Media Player Classic (64-bit)

最新版本 PyCharm 2019.2

PyCharm 2019.2

PyCharm 2019.2
Media Player Classic 64 位家庭影院是 Windows 的輕量級媒體播放器。它看起來就像 Windows Media Player Classic v6.4,但有很多附加功能。您可以使用播放器作為媒體播放器經典家庭影院.

它內置了用於 LPCM,MP2,AC3 和 DTS 音頻的 MPEG- 2 視頻和編解碼器的編解碼器,還包含一個改進的 MPEG 分離器,支持 VCD 和 SVCD 的播放使用其 VCD,SVCD 或 XCD 閱讀器。 AAC 解碼濾波器使 MPC 適用於 MP4 中的 AAC 播放.

Media Player Classic 家庭影院特點:
可選擇去除撕裂。更好地支持 Windows Vista,包括 64 位平台的發行版。支持 EVR(增強型視頻渲染器)支持字幕。如果安裝了支持的電視調諧器,則播放和錄製電視節目。當 MPC HC 崩潰時創建小型轉儲。 OSD(屏幕顯示)Shuttle PN31 遙控器支持支持多顯示器配置像素著色器轉換 BT601 - BT701 YV12 色度上採樣像素著色器語言翻譯。來自 Gabest 的 Guliverkli MPC 項目的所有功能。 Android 設備的遙控器。注:截至 2006 年 7 月,Media Player Classic 不再開發。其功能相同的繼任者是媒體播放器經典 - 家庭影院.


檔案版本 PyCharm 2019.2

檔案名稱 pycharm-community-2019.2.exe
檔案大小 256 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 MPC-HC Team
更新日期 2019-07-26

What's new in this version:

- Jupyter Notebook Integration has been improved. Some of the most highly requested Jupyter Notebook features have been implemented in this version. Now you will be able run all cells with a single button click, select and configure your Jupyter server using a specific project and port to listen to, keep track of variables while debugging them by getting their current state, restart the kernel and publish notebooks from PyCharm to JetBrains Datalore
- Syntax highlight support for many other languages has been added. Do you work on projects where code in a different language sneaks into your project? PyCharm will now highlight the syntax of Windows .bat files, C#, C++, Groovy, Lua, Makefiles, and more
- We are adding support for some major Python 3.8 features. Try out positional-only parameters, variable assignment within expressions, ‘Final’ qualifier to restrict usage of methods, classes and variables, and new ways to use f-strings to present values and variables
- cURL format is now supported for HTTP requests. Just copy your cURL formatted request and paste it directly into your HTTP Request file for it to be converted into its format, and then feel free to modify request params, headers, or body

PyCharm 2019.2 相關參考資料