Google Drive

最新版本 Singlebox 33.3.0

Singlebox 33.3.0

Singlebox 33.3.0
Google Drive(Windows 的備份和同步)是一個您可以創建,共享,協作和保留所有內容的地方。無論您是與朋友合作開展聯合研究項目,與未婚夫計劃婚禮還是與室友追踪預算,您都可以在雲端硬盤中完成。您可以上傳和訪問您的所有文件,包括視頻,照片,Google 文檔,PDF 等等。開始使用 15 GB 免費。通過安全雲存儲訪問任何地方的文件,並為您的照片,視頻,文件和其他文件備份 Google Drive. 您可以從我們的網站點擊免費下載按鈕下載 Google Drive PC 離線安裝程序.

上傳和存儲任何文件夾中的文件您的電腦,相機和 SD 卡。您可以在任何手機,平板電腦或計算機上使用 Google Drive 在您的照片和視頻中找到您的內容。立即下載 Windows PC 的備份和同步!

Drive 以 15 GB 的免費 Google 在線存儲啟動您,因此您可以保留照片,故事,設計,圖畫,錄音,視頻和 ndash; 任何地方.

您可以通過任何智能手機,平板電腦或計算機訪問云端硬盤(用於 Windows 的備份和同步)中的文件。所以,無論你走到哪裡,你的文件都會遵循.


注意:限於 15GB 的免費帳戶存儲空間。

也可用:下載 Google Drive 為 Mac


檔案版本 Singlebox 33.3.0

檔案名稱 Singlebox Setup 33.3.0.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Google
更新日期 2023-06-12

What's new in this version:

Singlebox 33.3.0
- Fix hidden setting subsections are not filtered from search (2)
- Fix "Add Subspace" button covers other settings
- Fix node-mac-permissions build files are not excluded

- Disable ESLint and TS type check in CRA dev mode
- Move navigation buttons to the left side of macOS title bar
- Improve updater UX
- Add max width to settings container
- Allocate more RAM (6GB) to webpack build process
- Improve runtime mode descriptions
- Remove option to open at login, but minimized on macOS

Singlebox 33.2.0
- Fix location auth permission status is not synced with macOS system settings
- Fix Google Cloud geolocation API is not initialized correctly

Singlebox 33.1.0
- Replace Dark Reader non-standard fetch polyfill
- Add ability to add custom search engine (2)
- Fix text subspace icon preview doesn't show correctly
- Show navigation bar by default
- Fix code injection dialog is not reset/loaded correctly in subspace settings
- Fix Dark Reader sepia setting cannot be modified in subspace settings
- Migrate from AWS S3 to Cloudflare R2 (3)

Singlebox 33.0.0
- Remove Sentry integration
- Use Electron built-in net.fetch instead of cross-fetch
- Upgrade to [email protected]
- Upgrade to @fontsource/[email protected]

Singlebox 32.1.0
- Replace electron-settings with electron-store
- Fix "failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope'"
- Fix code injection dialog is not reset/loaded correctly
- Upgrade to [email protected]
- Upgrade to [email protected]
- Upgrade to [email protected]
- Use @webcatalog-oss/electron-settings

Singlebox 32.0.1
- [BOX-35] Upgrade to [email protected]

Singlebox 31.8.0
- Change log not available for this version

Singlebox 31.7.0
- Upgrade to actions/[email protected]

- home action/button unexpectedly works as back button
- window global shortcut does not work when attaching to tray/menu bar
- keyboard shortcut setting dialog doesn't recognize physical keys properly

Singlebox 31.6.1
- Remove Switchbar cross-promotion from Mac App Store distribution
- Fix User-Agent string compatibility logic prevents requests from being completed
- Fix User-Agent string is not set correctly for Google login

Singlebox 31.6.0
- Remove WebCatalog-specific code (2)
- Fix "Find In Page" input box doesn't get focused automatically
- Fix default app status check doesn't work on macOS and Linux
- Fix web-view-related window listeners are not loaded when window is initialized
- Fix "Go back" mouse/keyboard app command is not handled correctly

Singlebox 31.5.1
- Fix location service support is disabled/enabled on wrong platform

Singlebox 31.3.1
- webview keeps running in background after subspace has been removed
- "Rearrange" button unexpectedly removes subspace

Singlebox 31.3.0
- Add option to auto-hide menu bar on Linux

- webview keeps running in background after subspace has been removed
- "Rearrange" button unexpectedly removes subspace
v31.3.0 (March 15, 2023)
- window is unexpectedly closed instead of being hidden on macOS
- error occurs when retrieving tray object before tray is initialized
- browser view alignment is detected incorrectly with RTL language on Linux

Singlebox 31.2.0
- Fix browser views are not destroyed correctly when window is closed

Singlebox 31.1.0
- Fix titlebar overlay is not enabled in tray mode on Windows
- Fix option to hide "Manage Subspaces" button is not available on Windows
- Add automation scripts for releasing changelog

Singlebox 31.0.0
- [BOX-2] Remove lists, games and categories from subspace setup window
- [BOX-1] Remove WebCatalog-specific code

Singlebox 30.1.2
- Fix localized string value is not escaped properly
- Fix component colors don't match correctly with theme colors

Singlebox 29.0.2
- Fix JS error in main process when closing/reopening main window on macOS

Singlebox 29.0.1
- Fix subspace setup window sidebar doesn't align correctly
- Fix subspace icon color is not set correctly in forms

Singlebox 28.0.1
- Improve subspace management UI/UX

Singlebox 28.0.0
- Rearrange setting sections
- Add "Manage Subspaces" button to title bar
- Downgrade to [email protected]
- Improve subspace management UI/UX
- Upgrade to .NET 6.0 to support AzureSignTool 4.x
- Fix default app checking logic is not working with APPX

Singlebox 33.3.0 相關參考資料
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Singlebox is a versatile productivity tool that simplifies your online experience by consolidating multiple web applications into a single platform.

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2023年6月13日 — Singlebox is an efficient and intuitive tool that streamlines your online workflow by consolidating multiple web apps into one place. With its ...

Frame, Fill, Finish

... (33.3) 0 (0). 0 (0.0). 0 (0). Diabetes mellitus type 2 (n. 40) 28(70.0) 49.3(8.7) ... single box. This was measured in all boxes within the grid containing ...

Google Drive - WordPress 6.3

您可以上傳和訪問您的所有文件,包括視頻,照片,Google 文檔,PDF 等等。開始使用15 GB 免費。通過安全雲存儲訪問任何地方的文件,並為您的照片,視頻,文件和其他文件 ...

HDCleaner - Singlebox 33.3.0

ScreenShot ; 檔案名稱, Singlebox Setup 33.3.0.exe ; 檔案大小 ; 系統, Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 ; 軟體類型, 免費軟體.

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Singlebox 33.4.0 歷史版本更新資訊. Update:2023-06-20. Info:. What's new in this ... Singlebox 33.3.0. Fixed: - Fix hidden setting subsections are not filtered ...

Measuring and calculation methods for landslide volume with 3- ...

Through the measurement of a single box, the average relative error of 1.9 ... 33.3 > 0 > 50 % with different proportions of gravel. A significant power ...

Singlebox 33.4.0 軟體檔案下載 - winXmac軟體社群

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Singlebox 33.3.0. Fixed: - Fix hidden setting subsections are not filtered ... Singlebox for Mac and PC - All-in-One Messenger - Singlebox Singlebox for Mac ...