Editor

Bug fixes:
- "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when modeling databases
- Find bar UI issue in Data Viewer
- Unable to print table when using popup menu on Navigation pane
- Syntax error occurred when renaming index in MariaDB table
- Explain feature did not work with query parameters
- Interval type was not supported in Charts
- Highlight color issue in Filter wizard when using Dark mode
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.5 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when resizing tables in View Builder
- Multiple primary key names were generated when exporting model to SQL files
- Syntax error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.4 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Access violation error occurred when adding users to Navicat Cloud project
- Access Denied error occurred when designing table
- Unable to highlight field when typing in Filter's field selection list
- Wrong fields are exported to the SQL file when not all fields are selected
- Dark theme kept reverting back to Normal theme
- Wrong CREATE INDEX was generated in Model
- MySQL JSON data was truncated in Table Viewer
- Empty value was exported as **** when exporting DBF file
- Data Transfer high memory consumption issue
- Unable to connect Azure Database for MariaDB
- Run queries slow issue
- "List index out of bounds (-1)" error occurred when editing role privileges
- "Last Tab Window" option was missing

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.3 (64-bit)
- New Charts
- Advanced Data Transfer
- Brand new Query Builder
- Enhanced Data Modeling Tool
- Dark theme UI and Diagram
- Many other new features and improvements

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.20 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Navicat for MySQL 15.0.21 (64-bit) Download for Windows ...

4 天前 — Navicat for MySQL 15.0.20 (64-bit) Fixed: - Flashed in dark mode - "Unallowed argument in list..." error when running export / import schedule

Navicat for MySQL 15.0.21 Crack Mac + License Key Full ...

4 天前 — Navicat for MySQL Keygen 64-bit connects to local/remote MySQL or MariaDB servers. It works with MySQL database servers from version 3.21 ...

Navicat for MySQL Download

We offer a 14-day fully functional FREE trial of Navicat. Windows ... Windows. Navicat for MySQL version 15. (location 1). Direct Download (64 bit). (location 2).

Navicat for MySQL Release Note | Navicat

Navicat for MySQL (Linux) version 15.0.20. Bug-fixes: Crashed ... Errors occurred when running LOAD DATA LOCAL queries in 64-bit version. Error "Diagram ...

Navicat for MySQL 版本說明 | Navicat

Navicat for MySQL (Linux) version 15.0.20. Bug-fixes: ... Access violation occured in 64-bit scintilla (Text Editor) after Navicat used huge memory (>4G). Access ...

Navicat Premium 15.0.20 + Serial Key [ Latest Version ...

2020年12月8日 — Navicat Premium Serial Key is a powerful and professional software for managing and working with databases such as MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle... ... Download (Mega 1 /64Bit) Down...

Navicat Premium 15.0.20 Crack + Registration Key WinMac ...

2020年12月8日 — Further, Navicat Premium 15 Crack offers a MySQL Offline Installer Setup 64bit for PC. Additionally, it includes SQL Builder/Editor, Data ...

Navicat Premium 15.0.21 (64-bit) Download for Windows ...

Navicat Premium 15.0.20 (64-bit) Bug-fixes ... Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2 ... MySQL table row format reverted to Compact after editing

Navicat Premium Release Note | Navicat

Support field type JSON in MySQL 5.7.8 or above. Bug Fixes: Errors occurred when running LOAD DATA LOCAL queries in 64-bit version. Error "Diagram table ...

Navicat Premium 版本說明 | Navicat

Navicat Premium (Linux) version 15.0.20. Bug-fixes: ... Access violation occured in 64-bit scintilla (Text Editor) after Navicat used huge memory (>4G). Access ...