K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool

最新版本 Rocrail 15381 (64-bit)

Rocrail 15381 (64-bit)

Rocrail 15381 (64-bit)
K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 將掃描破碎的過濾器,給你的細節,然後刪除它們的選項。這是包含在 K -Lite Codec Pack 中的獨立版本的工具。 K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 是完全簡單的利用,但是雛鳥可能需要掃描互聯網上的特定儀器的數據。經驗豐富的客戶可能會對日誌生成器感到迷惑,該日誌生成器可以生成包含通用框架數據的完整報告,包括引入的 DirectShow 通道,ACM / VFW 編解碼器和通道以及 DirectX 媒體對象的簡要列表。

掃描註冊表檢測並刪除對編解碼器和過濾器的損壞引用。生成所有安裝的編解碼器和 DirectShow 過濾器的詳細日誌。啟用 / 禁用 250 多種流行編解碼器和過濾器(如果已安裝)。管理首選的源過濾器(又名分離器)。重新設置。備份和恢復設置。在 Windows 7/8/10 上調整首選解碼器。在 Windows 7/8/10 上禁用 MS 編解碼器的各種調整。


檔案版本 Rocrail 15381 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 rocrail-15381-win64.exe
檔案大小 11 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Codec Guide
官網 http://www.codecguide.com/download_other.htm
更新日期 2019-05-06

What's new in this version:

- Support for variables in case values

Rocrail 15381 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
analyzer-en [Innovative Model Railroad Control System] - Rocrail

Analyzer Route name changed. :!: From Rev. 12.859+ is the "autogen-"-prefix (see below) by the option Automatically generated replaced.


Download Rocrail Revision 15381 - Softpedia

Download Rocrail - Model railroad control system that comes with support for ... size: 8.6 MB; filename: rocrail-15381-win32.exe; runs on: Windows 10 32/64 bit


ln-rocrail-cs-en [Innovative Model Railroad Control System]

The goal is to create a LocoNet environment with the Slot Management implemented in software, and using a none LocoNet CS. The Rocrail ...


MajorGeeks.Com - MajorGeeks

Farbar Recovery Scan Tool 64-Bit 06.05.2019 [ 2.32 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 ..... Rocrail 15381 [ 8.62 MB+ | Open Source | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / Android ].


rocgui-gen-en [Innovative Model Railroad Control System] - Rocrail

If the default track plan size, 64 x 48, is not big enough for the target layout it can be adjusted with CX/CY which represents the number of ...


Rocrail project files : Rocrail - Launchpad.net

File, Description, Downloads. download icon rocrail-15336-ubuntu1604-amd64.deb (md5), Ubuntu 16.04 64bit, 4 last downloaded today. download icon ...


Serials & keys - unlocks the world

Rocrail Revision 15381, 2019-05-06. Feedbro for Chrome ... Microsoft Windows 10 Pro, 2015-10-05, 64% ... Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, 2012-01-24, 84%.


supported-os-en [Innovative Model Railroad Control System] - Rocrail

The main memory for running Rocrail and Rocview on one ... Windows 64bit, 65, The wxWidgets library is statically linked to Rocview.
