Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

最新版本 Victoria 4.99b

Victoria 4.99b

Victoria 4.99b
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 行業領先的掃描儀能夠檢測並清除蠕蟲,特洛伊木馬,rootkits,流氓程序,間諜軟件等惡意軟件。你所要做的就是啟動 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 並運行掃描。就這麼簡單。或者,如果您想獲得更好的保護,請考慮 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium 及其即時實時掃描程序,可自動防止惡意軟件和網站感染您的 PC。無論哪種方式,你正在粉碎惡意軟件和挫敗黑客。根據 OPSWAT 的說法,Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PC 的離線安裝程序是用戶最常用的安全產品.

什麼是 Malwarebytes 3.0?
“它將我們所有的惡意軟件技術整合到一個程序中,能夠以更快的速度掃描 4 倍的威脅。我們所有的技術都可以完全取代客戶的防病毒解決方案,使其過時。“

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 功能:

反惡意軟件 / 反間諜軟件
Healthistic 和行為檢測引擎不僅可以識別已知的惡意軟件系列,也是零時差的惡意軟件,它逃避了基於簽名的技術.

專門的行為監控技術監控與勒索軟件相關的可疑活動的應用程序進程。 (無簽名)

包括應用程序強化保護在內的四層協同工作,可立即阻止漏洞利用。 (無簽名)

反 rootkit
專有技術可刪除 rootkit 並修復受損的文件.

根據已知惡意 IP 地址,域和 URL 的數據庫來驗證入站和出站流量。自我保護技術:針對惡意軟件篡改的驅動程序級保護.


注意:實時保護,惡意網站攔截,Malwarebytes Chameleon 技術等功能在 14 天后失效。某些功能已禁用.

也可用:下載 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 為 Mac


檔案版本 Victoria 4.99b

檔案大小 1.18 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Malwarebytes Corp
更新日期 2019-10-14

What's new in this version:

- The main menu and toolbar appeared
- The form can now be expanded to full screen and the dimensions of its parts can be set arbitrarily. All settings are saved.
- The speed limit is increased to 9800 MB / s, and the number of graph points is proportional to its width
- Rarely used functions are transferred to the main menu
- The settings panel is structured. New settings added. For example, you can enable the scan to stop during fatal errors and even change the colors of some elements of the interface
- It is possible to translate the interface into other languages, but so far nothing needs to be done with them - in future versions I plan to add translations of not only signatures, but also program messages
- Translated interface elements into Russian. While it may contain errors - this is an experiment. In the future, it is also planned to translate all internal messages. Off by default in the main menu
- Added more automation, which can be disabled in the settings
- Double-clicking on the SMART log opens it in the editor
- Added new names for SMART magazines
- An attempt was made to automatically set the block size for the NVMe SSD
- Added display of temperature in the passport through

Victoria 4.99b 相關參考資料