Inkscape (64-bit)

最新版本 Inkscape 1.3.1 (64-bit)

Inkscape 1.3.1 (64-bit)

Inkscape 1.3.1 (64-bit)
Inkscape 64 位是在 Windows,Mac OS X 和 Linux 上運行的專業質量矢量圖形軟件。它被全世界的設計專業人員和愛好者用來創建各種各樣的圖形,如插圖,圖標,徽標,圖表,地圖和網頁圖形。 Inkscape 使用 W3C 開放標準的 SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)作為原生格式,並且是免費的開源軟件。它可以導入和導出各種文件格式,包括 SVG,AI,EPS,PDF,PS 和 PNG。它有一個全面的功能集,一個簡單的界面,多語言支持,並設計為可擴展; 用戶可以使用插件自定義 Inkscape 的功能.

Inkscape 特徵:
繪圖:鉛筆工具(徒手畫簡單路徑),鋼筆工具(創建 Bé zier 曲線和直線),書法工具(徒手繪製使用填充路徑代表書法筆劃)形狀工具:矩形(可能有圓角),橢圓(包括圓形,弧形,段),星形 / 多邊形(可以是圓形和 / 或隨機),螺旋形文字工具(多行文本,完整的畫布上編輯)嵌入式位圖(帶有創建和嵌入選定對象位圖的命令)克隆(對象的“實時”鏈接副本),包括創建克隆模式和佈局的工具交互式地移動(移動,縮放,旋轉,傾斜)通過指定精確的數值 Z 序操作(升高和降低)分組對象(“在組中選擇”而不取消分組,或“進入組”使其成為臨時層)圖層(鎖定和 / 或隱藏個別層,重新排列等等; 圖層可以形成一個分層樹)對齊和分佈命令還有更多其他可用:下載 Inkscape for Mac


檔案版本 Inkscape 1.3.1 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 inkscape-1.3.1_2023-11-16_91b66b0783-x64_yOr62Fw
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Inkscape Team
更新日期 2023-11-19

What's new in this version:

- more than 30 crash/freeze fixes, many of which affected PDF import and Live Path Effects
- a new feature to disable snapping to grid lines, while still snapping to grid intersections
- a new feature to split text into its letters (characters), while keeping the kerning (letter distances) intact
- the Shape Builder tool now creates an appropriate number of nodes
- activating a layer in the Layers dialog no longer requires you to double-click to enter the layer on the canvas to be able to work in it
- no more auto-expanding layers in the Layers dialog when only activating them, and improved behavior on deleting and moving layers
- right-clicking now applies the change to the selected object, not to whatever group it is in
- the Page tool's size field no longer refuses to be edited
- improved handle visibility with dark desk colors
- multiple improvements for converting text objects to a path
- PDF files that could not be opened with Inkscape 1.3 can now be opened / imported again
- the English terms for Live Path Effects can now be searched for even if you use Inkscape in another language, so you can better follow tutorials
- on macOS, and many current Linux distributions, gradient dithering is now available
- there exists a workaround that users can apply when they are experiencing missing user interface fonts on macOS ('tofu')
- 3 fixes for extension bugs
- 16 improved user interface translations
- some small updates for the included tutorials and the man page
- and almost 40 more bug fixes

Inkscape 1.3.1 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Inkscape 1.3 - Windows : 64 位元: msi

Inkscape 1.3 is the latest major Inkscape release that brings you many fresh new features and new functionality. - Windows Installer Package.

Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit 7z archive - Inkspace 画廊

2023年11月17日 — Inkscape · 自由繪畫。 · Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit 7z archive · Inkscape Package.

Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit exe - Inkspace 画廊

2023年11月17日 — 自由繪畫。 · Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit exe · Inkscape Package.

Inkscape 1.3.1 可攜式版for Windows 32-bit

2023年11月20日 — 一個免費的SVG 編輯器,可以繪製符合W3C標準SVG向量圖形。 Inkscape; 軟體版本: 1.3.1 可攜式版for Windows 32-bit; 軟體分類: 182圖片工具 (繪圖相關) ...

Inkscape 1.3.1 安裝版for Windows 64-bit 下載網頁

軟體名稱: Inkscape; 軟體版本: 1.3.1 安裝版for Windows 64-bit; 語言介面: 多國語言; 軟體性質: 免費軟體; 作業系統: Windows(含Win11); 檔案大小: 96.50 MB.

Inkscape 1.3.1 的所有平臺

這會列出所選發行版的所有平臺。它會顯示各個可用平臺的對應下載數,但不會列出所有未填滿格子的對應平臺。舉例來說,如果有顯示出Windows 32bit,但是沒有Windows 64bit, ...

Windows : 64 位元: msi - Inkscape 1.3.1

None - Windows Installer Package.

Windows : 64-bit - Inkscape 1.3

Inkscape 1.3 is the latest major Inkscape release that brings you many fresh new features and new functionality. - 64-bit architecture.

Windows : 64-bit - Inkscape 1.3.1

Draw Freely. · Installer in .exe format exe · Windows Installer Package msi · Compressed archive in 7z format (64bit) compressed (7z).