iTunes for Windows (64-bit)

最新版本 SplitCam 10.5.35

SplitCam 10.5.35

SplitCam 10.5.35
iTunes for Windows 64 位是組織和欣賞已有音樂,電影和電視節目的最佳方式,併購買你想要的。您甚至可以通過 iTunes Radio 收聽免費的流媒體電台。 iTunes 可在 Mac,PC,iPad,iPhone,iPod touch 和 Apple TV 上使用.

iTunes 功能:

iTunes 是享受和擴大您對音樂的熱愛的地方。這是你聽歌曲,藝術家和專輯的地方。這也是你探索那些你從來不知道自己喜歡的音樂風格的地方,也可以購買新歌來建立一個充滿無盡聆聽體驗的個人音樂庫。 iTunes Store 擁有超過 4300 萬首歌曲。它只是一個輕拍而已.

iTunes 無線電 - 聽聽你的音樂需要你在哪裡
iTunes 收音機有流媒體電台,你從第一天就會喜歡 - mdash; 比如 DJ 策劃和流派特定的廣播電台。 iTunes Radio 包含 First Plays,所以你可以在購買之前收聽所選的完整專輯。創建基於您播放和下載的音樂而發展的電台。在 iPhone,iPad,iPod touch,Mac,PC 和 Apple TV 上聽到他們的聲音。免費.

超過 85,000 部電影和超過 30 萬個電視節目可供選擇,總是有很棒的東西在 iTunes 64 位觀看。趕上你最喜歡的電視劇集或打你喜歡的電影,看看 - mdash; 隨時隨地。只要點擊播放,甚至可以下載,如果你要去的地方,你贏了沒有 Wi-Fi.

注意:需要 QuickTime.

也可用:下載 iTunes 的 Mac


檔案版本 SplitCam 10.5.35

檔案名稱 SplitCamSetup.msi
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Apple Inc
更新日期 2021-09-21

What's new in this version:

- Added effect "Remove background" (x64 version only). Applies to video file and webcam sources only
- Added effect "Blur background" (x64 version only). Applies to video file and webcam sources only
- Added effect "Dynamic contrast"
- Submenus added to context menus
- New capture source: Video playlist. Add several video files which are to be played consecutively
- New capture source: Audio playlist. Add several audio files which are to be played consecutively
- You can control playback and edit a playlist in a separate windows: click the "..." (for video playlist) or "Gear" (for audio playlist) button and select the "Playlist" command
- Added MJPEG support into DirectShow capture
- Added pause source on space key. (VideoFileSource, SlideshowSource)

- Chromakey filters group renamed to Background
- Background processing filteres are all moved to the Background group
- Filter names and parameters prepared for translation to other human languages
- In the "Add new source layer" menu: display sharing commands moved to "Share display" submenu
- In the "Add new source layer" menu: audio source capture commands moved to "Audio Source" submenu
- The Effects dialog is not movable. Click-and-drag in any space uncovered by other controls to move it
- When a checkbox state is changed show/hide controls associated with it. This is currently used in Chromakey effect when enabling/disabling automatic key color selection
- Color picker of a color control is now automatically disabled as soon as a color is selected. To keep the color picker active hold down Alt key on the keyboard when making a selection
- Reworked audio mixer and a new implementation of audio/video synchronization in stream is done for now. Known problems: the stream is not stable - audio/video packets seem to gradually divert in their PTS values which causes stream reinitialization on the receiving side, also the audio track changes tempo and plays back either faster or slower every next few seconds
- Audio/video synchronization in stream is greatly enhanced
- Audio/video frame rate is now more accurate
- Video driver updated to support 60 fps output
- Better support for 60 fps scenes
- Some filters performance enhanced by moving code execution to GPU
- Only automatically show About dialog when a newer version is run for the first time

- Fixed bug with LUT loading from project
- Fixed bugs with adding video into audio playlist
- Fixed color palette not being updated with a picked color in Color Control UI elements
- Fixed crash when opening Add Webcam dialog when some webcam models are connected to computer
- Fixed switching scenes with the same webcam on each of them
- Fixed GIF-loader for IP-camera preload
- Fixed errors with handling file paths containing international symbols
- Safely handle international symbols during Skin Smoother initialization
- Added missing shader files to setup file
- Create file path before actually saving a file
- Fixed crash on fast effect parameters change

SplitCam 10.5.35 相關參考資料
DVBViewer free download - Windows 7 Download

DVBViewer · SplitCam 10.5.35 · VLC Media Player 3.0.16 · ProgDVB (64 bit) 7.42.1 · ProgDVB (32 bit) 7.42.1 · Windows Media Player 12 ...

https://www.windows7download.c Free Software Download for Windows

21 Sep 21 - Opera 79.0 Build 4143.50 (64-bit); 21 Sep 21 - iTunes (64-bit); 21 Sep 21 - SplitCam 10.5.35; 21 Sep 21 - PRTG Network Monitor 21.3.

SplitCam 10.5.35 - Download -

SplitCamera jest darmowym sterownikiem pozwalającym na rozdzielenie strumienia video z pojedynczego źródła na wiele aplikacji.

SplitCam à télécharger - ZDNet

SplitCam est un utilitaire gratuit pour votre webcam qui vous aide dans la réalisation de vos ... SplitCam. Licence gratuite. SplitCam. 10.5.35. 21/09/2021.

SplitCam Download (2021 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

2021年7月18日 — SplitCam is powerful stream studio broadcaster software. With SplitCam you can stream directly to, Youtube, Facebook and e.t.c. at ...

SplitCam for Windows 7 - Your webcam can do more

SplitCam 10.5.12 download - Windows 7 - Offers cool webcam effects for having more positive emotions during video calls.


Télécharger gratuitement SplitCam sur Futura

Disponible sur Windows, SplitCam est un logiciel gratuit permettant de scinder le ... Télécharger gratuitement SplitCam sur Futura. ... SplitCam (10.5.35).