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最新版本 Microsoft WorldWide Telescope

Microsoft WorldWide Telescope 歷史版本列表

從網頁到桌面到全圓頂天文館,Microsoft WorldWide Telescope(WWT)使您能夠探索宇宙,將來自世界上最好的地面和空間望遠鏡的圖像結合在一起,並將其與 3D 導航相結合。通過 WWT,您可以體驗天文學家和教育工作者帶來有趣天象的導遊講解。您可以研究並導入您自己的數據並將其可視化,然後創建一個導覽以與其他人共享。Microsoft WorldWide Telescope 功能... Microsoft WorldWide Telescope 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

Code changes:
- Tweaks to how tour files are created to ensure interoperability with the web client when including progressive HiPS catalog data sets
- Fix mirror-imaging of .OBJ 3D model files

Date updates:
- Add six new Mercury planetary maps
- Mercury MESSENGER MDIS Global Basemap BDR 166m
- Mercury MESSENGER MDIS Global Basemap LOI 166m
- Mercury MESSENGER MDIS Basemap MD3 Color Global Mosaic 665m
- Mercury MESSENGER MDIS Global Color Mosaic 665m v3
- Mercury MESSENGER MDIS Basemap Enhanced Color Global Mosaic 665m
- Mercury MESSENGER MDIS DEM Global Color Shaded Relief 2km v1
- Add “constellation” information to all of the core catalog records. This is mostly a matter of tidyness but should be helpful for updating the search indices used by the web client.
- Remove a smattering of images with bad astrometry with no clear path to recovering the correct coordinates. Fix up negative zoom levels for some other images

Microsoft WorldWide Telescope 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

HiPS Support:
- In tandem with the web client, the WWT 2022 Windows application adds long-awaited support for HiPS datasets! This feature was contributed by the China-VO developer group. The new version includes a large built-in database of HiPS datasets accessible in a new top-level folder in the “Explore” ribbon. Both imagery and catalogs are supported. HiPS catalog data can be displayed to update on-the-fly as the WWT viewport moves around on the sky.

Updated Oculus Support:
- The new WWT Windows application supports modern Oculus VR developer kits, instead of the preview versions, providing compatibility with current headset models

Image-Based Projector Distortion Calibration:
- There is early work to support calibration of dome projector distortions by processing a captured grid display from third-party software. This functionality is not yet documented, so reach out to [email protected] if this capability may be of interest to you.

Exploring FITS Cubes:
- Some FITS cubes can now be loaded in the app such that you can scrub through the cube planes interactively

Updated Branding and System Locations:
WWT assets have been updated to align with AAS’s stewardship of the project. In particular, installation and data storage directories are now filed under “American Astronomical Society” rather than “Microsoft Research”. In particular:
- The default installation location has moved from [ProgramFiles]Microsoft ResearchMicrosoft WorldWide Telescope to [ProgramFiles]American Astronomical SocietyAAS WorldWide Telescope
- The user data storage location has moved from [LocalAppData]MicrosoftWorldWideTelescope to [LocalAppData]American Astronomical SocietyWorldWideTelescope. (Here, [LocalAppData] is usually C:Users[user]AppDataLocal.)
- The location for WWT configuration registry keys has moved from HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWorldWide Telescope to HKCUSoftwareAmerican Astronomical SoftwareWorldWide Telescope.
- These moves may break the usages of some tools such as the Remote Control or custom system startup scripts

More 3D Models:
- Now glTF 3D models (.glb files) can be displayed
- “Universal Windows Platform” Framework
- While we are still only distributing the standard WWT Windows application, the WWT 6 codebase has undergone extensive revisions to prepare it for build in the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), laying the groundwork for making WWT available on a variety of different devices.

BYOND 514.1580 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

BYOND 514.1580
Dream Daemon:
- The typesof() change had an issue in certain cases that wasn't immediately obvious in testing

BYOND 514.1578
Dream Daemon:
- Code relying on flist() was acting inappropriately in Windows

Dream Maker:
-Regression in 514.1576: the spantext() family of procs all compiled incorrectly
- Regression in 514.1576: Compilation sometimes failed in Linux due to an incorrect method for checking filename matches that sometimes got caught on directories with names too similar to other files.

Dream Seeker:
- Using a screen_loc on a plane master with one of the edge keywords (TOP/BOTTOM/LEFT?RIGHT) caused incorrect mouse hits for objects on the plane

BYOND 514.1577
Dream Maker:
- Regression: Static vars defined in procs didn't compile correctly if their default value was a string

BYOND 514.1575
Dream Seeker:
- In some games, the timer changes in 514.1573 and frame skips caused a lot more jitter than before. That wasn't the case for all games, but the timer has now been adjusted to use something closer to 1572's behavior with some of the new stuff as a fallback for high-stress scenarios.

BYOND 514.1574
Dream Seeker:
Regression: One of the memory leak fixes wasn't quite right, but the problem only showed up in certain situations, resulting in a crash

BYOND 514.1572
Dream Daemon:
- Multiple bugs existed when specifying start and end positions in findtext() and replacetext(), especially with regular expressions

Dream Maker:
- Icons were still editable in read-only mode

BYOND 514.1571
Dream Daemon:
- A fix to turf and area appearance changes not always showing up on the client caused a nasty crash when changing an area's appearance while hosting

BYOND 514.1570
Dream Daemon:
- When a turf that was out of bounds but otherwise visible, e.g. with a big icon, changed appearances in such a way as to not impact is visual bounds, that update was sometimes not sent to the client.
- Tile movers were not properly blocked by objects not aligned to the tile grid when moving west or south
- Client animation messages were sent in advance of map updates in some cases, which caused "jumping" when animating client pixel offsets. In addition, the server calculated "spillover" bounds for the viewport incorrectly in cases where client pixel offsets were animated, resulting in some tiles disappearing prematurely.

Dream Maker:
- glide_size could not be overridden as 0 at compile-time

Dream Seeker:
- When movable atoms were continually moving, entries built up in a client-side list of movers, causing major progressive slowdowns even with just a few objects. Normally this was not visible because most objects stop moving at some point. This issue is very old and probably had a small but occasionally noticeable impact on many games.
- The previous build's maptext fix caused smaller line-height values than default to stop working correctly in maptext

BYOND 514.1569
Dream Daemon:
- When moving a movable object from a turf into another movable, sometimes the old bounds weren't detected correctly, causing Uncrossed() to often not be called or possibly be called for multiple unrelated turfs.
- The eye sync information used for recent gliding fixes was not set correctly in cases when client.edge_limit was used
- Setting a particle set's icon value to a list produced no icons at all in most cases
- animate() wasn't working correctly for pixel offsets with /client. This issue was on the server side

Dream Seeker:
- Maptext miscalculated line height in some cases, causing the last line to be cut off in certain situations
- The red and blue channels of atom.color were sometimes swapped when the color was applied to maptext, in specific situations
- Transformed plane masters did not set their visual bounds correctly, which caused items to get cut off
- The motion blur filter sometimes caused objects to disappear

BYOND 514.1568
Dream Daemon:
- Regression: A reorg to some of the internal structures accidentally removed initialization of atom/movable/particles, causing junk IDs to be used and bogus calls to DecRefCount(). This in turn caused some datums to deallocate prematurely, which was more likely to occur in bigger projects.

BYOND 514.1566
Dream Daemon:
- Using animate() on world start with time=0 could cause the server to hang

BYOND 514.1565
Dream Daemon:
- animate() was causing heap corruption in rare intermittent cases, resulting in a server crash

BYOND 514.1564
Dream Daemon:
- Appearance references were getting mangled by the new server-side animation code, causing visual glitches and sometimes crashes

Dream Seeker:
- Added filters didn't appear until previous animations were finished, if ever. Additionally filter animation in general was incorrect with the new animation system.

BYOND 514.1563
Dream Daemon:
- Regression: Multiple new issues with animate() with appeared on the server end

Dream Seeker:
- Some animations were broken on the client

BYOND 514.1556
Dream Daemon:
- Regression in 514.1553: In some worlds that used a different client.eye besides the player mob, the mob info message was sent incorrectly and therefore the client got garbage data, which could cause crashes on the client.
- Changing only the dir of a movable atom didn't update it visually on the client

Dream Seeker:
- Accessing .x and .y of a size or pos value (etc.) in embedded wingets didn't properly change the value to a number format, which caused the various formatting types like "as arg" and "as escaped" to produce incorrect results.
- Atom visual bounds were transformed incorrectly (mostly on the client) when transform was applied, resulting in mouse hit problems

BYOND 514.1555
Fixes (More Info):
Dream Daemon:
- A typo existed in the results of world.Profile() for SendMaps in JSON format

Dream Maker:
- Changing src in a proc by assigning a new value could cause some subsequent var accesses from src to happen incorrectly, by the compiler assuming src hadn't changed.

Dream Seeker:
- input() as password didn't work correctly when given a blank password, causing future inputs to fail
- Mouse hit detection was incorrect for overlays of objects within plane masters

Features (More Info):
Dream Daemon:
- Various operations related to the internal SendMaps() function have been optimized based on profiling data

Dream Seeker:
- Client profiling is more accurate, and the improved data has been used to make further optimizations to the pre-render process

BYOND 514.1554
Dream Maker:
- Regression: the ?. operator stopped working correctly with lists, throwing a bogus compiler error

BYOND 514.1553
Dream Maker:
- Using an expression like ++a?.b on a line by itself threw a "statement has no effect" warning incorrectly
- The ?: operator could sometimes get confused and call a global proc with the same name as a datum proc, and so could ?. when given a var with no type

Dream Seeker:
- Unicode characters in URLs were mangled in link()
- Embedded wingets such as [[*]] parsed incorrectly in certain cases when surrounded by quotation marks and when no format was explicitly specified
- Images in maptext could cause crashes in some situations
- Gliding has been improved on the client to keep the mob and eye in better sync. This requires an updated server as well, which will send additional information used for the sync.

BYOND 514.1552
Dream Maker:
- The null-conditional ?. ?: and ?[] operators compiled incorrectly as of build 514.1550 in a way that caused major problems at runtime with some cases, and some really esoteric cases were incorrect or inefficient before that. The operators now have the correct precedence and association to behave as expected

BYOND 514.1551
Dream Daemon:
- Limited-time animations of a client or image could crash the server
- Non-ASCII strings in the compilation could cause a world not to load

Dream Seeker:
- Blur filters didn't expand their drawing box enough and could get cut off

BYOND 514.1550
BYOND Pager:
- Local database creation by the pager was being handled incorrectly

Dream Daemon:
- rgb2num() failed with alternate color spaces in cases where the hue was ambiguous
- The null-conditional operator could cause the proc stack to grow if it caught a null and was used in a right-hand-side expression, e.g. calling a?.b() without assigning the result to a var

Dream Maker:
- sha1() with a constant string compiled incorrectly
- The ?[] operator didn't chain correctly with the [] operator in all cases, resulting in code failing to compile
- Compiling rgb2num() with a non-string constant for the color could cause a crash
- The chaining dot/colon operators and the [] and ?[] operators didn't play together nicely, owing to the chaining operators having a lower precedence. They actually should have the same precedence, and now they do

Dream Seeker:
- Starting a parallel animation stage for images or clients with time=0 could cause the new stage to end prematurely and also break already-running animations. (This fix impacts the server as well.)
- The displacement filter didn't work when the displacement mask was an icon instead of a render source

BYOND 514.1549
Dream Maker:
- rgb2num() could crash the compiler in some cases

Dream Seeker:
- Filters with color matrices did not animate them correctly
- Alpha premultiplication was done incorrectly for some situations like drawing maptext or anything with KEEP_TOGETHER, which especially caused problems for fade effects

BYOND 514.1548
Dream Daemon:
- Movables with fractional step offsets sometimes failed to handle collisions properly
- Calling rgb() with non-constant values for non-RGB color spaces caused a proc stack underflow and often a crash
- The server calculated visual bounds of some objects incorrectly in some cases. Mainly this was when a turf was in visual contents

Dream Maker:
- The ?. operator when used on the left-hand-side and before a list index, e.g. a?.b[c] = d, did not compile correctl

Dream Seeker:
- The client was reading animation messages incorrectly, which resulted in errors that appeared and disappeared in waves as more animations were created
- The threads used for particle effects had a small memory leak
- When particles spawn count and lifespan was so high that there was no more room to spawn new particles, the count of pending particles to spawn would keep rising. Now the pending count resets to under 1 if there is no more room for new particles.
- An object with no icon, even if it had maptext or KEEP_TOGETHER visual contents, was not recognized as having extended visual bounds
- Uppercase U was sometimes mistaken for a whitespace character in maptext wrapping

BYOND 514.1547
Dream Seeker:
- Client ticks were less precise when Dream Seeker was connected to a remote server, unless it was first started as a server itself and then later link()ed to the server
- Mouse operations on grid controls mistakenly copied the grid cell into the "control" argument. This also impacted new mouse macros
- Using plane masters caused non-HUD objects not to clip when outside the normal map area
- Particles with icons appeared behind of the sprite belonging to their parent object, instead of in front
- When no other icons on the screen were animating, deleting a particle set or detaching it from an object was not enough to make the map draw a new frame, resulting in apparently frozen particles until the next update (such as an object moving)
- Creating a new skin control at runtime but giving the winset() call a fully decorated name (e.g. winset(usr,"window.thing","...;parent=window")) caused the control to be created incorrectly by including the window name twice
- Because new particles reused empty slots in the array left behind from dead particles, they could draw out of sequence
- The "unlit sprite" used for SEE_BLACKNESS and SEE_PIXELS didn't load correctly
- Objects that used a render_source from a plane master were positioned incorrectly relative to their parent object
- Objects in visual contents should have inherited the micro-layer of their parent if they used FLOAT_LAYER. (They did correctly inherit if using the VIS_INHERIT_ID or VIS_INHERIT_LAYER flags.)
- Icon particles were drawn at incorrect positions, causing artifacting at their edges

BYOND 514.1546
Dream Daemon & Dreem Seeker:
- Eye gliding was broken in newer movement modes
- A new 514 feature intended to make animation transitions easier to detect was implemented incompletely, resulting in some failed transitions

Dream Seeker:
- Icons could become corrupted after garbage collection due to problems with texture atlas handling
- Alpha masks using an icon instead of a render source failed in most cases
- Browser controls with on-show commands didn't work correctly, causing a problem with non-popup browse() commands applied to the default skin
- The "measurement" phase of the bloom filter was handled incorrectly, resulting in very strangely broken results for some cases
- A display flag indicating an icon had a particle set attached stayed active in any of the atom's overlays or image objects, resulting in more pixels being drawn

BYOND 514.1545
- Change log not available for this version

BYOND 514.1544
Dream Maker:
- NORMAL_RAND was mistakenly still called GAUSS_RAND (an earlier name for it) in the file, in conflict with the documentation
- The particles var could not be assigned a value at compile time
- Generators could not be assigned to particle datums at compile-time
- JUMP_EASING was defined incorrectly in

Dream Seeker:
- Particle effects didn't cause the map to redraw if no other icon animations or changes were in use
- Alpha mask filters were broken

BYOND 514.1543
DM Language:
- The new gradient() proc can blend between colors
- animate() can now interpolate between colors using color spaces other than RGB. (Note that this does not currently apply to color matrices.)
- rgb() now allows you to specify a color space, so it can be used to create colors from HSL, HSV, and HCY numbers. There is also a new rgb2num() proc that will reverse the process, producing a list of numbers
- A new filter type, "bloom", causes halo effects on all pixels above a certain RGB threshold
- A new proc called load_resource() has been added, to make it possible to preload an icon/sound asset and change how long to it stays loaded
- splicetext() and list.Splice() have been added, which do a cut and an insertion at the same time. For instance, splicetext("banana", 3, 6, "laclav") becomes "balaclava". For text in particular this should be a benefit since it avoids multiple changes to the string tree (using the old method of copytext() + string + copytext()) in favor of a single change
- browse_rsc() behavior has been improved so that files can be sent through the regular resource download system, which can 1) check for whether the client already has a file, and 2) batch-send any needed files. The old approach was not scalable and resulted in delays in some games
- time2text() now takes another argument for the time zone. Additionally, client.timezone and world.timezone vars have been added
- and &&= shortcut operators have been added
- BYOND now supports better control over the use of tile or pixel movement with world.movement_mode, and a new appearance flag called TILE_MOVER. This controls the behavior of things like turf.Enter() and can be used to sidestep old legacy behavior, impacts gliding, and objects in TILE_MOVEMENT_MODE or with the TILE_MOVER flag are locked to the tile grid
- A new "assign-into" operator := has been added, which can be overloaded. This allows more flexibility in advanced datum types
- List access now has a ?[] operator. If the list is null, the list access will do nothing and fail without an error
- world.map_cpu has been added to help track CPU usage for map-send operations. This is not a full profiler but it should help some games gauge how server performance is impacted by map complexity and player load
- Client-side particle effects have been added! The particle system allows for a massive amount of flexibility with special effects (which is likely to be expanded in future builds). These effects are purely visual, run on the client, and should not impact server performance

Dream Seeker:
- Embedded winget syntax [[...]] used in client macros and client-side commands such as .winset, has been greatly improved. Now all embedded winget parameters can have the parameter name followed by a format type, for instance [[map.size as json]], to make it easier to include this info in various command formats.
- Client macros can now be bound to mouse actions, and provide data to the attached server verb via a [[...]] syntax similar to embedded wingets

BYOND 513.1542
Dream Daemon:
- Multiple bugs existed when specifying start and end positions in findtext() and replacetext(), especially with regular expressions

Dream Maker:
- Icons were still editable in read-only mode

BYOND 513.1541
Dream Seeker:
- Regression: Maptext wrapping was broken, causing the last line to appear incorrectly
- An atom that was animating a color matrix could sometimes have incorrect interpolation between colors when other parts of its appearance (like dir) changed after the call to animate()

BYOND 513.1539
Dream Maker:
- The ?. and ?: operators were compiled incorrectly when used in left-hand-side expressions, which resulted in weird errors at runtime
- Escaped line breaks in #define macro arguments were handled incorrectly
- #define macros that used strings with embedded expressions were parsed incorrectly when the substitution was made

Dream Seeker:
- Maptext underlines appeared in the wrong position when the map drawing area was bigger than the control itself, e.g. when the letterbox parameter was false

BYOND 513.1538
Dream Maker:
- A fix for the ?. operator caused problems when it was used in certain expressions

BYOND 513.1537
Dream Daemon:
- flist() failed in Windows on directories with trans-ASCII characters in their names
- When reading the length of client.verbs directly, a value of 0 was returned

Dream Maker:
- Including a raw string (any format starting with @) in a block of code skipped by a preprocessor directive would cause compilation to proceed incorrectly
- The compiler allowed vis_locs and vis_flags to be defined under /image; these vars are only relevant to turfs and movable atoms
- The ?. operator on the left-hand side of an assignment operator worked incorrectly in certain cases when adding/assigning some constant values such as negative numbers

Dream Seeker:
- Applying a color to an atom with maptext did not necessarily apply the color to the maptext also, if the color was opaque
- A second animate() call with the parallel animation flag could sometimes temporarily show out-of-sync results, such as the new animation appearing to be at its endpoint for a single frame before running the rest of the animation normally.
- Turfs in visual contents of objects did not properly mark when they were no longer in use (on the client) as a result of the obj or mob being deleted

BYOND 513.1536
Dream Seeker:
- VIS_UNDERLAY could sometimes propagate further than intended
- Another aspect of the link() fix was apparently incompatible with multiple websites

BYOND 513.1535
Dream Maker:
- Raw strings did not get parsed correctly when included in macro arguments

Dream Seeker:
- The fix for launching links in the default browser had a bug for certain links

BYOND 513.1534
Dream Daemon:
- json_decode() could crash for some inputs

Dream Seeker:
- Microsoft made a stupid, stupid change to command line parsing that impacted link() and caused incorrect results on many systems where the default browser was Chromium-based. The behavior of link() has been adjusted to account for this stupid, stupid change.
- The & character could cause problems in alert() boxes and some input() boxes due to the way Windows uses it as an escape in displayed text. For worlds compiled in 513 or newer, this will now be escaped properly

BYOND 513.1533
Dream Daemon:
- Images in the visual contents of their container could cause a recursion that crashed the server. (FKI)

Dream Seeker:
- Looping animations could sometimes get confused if the server re-sent them as a result of an update on the object they belonged to. (PopLava)

BYOND 513.1532
Dream Maker:
- A bug in an experimental compiler change managed to elude testing

BYOND 513.1530
Dream Seeker:
- Changes to maptext handling caused a regression where certain maptext could crash the client

BYOND 513.1529
Dream Daemon:
- view() and similar procs could include turfs and possibly their contents multiple times when the perspective object (e.g. a player mob) straddled multiple turfs

BYOND 513.1528
Dream Daemon:
- Failing to open a file sent by browse_rsc(), etc. printed a "File not found" error message that could be incorrect or misleading. Additionally, file errors occurring during savefile usage did not print correctly either

Dream Maker:
- Commands in the skin editor, such as for buttons, got doubly escaped and un-escaped which caused some of them to get mangled
- Multiline editing fields in the skin editor, such as, did not have scrollbars, which made editing more difficult

Dream Seeker:
- The map.view-size parameter was poorly documented and the values it produced were too complex to be usable. The parameter has been updated to behave more consistently and is now documented better
- Input controls couldn't be created with text already in the control
- Maptext wrapping sometimes was incorrect with Unicode characters, and could mangle them in some cases
- Maptext considered a change of styles to be a potential break point for wrapping text, which was incorrect

Dream Seeker:
- New keyboard macros are now recognized for media-capable keyboards: VolumeMute, VolumeUp, VolumeDown, MediaPlayPause, MediaStop, MediaNext, MediaPrev

BYOND 513.1527
Dream Daemon:
- Several internal lists couldn't be located based on their ref() values
- Error messages from external DLL calls were cut off after the first character in Windows

Dream Maker:
- The error message regarding exceeding the maximum number of internal arrays, thought fixed in the previous version, had a different cause that still remained undetected. This has been fixed
- In a very old bug, the compiler handled the continue statement wrong when used with a labeled outer loop
- Addition of two constant strings at compile-time was broken

Dream Seeker:
- Improperly formatted DM-CSS could cause a hang in some cases. (Devourer Of Souls)

BYOND 513.1526
- BYONDexe
- Login form CSS was broken

Dream Daemon:
- There were multiple situations where Uncross() wasn't called during Move()
- Visual contents seen by clients could cause a memory leak on the server
- Regular expressions struggled with some UTF-8 cases
- Initial() for any of the bound vars on an object returned the same value as initial(bounds) instead of the correct var
- The client.bound vars were limited to a -32K to 32K range, which was inappropriate for large maps and icons

Dream Maker:
- In some complex projects, a weird error message could appear about exceeding the old 64K limit maximum number of internal arrays, even though that limit has been long gone and the projects in question were already over the limit.
- Adding constant numbers and strings at compile-time did not compile correctly, resulting in weird outcomes at runtime
- Using a small transparency checker size along with an extremely high zoom level, which for instance could happen in a 1x1 icon, could cause a crash due to way too many of the checkers being mistakenly drawn.
- Icons with huge numbers of states didn't display correctly in the icon editor, which failed to display later states entirely and also had problems with the scrollbar

Dream Seeker:
- The first stage of topological sorting in isometric mode didn't handle topdown icons such as HUDs properly
- Using too many ripple filters could cause a crash in some cases
- Right-click verb menus accidentally went back to being slow in some situations

Dream Daemon:
- Setting certain built-in lists like overlays, underlays, filters, verbs, etc. by assigning a list to them would clear them out and add an item at a time, which was often inefficient and resulted in appearance churn. This has been optimized internally to avoid churn, improving performance.

Dream Maker:
- Several true/false condition checks used in situations like for, while, etc. have been updated in the compiler to improve performance

BYOND 512.1488
Dream Maker:
- The ?. operator didn't handle some complex situations properly where it was the left-hand side of an expression and that expression was in turn the right-hand side of another. This is a compiler fix
- The find/replace dialog lost focus when searching across multiple files

Dream Seeker:
- Animated cursors did not work for the inactive pointer or various other default pointers
- Maptext was not being counted in the client-side calculation of visual bounds, resulting in some icons not being drawn when maptext dimensions were large even though the maptext extended into the visible area
- In some games, the output control still didn't have its scrollbar appear, nor stay scrolled to the bottom. This seems to be related to the style of the text, so it only occurs in specific games

BYOND 512.1485
Dream Seeker:
- The options string in browse() was not parsed like a URL-encoded parameter string (as in list2params), which prevented special characters from being escaped. Now it's parsed the same way, except that for legacy reasons a comma is still allowed as a delimiter between items in the list. (MrStonedOne)
- When a turf in visual contents also had another turf in visual contents, moving away from and then back to its Z level in a different place could cause the inner visual contents to shift over. (HindyMinte)

Dream Daemon:
- The way certain special internal objects (regex, database, icon math) are handled internally has been refactored to improve server stability

BYOND 512.1484
Dream Daemon:
- A further possible source of server instability was fixed

BYOND 512.1479
Dream Daemon:
- Turfs and movable objects did not properly calculate visual bounds on the server side for visual contents, if the turf/movable had no attached images or animation

Dream Seeker:
- Some kinds of filter animations were broken in a previous build, resulting in wrong values

BYOND 512.1478
Dream Daemon:
- Setting world.fps or client.fps at runtime could sometimes cause messages to be sent to newly connecting clients before the client was ready to handle them, causing it to disconnect. This especially happened if such changes were done often
- Procs that ended because their src was deleted generated errors in world/Error() and were caught in try/catch, which they shouldn't have been
- client.view wasn't respected when set at compile time. This has been changed for all projects compiled in 512 or later
- Old code altering client.lazy_eye automatically when the world size was small resulted in some unexpected/annoying behavior, so it has been disabled for projects compiled in 512 or higher. Also, lazy_eye and EDGE_PERSPECTIVE interacted catastrophically in certain situations, causing a constant jump back and forth on each frame

Dream Maker:
- The icon editor was still limited to loading only 512 states, even though the reason for that restriction (the old icon editor) no longer exists

Dream Seeker:
- Parallel animations on the same filter didn't work as expected, causing the later animations to basically cancel out the earlier ones even if they applied to different parameters
- The output control didn't always show a scrollbar, once the scrollbar was needed, until the place it was supposed to be was clicked or the user scrolled up. This has been fixed after exhaustive, painstaking testing

Dream Maker:
- The hotspot indicator in the icon editor now correctly contrasts with a transparent background in dark mode

BYOND 512.1477
Dream Seeker:
- Regression: Statpanels got messed up by the grid formatting fix (Laser50)

BYOND 512.1475
Dream Daemon:
- Reading initial() failed for some vars, resulting in major runtime errors

Dream Maker:
S- tep offsets, pixel offsets, and bounds were not always set properly in the map editor

BYOND 512.1474
- Regression: Non-zero map zooms were broken

BYOND 512.1472
Dream Daemon:
- Filter list access for animations, setting vars, etc. sometimes resulted in spurious "index out of bounds" errors. (Lummox JR)
- The server did not send sound information properly, which prevented sound.environment from accepting 0 to reset the environment. (VolAs)
- MouseEntered() is now called right after MouseDrop() in response to the fact that the object under the cursor has changed. This call is generated on the server instead of the client. (Ter13)
- Case insensitivity was not properly handled in some complex regular expressions. (Altoids0)

Dream Maker:
- Several issues regarding global color changes in an icon have been fixed. (NSBR)
- The backspace key didn't work correctly in the loop count edit box of the icon pixmap editor. (Nadrew)
- The map editor suffered reduced performance. (Ter13)

Dream Seeker:
- Visual contents of objs and mobs did not reset in some cases when they were removed from the map and later re-added, but not deleted in the interim. (Mport2004)

Dream Maker:
- In the pixmap editor's movie area, you can now insert or delete entire columns. Using a regular delete when a column is selected will ask if you'd rather shift the other columns over. The new insert-columns and delete-columns commands have keyboard shortcuts Shift+Ins and Shift+Del, respectively

BYOND 512.1471
Dream Daemon:
- In some cases, the server did not properly send map chunk information that was necessary to handle big icons
- Some proc calls using the call() proc were misinterpreted, causing named arguments not to work correctly when calling those procs with an arglist()

Dream Maker:
- The map editor has had some updates to improve its ability to handle certain conditions like the use of BACKGROUND_LAYER
- The compiler did not include some vars in turf underlays that impacted their appearance, when those underlays used modified types (vars set in the map editor). This very old bug, which can be traced back to BYOND 324 because it impacted pixel offsets too, has been corrected
- Setting parent_type in a way that created a circular reference caused the compiler to hang or crash

Dream Seeker:
- Color matrices and certain situations applying alpha values did not mix properly, resulting in incorrect color matrix calculations
- alert() couldn't use buttons starting with a period, which resulted in some broken behavior
- blend_mode was not applied properly in icons using flick()

Snagit 2022.0.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Snagit 2022.0.2 (64-bit)
- Added back the ability to browse the Snagit Library by day, month, and year
- Communication between the Fuse mobile client and Snagit now utilizes Transport Layer Security (TLS). Thanks to nerdwell for reporting.
- Updated Google SDKs to address CVE-2018-1285 preventing a local XML eXternal Entity (XXE) vulnerability.
- Can now hit the Esc key to exit the Grab Text dialogs
- Snagit Editor no longer disappears after the first capture in certain situations

- some issues with truncation of text on some dialogs in German
- a crash that could occur when capturing certain websites
- an issue where some Application icons would not appear in the Library navigation bar
- several issues with Batch Export
- an issue where saving captures to Dropbox or Google wouldn’t convert the file to a PNG
- an issue where the Capture Date of captures was not using the correct time zone
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2022.0.1 (64-bit)
- Added the Panopto sharing destination
- Fixed crashes that could occur when capturing specific websites or applications
- The Save As dialog will now correctly respect the Save As filetype preferences for files in the Library
- Added a fallback mechanism to accurately show the files in the Library when Windows Indexing isn’t giving correct information to Snagit
- The Copy All button should now work better with other applications when pasting images with transparency
- The Save As dialog will now correctly pre-populate the document title in the file name field
- Fixed an issue where after saving a video with Save As, the name was unexpectedly the same as the original
- Fixed an issue where there was a multi-second lag when capturing a PowerBI window
- The date shown in the Library Details will now accurately reflect the original capture time, not the file creation date
- Fixed an issue where a video could get deleted if a user has auto-save turned off for videos in certain situations
- Multi-page captures and files are more stable
- Thumbnails for saved GIF and MP4 files should now appear correctly
- The time shown in the Capture Info effect should be accurate again
- Fixed an issue with logging into SharePoint
- Fixed an issue with Template footers where they could get detached
- Fixed a crash with applying several Effects to images made from Templates
- Fixed an issue with Template sections overlapping
- Snagx files from Snagit Mac that were created with Templates should behave normally
- Snagit Theme files coming from Snagit Mac will now load properly again
- The enhanced tooltip for the More button should now close after clicking on the More button
- Can now open multiple snagx files from Windows Explorer
- Can now hide the software key when deploying Snagit Windows to multiple computers
- The snagx file type is now supported by COM capturing
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2021.4.4 (64-bit)
- an issue where Google Drive was dropping a connection when sharing
- an issue where users weren’t getting a Getting Started email when starting a trial
- a security issue where opening a maliciously crafted .tscplugin file could result in arbitrary code execution. Thanks to Justin Steven for reporting this issue

- Updated the Dropbox sharing destination to comply with upcoming changes to Dropbox’s API

Snagit 2021.4.3 (64-bit)
- Updates to Snagit’s video recording engine for stability and performance
- Fixed several issues that would lead to user encountering a “Unable to start Snagit” dialog
- Fixed issues when using Snagit Editor that led to a “An unhandled exception was encountered during a user callback” error
- Improved the localization of the Video from Images workflow
- Further improved the customization of the first run experience when deploying Snagit in an enterprise
- Recording video with a webcam in a Citrix environment improved via registry flag
- Other bug fixes, performance, and security improvements

Snagit 2021.4.2 (64-bit)
- a crash that could occur for some users when trying to manually install a newer version of Snagit while Snagit currently is running
- a crash that could occur with certain enterprise deployment settings turned off

Snagit 2021.4.1 (64-bit)
- an issue where upgrading from a previous Snagit 2021 release would overwrite many user preferences
- a security issue where some registry keys created by Snagit could be manipulated by an unprivileged user

Snagit 2021.4.0 (64-bit)
- Authentication improvements. Users who share to TechSmith web services such as Screencast or Knowmia will be required to sign in again via an updated experience
- Having a Capture Info Effect selected in Snagit Capture will no longer create large capture delays, memory usage, and repeating options in Editor
- Fixed an issue where there could be black bars when recording video with Picture-in-Picture webcam
- Added an option to switch between 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio when recording video with Picture-in-Picture webcam
- Fixed an issue where there could be a white flash in selection area when starting to record a video with full screen webcam
- You are now able to log in to the Twitter sharing destination. It uses your default browser to log in instead of an embedded browser window
- Fixed an issue where Snagit could crash when signing in multiple times to the Google Drive sharing destination
- Resizing an image create with a Template will now properly resize the contents of the drop zones
- Fixed an issue where dragging the recording region could hide the recording controls
- Enabling or disabling audio devices on your system is again be reflected in Snagit without restarting the application
- Fixed an issue where sharing to multiple destinations from Snagit Capture could be broken in certain situations
- Improved the communication with licensing servers when using a proxy
- No longer hiding the hot key field when using a preset that can be toggled (e.g., interval capture)
- Resolves an unquoted search path vulnerability
- Other bug fixes, crash fixes, memory leaks, and performance improvements

Snagit 2021.3.1 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue where Sharing Destinations and Stamps could be missing after the latest update for some users
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2021.3.0 (64-bit)
- Video Recording now has a Picture-in-Picture option for your webcam
- Resize and move it to any corner of your recording area
- Can be used in presets
- Refreshed look to the UI while capturing
- Can now take an image capture if you accidentally started a video capture instead of an image capture
- Adjusted some alignment in the Tools Properties
- Adjusted the contrast on some dialogs in Dark theme modes to improve accessibility and usability
- Increased the maximum percentage of the Magnify tool to 800%
- Improved the reliability of undo and redo
- Fixed UI truncation issues in several languages
- Fixed a crash that could occur in certain situations when saving a PDF
- Improved the error message that can occur when getting the Error 350 error
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2021.2.1 (64-bit)
- an issue that wouldn’t allow users to log in to Dropbox for sharing
- an XML External Entity (XXE) issue with Snagit Presets. Thanks to Justin Steven for reporting this issue
- a security issue where opening a maliciously crafted .snagtheme file could result in arbitrary code execution. Thanks to Justin Steven for reporting this issue
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2021.2.0 (64-bit)
- Fixed a number of video recording bugs, crashes, and audio sync issues with an updated video recording engine
- Fixed an issue that could occur when recording video that would result in a corrupted video
- Fixed bugs related to plugging in and unplugging webcams in microphones that could result in a corrupted video
- Fixed an issue with offline activation where it could get stuck in a loop
- Fixed a crash upon exit if there were unsaved files in the tray
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2021.1.0 (64-bit)
Features and Functionality:
- Users can apply Effects to floating images, in addition to the background image
- The Copy All button animates to confirm content has been copied
- When the user moves a magnified image with no border, Snagit shows a temporary border for convenience
- When the user creates a new image from content with transparency on the Clipboard, the new image will have a transparent background
- Template Settings include a new option to automatically scale images placed in template drop zones
- Template footers now include the author’s name
- When the user resizes Template sections, Snagit automatically resizes some related objects to maintain a clean look

Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements:
- Fixed auto-scrolling for the latest version of Firefox
- Fixed an issue where Canvas color defaulted to black instead of transparent in some situations
- Fixed an issue where certain sizes of the Snagit Editor window cause flashing icons and slow performance
- Fixed bugs related to Pen tool smoothing
- Fixed an issue where the Library zoom level reset after the user opened a new capture and then returned to the Library
- Fixed an issue with incorrect section numbering in certain Templates
- Fixed other small bugs in some Templates
- Fixed an issue to keep correct layer order (“z-order”) when the user pastes an image into another image
- IT Administrators: Fixed an issue where Snagit rejected incorrectly formatted keys during deployment
- Fixed numerous text truncation and control spacing issues for French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Japanese versions
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2021.0.2 (64-bit)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when discarding saved changes on a capture while exiting Editor
- Fixed an issue where Snagit was using too much CPU when trying to communicate with activation servers
- Updated proxy server configuration file location
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2021.0.1 (64-bit)
- Added new Magnify Quick Styles
- Can now directly open Themes from the Asset Store
- YouTube sharing working again in all supported languages
- Grab Text and Edit text are now supported in Spanish and Portuguese
- Many truncations of UI text were fixed in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese
- Switching between the Cut Out tool and the Move tool will again maintain your selected Quick Style
- When editing the footer of an image created with a Template, the default text will no longer disappear
- Fixed an issue where resizing images within drop zones wasn’t possible in certain Templates
- Fixed a crash when Drop Zone onboarding appeared under very specific circumstances
- Can now scroll in the Theme creation preview panel
- Removed an unnecessary warning message when creating Themes with duplicate colors that could cause Snagit Editor to freeze
- When exporting a Theme, replacing an existing Theme file now works as expected
- Fixed an issue where you could still draw Simplify objects even when you had Move mode selected
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2021 (64-bit)
- Move Mode for the Simplify Tool
- Adjustable Templates
- Improved Themes
- Offset Magnify
- Faster Crosshairs
- Editor Performance Improvements
- Pen Smoothing

Snagit 2020.1.5 (64-bit)
- Text tool Quick Styles will now show differences in font sizes
- When customizing the toolbar, it’s now more clear as to which tools are on the bar and which tool was last accessed by the More menu
- Arrow tail callout present when creating custom theme
- Media shared to Knowmia will now have working links in the Share History window
- PDFs shared to Knowmia are now converted to PNGs first
- Improved the visibility of the selected tab in the Capture Window
- When creating an Image from Template, your username should now show up at the bottom if you have that setting turned on
- Image from Template disabled when more than 10 images selected
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2020.1.4 (64-bit)
- Made it easier to recognize the More dropdown when customizing the toolbar
- Custom toolbar Share Destinations are now carried over properly when upgrading
- Fixed an issue where content copied and pasted within Snagit Editor could appear blurry
- The Stamp tool should now open to the Business group of Stamps when first opening Snagit
- Fixed an issue where automated captures with COM were unable to be finalized in Editor
- Better handling of resizing rotated shapes while maintaining the aspect ratio with the Shift key
- Other various bug fixes

Snagit 2020.1.3 Build 6046 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Snagit 2020.1.3 Build 5968 (64-bit)
- Now able to share images, videos, and GIFs to the new TechSmith Knowmia! (Formerly TechSmith Relay)
- Fixed a crash that could occur during an update of Snagit
- Added the transparent color swatch to the Color Replacement effect
- When sharing to Slack, users should now only see open conversations
- Fixed a text truncation issue when sharing to Camtasia
- Other bug fixes and performance improvements

Snagit 2020.1.2 Build 5749 (64-bit)
- Improved the Image from Template drop zone onboarding
- Snagit will no longer crash when you use Snagit while it’s creating a GIF
- Fixed a crash some users were experiencing on shutdown
- Scrolling capture is now working again when using Snagit through COM
- The OneDrive for Business sharing destination is now working again
- Other various bug, performance, and security fixes

Snagit 2020.1.1 Build 5510 (64-bit)
- Added a SharePoint sharing destination
- The Twitter sharing destination is working again
- Fixed two crashes that could occur in the TechSmith Updater on some machines
- Snagit Capture is now more resilient after encountering issues in the same run
- Fixed a hang when a computer goes to sleep while video recording
- Can now view all installer options on smaller screens
- Fixed a hang when trying to take a scrolling capture of specific windows with nested scrolling areas
- The Cut Out tool will now cut the intended area even with other windows foregrounded when starting your selection
- When using the Cut Out tool and Shadow Effect, the shadow will no longer get progressively applied after each cut out
- The Eraser tool will now remember the anti-alias setting
- Fixed an issue where the playhead would jump to an unexpected time after making multiple cuts it a video
- Fixed an issue where cutting out a section at the beginning of a video would result in incorrect first frames in the resulting video
- The Slack sharing destination now uses your default browser to authenticate the first time
- The reset button for Auto-Simplify is working again
- The correct Canvas Background color should now be shown in Editor Preferences
- Can now adjust the zoom level of thumbnails in the Library again
- The shadow surrounding the recording area now allows you to click on windows and controls behind it
- Fixed a crash that could occur when doing a scrolling capture with COM

Image from Templates:
- You can now adjust the default name that is added to the footer when creating an image from a Template
- Applying the Shadow Effect to images made from Templates should work as expected now
- The “Custom Steps” Template should now be visible when the “Steps” category is selected
- When copying or printing an image created from a Template with empty Drop Zones, the placeholder images will no longer be included
- Better keyboard navigation in the Create Image from Template window
- The ability to adjust the title text color is working again
- Undo and redo are now working after editing a Drop Zone

Security Fixes:
- Updated the LeadTools Imaging SDK v20 from an April 2019 release to latest (November 2019) addressing CVEs 5125, 5100, 5099, and 5084
- Fixed an XML External Entity (XXE) issue that would allow a local attacker to exfiltrate data under the local Administrator account. Thanks to nerdwell for reporting this issue

- Other bug fixes, security, and localization updates

Snagit 2020.1.0 Build 4965 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Snagit 2020.0.3 Build 4960 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Snagit 2020.0.1 Build 4658 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Snagit 2020.0.0 Build 4460 (64-bit)
Create Images from Templates:
- Create clean and professional images from pre-made layouts right within Snagit to convey technical information at a glance. These - templates offer significant time savings when creating documentation, tutorials, and job aids.

Create Video from Images:
- Transform screenshots into a video. In addition to standard Snagit video, you can now talk and draw over a series of screenshots to make a quick “how-to” video or animated GIF. This is another way you can create content right within Snagit to effectively - communicate.

Callouts with Arrow tails:
- This new callout type allows you to point at exactly what you want to draw attention to in your image while still being able to add - additional information with text.
- If you don’t see these in the callout tool, you can add your own by selecting the shape from the callout dropdown.

Share to Slack and Box:
- Snagit makes it even easier to share content at work. Now you can share Snagit content directly to Slack and Box.

Additional Changes:
- Changing properties with multiple text objects selected works as expected
- Increased maximum font size
- Smoother rendering when using the Crop tool
- Performance improvements
- Other bug fixes and localization updates

Snagit 2019.1.4 Build 4446 (64-bit)
- Fixed a crash when trying to edit an effect from the Capture Window or New Preset Window
- The browsing pane in the Library should no longer take up the whole Library view for all users
- Changing the “Run Snagit when Windows starts” setting should now be properly saved
- All tools should now be available even when shrinking the Snagit Editor window to a narrow size
- Adjusted the padding for Arrow shaped callouts to allow for more text
- Printing dialog should no longer show Japanese characters in all languages
- Can now install on machines with a Favorites folder using a UNC path
- When customizing the toolbar, spacers now work as expected
- The Twitter sharing destination should now be working again
- After resetting to Default Quick Styles, they are remembered
- Step tool numbers should always be vertical when rotating
- Other bug fixes, localization updates, and performance improvements works

Snagit 2019.1.3 Build 3847 (64-bit)
- Fixes CVE-2019-13382 which would allow a local attacker to gain elevated privileges using a specially crafted presentation file

Snagit 2019.1.2 Build 3596 (64-bit)
- Snagit now supports multi-monitor varied DPI computer setups!
- Improved capture delay of Chrome browser window
- Resolved crash during active window capture of Internet Explorer browser
- Resolved Crop tool edge and controls issues
- Improved in-app message tips to be more timely and prevent popups when Snagit is not actively used
- Resolved rounded rectangle issues and set them as default shape in Auto Simplify
- Improved canvas logic for auto expand
- Resolved issue of static screens corrupting portions of video recordings
- Resolved issue of OneNote hotkeys affecting Snagit
- Resolved help url link issues in Capture Window and OneClick
- Resolved several memory leaks
- Resolved crash when using large dimensions in a fixed region capture
- Removed requirement for video description and tags during upload to YouTube
- Improved error messages when combining large images and during sign-in
- Improved moving objects with keyboard when moving outside of the canvas
- Resolved incorrect pixel size of images in resizing tooltips
- Resolved updater “Failed with -1” issue
- Update to new Screencast API, which leverages oAuth for more secure authentication. This change will require you to sign out and sign in for sharing to
- Numerous other bug fixes, localization updates, and performance improvements

Snagit 2019.1.1 Build 2860 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Snagit 2019.1.0 Build 2653 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Snagit 2019.0.1 Build 2448 (64-bit)
- New Support Tool for more easily submitting diagnostic information to TechSmith Support
- Fixed a crash when selecting select region while editing preset
- Fixed a crash when moving crosshairs between Edge and other browsers before capturing/canceling
- Resolved Snagit hanging at startup on Windows 32-bit when no microphone devices are detected
- Resolved Mic Dropdown missing from Video HUD
- Resolved CPU spiking when checking for updates
- Resolved some foreign languages showing up as question marks in Combine Images titles/descriptions
- Resolved onboarding text issues
- Resolved Presets not appearing in dropdown
- Resolved issue with share field selection showing as 'None' in Preset Edit window's UI after preset creation/update
- Resolved Fuse not connecting to Snagit on older operating systems
- Resolved issue with Undo, Auto-Simplify on new captured image not toggling off
- Resolved issue with Windows 7 32-bit not installing SnagThumbnailProvider.dll
- Resolved some dialog's showing underscores in front of button text
- Improved messaging when the Windows 10 camera and microphone privacy setting is disabled
- Improved visibility of which option is selected in the Selection Tool
- Improved messaging when attempting to Simplify a Combined Image
- Improved Combine text looks small when dealing with larger images

Snagit 2019.0.0 Build 2399 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

XLSTAT 2021 24.1.1260.0 查看版本資訊


Microsoft WorldWide Telescope 5.5.03 查看版本資訊


Microsoft WorldWide Telescope 查看版本資訊


Microsoft WorldWide Telescope 3.1.52 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Legacy Release for XP support