最新版本 mIRC 7.61

mIRC 7.61

mIRC 7.61
mIRC 是一個功能齊全的互聯網中繼聊天客戶端,可用於在多用戶群組會議中或在一對一的私人討論中與其他人在 IRC 網絡上進行交流,分享,播放或與他人合作.

It 文件傳輸,多服務器連接,IPv6,SSL 加密,代理支持,UTF- 8 顯示,UPnP,可定制的聲音,口頭消息,托盤通知等功能。消息日誌等等.

mIRC 也有一個強大的腳本語言,可以用來自動化 mIRC 和創建應用程序,執行從網絡通信到玩遊戲的各種功能。

注意:免費 30 天全功能試用版。


檔案版本 mIRC 7.61

檔案名稱 mirc761.exe
檔案大小 3.1 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 mIRC Co Ltd
官網 http://www.mirc.com/
更新日期 2020-03-02

What's new in this version:

- custom toolbar buttons not being displayed correctly
- /if isnum backward compatibility issue due to recent change
- local host/ip addresses not being changeable while connected to a server
- bitmap memory bug in About dialog
- /cnick not updating nick color immediately when used with a full address

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mIRC 7.61 Download - Pobierz za Darmo

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mIRC 7.61 released : irc - Reddit

9 小時前 - How is any IRC game MMORPG? Well, I made it where there is cross network play. Each ship is representative of an IRC network. These ships ...


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7 小時前 - Dear mIRC User, mIRC v7.61 has been released today. This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the ...


mIRC 7.61 with Full Crack Is Here | 4HowCrack

mIRC Crack : is a full featured Internet Relay Chat client for Windows that can be used to communicate, share, play or work with others on...


mIRC 7.61 with Patch and Keygen | AbbasPC

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