GitHub Desktop 歷史舊版本 Page1

最新版本 FastReport.Net 2024.1.7

GitHub Desktop 歷史版本列表

GitHub Desktop 是一個無縫的方式來貢獻於 GitHub 和 GitHub Enterprise 上的項目。 GitHub Desktop 允許開發人員同步分支,克隆存儲庫等等。拉請求,合併按鈕,叉隊列,問題,頁面,維基:所有令人敬畏的功能,使共享更容易。但是,這些東西只有在您將代碼推送到 GitHub.GitHub Desktop 之後才會很好。功能:啟動一個項目 您會在側邊欄中找... GitHub Desktop 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

GitHub Desktop 3.3.9
- The line number inclusion controls are semantic checkboxes and are keyboard accessible
- Copying commit SHAs from submodule diffs is keyboard accessible
- Show avatars of bot accounts such as dependabot
- Focus outline is visible on the diff
- Selecting or deselecting lines in a diff by dragging the mouse now scrolls the contents as needed
- Last line of diffs can be selected when the file didn't have a new line at the end
- Promote line endings change warning from icon to a banner, improving its accessibility
- Amending a commit in non-GitHub repositories restores the commit message
- The merge dialog submit button is available when conflicts are detected
- Avatars are once again loading for GitHub Enterprise Server users
- Lists scroll and render as expected when scrolling by dragging the scrollbar on Windows
- External editor or shell failure error will open to integration settings

- Add `pyi` to syntax highlighting
- Syntax highlighting now supports .cmake, .cxx, .hh, .hxx, and .xsd files
- Apply Markdown highlighting to .mdx files
- Implemented folder ignore with all parent directories

GitHub Desktop 3.3.8
- The merge dialog submit button is available when conflicts are detected
- Avatars are once again loading for GitHub Enterprise Server users

GitHub Desktop 3.3.7
- Merge branch dialog's merge preview no longer shows stale merge check data
- Co-authors are restored as such when a commit is amended
- Tags with commas are no longer truncated to the first comma
- The "Reveal in Finder" context menu option in the conflict resolution dialog no longer causes Finder to be unresponsive
- Clicking on the commit message length warning does not close the squash commit dialog
- Fix Alacritty bundle ID on macOS
- Merge branch dialog no longer shows flickering merge preview when switching branches
- Diff no longer jumps when scrolling after pressing expansion buttons
- Use list semantics in job step lists for improved accessibility
- Fix heading levels used in dialogs for improved accessibility

- Replace the "Default branch name for new repositories" radio button setting with a more accessible and inclusive textbox input and description
- The "You're Done" header is focused after tutorial completion so it is announced and screen reader users are made aware of the completion screen
- Checkboxes always have unique id's for label association
- Better visibility of checkbox focus indicator
- Improve inclusivity and clarification of branch name change warning.
- Focus moves to closest expansion button or diff container after expansion
- Tooltips can be dismissed with the escape key
- Semantically grouping our settings radio and checkbox groups so their group headers will be announced to screen reader users.
- The "Other" email description is announced on input focus in the git config form
- Move the repository list on the "Let's get started!" screen to the left hand side so it can be the first logical tab placement.
- Increased the specificity of the "Sign In" and "Sign Out" buttons in the Account settings

GitHub Desktop 3.3.6
- Previewing a pull request with a deleted image file no longer errors with "The path does not exist on disk"
- Empty lines are included when copying text from diffs
- A copied full line from a diff now includes a trailing newline
- Creating pull requests from a renamed branch uses the branch name in the remote
- On macOS Sonoma, the VoiceOver regression preventing our dialog headers announcements has been fixed
- Squash dialog is not shown again after finishing another squashing operation where uncommitted changes were present and had to be stashed

- Added the ability to open your global .gitconfig file in your selected external editor
- Fixed `Github` -> `GitHub` typo in repository settings
- Screen readers announce group name when navigating through grouped lists
- The history commit summary header is now expandable making the tool-tipped meta data keyboard accessible
- Reordering commits is now keyboard accessible
- The conflicts resolution dialog now has a success banner that is screen reader announced that summarize actions taken
- The pull request branch selection popover header is announced by screen readers
- Prevent possible duplicate announcement of button labeling to screen reader users
- Improve keyboard and screen reader support for banners

GitHub Desktop 3.3.5
- Syntax highlighting now supports .cc files

- Long file paths are correctly truncated in the conflicts dialog

GitHub Desktop 3.3.4
- Added Cursor support on macOS
- Add support for Pulsar code editor on Linux
- Add Eclipse IDE integrations for macOS

- Fix JetBrains PhpStorm capitalization
- Screen readers announce contents of error dialog when attempting to perform certain operations while local changes are present
- Screen readers announce contents of app error dialogs
- Screen readers announce contents of merge, rebase, interactive rebase abort confirmation dialogs
- Pasting long texts in the commit summary textbox does not show a scrollbar in the left pane
- Tab characters in diffs are rendered correctly
- Close button in release notes dialog can be clicked
- Scrolling works as expected in the "Commit Reachability" dialog
- Tip of comment bubbles in Pull Request notifications is rendered correctly

- Added a setting to allow toggling the availability of the commit message length warning
- Added accessibility label to filter textbox in the History tab
- Improved clarity of the structure of dialogs by using `h2` elements for their titles
- Display co-authors button additional information when it's focused via keyboard navigation
- When focusing the rebase/merge/squash button, screen readers announce the outcome of the operation
- Clarified the outcome of toggling the setting under "Background Updates" in the "Advanced" settings
- Undo link when resolving conflicts is now a button

GitHub Desktop 3.3.3
- Improved: Upgrade to Electron v24.8.3

GitHub Desktop 3.3.2
- Use forked repository when checking repo rules on forks
- On macOs, the scroll bar only present when scrolling no longer overlaps conflict resolution buttons
- Allow rebasing even when the branch is a direct descendant of the base branch
- Branch name pattern regex no longer causes an automatic failure in the "Create a Branch" dialog.
- Make clear button in input text boxes keyboard accessible
- Make the create and clone repository dialogs accessible when the app is zoomed in and the window is small
- Fix keyboard navigation in filtered lists
- Pressing Tab from the "Select branch to compare…" filter input textbox focuses on the first branch in the list
- Fix "Invalid numstat line" error when trying to preview a pull request

- After undo, the focus is set to the changes tab instead of the entire document body
- Commit text inputs retain focus while committing

GitHub Desktop 3.3.1
- Support the repository rule to enforce commit signing
- Keyboard navigation in lists reintroduced

GitHub Desktop 3.3.0
- Initial support for repository rules

- Recreate stash after renaming branch
- Fix loop creating a new repository that already exists, or trying to add a repository that doesn't exist
- Allow cloning repositories that have git as a suffix
- Fix accessibility semantics of root items of the app menu bar
- Double clicking the checkbox of a changed file does not open that file in the external editor
- Expand buttons in the diff are keyboard navigable

- Improve light mode color contrast of lines added and deleted
- Dropdown select buttons have aria attributes
- Dropdown select button menu items are keyboard navigable and have aria attributes
- Prevent interrupting verbose announcements of branch count on branch dropdown open for screen reader users

GitHub Desktop 3.2.9
- Fix the inability to log into GHES

GitHub Desktop 3.2.8
- Checkout a commit from the History tab
- Add Double Click to Open in Default Editor
- Show when a repository has been archived in the clone dialog

- Add Zed Preview as an external editor option
- Add support for Pulsar code editor on Windows

- The force push loading state is screen reader announced
- Improve readability of file statuses for keyboard-only users
- Fix detection of VSCodium Insiders for Windows
- Enable context menu keyboard shortcut for file lists
- Adds a workaround for the macOS Ventura `aria-labelledby` and `aria-describedby` regressions such that dialog titles are always announced
- Screen readers announce the status of files within a commit
- Fix not recognizing remote for partial clone/fetch
- Fix association of repositories using nonstandard usernames

- Screen readers announce "overwrite stash" and "discard stash" confirmation dialogs
- Screen readers announce contents of Delete Tag confirmation dialog
- The stash restore button's description is associated to the restore button
- The delete branch dialog's contents are announced as alert dialogs.
- Improve branch dropdown tabs screen reader support
- The rename dialog warnings are placed before the branch name input
- The "Restore" button in stashed changes is not disabled when uncommitted changes are present
- Improve contrast of text to links in dark and light themes
- The errors and warnings in the "Create a New Repository" dialog are screen reader announced
- Add `aria-label` and `aria-expanded` attributes to diff options button
- Screen readers announce the number of pull requests found after refreshing the list
- The context menu for the History view items can be invoked by keyboard shortcuts

GitHub Desktop 3.2.7
- Improved performance when selecting and viewing a large number of commits
- Fix crash using Edit -> Copy menu when no text is selected in the diff
- Emoji autocomplete list highlights filter text correctly
- Allow filtering autocomplete results using uppercase characters

GitHub Desktop 3.2.6
- Fixed: The list of the repositories under the filter box on the "Let's get started!" page is visible

GitHub Desktop 3.2.4
- The misattributed commit avatar popover no longer causes the changes list to have scrollbars
- Autocompletion list is always visible regardless of its position on the screen
- Close Squash Commit Message dialog on squash start
- Multi-commit diffing produces the same results whether you select up to down or down to up

- Remove support for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1

GitHub Desktop 3.2.3
- Add fetch and force-push actions in a dropdown as an alternative to the main Pull/Push/Publish action button
- Get notified when someone comments your pull requests

- Add support for VimR code editor on macOS

- Preview pull request button in the no local changes suggested next action isn't intermittently disabled
- NVDA reads number of suggestions when an autocompletion list shows up
- The undo commit confirmation modal message is screen reader announced
- Clipping and overlapping of the changes list is fixed at 200% zoom
- The commit message avatar is now a toggle tip making the commit author details keyboard accessible
- The commit length hint is keyboard and screen reader accessible
- The changes list header checkbox tooltip description is announced by screen readers
- The changes list header checkbox tooltip is keyboard accessible
- Announce a file's state of inclusion in the commit on the changes list
- Display focus ring around focused control after dismissing a dialog

- Add icons for tabs in Repository settings dialog
- Use correct name for VSCodium editor
- Styling improvements on Linux to scroll bars and default layouts
- Include remote branches in search for default branch
- Identify the changes list and history commit list as the changes and history tab panels for screen readers
- Windows title bar controls do not interrupt screen readers in browse mode
- Make radio theme selection look like radio buttons
- Improve accessibility of GitHub Enterprise login flow
- Screen readers announce sign in errors

GitHub Desktop 3.2.2
- Improved: Upgrade embedded Git to 2.39.3

GitHub Desktop 3.2.1
- Add Zed as an external editor option
- Add support for Pulsar code editor on macOS.

- Misattributed warning is announced in 'Git' preferences/options by screen readers
- Remove check for update error modal when no internet connection or computer has been asleep
- Update diff after adding or removing trailing newlines to a file
- The Preferences/Options dialog content is still visible when zoomed
- Up/down arrow can be used to navigate autocomplete lists like emoji again
- Large diff messaging styled consistently in pull request preview
- Fix support of newer versions of RStudio

- Show repositories available for cloning as they're received for users with access to lots of repositories
- Update preferences dialog to maintain a consistent size when switching between tabs
- Focus history and changes list when accessed via keyboard shortcut or menu
- On Windows, app level menu bar and menu items are announced by screen readers
- Keyboard shortcuts for resizing app sidebar and file lists
- Misattributed commit popover does not clip when app is zoomed
- Accessibility improvements for the co-authors input
- Commit completion status is announced by screen readers
- Improve accessibility of dialogs for screen reader users
- Accessibility improvements for autocompletion suggestions
- Learn more links are descriptive for screen readers
- Popover titles are announced by screen readers
- Show offset focus ring for buttons, vertical tabs etc
- Application main menu on Windows doesn't clip when zoom is set to 200%
- Button and text box contrast bumps
- Other email input in "Git" preferences/Options and misattributed popover email select have a screen readable label
- Add/remove co-authors button is now keyboard accessible

GitHub Desktop 3.2.0
- Preview your pull request - view a diff of changes in your current branch

- Add Tabby terminal integration for macOS
- Add JetBrains DataSpell support
- Editors installed with JetBrains Toolbox supported on Linux
- Support for numerous additional editors on Linux

- Include renamed files in the commit summary changed files tooltip

- The context menu for a file in the changed files list can be invoked by keyboard shortcuts
- The file status of a changed file is announced by screen readers
- The changes list announces file selection position with screen readers
- The 'x' close button on dialogs is keyboard accessible
- Focus on first suitable child in sign in flow
- The misattributed warning popover is accessible through keyboard navigation

GitHub Desktop 3.1.8
- Add JetBrains CLion support on macOS

- Fix crash launching the app on Apple silicon devices
- Trim leading and trailing whitespace in URLs of repository remotes
- Fix support for the latest versions of RStudio on Windows
- Fix support for latest versions of VSCodium on Windows

GitHub Desktop 3.1.7
- Improved: Upgrade embedded Git to 2.39.2

GitHub Desktop 3.1.6
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.39.1 and Git LFS to 3.3.0

GitHub Desktop 3.1.5
- Enable menu option to Force-push branches that have diverged
- Add menu option to Fetch the current repository at any time
- Add support for JetBrains Toolbox and JetBrains Fleet editor for Windows
- Add support for Emacs editor for Linux
- Add Jetbrains PhpStorm and WebStorm Editors for Linux
- Support VSCodium as an external editor

- Hide window instead of hiding the app on macOS
- Only left mouse clicks invoke dragging in the commit list
- Selected list items stay selected when scrolling
- Stick to one tooltip at a time in the repository list
- Notifications of Pull Request reviews are displayed for forked repositories
- Notifications when checks of a Pull Request fail are displayed for forked repositories
- Prevent closing GitHub Desktop while it's being updated
- Notifications are shown only when they are relevant to the current repository
- The repository change indicator is visible if repository list item is selected and in focus
- Tooltips are positioned properly if mouse is not moved
- Tooltips of long commit author emails wrap to multiple lines
- Clone repository progress bar no longer hidden by repository list

- Ability to copy tag names from the commit list
- The dropdown selection component is keyboard navigable
- The diff view now highlights Arduino's `.ino` files as C++ source
- Close repository list after creating or adding repositories
- Always show an error message when an update fails

GitHub Desktop 3.1.4
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.6

GitHub Desktop 3.1.3
- Disable reorder, squashing, cherry-picking while an action of this type is in progress
- Using the key command of 'Shift' + 'ArrowDown' adds the next commit below the current selection to the selection
- Close 'Resolve conflicts before Rebase' dialog will not disable menu items
- Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter) while amending a commit

GitHub Desktop 3.1.2
- Improved: Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.5

GitHub Desktop 3.1.1
- App correctly remembers undo commit prompt setting

GitHub Desktop 3.0.8
- Fix system animations on Windows
- The app window doesn't overlap the taskbar on Windows
- The app window doesn't fit on the screen when using scaled UI on Windows

GitHub Desktop 3.0.7
- Do not show login prompt when repositories are fetched

- On Apple silicon devices running unoptimized builds, auto-update on first run to an optimized build

GitHub Desktop 3.0.6
- Add Warp terminal integration for macOS
- Add context menu to the Current Branch and Current Repository toolbar

- Older versions of Sublime Text and SlickEdit are also recognized as external editors
- Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter)
- Add PyCharm Community Edition support on macOS
- Unified diff line gutter context menu items for discard changes no longer enabled when whitespace is hidden
- 'Show Whitespace Changes' popover appears as expected on unified diff
- On pull or fetch, make sure the default branch is updated to match the repository settings
- Show 'Email' label on the preferences form when user is not signed in
- Fix invalid URL state while the "Clone Repository" modal is open
- Fix commit description with three lines overflowing when it shouldn't
- Fix notifications on Windows 10 builds prior to the Creators Update
- 'Update from default branch` menu item allows quick merge of upstream

- Add ability to skip staggered release to ensure the latest version is downloaded

GitHub Desktop 3.0.5
- Fixed: Surface again Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 3.0.4
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.4

GitHub Desktop 3.0.3
- Add Aptana Studio support

- Fix crash when user's locale is unsupported by the spellchecker
- On Windows, remember the app's zoom level on update
- Fix Markdown syntax highlighting

- Add context menu option to copy repository paths
- Allow copying paths when multiple files are selected
- Add support for SSH password prompts when accessing repositories

GitHub Desktop 3.0.2
- Fix crash launching the app on macOS High Sierra
- Terminate all GitHub Desktop processes on Windows when the app is closed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.1
- Add support for PyCharm Community Edition on Windows
- Add support for highlighting .mjs/.cjs/.mts/.cts files as JavaScript/TypeScript

- Prevent crash when encountering a large number of conflicts while checking for ability to merge branch
- Url encode branch names when 'Viewing Branch in Github' is selected
- Fix opening files with Android Studio
- Checks popover summary correctly reflects a successful conclusion when skipped or neutral checks are present
- Long lists of conflicted files to commit or files to discard can be scrolled
- Fix random crashes when external apps probe GitHub Desktop trampoline port

- Display a banner when we have a pretext release note to highlight the new feature
- Enable interactions with notifications from previous app sessions
- Improve feedback about user permission to display notifications
- Add ability to have showcasing of features through release notes
- User can see all releases notes between their current version and the latest update

- Outdated new drag and drop and split diff new feature callouts removed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.0
- Get notified when your pull requests are reviewed

- Default to merging when pulling without a configured preference between merge or rebase

- Add ability to re-run individual and failed GitHub Action checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.15
- Support trusting repositories on network shares (Windows)

- Redesigned dialog for re-running checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.14
- Improved: Surface Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 2.9.13
- Add ability to include or exclude multiple selected files for a commit from the context menu
- Add "View Branch on GitHub" to the branches menu

- Fix CI check status popover not closing when clicking on PR badge
- Fix checks list overflow handling on re-run checks dialog
- Pull requests adhere to temporal laws again
- Fix repository group header overflow when text is too long
- Clone dialog "Choose" button uses an open dialog for directory selection on Windows

- Add a link under "Enable notifications" settings to the user's OS system notification settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.12
- Add support for Brackets Editor on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains RubyMine on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains GoLand on Windows
- Add support for Android Studio on Windows

- Escape special characters when adding a file to .gitignore
- Show warning when attempting to commit files exceeding 100 MiB
- Allow selecting emojis in commit text
- Merge dialog options dropdown does not cause dialog scrolling
- Usernames displayed in repository list respect username casing
- Coauthor doesn't steal input focus while inputting commit message in squashing dialog
- Repository path validation for adding a repository doesn't erase keystrokes
- Command Line Tool ignores command aliases set by user on macOS

- Relative time formatting consistent with dotcom
- Prompt to initialize Git LFS cannot be dismissed by clicking outside of it
- Add link to open fork settings when creating new branch on a forked repository
- Render native elements such as scrollbars and checkboxes as dark when using a dark theme

GitHub Desktop 2.9.11
- Add tooltip to show types of file changes in a commit - #13957. Thanks @uttiya10!

- Discarding submodules with spaces in their relative path now correctly updates the submodule instead of moving it to Trash
- Prevent crash report dialog from appearing when launching on macOS Catalina or earlier
- Pre-fill clone path with repository name
- Allow discarding changes in scenarios where they cannot be moved to Trash
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- Treat the old and new format of private email addresses equally when showing commit attribution warning
- Repositories containing untracked submodules no longer display a duplicated first character on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.10
- New: Initial support for system notifications when checks fail
- Fixed: Unicode emoji on Windows are rendered in the correct position
- Fixed: Fix crash logging under some circumstances

GitHub Desktop 2.9.9
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- User guides now opens the correct page
- Fixes crash on some Windows machines

GitHub Desktop 2.9.8
- Unicode emoji on Windows no longer render as monochrome outlines
- App no longer hangs when discarding changes in some scenarios
- App no longer crashes intermittently when rebasing and cherry-picking
- Fix crash when attempting to move the app to the /Applications folder on macOS
- App no longer crashes when checking for updates while the closing the window
- Restore application icon in "Apps & Features" on Windows

- Relative dates in branch menu and commit history match

GitHub Desktop 2.9.7
- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to GitHub Enterprise Server
- Support CLion as an external editor

Don't show web flow committer on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Cherry-pick success message always correctly reflects target branch
- Fix error managing remotes under some circumstances
- Add "Copy Relative File Path" option to changed files' context menu
- Fix CLI tool on macOS Monterey
- Fix close button in full screen mode on macOS
- Commit message dialog background styles match dialog
- Ensure job steps on pull request check run list are always present

-Changes within lines are presented the same way in side-by-side and unified diffs
- Select integration tab automatically when changing default editor
- The check runs list for pull requests with multiple branches displays all actions workflow steps and headers
- Check run group headers and checks stay in view while scrolling the sub checks or job steps
- Take aliases into account when sorting repositories
- Support avatars on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Fetch before trying to follow a URL link to a specific branch
- Add "View on GitHub" context menu option to repository list items
- Signal when a commit summary is getting long
- Remove unnecessary punctuation in appearance settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.6
- View and re-run the check runs for the checked out pull request

- Tooltip improvements and polish
- Stashing dialog no longer hangs when initiating cherry-pick in some circumstances
- Rebase no longer hangs after conflicts resolved when initiated through pull conflict error

GitHub Desktop 2.9.5
- Add custom tooltips for quicker and more helpful information
- Support PyCharm as an external editor

- Prevent inactive selected state from disappearing on lists
- Fix click area to select hunk on both sides of diff
- Replace dialog animations with fade when user prefers reduced motion

- Warn users when files contain bidirectional Unicode text
- Change wording for default branch name option

GitHub Desktop 2.9.4
- Add syntax mapping for HAML
- Add support for WezTerm on macOS
- Add a menu item to view a committed file change on GitHub

- Diffs are scrolled to the top when switching between files
- Fix SSH prompt for unknown hosts in some scenarios
- Apply syntax highlighting when viewing a small change for the first time
- Wrap long email addresses in the misattributed commit warning popover
- Refresh diffs when application receives focus
- Only consider tokens invalid when 401 error comes from GitHub Enterprise
- Show "add repo" dialog when opening repo from CLI
- Continue merge flow after merge conflicts are resolved with external conflict tool
- Prevent crash on successful merge after conflicts resolved
- Use same width for hunk expansion handles as we do for line numbers
- Use the correct icon for diff expansion

- Add offending file name to the file exceeds size limit error
- Show a message explaining why line selection is disabled when hiding whitespace
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.32.0 on macOS, and to on Windows
- Remove gaps in the commit message container revealing a different background
- Add clearer verbiage in the "remove repository" dialog
- Update grammar for "repo deletion" and "couldn't find pull request" error messages
- Show confirmation dialog for SSH host key verification

GitHub Desktop 2.9.3
- Fix Notepad++ and RStudio integration on Windows
- Add minor version support for JetBrains IDEs on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.2
- Fix scrolling performance issue for large diffs

GitHub Desktop 2.9.1
- Add Fluent Terminal shell support
- Add support for IntelliJ CE for macOS
- Show number of lines changed in a commit

- Enable 'Open in External Editor' for bat/cmd/sh/exe files
- Green circle in progress dialog remains round when commits have long descriptions
- History tab shows all commits as the user scrolls down
- Remove border of Repository and Branch foldouts in dark theme
- Render links in commit messages when they are at the beginning of a line
- Show co-authors from undone commits
- Show SSH prompts (key passphrase, adding host, etc.) to users via dialog

- Add support for more versions of JetBrains IDEs on Windows
- Change the diff gutter width based on number of lines in diff
- Check invalidated tokens and prompt the user to sign in again
- Double-click an option when switching branches to confirm how changed files are handled
- Improve auth error and prompt to suggest the user use a PAT instead of password
- Increase visibility of misattributed commit warning in dark mode
- Reduce time needed to make a commit
- Use "Recycle Bin" name only on Windows
- Windows users can use the system OpenSSH for their Git repositories

GitHub Desktop 2.9.0
- Reorder commits with drag and drop in your commit history
- Create a branch from any commit in your history
- Amend the most recent commit on your branch
- Squash commits in the history tab with drag and drop and a context menu
- Squash and merge option available when merging branches

- Add support for Sublime Text 4 on Windows

- Show warning before undoing commit if it potentially conflicts with changes in working directory

- Remove extra space in drag & drop tooltips

GitHub Desktop 2.8.3
- Renamed repositories no longer clash with new repositories of the same name
- Expanding files no longer shows duplicated lines
- Long emails are truncated in the Git config

- Allow copying branch and repository names to clipboard
- Allow creating a new branch from filtering by just hitting Enter

GitHub Desktop 2.8.1
- Fixed: Disable partial change selection in split view while whitespace changes are hidden

GitHub Desktop 2.8.0
- Expand diffs to view more context around your changes
- Create aliases for repositories you want to be displayed differently in the repository list

- Hide whitespace in diffs on Changes tab

- Show correct state of remote branch when deleting local branches3
- Display the full branch name in a tooltip when hovering over a branch in the branches

- Display full progress description when cloning a repository
- Cherry-pick multiple non-sequential commits
- Create a branch during cherry-picking via drag and drop
- Show an alert when the app fails to move itself to the Applications folder on macOS
- Use a save dialog when choosing where to clone a repo

GitHub Desktop 2.7.2
- Create branch during cherry-picking via the context menu
- Suggest macOS users move the app to `/Applications` to prevent issues

- Undo cherry-picking onto a remote branch now works as expected
- Dragging commits onto current branch no longer results in a broken state
- Get correct commit summary info in rebase

- Cancel drag operation with escape key
- Cherry-pick commits onto a pull request with drag and drop
- Option to change the spellcheck language to English for Windows users whose system language is not English
- Update how privacy and usage stats info is communicated
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.7.1
- Cherry-picking is available! Copy commits from one branch to another using drag and drop or from a context menu

GitHub Desktop 2.7.0
- Add support for RStudio Editor
- Use system theme as default

GitHub Desktop 2.6.6
- Commit attribution warning is not shown for emails with different capitalization

- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.3 on macOS, and to on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.5
- Fixed: Performing remote Git operations could crash the app

GitHub Desktop 2.6.4
- Allow users to rename and delete branches via a new context menu on branches in the branches list

- Allow users to modify git config on a per repository basis
- The app is not maximized on macOS every time the user clicks on the app's icon in the dock
- Always respect the default branch name chosen by the user
- Notepad++ does not close when GitHub Desktop closes

- Update app icon for Windows
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in the commit message area
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in onboarding and preferences
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows
- Automatic branch fast-forwarding is now faster

GitHub Desktop 2.6.3
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.2
- Enable spellcheck on commit summary and description
- Update app icon for macOS

- Remote Git operations (like cloning a repo) won't fail on old macOS versions
- Fast-forward all possible branches except the current branch when fetching

GitHub Desktop 2.6.2
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS to 2.13.2

- Pull requests no longer fail to update until the user switches repositories
- Fork behavior changes are now reflected in the app immediately
- Checking out a pull request from a fork for the first time now correctly identifies the remote branch to create the branch from
- Don't offer to stash changes when clicking on the currently checked out branch in the branch list
- Forked repository remotes are no longer removed when there are local branches tracking them
- Avoid bright flash for users of the dark theme when launching the app maximized
- VSCodium is now detected as an editor on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.1
- Clearer menu label for reverting commits

- Refresh branches after creating a new branch
- Correct image diff swipe mode layout
- Very large text diffs could cause the app to crash when viewed in split diff mode
- Let the user know when a checkout fails due to use of assume-unchanged or skip-worktre
- Always show confirmation prompt before overwriting existing stash entry
- The fullscreen keyboard shortcut on macOS now works when using split diff mode

GitHub Desktop 2.6.0
- Split diffs! Toggle between viewing diffs in split or unified mode
- Use Page down, Page up, Home, and End keys to navigate and select items in lists
- Add `toml` syntax highlight
- Add support for Nova as external editor on macOS
- Restore Windows menu keyboard accessibility
- Actions in context menu of a non-selected file act on the chosen one instead of the previous one
- Correct title bar height on macOS Big Sur
- Fix broken issues links in release notes
- Fix overflow issues with long branch names
- Images fit correctly in the diff view when their sizes have changed
- Repository indicator refresh can no longer be manually triggered when disabled
- Resolving a conflicted file added in both the source and target branch no longer results in merge conflict markers appearing in the merge commit
- Small partial commit of very large text files no longer intermittently fails due to unexpected diff resultt
- Long commit message are scrollable again
- Sign in to with username/password is no longer supported to improve account security

GitHub Desktop 2.5.7
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS

GitHub Desktop 2.5.6
- Newly created repositories use 'main' as the default branch name
- Users can configure the default branch name in Preferences/Options
- Show status of GitHub Action runs for pull requests
- Differentiate between draft and regular Pull Requests

- Periodic background fetch and status updates can now be disabled in the Advanced section of Preferences/Options
- Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net and unified diff / patch

- Allow renaming the default branch
- Show which files are blocking a merge-like operation
- Updated icons and border radiuses to align with GitHub
- Show loading indicator when committing a merge
- Show confirmation that branch is already up to date when merging from default branch
- Enter key now initiates action in rebase and merge dialogs
- After failing to move a repository to Trash, show error and keep the repository listed in Desktop
- Email address validation in welcome flow and preferences dialog
- Show helpful error when attempting to clone non-existent or inaccessible GitHub repositories

- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Full screen notification is removed after a few seconds when starting the app in full screen
- Update rebase progress parser to parse output from the merge rebase backend
- Only show full screen toast notification when making the app window full-screen
- Ensure application window doesn't overlap second monitor
- Use UNIX line endings in WSL GitHub helper script

- Remove setting to disable all certificate validation in favor of new best-effort approach

GitHub Desktop 2.5.5
- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Clicking on a branch in the compare branch list resets focus to the filter text box

GitHub Desktop 2.5.4
- Suggest to stash changes when trying to do an operation that requires a clean working directory
- Autocomplete users and issues from upstream repository when working in a fork
- Add Alacritty shell support

- Correct branch name in commit button when on an unborn branch
- Fix "Show in Explorer" in Windows when there are other files with the same name as the project folder
- Open the repository folder when clicking on "Show in Finder" in macOS
- Don't expand paths in the PATH environment variable during installation
- Prevent multiple search inputs from appearing in diffs
- Unable to toggle lines for partial commit of very large text files
- Fix BBEdit integration
- Fix VoiceOver navigation to re-enter application content in macOS
- Repositories with historical commits containing filenames with backslashes can now be cloned on Windows
- Valid gitignore files are now created for new Clojure, Fortran and Kotlin repositories in Windows

- Enable discarding submodule working directory changes
- Surface progress estimation when cloning LFS repositories
- Performance and accuracy improvement when autocompleting issues and users
- Show only one error dialog when dragging multiple invalid folders to Desktop
- Pull request list is now keyboard accessible
- On Windows the Home and End keys can now be used to navigate lists
- Show progress spinner while waiting for a removed repository to get moved to trash (Windows)
- Dialogs now clear filter text boxes on Escape and closes on double Escape
- Display the selected changes count in the changes list header tooltip

GitHub Desktop 2.5.3
- Stash changes without switching branches
- Discard selection of lines from a file

- Display more readable messages for errors when cloning a repository
- Support launching Desktop from WSL on Windows
- Select correct branch to compare when two branches have similar names
- Make Ctrl/Cmd+W shortcut work in all dialogs
- Fix links when text wrapping is required in commit summaries
- Prevent crash when an opened repository doesn't have an owner on GitHub
- Sign in correctly when pressing "Enter" on the username/password authentication form
- Maintain selected files when navigating back to the Changes tab
- Maintain selected files when deleting a stash

- Remove redundant progress text from Git error messages
- Remove flicker when switching between files in the changes tab
- Remove space between the number and the percent sign when showing the progress of a clone operation
- Automatically disable username and password authentication when the API no longer supports it

GitHub Desktop 2.5.2
- Enable setting to more easily work with maintained forks

GitHub Desktop 2.5.0
- Add, push, and view Git tags on commit history in Desktop

- Offer option to choose file from one branch or the other when resolving merge conflicts
- Add context menu for highlighted text in diff view

- Retain default branch option in "Create Branch" dialog when user focuses away from Desktop

- Clean up copy for onboarding sign-in flow
- Emphasize signing in to GitHub via browser due to username/password deprecation
- Improve error message when publishing a private repository fails
- Offer to retry if cloning a repository fails

GitHub Desktop 2.4.3
- Update embedded Git to avoid gitconfig errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.4.2
- Fixed: Prevent autocomplete suggestions from overlapping when loading many results
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability
- Improved: Redesign metadata shown in commit history

GitHub Desktop 2.4.1
- Indicate which commits have not yet been pushed to the remote in "History" tab
- Add support for JetBrains Rider as external editor
- Add support for Notepad++ as external editor on Windows

- Update install location of Typora to fix detection issue
- Restore developer tools accelerator on Windows
- Use upstream repository in commit message links to GitHub
- Reset scroll position to the top of the history tab after switching repositories
- Allow user to cancel rebase flow when warned about force pushing
- Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability

- Lighten scrollbars in dark theme for higher contrast
- Display pull requests from upstream repository in pull request list

GitHub Desktop 2.4.0
- Set Git proxy environment variables from system configuration automatically

- Enable creating a GitHub issue from app menu and keyboard shortcut
- Add editor support for IntelliJ Idea on macOS
- Add editor support for PhpStorm and update WebStorm
- Add shell support for Windows Terminal
- Support keyboard scrolling in diffs

- Ensure branch protection warning works when branch names contain special characters
- Ensure intro page is responsive when resizing the window
- Ensure local branch is also deleted when deleting a branch that no longer exists on the remote
- Restore negative space in "Files selected" graphic for Dark Theme
- Support selecting text in error dialogs
- Prevent bringing changes to another branch from failing silently
- Save the user's position within "History" and "Changes" tabs when switching

- Update the remote url when a repository's name changes on GitHub
- Allow "Open in Desktop" button from pull requests on GitHub to open in a local fork in Desktop
- Support automatically switching between Dark and Light Theme on Windows
- Format errors containing raw Git output with fixed-width font
- Modify "View on GitHub" menu item to open upstream for local fork repositories
- Create new branches in forks from the default branch of the upstream repo
- Graduate Dark Theme out of beta

GitHub Desktop 2.3.1
- Don't display erroneous Git error when creating a fork
- Remove stray characters from Git progress indicators on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.3.0
- Prompt users to create a fork if they fail to push to a GitHub repository due to permissions
- Show link to upstream pull requests in pull request list of a fork
- Show a warning if the user doesn't have write access to push to the repository and offer to make a fork
- Provide configuration in Preferences to always bring or leave changes when switching branches
- Prompt users to re-authorize if required by any of their GitHub organizations

- Show proper dialog when push fails due to missing workflow scope
- Take users to the correct page on when opening a pull request in browser from a fork
- Don't suggest creating a pull request if the current branch has an open pull request targeting an upstream repo
- Remove false branch protection warning when switching branches
- Show branch protection warning after checking out protected branches outside Desktop

- Only show branch protection warning when changed files are present
- Show an error when editing a Git configuration file fails due to existing lock file
- Update design and layout for GitHub Desktop preferences

GitHub Desktop 2.2.4
- New: Warn when committing to a protected branch
- New: Warn when committing to a repository you don't have write access to
- Added: Adding integration for Xcode as external editor
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerabilities
- Fixed:Changed wording to match git autocrlf behavior
- Fixed: Don't dismiss dialogs when dragging from the dialog to the backdrop
- Fixed: Fix arrow key navigation of Changes and History lists
- Fixed: Handle multibyte characters in names
- Fixed: Keep PR badge on top of progress bar
- Fixed: Prevent application crash when background process spawn fails
- Fixed: Show autocomplete suggestions on top of CodeMirror author input
- Fixed: Standardize dialogs' button orders
- Improved: Make no newline indicator in file diffs readable by screenreaders

GitHub Desktop 2.2.3
- Fixed: Prevent text overflow in crash dialog
- Fixed: Address warnings on macOS Catalina preventing app from opening after install
- Improved: Update to most recent gitignore templates

GitHub Desktop 2.2.2
- Onboarding tutorial animations help guide users to the next action
- Prompt users to re-authenticate if they are unable to push changes to a workflow file

- Starting the tutorial is more prominent when getting started with GitHub Desktop
- Use a different editor if previously selected editor cannot be found

GitHub Desktop 2.2.1
- Improperly formatted url pre-filled in "Clone Repository" dialog
- VSCodium integration on macOS
- Partially hidden icon in "Open Pull Request" button

GitHub Desktop 2.2.0
- Interactive tutorial for new users to become productive using Git and GitHub more quickly

- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to
- Enforce web flow authentication for users who are part of orgs using single sign-on
- Support CodeRunner as an external editor
- Support VSCodium as an external editor

- Commit description shadow visibility updates when typing
- Commit summaries with comma delimited issues are not parsed - #8162. File path truncation in merge conflicts dialog
- Git configuration fields in onboarding were not pre-filled from user's profile
- Keep conflicting untracked files when bringing changes to another branch
- Make app's version selectable in "About" dialog

- Application menu bar is visible when no repositories have been added to the app
- Support stashing lots of untracked files on Windows
- Surface errors from branch creation to user

GitHub Desktop 2.1.3
- Changes from remote branch erroneously displayed on corresponding branch on Desktop
- Sign-in flow for Windows users not possible via OAuth

GitHub Desktop 2.1.2
- Syntax highlighting support for 20 more programming languages
- Kitty shell support for macOS
- Atom editor support on Windows for beta and nightly channels

- File checkboxes and line selection in diffs are not disabled when committing
- Small images are scaled down too much in two-up image rendering
- Manual conflict resolution for binary files always chooses same version
- Branch pruner errors on "orphaned" branches
- Prevent CodeMirror search plugin from stealing registered global keyboard shortcuts
- Update embedded Git on Windows to remove erroneous errors
- Menu state not updated for macOS after performing some actions
- Error message could appear outside the boundary of its container

- Improved error handling when trying to rebase a ref that doesn't exist
- Expand hover area on repository list items
- Always fast forward recent branches after fetch
- Ensure recent branches are updated during remote interactions

GitHub Desktop 2.1.1
- Fixed: Update embedded Git on Windows to address security vulnerability

GitHub Desktop 2.1.0
- Branches that have been merged and deleted on will now be pruned after two weeks

- Search text within diffs using shortcut
- Keyboard shortcut for "Discard All Changes" menu item

- Repository name moves cursor to end in "Create Repository" dialog
- Keyboard navigation inside "Compare Branch" list
- New repository does not write description into README
- Disable "Discard" and "Restore" buttons while restoring stash
- "Unable to restore" warning message appears momentarily when restoring stash
- Unresponsive app on macOS if user switches away from file dialog
- Launching app on Windows after being maximized does not restore correct window state

- Update mentions of "Enterprise" to "Enterprise Server" in app
- Update license and .gitignore templates for initializing a new repository
- "Authentication failed" dialog provides more help to diagnose issue

GitHub Desktop 2.0.4
- Refresh for Enterprise repositories did not handle API error querying branches
- Missing "Discard all changes" context menu in Changes header
- "Select all" keyboard shortcut not firing on Windows

GitHub Desktop 1.6.6
- Clicking "Undo" doesn't repopulate summary in commit form
- Handle error when unable to create log file for app
- Crash when selecting text while the underlying diff changes

GitHub Desktop 1.6.5
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.6.4

- Embedded Git not working for core.longpath usage in some environments
- "Recover missing repository" can get stuck in a loop

GitHub Desktop 1.6.3

- Display "pull with rebase" if a user has set this option in their Git config

- Context menu does not open when right clicking on the edges of files in Changes list
- Display question mark in image when no commit selected in dark theme
- No left padding for :emoji:/@user/#issue autocomplete forms
- Reinstate missing image and update illustration in dark theme when no local changes exist
- Resizing the diff area preserves text selection range
- Text selection in wrapped diff lines now allows selection of individual lines

- Add option to fetch when a user needs to pull changes from the remote before pushing
- Enable Git protocol v2 for fetch/push/pull operations
- Moving mouse pointer outside visible diff while selecting a range of lines in a partial commit now automatically scrolls the diff
- Sign in form validates both username and password
- Update GitHub logo in "About" dialog

GitHub Desktop 1.6.2
- Allow users to also resolve manual conflicts when resolving merge conflicts
- Automatic switching between Dark and Light modes on macOS
- Crystal and Julia syntax highlighting
- Lua and Fortran syntax highlighting

- Abbreviated commits are not long enough for large repositories
- App menu bar visible on hover on Windows when in "Let’s get started" mode
- Fix pointy corners on commit message text area
- Inconsistent "Reveal in …" labels for context menus
- Merge conflict conflict did not ask user to resolve some binary files
- Prevent concurrent fetches between user and status indicator checks
- Remember scroll positions in History and Changes lists

- Guided merge conflict resolution only commits changes relevant to the merge
- Use higher contrast color for links in "Merge Conflicts" dialog
- Add link to all release notes in Release Notes dialog
- Arrow for renamed/copied changes when viewing commit
- Updated verbiage for ignoring the files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.1
- Don't show "No local changes" view when switching between changed files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.0

- Help users add their first repo during onboarding

- "No local changes" view helpfully suggests next actions for you to take

- Support JetBrains Webstorm as an external editor
- Add Visual Basic syntax highlighting

- Automatically locate a missing repository when it cannot be found
- Don't include untracked files in merge commit
- Don't show "Still Conflicted Warning" when all conflicts are resolved
- Only execute menu action a single time upon hitting Enter
- Show autocompletion of GitHub handles and issues properly in commit description field

- Repository list when no repositories found
- Image diff menu no longer covered by large images
- Enable additional actions during a merge conflict
- Increase contrast on input placeholder color in dark mode
- Don't show merge success banner when attempted merge doesn't complete
- Capitalize menu items appropriately on macOS

GitHub Desktop 1.5.1

- Provide keyboard shortcut for getting to commit summary field
- Add hover states on list items and tabs<

GitHub Desktop 3.3.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GitHub Desktop 3.3.9
- The line number inclusion controls are semantic checkboxes and are keyboard accessible
- Copying commit SHAs from submodule diffs is keyboard accessible
- Show avatars of bot accounts such as dependabot
- Focus outline is visible on the diff
- Selecting or deselecting lines in a diff by dragging the mouse now scrolls the contents as needed
- Last line of diffs can be selected when the file didn't have a new line at the end
- Promote line endings change warning from icon to a banner, improving its accessibility
- Amending a commit in non-GitHub repositories restores the commit message
- The merge dialog submit button is available when conflicts are detected
- Avatars are once again loading for GitHub Enterprise Server users
- Lists scroll and render as expected when scrolling by dragging the scrollbar on Windows
- External editor or shell failure error will open to integration settings

- Add `pyi` to syntax highlighting
- Syntax highlighting now supports .cmake, .cxx, .hh, .hxx, and .xsd files
- Apply Markdown highlighting to .mdx files
- Implemented folder ignore with all parent directories

GitHub Desktop 3.3.8
- The merge dialog submit button is available when conflicts are detected
- Avatars are once again loading for GitHub Enterprise Server users

GitHub Desktop 3.3.7
- Merge branch dialog's merge preview no longer shows stale merge check data
- Co-authors are restored as such when a commit is amended
- Tags with commas are no longer truncated to the first comma
- The "Reveal in Finder" context menu option in the conflict resolution dialog no longer causes Finder to be unresponsive
- Clicking on the commit message length warning does not close the squash commit dialog
- Fix Alacritty bundle ID on macOS
- Merge branch dialog no longer shows flickering merge preview when switching branches
- Diff no longer jumps when scrolling after pressing expansion buttons
- Use list semantics in job step lists for improved accessibility
- Fix heading levels used in dialogs for improved accessibility

- Replace the "Default branch name for new repositories" radio button setting with a more accessible and inclusive textbox input and description
- The "You're Done" header is focused after tutorial completion so it is announced and screen reader users are made aware of the completion screen
- Checkboxes always have unique id's for label association
- Better visibility of checkbox focus indicator
- Improve inclusivity and clarification of branch name change warning.
- Focus moves to closest expansion button or diff container after expansion
- Tooltips can be dismissed with the escape key
- Semantically grouping our settings radio and checkbox groups so their group headers will be announced to screen reader users.
- The "Other" email description is announced on input focus in the git config form
- Move the repository list on the "Let's get started!" screen to the left hand side so it can be the first logical tab placement.
- Increased the specificity of the "Sign In" and "Sign Out" buttons in the Account settings

GitHub Desktop 3.3.6
- Previewing a pull request with a deleted image file no longer errors with "The path does not exist on disk"
- Empty lines are included when copying text from diffs
- A copied full line from a diff now includes a trailing newline
- Creating pull requests from a renamed branch uses the branch name in the remote
- On macOS Sonoma, the VoiceOver regression preventing our dialog headers announcements has been fixed
- Squash dialog is not shown again after finishing another squashing operation where uncommitted changes were present and had to be stashed

- Added the ability to open your global .gitconfig file in your selected external editor
- Fixed `Github` -> `GitHub` typo in repository settings
- Screen readers announce group name when navigating through grouped lists
- The history commit summary header is now expandable making the tool-tipped meta data keyboard accessible
- Reordering commits is now keyboard accessible
- The conflicts resolution dialog now has a success banner that is screen reader announced that summarize actions taken
- The pull request branch selection popover header is announced by screen readers
- Prevent possible duplicate announcement of button labeling to screen reader users
- Improve keyboard and screen reader support for banners

GitHub Desktop 3.3.5
- Syntax highlighting now supports .cc files

- Long file paths are correctly truncated in the conflicts dialog

GitHub Desktop 3.3.4
- Added Cursor support on macOS
- Add support for Pulsar code editor on Linux
- Add Eclipse IDE integrations for macOS

- Fix JetBrains PhpStorm capitalization
- Screen readers announce contents of error dialog when attempting to perform certain operations while local changes are present
- Screen readers announce contents of app error dialogs
- Screen readers announce contents of merge, rebase, interactive rebase abort confirmation dialogs
- Pasting long texts in the commit summary textbox does not show a scrollbar in the left pane
- Tab characters in diffs are rendered correctly
- Close button in release notes dialog can be clicked
- Scrolling works as expected in the "Commit Reachability" dialog
- Tip of comment bubbles in Pull Request notifications is rendered correctly

- Added a setting to allow toggling the availability of the commit message length warning
- Added accessibility label to filter textbox in the History tab
- Improved clarity of the structure of dialogs by using `h2` elements for their titles
- Display co-authors button additional information when it's focused via keyboard navigation
- When focusing the rebase/merge/squash button, screen readers announce the outcome of the operation
- Clarified the outcome of toggling the setting under "Background Updates" in the "Advanced" settings
- Undo link when resolving conflicts is now a button

GitHub Desktop 3.3.3
- Improved: Upgrade to Electron v24.8.3

GitHub Desktop 3.3.2
- Use forked repository when checking repo rules on forks
- On macOs, the scroll bar only present when scrolling no longer overlaps conflict resolution buttons
- Allow rebasing even when the branch is a direct descendant of the base branch
- Branch name pattern regex no longer causes an automatic failure in the "Create a Branch" dialog.
- Make clear button in input text boxes keyboard accessible
- Make the create and clone repository dialogs accessible when the app is zoomed in and the window is small
- Fix keyboard navigation in filtered lists
- Pressing Tab from the "Select branch to compare…" filter input textbox focuses on the first branch in the list
- Fix "Invalid numstat line" error when trying to preview a pull request

- After undo, the focus is set to the changes tab instead of the entire document body
- Commit text inputs retain focus while committing

GitHub Desktop 3.3.1
- Support the repository rule to enforce commit signing
- Keyboard navigation in lists reintroduced

GitHub Desktop 3.3.0
- Initial support for repository rules

- Recreate stash after renaming branch
- Fix loop creating a new repository that already exists, or trying to add a repository that doesn't exist
- Allow cloning repositories that have git as a suffix
- Fix accessibility semantics of root items of the app menu bar
- Double clicking the checkbox of a changed file does not open that file in the external editor
- Expand buttons in the diff are keyboard navigable

- Improve light mode color contrast of lines added and deleted
- Dropdown select buttons have aria attributes
- Dropdown select button menu items are keyboard navigable and have aria attributes
- Prevent interrupting verbose announcements of branch count on branch dropdown open for screen reader users

GitHub Desktop 3.2.9
- Fix the inability to log into GHES

GitHub Desktop 3.2.8
- Checkout a commit from the History tab
- Add Double Click to Open in Default Editor
- Show when a repository has been archived in the clone dialog

- Add Zed Preview as an external editor option
- Add support for Pulsar code editor on Windows

- The force push loading state is screen reader announced
- Improve readability of file statuses for keyboard-only users
- Fix detection of VSCodium Insiders for Windows
- Enable context menu keyboard shortcut for file lists
- Adds a workaround for the macOS Ventura `aria-labelledby` and `aria-describedby` regressions such that dialog titles are always announced
- Screen readers announce the status of files within a commit
- Fix not recognizing remote for partial clone/fetch
- Fix association of repositories using nonstandard usernames

- Screen readers announce "overwrite stash" and "discard stash" confirmation dialogs
- Screen readers announce contents of Delete Tag confirmation dialog
- The stash restore button's description is associated to the restore button
- The delete branch dialog's contents are announced as alert dialogs.
- Improve branch dropdown tabs screen reader support
- The rename dialog warnings are placed before the branch name input
- The "Restore" button in stashed changes is not disabled when uncommitted changes are present
- Improve contrast of text to links in dark and light themes
- The errors and warnings in the "Create a New Repository" dialog are screen reader announced
- Add `aria-label` and `aria-expanded` attributes to diff options button
- Screen readers announce the number of pull requests found after refreshing the list
- The context menu for the History view items can be invoked by keyboard shortcuts

GitHub Desktop 3.2.7
- Improved performance when selecting and viewing a large number of commits
- Fix crash using Edit -> Copy menu when no text is selected in the diff
- Emoji autocomplete list highlights filter text correctly
- Allow filtering autocomplete results using uppercase characters

GitHub Desktop 3.2.6
- Fixed: The list of the repositories under the filter box on the "Let's get started!" page is visible

GitHub Desktop 3.2.4
- The misattributed commit avatar popover no longer causes the changes list to have scrollbars
- Autocompletion list is always visible regardless of its position on the screen
- Close Squash Commit Message dialog on squash start
- Multi-commit diffing produces the same results whether you select up to down or down to up

- Remove support for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1

GitHub Desktop 3.2.3
- Add fetch and force-push actions in a dropdown as an alternative to the main Pull/Push/Publish action button
- Get notified when someone comments your pull requests

- Add support for VimR code editor on macOS

- Preview pull request button in the no local changes suggested next action isn't intermittently disabled
- NVDA reads number of suggestions when an autocompletion list shows up
- The undo commit confirmation modal message is screen reader announced
- Clipping and overlapping of the changes list is fixed at 200% zoom
- The commit message avatar is now a toggle tip making the commit author details keyboard accessible
- The commit length hint is keyboard and screen reader accessible
- The changes list header checkbox tooltip description is announced by screen readers
- The changes list header checkbox tooltip is keyboard accessible
- Announce a file's state of inclusion in the commit on the changes list
- Display focus ring around focused control after dismissing a dialog

- Add icons for tabs in Repository settings dialog
- Use correct name for VSCodium editor
- Styling improvements on Linux to scroll bars and default layouts
- Include remote branches in search for default branch
- Identify the changes list and history commit list as the changes and history tab panels for screen readers
- Windows title bar controls do not interrupt screen readers in browse mode
- Make radio theme selection look like radio buttons
- Improve accessibility of GitHub Enterprise login flow
- Screen readers announce sign in errors

GitHub Desktop 3.2.2
- Improved: Upgrade embedded Git to 2.39.3

GitHub Desktop 3.2.1
- Add Zed as an external editor option
- Add support for Pulsar code editor on macOS.

- Misattributed warning is announced in 'Git' preferences/options by screen readers
- Remove check for update error modal when no internet connection or computer has been asleep
- Update diff after adding or removing trailing newlines to a file
- The Preferences/Options dialog content is still visible when zoomed
- Up/down arrow can be used to navigate autocomplete lists like emoji again
- Large diff messaging styled consistently in pull request preview
- Fix support of newer versions of RStudio

- Show repositories available for cloning as they're received for users with access to lots of repositories
- Update preferences dialog to maintain a consistent size when switching between tabs
- Focus history and changes list when accessed via keyboard shortcut or menu
- On Windows, app level menu bar and menu items are announced by screen readers
- Keyboard shortcuts for resizing app sidebar and file lists
- Misattributed commit popover does not clip when app is zoomed
- Accessibility improvements for the co-authors input
- Commit completion status is announced by screen readers
- Improve accessibility of dialogs for screen reader users
- Accessibility improvements for autocompletion suggestions
- Learn more links are descriptive for screen readers
- Popover titles are announced by screen readers
- Show offset focus ring for buttons, vertical tabs etc
- Application main menu on Windows doesn't clip when zoom is set to 200%
- Button and text box contrast bumps
- Other email input in "Git" preferences/Options and misattributed popover email select have a screen readable label
- Add/remove co-authors button is now keyboard accessible

GitHub Desktop 3.2.0
- Preview your pull request - view a diff of changes in your current branch

- Add Tabby terminal integration for macOS
- Add JetBrains DataSpell support
- Editors installed with JetBrains Toolbox supported on Linux
- Support for numerous additional editors on Linux

- Include renamed files in the commit summary changed files tooltip

- The context menu for a file in the changed files list can be invoked by keyboard shortcuts
- The file status of a changed file is announced by screen readers
- The changes list announces file selection position with screen readers
- The 'x' close button on dialogs is keyboard accessible
- Focus on first suitable child in sign in flow
- The misattributed warning popover is accessible through keyboard navigation

GitHub Desktop 3.1.8
- Add JetBrains CLion support on macOS

- Fix crash launching the app on Apple silicon devices
- Trim leading and trailing whitespace in URLs of repository remotes
- Fix support for the latest versions of RStudio on Windows
- Fix support for latest versions of VSCodium on Windows

GitHub Desktop 3.1.7
- Improved: Upgrade embedded Git to 2.39.2

GitHub Desktop 3.1.6
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.39.1 and Git LFS to 3.3.0

GitHub Desktop 3.1.5
- Enable menu option to Force-push branches that have diverged
- Add menu option to Fetch the current repository at any time
- Add support for JetBrains Toolbox and JetBrains Fleet editor for Windows
- Add support for Emacs editor for Linux
- Add Jetbrains PhpStorm and WebStorm Editors for Linux
- Support VSCodium as an external editor

- Hide window instead of hiding the app on macOS
- Only left mouse clicks invoke dragging in the commit list
- Selected list items stay selected when scrolling
- Stick to one tooltip at a time in the repository list
- Notifications of Pull Request reviews are displayed for forked repositories
- Notifications when checks of a Pull Request fail are displayed for forked repositories
- Prevent closing GitHub Desktop while it's being updated
- Notifications are shown only when they are relevant to the current repository
- The repository change indicator is visible if repository list item is selected and in focus
- Tooltips are positioned properly if mouse is not moved
- Tooltips of long commit author emails wrap to multiple lines
- Clone repository progress bar no longer hidden by repository list

- Ability to copy tag names from the commit list
- The dropdown selection component is keyboard navigable
- The diff view now highlights Arduino's `.ino` files as C++ source
- Close repository list after creating or adding repositories
- Always show an error message when an update fails

GitHub Desktop 3.1.4
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.6

GitHub Desktop 3.1.3
- Disable reorder, squashing, cherry-picking while an action of this type is in progress
- Using the key command of 'Shift' + 'ArrowDown' adds the next commit below the current selection to the selection
- Close 'Resolve conflicts before Rebase' dialog will not disable menu items
- Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter) while amending a commit

GitHub Desktop 3.1.2
- Improved: Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.5

GitHub Desktop 3.1.1
- App correctly remembers undo commit prompt setting

GitHub Desktop 3.0.8
- Fix system animations on Windows
- The app window doesn't overlap the taskbar on Windows
- The app window doesn't fit on the screen when using scaled UI on Windows

GitHub Desktop 3.0.7
- Do not show login prompt when repositories are fetched

- On Apple silicon devices running unoptimized builds, auto-update on first run to an optimized build

GitHub Desktop 3.0.6
- Add Warp terminal integration for macOS
- Add context menu to the Current Branch and Current Repository toolbar

- Older versions of Sublime Text and SlickEdit are also recognized as external editors
- Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter)
- Add PyCharm Community Edition support on macOS
- Unified diff line gutter context menu items for discard changes no longer enabled when whitespace is hidden
- 'Show Whitespace Changes' popover appears as expected on unified diff
- On pull or fetch, make sure the default branch is updated to match the repository settings
- Show 'Email' label on the preferences form when user is not signed in
- Fix invalid URL state while the "Clone Repository" modal is open
- Fix commit description with three lines overflowing when it shouldn't
- Fix notifications on Windows 10 builds prior to the Creators Update
- 'Update from default branch` menu item allows quick merge of upstream

- Add ability to skip staggered release to ensure the latest version is downloaded

GitHub Desktop 3.0.5
- Fixed: Surface again Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 3.0.4
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.4

GitHub Desktop 3.0.3
- Add Aptana Studio support

- Fix crash when user's locale is unsupported by the spellchecker
- On Windows, remember the app's zoom level on update
- Fix Markdown syntax highlighting

- Add context menu option to copy repository paths
- Allow copying paths when multiple files are selected
- Add support for SSH password prompts when accessing repositories

GitHub Desktop 3.0.2
- Fix crash launching the app on macOS High Sierra
- Terminate all GitHub Desktop processes on Windows when the app is closed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.1
- Add support for PyCharm Community Edition on Windows
- Add support for highlighting .mjs/.cjs/.mts/.cts files as JavaScript/TypeScript

- Prevent crash when encountering a large number of conflicts while checking for ability to merge branch
- Url encode branch names when 'Viewing Branch in Github' is selected
- Fix opening files with Android Studio
- Checks popover summary correctly reflects a successful conclusion when skipped or neutral checks are present
- Long lists of conflicted files to commit or files to discard can be scrolled
- Fix random crashes when external apps probe GitHub Desktop trampoline port

- Display a banner when we have a pretext release note to highlight the new feature
- Enable interactions with notifications from previous app sessions
- Improve feedback about user permission to display notifications
- Add ability to have showcasing of features through release notes
- User can see all releases notes between their current version and the latest update

- Outdated new drag and drop and split diff new feature callouts removed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.0
- Get notified when your pull requests are reviewed

- Default to merging when pulling without a configured preference between merge or rebase

- Add ability to re-run individual and failed GitHub Action checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.15
- Support trusting repositories on network shares (Windows)

- Redesigned dialog for re-running checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.14
- Improved: Surface Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 2.9.13
- Add ability to include or exclude multiple selected files for a commit from the context menu
- Add "View Branch on GitHub" to the branches menu

- Fix CI check status popover not closing when clicking on PR badge
- Fix checks list overflow handling on re-run checks dialog
- Pull requests adhere to temporal laws again
- Fix repository group header overflow when text is too long
- Clone dialog "Choose" button uses an open dialog for directory selection on Windows

- Add a link under "Enable notifications" settings to the user's OS system notification settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.12
- Add support for Brackets Editor on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains RubyMine on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains GoLand on Windows
- Add support for Android Studio on Windows

- Escape special characters when adding a file to .gitignore
- Show warning when attempting to commit files exceeding 100 MiB
- Allow selecting emojis in commit text
- Merge dialog options dropdown does not cause dialog scrolling
- Usernames displayed in repository list respect username casing
- Coauthor doesn't steal input focus while inputting commit message in squashing dialog
- Repository path validation for adding a repository doesn't erase keystrokes
- Command Line Tool ignores command aliases set by user on macOS

- Relative time formatting consistent with dotcom
- Prompt to initialize Git LFS cannot be dismissed by clicking outside of it
- Add link to open fork settings when creating new branch on a forked repository
- Render native elements such as scrollbars and checkboxes as dark when using a dark theme

GitHub Desktop 2.9.11
- Add tooltip to show types of file changes in a commit - #13957. Thanks @uttiya10!

- Discarding submodules with spaces in their relative path now correctly updates the submodule instead of moving it to Trash
- Prevent crash report dialog from appearing when launching on macOS Catalina or earlier
- Pre-fill clone path with repository name
- Allow discarding changes in scenarios where they cannot be moved to Trash
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- Treat the old and new format of private email addresses equally when showing commit attribution warning
- Repositories containing untracked submodules no longer display a duplicated first character on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.10
- New: Initial support for system notifications when checks fail
- Fixed: Unicode emoji on Windows are rendered in the correct position
- Fixed: Fix crash logging under some circumstances

GitHub Desktop 2.9.9
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- User guides now opens the correct page
- Fixes crash on some Windows machines

GitHub Desktop 2.9.8
- Unicode emoji on Windows no longer render as monochrome outlines
- App no longer hangs when discarding changes in some scenarios
- App no longer crashes intermittently when rebasing and cherry-picking
- Fix crash when attempting to move the app to the /Applications folder on macOS
- App no longer crashes when checking for updates while the closing the window
- Restore application icon in "Apps & Features" on Windows

- Relative dates in branch menu and commit history match

GitHub Desktop 2.9.7
- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to GitHub Enterprise Server
- Support CLion as an external editor

Don't show web flow committer on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Cherry-pick success message always correctly reflects target branch
- Fix error managing remotes under some circumstances
- Add "Copy Relative File Path" option to changed files' context menu
- Fix CLI tool on macOS Monterey
- Fix close button in full screen mode on macOS
- Commit message dialog background styles match dialog
- Ensure job steps on pull request check run list are always present

-Changes within lines are presented the same way in side-by-side and unified diffs
- Select integration tab automatically when changing default editor
- The check runs list for pull requests with multiple branches displays all actions workflow steps and headers
- Check run group headers and checks stay in view while scrolling the sub checks or job steps
- Take aliases into account when sorting repositories
- Support avatars on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Fetch before trying to follow a URL link to a specific branch
- Add "View on GitHub" context menu option to repository list items
- Signal when a commit summary is getting long
- Remove unnecessary punctuation in appearance settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.6
- View and re-run the check runs for the checked out pull request

- Tooltip improvements and polish
- Stashing dialog no longer hangs when initiating cherry-pick in some circumstances
- Rebase no longer hangs after conflicts resolved when initiated through pull conflict error

GitHub Desktop 2.9.5
- Add custom tooltips for quicker and more helpful information
- Support PyCharm as an external editor

- Prevent inactive selected state from disappearing on lists
- Fix click area to select hunk on both sides of diff
- Replace dialog animations with fade when user prefers reduced motion

- Warn users when files contain bidirectional Unicode text
- Change wording for default branch name option

GitHub Desktop 2.9.4
- Add syntax mapping for HAML
- Add support for WezTerm on macOS
- Add a menu item to view a committed file change on GitHub

- Diffs are scrolled to the top when switching between files
- Fix SSH prompt for unknown hosts in some scenarios
- Apply syntax highlighting when viewing a small change for the first time
- Wrap long email addresses in the misattributed commit warning popover
- Refresh diffs when application receives focus
- Only consider tokens invalid when 401 error comes from GitHub Enterprise
- Show "add repo" dialog when opening repo from CLI
- Continue merge flow after merge conflicts are resolved with external conflict tool
- Prevent crash on successful merge after conflicts resolved
- Use same width for hunk expansion handles as we do for line numbers
- Use the correct icon for diff expansion

- Add offending file name to the file exceeds size limit error
- Show a message explaining why line selection is disabled when hiding whitespace
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.32.0 on macOS, and to on Windows
- Remove gaps in the commit message container revealing a different background
- Add clearer verbiage in the "remove repository" dialog
- Update grammar for "repo deletion" and "couldn't find pull request" error messages
- Show confirmation dialog for SSH host key verification

GitHub Desktop 2.9.3
- Fix Notepad++ and RStudio integration on Windows
- Add minor version support for JetBrains IDEs on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.2
- Fix scrolling performance issue for large diffs

GitHub Desktop 2.9.1
- Add Fluent Terminal shell support
- Add support for IntelliJ CE for macOS
- Show number of lines changed in a commit

- Enable 'Open in External Editor' for bat/cmd/sh/exe files
- Green circle in progress dialog remains round when commits have long descriptions
- History tab shows all commits as the user scrolls down
- Remove border of Repository and Branch foldouts in dark theme
- Render links in commit messages when they are at the beginning of a line
- Show co-authors from undone commits
- Show SSH prompts (key passphrase, adding host, etc.) to users via dialog

- Add support for more versions of JetBrains IDEs on Windows
- Change the diff gutter width based on number of lines in diff
- Check invalidated tokens and prompt the user to sign in again
- Double-click an option when switching branches to confirm how changed files are handled
- Improve auth error and prompt to suggest the user use a PAT instead of password
- Increase visibility of misattributed commit warning in dark mode
- Reduce time needed to make a commit
- Use "Recycle Bin" name only on Windows
- Windows users can use the system OpenSSH for their Git repositories

GitHub Desktop 2.9.0
- Reorder commits with drag and drop in your commit history
- Create a branch from any commit in your history
- Amend the most recent commit on your branch
- Squash commits in the history tab with drag and drop and a context menu
- Squash and merge option available when merging branches

- Add support for Sublime Text 4 on Windows

- Show warning before undoing commit if it potentially conflicts with changes in working directory

- Remove extra space in drag & drop tooltips

GitHub Desktop 2.8.3
- Renamed repositories no longer clash with new repositories of the same name
- Expanding files no longer shows duplicated lines
- Long emails are truncated in the Git config

- Allow copying branch and repository names to clipboard
- Allow creating a new branch from filtering by just hitting Enter

GitHub Desktop 2.8.1
- Fixed: Disable partial change selection in split view while whitespace changes are hidden

GitHub Desktop 2.8.0
- Expand diffs to view more context around your changes
- Create aliases for repositories you want to be displayed differently in the repository list

- Hide whitespace in diffs on Changes tab

- Show correct state of remote branch when deleting local branches3
- Display the full branch name in a tooltip when hovering over a branch in the branches

- Display full progress description when cloning a repository
- Cherry-pick multiple non-sequential commits
- Create a branch during cherry-picking via drag and drop
- Show an alert when the app fails to move itself to the Applications folder on macOS
- Use a save dialog when choosing where to clone a repo

GitHub Desktop 2.7.2
- Create branch during cherry-picking via the context menu
- Suggest macOS users move the app to `/Applications` to prevent issues

- Undo cherry-picking onto a remote branch now works as expected
- Dragging commits onto current branch no longer results in a broken state
- Get correct commit summary info in rebase

- Cancel drag operation with escape key
- Cherry-pick commits onto a pull request with drag and drop
- Option to change the spellcheck language to English for Windows users whose system language is not English
- Update how privacy and usage stats info is communicated
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.7.1
- Cherry-picking is available! Copy commits from one branch to another using drag and drop or from a context menu

GitHub Desktop 2.7.0
- Add support for RStudio Editor
- Use system theme as default

GitHub Desktop 2.6.6
- Commit attribution warning is not shown for emails with different capitalization

- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.3 on macOS, and to on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.5
- Fixed: Performing remote Git operations could crash the app

GitHub Desktop 2.6.4
- Allow users to rename and delete branches via a new context menu on branches in the branches list

- Allow users to modify git config on a per repository basis
- The app is not maximized on macOS every time the user clicks on the app's icon in the dock
- Always respect the default branch name chosen by the user
- Notepad++ does not close when GitHub Desktop closes

- Update app icon for Windows
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in the commit message area
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in onboarding and preferences
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows
- Automatic branch fast-forwarding is now faster

GitHub Desktop 2.6.3
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.2
- Enable spellcheck on commit summary and description
- Update app icon for macOS

- Remote Git operations (like cloning a repo) won't fail on old macOS versions
- Fast-forward all possible branches except the current branch when fetching

GitHub Desktop 2.6.2
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS to 2.13.2

- Pull requests no longer fail to update until the user switches repositories
- Fork behavior changes are now reflected in the app immediately
- Checking out a pull request from a fork for the first time now correctly identifies the remote branch to create the branch from
- Don't offer to stash changes when clicking on the currently checked out branch in the branch list
- Forked repository remotes are no longer removed when there are local branches tracking them
- Avoid bright flash for users of the dark theme when launching the app maximized
- VSCodium is now detected as an editor on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.1
- Clearer menu label for reverting commits

- Refresh branches after creating a new branch
- Correct image diff swipe mode layout
- Very large text diffs could cause the app to crash when viewed in split diff mode
- Let the user know when a checkout fails due to use of assume-unchanged or skip-worktre
- Always show confirmation prompt before overwriting existing stash entry
- The fullscreen keyboard shortcut on macOS now works when using split diff mode

GitHub Desktop 2.6.0
- Split diffs! Toggle between viewing diffs in split or unified mode
- Use Page down, Page up, Home, and End keys to navigate and select items in lists
- Add `toml` syntax highlight
- Add support for Nova as external editor on macOS
- Restore Windows menu keyboard accessibility
- Actions in context menu of a non-selected file act on the chosen one instead of the previous one
- Correct title bar height on macOS Big Sur
- Fix broken issues links in release notes
- Fix overflow issues with long branch names
- Images fit correctly in the diff view when their sizes have changed
- Repository indicator refresh can no longer be manually triggered when disabled
- Resolving a conflicted file added in both the source and target branch no longer results in merge conflict markers appearing in the merge commit
- Small partial commit of very large text files no longer intermittently fails due to unexpected diff resultt
- Long commit message are scrollable again
- Sign in to with username/password is no longer supported to improve account security

GitHub Desktop 2.5.7
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS

GitHub Desktop 2.5.6
- Newly created repositories use 'main' as the default branch name
- Users can configure the default branch name in Preferences/Options
- Show status of GitHub Action runs for pull requests
- Differentiate between draft and regular Pull Requests

- Periodic background fetch and status updates can now be disabled in the Advanced section of Preferences/Options
- Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net and unified diff / patch

- Allow renaming the default branch
- Show which files are blocking a merge-like operation
- Updated icons and border radiuses to align with GitHub
- Show loading indicator when committing a merge
- Show confirmation that branch is already up to date when merging from default branch
- Enter key now initiates action in rebase and merge dialogs
- After failing to move a repository to Trash, show error and keep the repository listed in Desktop
- Email address validation in welcome flow and preferences dialog
- Show helpful error when attempting to clone non-existent or inaccessible GitHub repositories

- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Full screen notification is removed after a few seconds when starting the app in full screen
- Update rebase progress parser to parse output from the merge rebase backend
- Only show full screen toast notification when making the app window full-screen
- Ensure application window doesn't overlap second monitor
- Use UNIX line endings in WSL GitHub helper script

- Remove setting to disable all certificate validation in favor of new best-effort approach

GitHub Desktop 2.5.5
- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Clicking on a branch in the compare branch list resets focus to the filter text box

GitHub Desktop 2.5.4
- Suggest to stash changes when trying to do an operation that requires a clean working directory
- Autocomplete users and issues from upstream repository when working in a fork
- Add Alacritty shell support

- Correct branch name in commit button when on an unborn branch
- Fix "Show in Explorer" in Windows when there are other files with the same name as the project folder
- Open the repository folder when clicking on "Show in Finder" in macOS
- Don't expand paths in the PATH environment variable during installation
- Prevent multiple search inputs from appearing in diffs
- Unable to toggle lines for partial commit of very large text files
- Fix BBEdit integration
- Fix VoiceOver navigation to re-enter application content in macOS
- Repositories with historical commits containing filenames with backslashes can now be cloned on Windows
- Valid gitignore files are now created for new Clojure, Fortran and Kotlin repositories in Windows

- Enable discarding submodule working directory changes
- Surface progress estimation when cloning LFS repositories
- Performance and accuracy improvement when autocompleting issues and users
- Show only one error dialog when dragging multiple invalid folders to Desktop
- Pull request list is now keyboard accessible
- On Windows the Home and End keys can now be used to navigate lists
- Show progress spinner while waiting for a removed repository to get moved to trash (Windows)
- Dialogs now clear filter text boxes on Escape and closes on double Escape
- Display the selected changes count in the changes list header tooltip

GitHub Desktop 2.5.3
- Stash changes without switching branches
- Discard selection of lines from a file

- Display more readable messages for errors when cloning a repository
- Support launching Desktop from WSL on Windows
- Select correct branch to compare when two branches have similar names
- Make Ctrl/Cmd+W shortcut work in all dialogs
- Fix links when text wrapping is required in commit summaries
- Prevent crash when an opened repository doesn't have an owner on GitHub
- Sign in correctly when pressing "Enter" on the username/password authentication form
- Maintain selected files when navigating back to the Changes tab
- Maintain selected files when deleting a stash

- Remove redundant progress text from Git error messages
- Remove flicker when switching between files in the changes tab
- Remove space between the number and the percent sign when showing the progress of a clone operation
- Automatically disable username and password authentication when the API no longer supports it

GitHub Desktop 2.5.2
- Enable setting to more easily work with maintained forks

GitHub Desktop 2.5.0
- Add, push, and view Git tags on commit history in Desktop

- Offer option to choose file from one branch or the other when resolving merge conflicts
- Add context menu for highlighted text in diff view

- Retain default branch option in "Create Branch" dialog when user focuses away from Desktop

- Clean up copy for onboarding sign-in flow
- Emphasize signing in to GitHub via browser due to username/password deprecation
- Improve error message when publishing a private repository fails
- Offer to retry if cloning a repository fails

GitHub Desktop 2.4.3
- Update embedded Git to avoid gitconfig errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.4.2
- Fixed: Prevent autocomplete suggestions from overlapping when loading many results
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability
- Improved: Redesign metadata shown in commit history

GitHub Desktop 2.4.1
- Indicate which commits have not yet been pushed to the remote in "History" tab
- Add support for JetBrains Rider as external editor
- Add support for Notepad++ as external editor on Windows

- Update install location of Typora to fix detection issue
- Restore developer tools accelerator on Windows
- Use upstream repository in commit message links to GitHub
- Reset scroll position to the top of the history tab after switching repositories
- Allow user to cancel rebase flow when warned about force pushing
- Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability

- Lighten scrollbars in dark theme for higher contrast
- Display pull requests from upstream repository in pull request list

GitHub Desktop 2.4.0
- Set Git proxy environment variables from system configuration automatically

- Enable creating a GitHub issue from app menu and keyboard shortcut
- Add editor support for IntelliJ Idea on macOS
- Add editor support for PhpStorm and update WebStorm
- Add shell support for Windows Terminal
- Support keyboard scrolling in diffs

- Ensure branch protection warning works when branch names contain special characters
- Ensure intro page is responsive when resizing the window
- Ensure local branch is also deleted when deleting a branch that no longer exists on the remote
- Restore negative space in "Files selected" graphic for Dark Theme
- Support selecting text in error dialogs
- Prevent bringing changes to another branch from failing silently
- Save the user's position within "History" and "Changes" tabs when switching

- Update the remote url when a repository's name changes on GitHub
- Allow "Open in Desktop" button from pull requests on GitHub to open in a local fork in Desktop
- Support automatically switching between Dark and Light Theme on Windows
- Format errors containing raw Git output with fixed-width font
- Modify "View on GitHub" menu item to open upstream for local fork repositories
- Create new branches in forks from the default branch of the upstream repo
- Graduate Dark Theme out of beta

GitHub Desktop 2.3.1
- Don't display erroneous Git error when creating a fork
- Remove stray characters from Git progress indicators on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.3.0
- Prompt users to create a fork if they fail to push to a GitHub repository due to permissions
- Show link to upstream pull requests in pull request list of a fork
- Show a warning if the user doesn't have write access to push to the repository and offer to make a fork
- Provide configuration in Preferences to always bring or leave changes when switching branches
- Prompt users to re-authorize if required by any of their GitHub organizations

- Show proper dialog when push fails due to missing workflow scope
- Take users to the correct page on when opening a pull request in browser from a fork
- Don't suggest creating a pull request if the current branch has an open pull request targeting an upstream repo
- Remove false branch protection warning when switching branches
- Show branch protection warning after checking out protected branches outside Desktop

- Only show branch protection warning when changed files are present
- Show an error when editing a Git configuration file fails due to existing lock file
- Update design and layout for GitHub Desktop preferences

GitHub Desktop 2.2.4
- New: Warn when committing to a protected branch
- New: Warn when committing to a repository you don't have write access to
- Added: Adding integration for Xcode as external editor
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerabilities
- Fixed:Changed wording to match git autocrlf behavior
- Fixed: Don't dismiss dialogs when dragging from the dialog to the backdrop
- Fixed: Fix arrow key navigation of Changes and History lists
- Fixed: Handle multibyte characters in names
- Fixed: Keep PR badge on top of progress bar
- Fixed: Prevent application crash when background process spawn fails
- Fixed: Show autocomplete suggestions on top of CodeMirror author input
- Fixed: Standardize dialogs' button orders
- Improved: Make no newline indicator in file diffs readable by screenreaders

GitHub Desktop 2.2.3
- Fixed: Prevent text overflow in crash dialog
- Fixed: Address warnings on macOS Catalina preventing app from opening after install
- Improved: Update to most recent gitignore templates

GitHub Desktop 2.2.2
- Onboarding tutorial animations help guide users to the next action
- Prompt users to re-authenticate if they are unable to push changes to a workflow file

- Starting the tutorial is more prominent when getting started with GitHub Desktop
- Use a different editor if previously selected editor cannot be found

GitHub Desktop 2.2.1
- Improperly formatted url pre-filled in "Clone Repository" dialog
- VSCodium integration on macOS
- Partially hidden icon in "Open Pull Request" button

GitHub Desktop 2.2.0
- Interactive tutorial for new users to become productive using Git and GitHub more quickly

- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to
- Enforce web flow authentication for users who are part of orgs using single sign-on
- Support CodeRunner as an external editor
- Support VSCodium as an external editor

- Commit description shadow visibility updates when typing
- Commit summaries with comma delimited issues are not parsed - #8162. File path truncation in merge conflicts dialog
- Git configuration fields in onboarding were not pre-filled from user's profile
- Keep conflicting untracked files when bringing changes to another branch
- Make app's version selectable in "About" dialog

- Application menu bar is visible when no repositories have been added to the app
- Support stashing lots of untracked files on Windows
- Surface errors from branch creation to user

GitHub Desktop 2.1.3
- Changes from remote branch erroneously displayed on corresponding branch on Desktop
- Sign-in flow for Windows users not possible via OAuth

GitHub Desktop 2.1.2
- Syntax highlighting support for 20 more programming languages
- Kitty shell support for macOS
- Atom editor support on Windows for beta and nightly channels

- File checkboxes and line selection in diffs are not disabled when committing
- Small images are scaled down too much in two-up image rendering
- Manual conflict resolution for binary files always chooses same version
- Branch pruner errors on "orphaned" branches
- Prevent CodeMirror search plugin from stealing registered global keyboard shortcuts
- Update embedded Git on Windows to remove erroneous errors
- Menu state not updated for macOS after performing some actions
- Error message could appear outside the boundary of its container

- Improved error handling when trying to rebase a ref that doesn't exist
- Expand hover area on repository list items
- Always fast forward recent branches after fetch
- Ensure recent branches are updated during remote interactions

GitHub Desktop 2.1.1
- Fixed: Update embedded Git on Windows to address security vulnerability

GitHub Desktop 2.1.0
- Branches that have been merged and deleted on will now be pruned after two weeks

- Search text within diffs using shortcut
- Keyboard shortcut for "Discard All Changes" menu item

- Repository name moves cursor to end in "Create Repository" dialog
- Keyboard navigation inside "Compare Branch" list
- New repository does not write description into README
- Disable "Discard" and "Restore" buttons while restoring stash
- "Unable to restore" warning message appears momentarily when restoring stash
- Unresponsive app on macOS if user switches away from file dialog
- Launching app on Windows after being maximized does not restore correct window state

- Update mentions of "Enterprise" to "Enterprise Server" in app
- Update license and .gitignore templates for initializing a new repository
- "Authentication failed" dialog provides more help to diagnose issue

GitHub Desktop 2.0.4
- Refresh for Enterprise repositories did not handle API error querying branches
- Missing "Discard all changes" context menu in Changes header
- "Select all" keyboard shortcut not firing on Windows

GitHub Desktop 1.6.6
- Clicking "Undo" doesn't repopulate summary in commit form
- Handle error when unable to create log file for app
- Crash when selecting text while the underlying diff changes

GitHub Desktop 1.6.5
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.6.4

- Embedded Git not working for core.longpath usage in some environments
- "Recover missing repository" can get stuck in a loop

GitHub Desktop 1.6.3

- Display "pull with rebase" if a user has set this option in their Git config

- Context menu does not open when right clicking on the edges of files in Changes list
- Display question mark in image when no commit selected in dark theme
- No left padding for :emoji:/@user/#issue autocomplete forms
- Reinstate missing image and update illustration in dark theme when no local changes exist
- Resizing the diff area preserves text selection range
- Text selection in wrapped diff lines now allows selection of individual lines

- Add option to fetch when a user needs to pull changes from the remote before pushing
- Enable Git protocol v2 for fetch/push/pull operations
- Moving mouse pointer outside visible diff while selecting a range of lines in a partial commit now automatically scrolls the diff
- Sign in form validates both username and password
- Update GitHub logo in "About" dialog

GitHub Desktop 1.6.2
- Allow users to also resolve manual conflicts when resolving merge conflicts
- Automatic switching between Dark and Light modes on macOS
- Crystal and Julia syntax highlighting
- Lua and Fortran syntax highlighting

- Abbreviated commits are not long enough for large repositories
- App menu bar visible on hover on Windows when in "Let’s get started" mode
- Fix pointy corners on commit message text area
- Inconsistent "Reveal in …" labels for context menus
- Merge conflict conflict did not ask user to resolve some binary files
- Prevent concurrent fetches between user and status indicator checks
- Remember scroll positions in History and Changes lists

- Guided merge conflict resolution only commits changes relevant to the merge
- Use higher contrast color for links in "Merge Conflicts" dialog
- Add link to all release notes in Release Notes dialog
- Arrow for renamed/copied changes when viewing commit
- Updated verbiage for ignoring the files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.1
- Don't show "No local changes" view when switching between changed files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.0

- Help users add their first repo during onboarding

- "No local changes" view helpfully suggests next actions for you to take

- Support JetBrains Webstorm as an external editor
- Add Visual Basic syntax highlighting

- Automatically locate a missing repository when it cannot be found
- Don't include untracked files in merge commit
- Don't show "Still Conflicted Warning" when all conflicts are resolved
- Only execute menu action a single time upon hitting Enter
- Show autocompletion of GitHub handles and issues properly in commit description field

- Repository list when no repositories found
- Image diff menu no longer covered by large images
- Enable additional actions during a merge conflict
- Increase contrast on input placeholder color in dark mode
- Don't show merge success banner when attempted merge doesn't complete
- Capitalize menu items appropriately on macOS

GitHub Desktop 1.5.1

- Provide keyboard shortcut for getting to commit summary field
- Add hover states on list items and tabs<

FastReport.Net 2024.1.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

FastReport.Net 2024.1.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2024.1.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2024.1.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2024.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2024.1.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2024.1.2
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2024.1.0
- added merging of text objects
- added the ability to change the shape of PictureObject
- added possibility to create custom line styles
- now work with fonts is carried out without blocking
- fixed text that goes beyond the boundaries of TextObject when TextRenderer = HTMLParagraph
- fixed font creation from PrivateFontCollection
- fixed incorrect text color in RichObject
- fixed break of RichObject with picture
- fixed a bug with break of RichObject
- fixed a bug that caused the DateTimePicker object to lose focus if its DetailedControl property was specified
- fixed barcode issues (HiDPI, PDF export)
- fixed back indent in HTMLTextRenderer
- fixed clipping of a TextObject when rendering with HTMLTextRenderer

FastReport.Net 2023.1.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2023.1.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2023.1.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2023.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2023.1.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2023.1.1
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2023.1.0
- added property Report.IsPrepared
- added TextRenderType.Inline
- implemented converter of JasperReports templates
- implemented connection to stored procedures in MsSQL
- receiving JSON in the data source is exposed to the interface part
- fixed a bug leading to System.ArgumentException when TextObject.FontWidthRatio property equal zero
- fixed highlight of text in RTF parser
- fixed multiple requests to get image when using URL in ImageLocation
- fixed IsNull function
- fixed a bug with drawing RichObject with aligned pictures
- fixed an issue where the calculation of vertical distances was incorrect when converting RichObject to text
- fixed AdvMatrix object bug with report refresh
- fixed a bug with getting JSON row of JsonTableDataSource
- fixed a bug leading to infinite loop when building table if there is not enough space on page for one row

- added ability to create calculated column for IEnumerable data sources
- added window with message about loading a report when opening a file
- added column with error numbers in table of report validation
- added the ability to hide and show columns with the number and type of error in the report validation table
- added notification form when trying to resave report that has already been modified
- added ability to show web preview of report that was opened from FastReport Cloud
- added ability to interact with data source from Cloud - downloading, uploading, updating
- increased the speed of the report validator
- the delete band button is now disabled in situations where the band cannot be deleted
- changed root folder name on FastReport Cloud form, it depends now on localization
- now there is not possible to create a table in the query wizard if another table with the same name already exists
- fixed data tree view with IEnumerable data source, which column  was not adding, if it consists of value type
- fixed a bug with localization of the "Remove" button in the report properties on the "Script" tab
- fixed a bug with selection object after click on row in "Validation" window
- fixed a bug due to which selected object did not change when changing the height of the band with mouse
- fixed a problem with System.OverflowException when editing text object without editor
- fixed a bug causing System.StackOverflowException when copying formatting
- fixed selection of object located on inactive page when clicking on row in "Validation" window
- fixed showing progress of updating list of errors in "Validation" window when changing report
- fixed an error with an invalid value when changing the line color in the MSChartObject editor
- fixed order of switching by "Tab" key in connection forms
- fixed a bug where the border properties of the chart axes were not saved when they were changed in the editor
- fixed incorrect values when changing the interval in the stripes on the axes in MSChartObject
- fixed an error that occurred when deleting a band through the band configurator if the classic mode for displaying bands is selected
- fixed an error that occurs when clicking the "Delete" button on the configure bands form if there are no bands in the report
- fixed an error that occurs when removing bands from the workspace with holding left mouse button
- fixed restoring state of GridControl when closing column editor form
- fixed an error that occurs when clicking on the "Cancel" button in the Grid object column editor
- fixed displaying label about report change when changing MSChartObject
- fixed moving columns of GridControl in column editor form
- fixed bugs when dragging objects from the report tree to pages and the "Code" tab
- fixed errors in the query constructor window when adding a table to the workspace and when creating relationships between tables

- added tooltip for the "Copy" field in the "Send by E-mail" form
- fixed display of the print form when increasing the display scaling
- fixed a bug when new exports did not appear in the menu
- fixed order of switching by "Tab" key in export forms
- fixed left indent of RichObject

- added option "Print optimized" in RTF export
- added the ability to export currency data format as accounting in Excel 2007 export
- added UseFileStream option for Excel 2007 export
- increased export forms for correct display of inscriptions in different localizations
- fixed a bug with exporting lines drawn from right to left or from bottom to top when exporting to layered HTML
- fixed a bug with exporting Tahoma italic font to PDF
- fixed a bug that resulted in a System.ArgumentException when exporting to a stream with the ImageExport.SeparateFiles property enabled
- fixed a bug in SVG export where some shapes were drawn twice
- fixed a bug with the export of the accounting format in Excel 2007, which did not take into account the number of decimal places
- fixed memory leaks in tabular-type exports
- fixed a bug with temporary file deletion in case of emergency program shutdown during export to PDF
- fixed a bug with exporting italic and bold fonts to PDF
- fixed a bug due to which the background of objects with a Solid fill was not printed from the browser
- fixed a bug with set method of HtmlTemplates.IndexTemplate property
- fixed export of 4-byte symbols to PDF
- fixed row height multiplier in export to RTF
- fixed row height multiplier in table export to Word 2007
- fixed position of first object on page with non-zero value in export to Word 2007
- fixed a bug of access to temporary file when exporting to Excel 2007 using the UseFileStream and SplitPages properties
- fixed a bug with localization of CurrencyToAccounting property in Excel 2007 export
- fixed navigation buttons and page numbering display in HTML export
- fixed ascent and descent of font in PDF-export

- reworked WebReport.ReportPrepared property, now this property is bound to the same report's property
- updated WebReport design for FastReport.Core.Web and FastReport.Web.Blazor
- fixed a rare crash when trying to add an empty data source to WebReport
- fixed a bug due to which Outline did not work in WebReport.LoadPrepared()
- removed refresh button when loading prepared report (.fpx)
- fixed an issue due to which tabs of RichObject were incorrectly calculated in WebReport
- removed page selection in export settings for single-page reports

.Net Core:
- added LoadReport method with stream instead of filename string for Stimulsoft Import

- removed extra components from the Visual Studio toolbar

- updated design of demo reports
- fixed a bug with scaling child windows in new demo application

- plugin FastReportBGObjects was updated, added support for Bubble chart
- connection to ElasticSearch moved to a separate plugin

FastReport.Net 2022.3.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.10
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.3.0
- implemented converter reports of StimulSoft
- added changing name of JSON data source in expressions when it's renamed
- added converting of PaperSize property when converting reports from StimulSoft
- added checking existence of referenced assembly when converting reports from StimulSoft
- added PrintOnParent property to Table and Matrix objects
- added loading of report parameters when converting reports from RDL
- added loading of subreports when converting reports from RDL
- added the feature to store JSON connection data using the StoreData property
- optimized speed in reports containing large amount of objects
- changed exception text when calculating and formatting expression if e.InnerException is null
- when loading RDL report, page width will be equal section width in case when there is no page width
- fixed length calculation encoding DataMatrix C40 and text;
- handled System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception when printing with disabled Print Spooler
- fixed hide border of picture when printing with auto size
- fixed stack overflow error when prepare report with child band of page footer and then start new page option enabled for it
- fixed a bug with not passing path of base report to current one in Unix OS
- fixed a bug with creating subreport and page with the same name when converting reports from StimulSoft
- fixed a bug with invalid names when converting reports from StimulSoft
- fixed a bug with TotalPages in Page.VisibleExpression that causes an exception when double pass is disabled
- fixed a bug when band can grow out of page
- fixed a bug when objects can grow out of band or ContainerObject
- fixed "back indent" feature in RTF translator
- fixed RichText line spacing when RTF translated to report objects
- fixed an error with ConnectionString property in  JsonDataSourceConnectionStringBuilder class when value was without a  request headers

- added the report validator that helps to find invalid objects (duplicate names, negative sizes, etc.)
- added editor for RichObject.Text property
- added FRX editor in report designer
- added detailed description of referenced assemblies and installed plugins
- added the ability to copy dialog pages
- added the ability to delete dialog pages using the context menu
- added ability to disable using of last formatting options when creating objects
- added integration with FastReport.Id
- added call to online-documentation in the report designer
- added wizard for visualization of control identification signs
- add tooltip about right and bottom indents for guides and objects in designer
- added ability to select color of backlight intersecting objects in designer
- added possibility to connect bases of Access 2007
- changed the look of ElasticSearch connection editor form
- changed the text fields in CISWizardForm with units to text fields that only support numbers
- fixed a bug leading to System.NullRefereceException when creating calculated column for subtable JSON
- fixed a bug leading to System.FormatException when drawing labels of maps
- fixed a bug leading to the System.NullReferenceException when clicking the "Paste" button in the context menu of dialog pages
- fixed a bug with scaling zoom controls of designer in HiDPI mode when run from old demo application
- fixed opening form of save changes after save all report
- fixed unscalable items in welcome window
- fixed backlighting intersected charts
- fixed exception on rename JSON table
- fixed UpdateStatusBar in DialogWorkspace
- fixed a bug with localization of "Account..." button in menu "File"
- fixed canceling selection of object if its properties are changed
- fixed a bug when switching to the "Code" page did not occur after adding an event handler

- implemented export of all open tabs
- fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceExteption when preparing report with RichObject on system without printers
- fixed a bug in the MSChart object in HiDPI mode

- added export of locale in Word, PowerPoint, Rich Text, OpenOffice Write and OpenOffice Calc exports
- added encryption of the password of the digital signature certificate in PDF-export when it is saved
- added option "Show gridlines" when exporting to Excel 2007
- added data types export to DBF
- added a new property to the SVG export PrefixStyle, which allows you to set a prefix for all styles inside the SVG export
- added option "Use locale formatting of data" when exporting to Excel 2007
- added PDFExport.UseFileStream property, which allows to export huge  reports on systems with low amount of RAM without  System.OutOfMemoryException
- set UTF-8 as default encoding in DBF export
- fixed incorrect scaling pictures in layered HTML-export when enabled high quality SVG and zoom more than 1
- fixed a bug leading to System.IndexOutOfRangeException when exporting font without kerning to PDF
- fixed a bug with scaling picture in layered HTML-export
- fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when exporting report with empty page to Word 2007
- fixed memory leak in PDF export with some CJK fonts
- fixed a bug when SVG picture was not rotated to needed angle in HTML/Blazor export
- fixed repeated rendering of table cell in SVG export
- fixed incorrect pageStyle when printing from browser for table HTML export
- fixed exception when export object with negative size in HTML export
- fixed export to pdf if Compressed = false
- fixed incorrect record of border-collapse property in table HTML-export
- fixed a bug in Excel-export, when the fill in the output file did not change the first time
- fixed export of watermark to PostScript
- fixed error of font scale when export to PDF
- fixed a bug where a text object with HtmlTags exported to RTF was not modified by the tags

- onlineDesigner properties are moved to webReport.Designer with backwards compatibility
- fixed a bug when event "CheckedChanged" handled by RadioButton was not performed
- fixed incorrect scaling of Dialog components in Blazor
- fixed a bug with incorrect font size in Excel export
- fixed a bug in Blazor when font of text object with property TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph was always default

.NET Core:
- fixed incorrect search for public-methods in report script
- fixed problem of creating a fontlist file on Azure

- fixed behavior of WinForms components in Toolbox for Visual Studio (Design-Time)
- fixed incorrect launch of the browser when clicking on links in CoreWin
- for FastReport.CoreWin, reports with a script that use the WinForms API have been fixed

- added the ability to change the localization of a new demo application without restarting it
- added demo on React with FastReport.Core
- fixed position of one chart in Chart.frx

- implemented connection to Cassandra
- updated RPTImportPlugin

- added FastReprot.Web (only for .NET Framework) and FastReport.VSDesign libraries for FastReport.Net- packages
- added an option to import reports using streams

- fixed incorrect version of FastReport.Compat in FastReport.Net packages

FastReport.Net 2022.2.18
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.17
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.16
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.2
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.2.0
- added ability to save report with random data
- the ExportBand method now uses the BandBase argument instead of Base
- fixed bugs with double calling events AfterData, BeforePrint and AfterPrint of ContainerObject
- fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when running reports with dialog forms
- fixed a bug with not working VisibleExpression property of subreports and pages
- fixed a bug with vertical shift of non-intersecting objects when converting RTF
- fixed a bug with right anchor on pages with unlimited width and landscape orientation
- fixed translation of lists when converting RTF
- fixed a bug with not working RichObject.AllowExpressions property
- fixed a bug leading to System.OverflowException when drawing unlimited page without preparing

- added backlight of intersecting objects
- added ruler with guides in RichObject editor
- replaced password symbols on dots in object inspector
- added warning about possible stack overflow when putting Matrix or AdvMatrix on repeated bands
- removed error message when text of barcode consist expression
- fixed a bug with disable hot keys option
- fixed dropdown menu when click on LineStyle and LineWidth button
- fixed a bug with viewing data in designer
- fixed bugs leading to System.NullReferenceException when dragging objects into AdvMatrix
- fixed a bug with incorrect showing settings of shadow in border editor

- fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when clicking on editable TextObject
- fixed a bug with not working hyperlinks in report with multi-column databands
- fixed a bug when exporting a report resulted to saving the prepared report
- fixed a bug with setting lists of available exports and exports to clouds in PreviewControl

- added export to ZPL II
- added option "High Quality SVG" in export to HTML
- added option "Pinned cells" in export to Excel 2007
- added ability to scale print in export to Excel 2007
- added export of bookmarks and inner hyperlinks to Word
- added export of numbers and dates format to Excel 97
- added encryption of personal data in Email-export
- added indent of RichObject in export to RTF
- added line break of RichObject in export to RTF
- added indent of TextObject when exporting to Word
- added export of tab width in PDF, Word, HTML and RTF exports
- added property PrefixStyle to SVG-export, which allows to set a prefix for all styles
- improved export of RichObject to Excel 2007
- removed FastReport Cloud and XMPP exports
- fixed incorrect rotation of landscape orientation of pages when printing HTML if they used styles from previous pages
- fixed a bug with font scale when export to PDF
- fixed a memory lose when export SVG objects to HTML with option "High Quality SVG"
- fixed a bug with embedding fonts for which packing is prohibited in PDF-export
- fixed a bug with exporting tab symbols to Word
- fixed fill background picture and property of line-height in export to HTML
- fixed a bug with exporting custom dash line of SVGObject to PDF
- fixed a bug with exporting borders of spanned cells to SVG

- added interactivity for advanced matrix in WebReport
- fixed closing canceling processing in OnFormClosing in Core web dialogs

.NET Core:
- fixed a bug with not working "open after export" option

WebReport Core:
- now the DatePicker icon looks the same in all browsers

- added a new demo for Blazor with a demonstration of working with two reports
- fixed a bug due to which the cursor did not change when hovering over links in the new demo
- fixed a bug with AdvMatrix in new demo

- added connection to Excel
- fixed SQLite connector for FastReport.Core, FastReport.CoreWin and FastReport.OpenSource
- fixed a bug with ConnectionString to Firebird

- added tool for conversion of RTF documents to report templates (ExtrasMiscrtf2frx)

FastReport.Net 2022.1.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.1.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.1.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.1.10
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.1.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.1.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.1.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2022.1.0
- added a new AdvMatrixObject
- added GS1 DataBar barcodes: Limited, Omnidirectional, Stacked and Stacked Omnidirectional
- added new properties: Config.CompilerSetting.ExceptionBehaviour and Config.CompilerSetting.Placeholder.
> these properties give the ability to customize the behavior when exceptions are thrown with incorrect names of database tables and fields.
- added translation of RichObject inside TableCell
- reworked translation of RichObject into report objects
- fixed ShiftMode of translated RTF object
- fixed a bug with two parameters with the same name in report leading to System.ArgumentException
- fixed a bug with subreport containing multicolumn Databand
- fixed a bug with wrong band height calculation
- fixed a bug with displaying of hyperlinks when converting RTF to report objects
- fixed translation of RichObject if it set from a report script
- fixed a bug with private fonts added to Config.PrivateFontCollection

- added verification of entered data in editing window of the QR code of SberBank
- fixed a bug with line break in text object editor
- fixed a bug when converting rdl reports containing matrices inside table cells
- fixed a bug with guide lines in the designer
- fixed a bug with Report tree window
- fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException and crash of the designer during its launch when the Auto Guides option is enabled

- fixed a bug with shifting the position of objects when switching the view of bands while editing a prepared page

- implemented export of watermark to Word
- implemented export of watermark to RTF
- added "Don't rotate landscape pages when printing" option in export to HTML
- added the ability to change the name of the attached file when sending by Email
- add zooming of SVG images in export matrix
- added the ability to export a property that determines the size and position of the image when exporting to Excel 2007
- implemented ability to hide or show gridlines when exporting to Excel 97
- implemented export of groups on separate sheets to Excel
- implemented export of transparency level watermark images to Word
- implemented export image size of watermark to RTF
- fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when exporting to text, tables with rows count less then one
- fixed incorrect left padding of tables in export to Word
- fixed a bug with Wingdings font in HTML tags when exporting to HTML
- fixed a bug with export Wingdings and Webdings fonts to HTML
- fixed a bug with width of frame in export to PowerPoint
- fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to RTF
- fixed a bug with exporting objects with transparent fill to Word
- fixed a bug leading to System.OutOfMemoryException when exporting to PDF
- fixed incorrect line break display when exporting to HTML
- fix out of memory when export to PDF
- fixed bugs in export to PDF in non-Windows systems
- fixed a bug with exporting tables with more than 63 columns to Word 2007
- fixed a bug leading to a memory leak and System.OutOfMemoryException in PDF-export when the "Text in curves" option is enabled
- fixed a bug with line break in HTML-export

- fixed a bug with new line character when using Wingdings font

.Net Core:
- added support for .NET 6
- fixed incorrect search for Bold-Italic fonts

WebReport Core / Blazor Server:
- added the ability to configure the properties of exporting a report from WebReport.
> When the webReport.Toolbar.Exports.EnableSettings property is activated, the settings icon will appear next to the required export button
- added property webReport.SplitReportPagesInTabs, which allows you to split different ReportPage-s in different tabs of WebReport
- added static class names for the ability to override the standard styles of toolbar, outline and other elements
- fixed updating WebReport when entering a value from the keyboard in the DateTimePicker field
- fixed the width of tabs with non-standard sizes of the report page

- added demo of using WebReport Core for .NET 5
- added demo of using WebReport Core for Angular
- added demo of using WebReport Blazor for Blazor Server

FastReport.Net 2021.4.16
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.4.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.4.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.4.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.4.11
- added connection to ElasticSearch
- added a new barcode - Japanese PostNet
- added the Res.LoadLocale (CultureInfo) method, which changes the selected locale by the CultureInfo argument. Loaded locales are cached. For correct operation, the added FastReport.Localization package is required
- optimized and unified converter RichText to report objects
- fixed a bug with incorrect tab width when TextObject.TextRenderType = TextRenderType.HtmlTextRenderer
- fixed a bug with SubreportObject on a page footer band which caused StackOverflow exception
- fixed a bug with Dock and Anchor properties of objects inside table/matrix cells
- fixed a bug leading to System.ArgumentException when drawing PictureObject located outside the band
- fixed a bug with incorrect work of right anchor (Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right) when page has unlimited width
- fixed a bug with replacing a custom font with a default font when preparing a report
- fixed a bug with vertical alignment when converting RTF (by default, now Top instead of Center)
- fixed a bug with converting RTF tables to report objects

- added simplified display of DB field names in the designer
- added collapse all/expand all button and search field for Report tree and Data tree
- new icons added. Use the designer's "View|Options|User interface" dialog to switch between icon packs
- fixed a bug leading to the crash of the report designer with an incorrect table in the data source

- fixed a bug with saving prepared reports containing converted RichObject

- added option when export to Word 2007 "Do not add section breaks on page breaks". By default, both page breaks and section breaks are added.
- fixed page-break in Html export (PageBreaks property)
- fixed SVG export with "Multiply export" parameter
- fixed SVG export bug on hidpi monitor
- fixed the names of files saved in the zip archive
- fixed tab symbols width when export RichObject
- fixed XPS export bug where documents exported on Linux would not open on Windows
- fixed bugs with incorrect work of Anchor and Dock properties when exporting pages with unlimited width
- fixed a bug in Excel 2007 export of text objects with enabled HtmlParagraph render type. Disable WYSIWYG export option to  export text instead of images.

- added support for Blazor components for FastReport.Core3.Web package
- added background-color support for dialogs in WebReport
- added support for the Enabled property for dialogs in WebReport
- added support for the MaxLength property for the TextBox dialog component in WebReport
- optimized loading of localization for Toolbar
- fixed incorrect output of multiline text in Blazor (Interactive Forms & TextBox)
- fixed incorrect page background-color for HTML/Blazor export on Safari browsers
- fixed missing line breaks for the Label dialog component in WebReport
- fixed a bug with hanging of online designer save call-back in WebReport with sessions
- fixed bugs with incorrect work Anchor and Dock properties on pages with unlimited width

Online Designer:
- fixed save/preview from OnlineDesigner with page in Landscape orientation

.Net Core:
- added support for Single File Application
- updated dependencies for FastReport.Compat and FastReport.DataVisualization. FastReport.Compat now correctly detects the possibility of using the WinForms API. FastReport.DataVisualization now has no dependency on System.Data.SqlClient and System.Drawing.Common
- fixed a bug where the report did not work with data from the custom library, although it was registered with ReferencedAssemblies in CoreWin
- fixed application crash when loading a report with unknown Font in multiple threads on Linux
- fixed a bug "Could not load type 'System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor'"
- fixed loading of table names in XmlDataConnection
- fixed a bug due to which the report and resources were not loaded when publishing/debugging using IIS/IIS Express. For correct work, you need to call the `UseFastReport()` method before 'UseMvc/UseEndpoints'

WebReport Core:
- added xml comments (DocumentationFile) to Web libraries
- added a property to disable showing of the toolbar on the dialog page of the report: webReport.Toolbar.ShowOnDialogPage
- added more exports to the toolbar dropdown menu. These properties are available in webReport.Toolbar.Exports
- added the ability to customize the toolbar: Position, color of the drop-down menu, font, transparency of icons, change the color of icons, change the position of content. These properties are available in webReport.Toolbar
- dialog DateTimePicker for WebReport has been improved. In DateTimePicker.Format.Time mode, it displays only time, in DateTimePicker.Format.Short mode - only date, DateTimePicker.Format.Long - both date and time.

- added package 'FastReport.Localization', which includes FastReport localization files in your project for working with different languages
- added FastReport Business Graphics integration objects (ExtrasObjectsFastReportBGObjects)

- implemented transition to list of reports, when clicking on the arrow on folder in new demo
- changed target framework for new demo to 4.7.2
- changed color of inactive buttons in the thumbnail view mode of new demo
- changed background color of the zoom slider in new demo
- changed background color when displaying dialog forms in the new demo
- changed background color of interactive reports tabs in new demo
- changed the location of the folder with report thumbnails for the demo application. Now this folder is located not in Program Files but in AppDataLocal
- fixed problems with displaying interface elements of the new demo application
- fixed a bug that caused saving a prepared report when clicking on the drop-down items in the save menu of the new demo application
- fixed a bug with alignment of reports in preview window of the new demo
- fixed a bug with double launching dialog formР° when selecting a report in new demo
- fixed a bug with stretching thumbnails in the new demo
- fixed a bug leading to a lag when moving the window of new demo
- fixed a bug in the new demo with simultaneous displaying of thumbnails in folder and report bars

- packages with plugins-connectors FastReport.Data.** have been updated. Now they include plugins for different FastReport editions (.NET, Core, CoreWin, OpenSource) and automatically include the necessary library, depending on the product used
- postgres npgsql version downgrade from 4.0.3 to 3.2.7

FastReport.Net 2021.4.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.4.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.4.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.4.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.4.0
- connection to ElasticSearch
- a new barcode - Japanese PostNet
- the Res.LoadLocale (CultureInfo) method, which changes the selected locale by the CultureInfo argument. Loaded locales are cached. For correct operation, the added FastReport.Localization package is required

- optimized and unified converter RichText to report objects

- a bug with incorrect tab width when TextObject.TextRenderType = TextRenderType.HtmlTextRenderer
- a bug with SubreportObject on a page footer band which caused StackOverflow exception
- a bug with Dock and Anchor properties of objects inside table/matrix cells
- a bug leading to System.ArgumentException when drawing PictureObject located outside the band
- a bug with incorrect work of right anchor (Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right) when page has unlimited width
- a bug with replacing a custom font with a default font when preparing a report
- a bug with vertical alignment when converting RTF (by default, now Top instead of Center)
- a bug with converting RTF tables to report objects

FastReport.Net 2021.3.30
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.29
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.27
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.26
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.25
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.24
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.23
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.22
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.21
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.19
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.18
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.17
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.16
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.2
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.3.1
- added HiDPI support to new demo application
- fixed a bug where page sizes could reset after preview
- fixed a bug where printing a RichText object on large Windows scaling was happening incorrectly
- fixed a bug leading to System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException in Substring functions
- fixed a bug leading to System.ArgumentException when drawing PictureObject with some images
- fixed a bug when tables were not displayed when connecting to Advantage Database via ODBC
- fixed a bug where RichText went outside the page
- fixed a bug with recompiling the report script that interacted with ChildBand

- improved the behavior of the page panel
- fixed a bug with index of bounds in SQLBuilder in Designer
- fixed a bug where the dialog page did not open if it had a GridControl
- fixed bugs in Right to Left mode
- fixed a bug when rescaling the dialog form

- fixed a bug where the percentage of scale in Preview could be displayed incorrectly

- added export to XODT
- added export to XODS
- fixed a bug of export to ODF when the document did not open in MyOffice
- fixed a bug with closing cell with RichText when exporting to RTF
- fixed a bug when exporting objects with rendering mode HtmlParagraph
- fixed a bug with exporting line with arrow cap in layered export to Word 2007
- fixed a bug with exporting line with arrow cap in export to PowerPoint 2007

- added Razor components for embedding into a Blazor Server applications. It is part of the FastReport.Web package and is located along the path: FastReport.Web.Blazor.Components. It is recommended to use the WebReportContainer component to display the report.
- fixed a bug in WebReport Core with SinglePage and Dialogs
- fixed a bug with compilation VB.NET script, resulting in an error "Modules cannot be generic"

.Net Core:
- updated package reference Microsoft.CodeAnalysis to 3.3.1 version
- updated FastReport.Compat dependency to 2021.1.4 version
- fixed a bug with incorrect images in PDF export on Linux
- fixed a bug leading to System.NullReferenceException when call CsvDataConnection.CreateAllTables()

- fixed a bug with incorrect loading of table names from ClickHouse

FastReport.Net 2021.2.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.10
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.2.0
- HiDPI support
- CountDistinct aggregate function (report totals and Matrix object totals)
- support of TLS 1.2
- new 2 types of UncheckedSymbol for CheckBox
- the ability to disable loading of XML and CSV data locally
- ability to load XML data source by URL
- possibility to change font for east-easian languages in Word2007-export
- functions of converting numbers to words for Polish language
- universal package for Windows, targeting .NET Framework 4.x, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5

- optimized copying streams in some cases

- a bug with incomplete copying of the matrix when copying the report page
- bugs when importing DevExpress reports
- bugs when importing RDL reports
- a bug when a band with the FillUnusedSpace property enabled was not displayed again, although there is enough free space
- bugs when importing List and Labels reports
- a bug where the AutoSize property for SvgObject did not work correctly
- a bug with TextObject.AutoShirnk=FontSize when TextObject's size is very small
- a bug with incorrect TotalPages variable value when it used in VisibleExpression
- a bug with converting RichText when RichObject.Text is null

FastReport.Net 2021.1.21
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.20
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.18
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.17
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.16
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.15
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.13
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.10
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.7
- support of .NET 5
- a new barcode - Deutsche Post Leitcode
- a new barcode - SberBank QR
- functions of converting numbers to letters
- functions of converting numbers to words for Indian language
- rupee symbol for Indian currency
- functions of converting numbers to words for Persian language
- functions of converting numbers to words for Ukranian language
- the Report.Prepare (int pagesLimit) method, which allows to prepare a limited number of pages* optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands

- optimized work of VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression properties for bands

- improved algorithm of converting RTF to report objects

- a bug with web response stream reader when connecting to remote JSON
- a bug while compiling the report with some expressions in the properties VisibleExpression, PrintableExpression and ExportableExpression
- a bug with font.list file leading to  exception "System.IO.FileNotFoundException"
- a bug with incorrect checksum calculation in Deutsche Post Identcode barcode
- ReCompile (adding assemblies after Compile with error)

- fixed a bug with empty database name after reloading the report
- fixed a bug when double click to arrow buttons on report tab creates a new report page

- fixed a bug with exporting strings containing only spaces in DXF export
- fixed a bug in PDF export, leading to disappearance of spaces when there are tabs in the report
- fixed a bug with exporting page footers when export to Excel 2007 in seamless table mode
- fixed a bug with exporting "" character in Excel 2007 export

+ added correct view of script errors in ScriptSecurity mode
- fixed a bug with PDF export in online designer
- fixed a bug with ParagraphOffset

.Net Core:
- added properties ShowDbfExport, ShowMhtExport, PrintInHtml, PrintInPdf for WebReport that allow you to enable/disable the display of buttons in the toolbar of the corresponding exports/print
- now in FR.Core we detect WebProcess and StubClasses aren't added to ConsoleAppLibrary on FR.Core
- fixed a bug with RichObject expressions
- fixed a bug with exporting MSChartObject in Power Point 2007 export
- fixed a bug with exporting images in Excel 2007 export on Windows

- updated French resources

- changed dependency in project of Crystal Reports converter from System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization to FastReport.DataVisualization
- updated MongoDB connection plugin in Core and OpenSource

FastReport.Net 2021.1.3
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.2
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2021.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.4.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.4.10
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.4.9
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.4.8
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.4.7
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.4.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.4.5
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.3.14
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.3.4
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.2.17
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.2.12
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.2.11
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.2.6
- Change log not available for this version

FastReport.Net 2020.2.1
- added property Report.Tag
- added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
- added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel and SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- added an ability to split table rows
- added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly
- fixed a bug with parsing xml with hexidecimal values, e.g. "To create it: "

- added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- when changing the window, the context menu now closes
- now during autosave the selected item from the properties window is not reset
- fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor

- added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key

- added export to DXF
- added support of PDF/A-1a standard in PDF export
- fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export

.Net Core:
- added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
- added MSChart support
- added Functions in Online Designer
- updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
- changed access modifier PrintPdf and PrintHtml
- added a new way for saving reports in online-designer: DesignerSaveCallBack is obsolete, please use DesignerSaveMethod instead

FastReport.Net 2020.1.28
- Added property Report.Tag
- Added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is
- Added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- Added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel and SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- Added an ability to split table rows
- Added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- Fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- Fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- Fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- Fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- Fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- Fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly
- Fixed a bug with parsing xml with hexidecimal values, e.g. "To create it: "

- Added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- Added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- Added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- Added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- Added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- When changing the window, the context menu now closes
- Now during autosave the selected item from the properties window is not reset
- Fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- Fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- Fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- Fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- Fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor

- Added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key

- Added export to DXF
- Added support of PDF/A-1a standard in PDF export
- Fixed a bug with printing of layered Html export, when the report contains pages with landscape orientation
- Fixed a bug where exporting to EMF called an exception
- Fixed display of objects with negative height/width for layered Html-export

.Net core:
- Added version of FastReport for Core 3/3.1 for Windows-only
- Added MSChart support
- Added Functions in Online Designer
- Updated a nuget dependencies to release versions instead of previews
- Changed access modifier PrintPdf and PrintHtml
- Added a new way for saving reports in online-designer: DesignerSaveCallBack is obsolete, please use DesignerSaveMethod instead

FastReport.Net 2020.1.27
.Net Core:
- Added a new way for saving reports in online-designer: DesignerSaveCallBack is obsolete, please use DesignerSaveMethod instead

FastReport.Net 2020.1.26
- Added property Report.Tag
- Added "AutoEncode" property for DataMatrix Barcode. By default, if true, it encodes the &1; as a symbol of FNC1. If false, the character is encoded as is.
- Added "OnScriptCompile" event that called when report's script compiles
- Added new TextQuality: SingleBitPerPixel and SingleBitPerPixelGridFit
- Added an ability to split table rows
- Added RUB, BYN and BBYN currencies to ToWordsRu function
- Fixed a bug when shifting SubReport to a new page didn't work correctly
- Fixed a bug when the data footer break away from the data when property "keep with data" is enabled
- Fixed generation of barcode GS1-128
- Fixed public API for editing exports menu in PreviewControl
- Fixed incorrect value of Total, if it refers to another Total
- Fixed a bug where the table was not transferred correctly

- Added backlighting of the band that the selected element will located on when dragging is completed
- Added an ability to open subreport page by double-clicking on its object
- Added an ability to change fonts for Code Tab, Text Editor and Expression Editor
- Added an ability to replace pictures with drag & drop
- Added an ability to open report file by drag & dropping
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key
- When changing the window, the context menu now closes
- Now during autosave the selected item from the properties window is not reset
- Fixed a bug when changing parameters after adding a line caused exception
- Fixed a bug with creating the Intelligent Mail barcode
- Fixed a bug with JSON-connection in Connection Wizard
- Fixed a bug with incorrect drawing of horizontal guides
- Fixed a bug when the width of objects was reset after closing Preview with enabled right anchor

- Added "About" button in toolbar of preview window
- Added an ability to scroll the report horizontally while holding down the Shift key

- Added export to DXF
- Added support of PDF/A-1a standard in PDF export
- Fixed a bug with printing

GitHub Desktop 3.1.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GitHub Desktop 3.1.6
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.39.1 and Git LFS to 3.3.0

GitHub Desktop 3.1.5
- Enable menu option to Force-push branches that have diverged
- Add menu option to Fetch the current repository at any time
- Add support for JetBrains Toolbox and JetBrains Fleet editor for Windows
- Add support for Emacs editor for Linux
- Add Jetbrains PhpStorm and WebStorm Editors for Linux
- Support VSCodium as an external editor

- Hide window instead of hiding the app on macOS
- Only left mouse clicks invoke dragging in the commit list
- Selected list items stay selected when scrolling
- Stick to one tooltip at a time in the repository list
- Notifications of Pull Request reviews are displayed for forked repositories
- Notifications when checks of a Pull Request fail are displayed for forked repositories
- Prevent closing GitHub Desktop while it's being updated
- Notifications are shown only when they are relevant to the current repository
- The repository change indicator is visible if repository list item is selected and in focus
- Tooltips are positioned properly if mouse is not moved
- Tooltips of long commit author emails wrap to multiple lines
- Clone repository progress bar no longer hidden by repository list

- Ability to copy tag names from the commit list
- The dropdown selection component is keyboard navigable
- The diff view now highlights Arduino's `.ino` files as C++ source
- Close repository list after creating or adding repositories
- Always show an error message when an update fails

GitHub Desktop 3.1.4
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.6

GitHub Desktop 3.1.3
- Disable reorder, squashing, cherry-picking while an action of this type is in progress
- Using the key command of 'Shift' + 'ArrowDown' adds the next commit below the current selection to the selection
- Close 'Resolve conflicts before Rebase' dialog will not disable menu items
- Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter) while amending a commit

GitHub Desktop 3.1.2
- Improved: Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.5

GitHub Desktop 3.1.1
- App correctly remembers undo commit prompt setting

GitHub Desktop 3.0.8
- Fix system animations on Windows
- The app window doesn't overlap the taskbar on Windows
- The app window doesn't fit on the screen when using scaled UI on Windows

GitHub Desktop 3.0.7
- Do not show login prompt when repositories are fetched

- On Apple silicon devices running unoptimized builds, auto-update on first run to an optimized build

GitHub Desktop 3.0.6
- Add Warp terminal integration for macOS
- Add context menu to the Current Branch and Current Repository toolbar

- Older versions of Sublime Text and SlickEdit are also recognized as external editors
- Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter)
- Add PyCharm Community Edition support on macOS
- Unified diff line gutter context menu items for discard changes no longer enabled when whitespace is hidden
- 'Show Whitespace Changes' popover appears as expected on unified diff
- On pull or fetch, make sure the default branch is updated to match the repository settings
- Show 'Email' label on the preferences form when user is not signed in
- Fix invalid URL state while the "Clone Repository" modal is open
- Fix commit description with three lines overflowing when it shouldn't
- Fix notifications on Windows 10 builds prior to the Creators Update
- 'Update from default branch` menu item allows quick merge of upstream

- Add ability to skip staggered release to ensure the latest version is downloaded

GitHub Desktop 3.0.5
- Fixed: Surface again Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 3.0.4
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.4

GitHub Desktop 3.0.3
- Add Aptana Studio support

- Fix crash when user's locale is unsupported by the spellchecker
- On Windows, remember the app's zoom level on update
- Fix Markdown syntax highlighting

- Add context menu option to copy repository paths
- Allow copying paths when multiple files are selected
- Add support for SSH password prompts when accessing repositories

GitHub Desktop 3.0.2
- Fix crash launching the app on macOS High Sierra
- Terminate all GitHub Desktop processes on Windows when the app is closed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.1
- Add support for PyCharm Community Edition on Windows
- Add support for highlighting .mjs/.cjs/.mts/.cts files as JavaScript/TypeScript

- Prevent crash when encountering a large number of conflicts while checking for ability to merge branch
- Url encode branch names when 'Viewing Branch in Github' is selected
- Fix opening files with Android Studio
- Checks popover summary correctly reflects a successful conclusion when skipped or neutral checks are present
- Long lists of conflicted files to commit or files to discard can be scrolled
- Fix random crashes when external apps probe GitHub Desktop trampoline port

- Display a banner when we have a pretext release note to highlight the new feature
- Enable interactions with notifications from previous app sessions
- Improve feedback about user permission to display notifications
- Add ability to have showcasing of features through release notes
- User can see all releases notes between their current version and the latest update

- Outdated new drag and drop and split diff new feature callouts removed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.0
- Get notified when your pull requests are reviewed

- Default to merging when pulling without a configured preference between merge or rebase

- Add ability to re-run individual and failed GitHub Action checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.15
- Support trusting repositories on network shares (Windows)

- Redesigned dialog for re-running checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.14
- Improved: Surface Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 2.9.13
- Add ability to include or exclude multiple selected files for a commit from the context menu
- Add "View Branch on GitHub" to the branches menu

- Fix CI check status popover not closing when clicking on PR badge
- Fix checks list overflow handling on re-run checks dialog
- Pull requests adhere to temporal laws again
- Fix repository group header overflow when text is too long
- Clone dialog "Choose" button uses an open dialog for directory selection on Windows

- Add a link under "Enable notifications" settings to the user's OS system notification settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.12
- Add support for Brackets Editor on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains RubyMine on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains GoLand on Windows
- Add support for Android Studio on Windows

- Escape special characters when adding a file to .gitignore
- Show warning when attempting to commit files exceeding 100 MiB
- Allow selecting emojis in commit text
- Merge dialog options dropdown does not cause dialog scrolling
- Usernames displayed in repository list respect username casing
- Coauthor doesn't steal input focus while inputting commit message in squashing dialog
- Repository path validation for adding a repository doesn't erase keystrokes
- Command Line Tool ignores command aliases set by user on macOS

- Relative time formatting consistent with dotcom
- Prompt to initialize Git LFS cannot be dismissed by clicking outside of it
- Add link to open fork settings when creating new branch on a forked repository
- Render native elements such as scrollbars and checkboxes as dark when using a dark theme

GitHub Desktop 2.9.11
- Add tooltip to show types of file changes in a commit - #13957. Thanks @uttiya10!

- Discarding submodules with spaces in their relative path now correctly updates the submodule instead of moving it to Trash
- Prevent crash report dialog from appearing when launching on macOS Catalina or earlier
- Pre-fill clone path with repository name
- Allow discarding changes in scenarios where they cannot be moved to Trash
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- Treat the old and new format of private email addresses equally when showing commit attribution warning
- Repositories containing untracked submodules no longer display a duplicated first character on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.10
- New: Initial support for system notifications when checks fail
- Fixed: Unicode emoji on Windows are rendered in the correct position
- Fixed: Fix crash logging under some circumstances

GitHub Desktop 2.9.9
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- User guides now opens the correct page
- Fixes crash on some Windows machines

GitHub Desktop 2.9.8
- Unicode emoji on Windows no longer render as monochrome outlines
- App no longer hangs when discarding changes in some scenarios
- App no longer crashes intermittently when rebasing and cherry-picking
- Fix crash when attempting to move the app to the /Applications folder on macOS
- App no longer crashes when checking for updates while the closing the window
- Restore application icon in "Apps & Features" on Windows

- Relative dates in branch menu and commit history match

GitHub Desktop 2.9.7
- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to GitHub Enterprise Server
- Support CLion as an external editor

Don't show web flow committer on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Cherry-pick success message always correctly reflects target branch
- Fix error managing remotes under some circumstances
- Add "Copy Relative File Path" option to changed files' context menu
- Fix CLI tool on macOS Monterey
- Fix close button in full screen mode on macOS
- Commit message dialog background styles match dialog
- Ensure job steps on pull request check run list are always present

-Changes within lines are presented the same way in side-by-side and unified diffs
- Select integration tab automatically when changing default editor
- The check runs list for pull requests with multiple branches displays all actions workflow steps and headers
- Check run group headers and checks stay in view while scrolling the sub checks or job steps
- Take aliases into account when sorting repositories
- Support avatars on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Fetch before trying to follow a URL link to a specific branch
- Add "View on GitHub" context menu option to repository list items
- Signal when a commit summary is getting long
- Remove unnecessary punctuation in appearance settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.6
- View and re-run the check runs for the checked out pull request

- Tooltip improvements and polish
- Stashing dialog no longer hangs when initiating cherry-pick in some circumstances
- Rebase no longer hangs after conflicts resolved when initiated through pull conflict error

GitHub Desktop 2.9.5
- Add custom tooltips for quicker and more helpful information
- Support PyCharm as an external editor

- Prevent inactive selected state from disappearing on lists
- Fix click area to select hunk on both sides of diff
- Replace dialog animations with fade when user prefers reduced motion

- Warn users when files contain bidirectional Unicode text
- Change wording for default branch name option

GitHub Desktop 2.9.4
- Add syntax mapping for HAML
- Add support for WezTerm on macOS
- Add a menu item to view a committed file change on GitHub

- Diffs are scrolled to the top when switching between files
- Fix SSH prompt for unknown hosts in some scenarios
- Apply syntax highlighting when viewing a small change for the first time
- Wrap long email addresses in the misattributed commit warning popover
- Refresh diffs when application receives focus
- Only consider tokens invalid when 401 error comes from GitHub Enterprise
- Show "add repo" dialog when opening repo from CLI
- Continue merge flow after merge conflicts are resolved with external conflict tool
- Prevent crash on successful merge after conflicts resolved
- Use same width for hunk expansion handles as we do for line numbers
- Use the correct icon for diff expansion

- Add offending file name to the file exceeds size limit error
- Show a message explaining why line selection is disabled when hiding whitespace
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.32.0 on macOS, and to on Windows
- Remove gaps in the commit message container revealing a different background
- Add clearer verbiage in the "remove repository" dialog
- Update grammar for "repo deletion" and "couldn't find pull request" error messages
- Show confirmation dialog for SSH host key verification

GitHub Desktop 2.9.3
- Fix Notepad++ and RStudio integration on Windows
- Add minor version support for JetBrains IDEs on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.2
- Fix scrolling performance issue for large diffs

GitHub Desktop 2.9.1
- Add Fluent Terminal shell support
- Add support for IntelliJ CE for macOS
- Show number of lines changed in a commit

- Enable 'Open in External Editor' for bat/cmd/sh/exe files
- Green circle in progress dialog remains round when commits have long descriptions
- History tab shows all commits as the user scrolls down
- Remove border of Repository and Branch foldouts in dark theme
- Render links in commit messages when they are at the beginning of a line
- Show co-authors from undone commits
- Show SSH prompts (key passphrase, adding host, etc.) to users via dialog

- Add support for more versions of JetBrains IDEs on Windows
- Change the diff gutter width based on number of lines in diff
- Check invalidated tokens and prompt the user to sign in again
- Double-click an option when switching branches to confirm how changed files are handled
- Improve auth error and prompt to suggest the user use a PAT instead of password
- Increase visibility of misattributed commit warning in dark mode
- Reduce time needed to make a commit
- Use "Recycle Bin" name only on Windows
- Windows users can use the system OpenSSH for their Git repositories

GitHub Desktop 2.9.0
- Reorder commits with drag and drop in your commit history
- Create a branch from any commit in your history
- Amend the most recent commit on your branch
- Squash commits in the history tab with drag and drop and a context menu
- Squash and merge option available when merging branches

- Add support for Sublime Text 4 on Windows

- Show warning before undoing commit if it potentially conflicts with changes in working directory

- Remove extra space in drag & drop tooltips

GitHub Desktop 2.8.3
- Renamed repositories no longer clash with new repositories of the same name
- Expanding files no longer shows duplicated lines
- Long emails are truncated in the Git config

- Allow copying branch and repository names to clipboard
- Allow creating a new branch from filtering by just hitting Enter

GitHub Desktop 2.8.1
- Fixed: Disable partial change selection in split view while whitespace changes are hidden

GitHub Desktop 2.8.0
- Expand diffs to view more context around your changes
- Create aliases for repositories you want to be displayed differently in the repository list

- Hide whitespace in diffs on Changes tab

- Show correct state of remote branch when deleting local branches3
- Display the full branch name in a tooltip when hovering over a branch in the branches

- Display full progress description when cloning a repository
- Cherry-pick multiple non-sequential commits
- Create a branch during cherry-picking via drag and drop
- Show an alert when the app fails to move itself to the Applications folder on macOS
- Use a save dialog when choosing where to clone a repo

GitHub Desktop 2.7.2
- Create branch during cherry-picking via the context menu
- Suggest macOS users move the app to `/Applications` to prevent issues

- Undo cherry-picking onto a remote branch now works as expected
- Dragging commits onto current branch no longer results in a broken state
- Get correct commit summary info in rebase

- Cancel drag operation with escape key
- Cherry-pick commits onto a pull request with drag and drop
- Option to change the spellcheck language to English for Windows users whose system language is not English
- Update how privacy and usage stats info is communicated
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.7.1
- Cherry-picking is available! Copy commits from one branch to another using drag and drop or from a context menu

GitHub Desktop 2.7.0
- Add support for RStudio Editor
- Use system theme as default

GitHub Desktop 2.6.6
- Commit attribution warning is not shown for emails with different capitalization

- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.3 on macOS, and to on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.5
- Fixed: Performing remote Git operations could crash the app

GitHub Desktop 2.6.4
- Allow users to rename and delete branches via a new context menu on branches in the branches list

- Allow users to modify git config on a per repository basis
- The app is not maximized on macOS every time the user clicks on the app's icon in the dock
- Always respect the default branch name chosen by the user
- Notepad++ does not close when GitHub Desktop closes

- Update app icon for Windows
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in the commit message area
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in onboarding and preferences
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows
- Automatic branch fast-forwarding is now faster

GitHub Desktop 2.6.3
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.2
- Enable spellcheck on commit summary and description
- Update app icon for macOS

- Remote Git operations (like cloning a repo) won't fail on old macOS versions
- Fast-forward all possible branches except the current branch when fetching

GitHub Desktop 2.6.2
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS to 2.13.2

- Pull requests no longer fail to update until the user switches repositories
- Fork behavior changes are now reflected in the app immediately
- Checking out a pull request from a fork for the first time now correctly identifies the remote branch to create the branch from
- Don't offer to stash changes when clicking on the currently checked out branch in the branch list
- Forked repository remotes are no longer removed when there are local branches tracking them
- Avoid bright flash for users of the dark theme when launching the app maximized
- VSCodium is now detected as an editor on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.1
- Clearer menu label for reverting commits

- Refresh branches after creating a new branch
- Correct image diff swipe mode layout
- Very large text diffs could cause the app to crash when viewed in split diff mode
- Let the user know when a checkout fails due to use of assume-unchanged or skip-worktre
- Always show confirmation prompt before overwriting existing stash entry
- The fullscreen keyboard shortcut on macOS now works when using split diff mode

GitHub Desktop 2.6.0
- Split diffs! Toggle between viewing diffs in split or unified mode
- Use Page down, Page up, Home, and End keys to navigate and select items in lists
- Add `toml` syntax highlight
- Add support for Nova as external editor on macOS
- Restore Windows menu keyboard accessibility
- Actions in context menu of a non-selected file act on the chosen one instead of the previous one
- Correct title bar height on macOS Big Sur
- Fix broken issues links in release notes
- Fix overflow issues with long branch names
- Images fit correctly in the diff view when their sizes have changed
- Repository indicator refresh can no longer be manually triggered when disabled
- Resolving a conflicted file added in both the source and target branch no longer results in merge conflict markers appearing in the merge commit
- Small partial commit of very large text files no longer intermittently fails due to unexpected diff resultt
- Long commit message are scrollable again
- Sign in to with username/password is no longer supported to improve account security

GitHub Desktop 2.5.7
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS

GitHub Desktop 2.5.6
- Newly created repositories use 'main' as the default branch name
- Users can configure the default branch name in Preferences/Options
- Show status of GitHub Action runs for pull requests
- Differentiate between draft and regular Pull Requests

- Periodic background fetch and status updates can now be disabled in the Advanced section of Preferences/Options
- Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net and unified diff / patch

- Allow renaming the default branch
- Show which files are blocking a merge-like operation
- Updated icons and border radiuses to align with GitHub
- Show loading indicator when committing a merge
- Show confirmation that branch is already up to date when merging from default branch
- Enter key now initiates action in rebase and merge dialogs
- After failing to move a repository to Trash, show error and keep the repository listed in Desktop
- Email address validation in welcome flow and preferences dialog
- Show helpful error when attempting to clone non-existent or inaccessible GitHub repositories

- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Full screen notification is removed after a few seconds when starting the app in full screen
- Update rebase progress parser to parse output from the merge rebase backend
- Only show full screen toast notification when making the app window full-screen
- Ensure application window doesn't overlap second monitor
- Use UNIX line endings in WSL GitHub helper script

- Remove setting to disable all certificate validation in favor of new best-effort approach

GitHub Desktop 2.5.5
- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Clicking on a branch in the compare branch list resets focus to the filter text box

GitHub Desktop 2.5.4
- Suggest to stash changes when trying to do an operation that requires a clean working directory
- Autocomplete users and issues from upstream repository when working in a fork
- Add Alacritty shell support

- Correct branch name in commit button when on an unborn branch
- Fix "Show in Explorer" in Windows when there are other files with the same name as the project folder
- Open the repository folder when clicking on "Show in Finder" in macOS
- Don't expand paths in the PATH environment variable during installation
- Prevent multiple search inputs from appearing in diffs
- Unable to toggle lines for partial commit of very large text files
- Fix BBEdit integration
- Fix VoiceOver navigation to re-enter application content in macOS
- Repositories with historical commits containing filenames with backslashes can now be cloned on Windows
- Valid gitignore files are now created for new Clojure, Fortran and Kotlin repositories in Windows

- Enable discarding submodule working directory changes
- Surface progress estimation when cloning LFS repositories
- Performance and accuracy improvement when autocompleting issues and users
- Show only one error dialog when dragging multiple invalid folders to Desktop
- Pull request list is now keyboard accessible
- On Windows the Home and End keys can now be used to navigate lists
- Show progress spinner while waiting for a removed repository to get moved to trash (Windows)
- Dialogs now clear filter text boxes on Escape and closes on double Escape
- Display the selected changes count in the changes list header tooltip

GitHub Desktop 2.5.3
- Stash changes without switching branches
- Discard selection of lines from a file

- Display more readable messages for errors when cloning a repository
- Support launching Desktop from WSL on Windows
- Select correct branch to compare when two branches have similar names
- Make Ctrl/Cmd+W shortcut work in all dialogs
- Fix links when text wrapping is required in commit summaries
- Prevent crash when an opened repository doesn't have an owner on GitHub
- Sign in correctly when pressing "Enter" on the username/password authentication form
- Maintain selected files when navigating back to the Changes tab
- Maintain selected files when deleting a stash

- Remove redundant progress text from Git error messages
- Remove flicker when switching between files in the changes tab
- Remove space between the number and the percent sign when showing the progress of a clone operation
- Automatically disable username and password authentication when the API no longer supports it

GitHub Desktop 2.5.2
- Enable setting to more easily work with maintained forks

GitHub Desktop 2.5.0
- Add, push, and view Git tags on commit history in Desktop

- Offer option to choose file from one branch or the other when resolving merge conflicts
- Add context menu for highlighted text in diff view

- Retain default branch option in "Create Branch" dialog when user focuses away from Desktop

- Clean up copy for onboarding sign-in flow
- Emphasize signing in to GitHub via browser due to username/password deprecation
- Improve error message when publishing a private repository fails
- Offer to retry if cloning a repository fails

GitHub Desktop 2.4.3
- Update embedded Git to avoid gitconfig errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.4.2
- Fixed: Prevent autocomplete suggestions from overlapping when loading many results
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability
- Improved: Redesign metadata shown in commit history

GitHub Desktop 2.4.1
- Indicate which commits have not yet been pushed to the remote in "History" tab
- Add support for JetBrains Rider as external editor
- Add support for Notepad++ as external editor on Windows

- Update install location of Typora to fix detection issue
- Restore developer tools accelerator on Windows
- Use upstream repository in commit message links to GitHub
- Reset scroll position to the top of the history tab after switching repositories
- Allow user to cancel rebase flow when warned about force pushing
- Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability

- Lighten scrollbars in dark theme for higher contrast
- Display pull requests from upstream repository in pull request list

GitHub Desktop 2.4.0
- Set Git proxy environment variables from system configuration automatically

- Enable creating a GitHub issue from app menu and keyboard shortcut
- Add editor support for IntelliJ Idea on macOS
- Add editor support for PhpStorm and update WebStorm
- Add shell support for Windows Terminal
- Support keyboard scrolling in diffs

- Ensure branch protection warning works when branch names contain special characters
- Ensure intro page is responsive when resizing the window
- Ensure local branch is also deleted when deleting a branch that no longer exists on the remote
- Restore negative space in "Files selected" graphic for Dark Theme
- Support selecting text in error dialogs
- Prevent bringing changes to another branch from failing silently
- Save the user's position within "History" and "Changes" tabs when switching

- Update the remote url when a repository's name changes on GitHub
- Allow "Open in Desktop" button from pull requests on GitHub to open in a local fork in Desktop
- Support automatically switching between Dark and Light Theme on Windows
- Format errors containing raw Git output with fixed-width font
- Modify "View on GitHub" menu item to open upstream for local fork repositories
- Create new branches in forks from the default branch of the upstream repo
- Graduate Dark Theme out of beta

GitHub Desktop 2.3.1
- Don't display erroneous Git error when creating a fork
- Remove stray characters from Git progress indicators on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.3.0
- Prompt users to create a fork if they fail to push to a GitHub repository due to permissions
- Show link to upstream pull requests in pull request list of a fork
- Show a warning if the user doesn't have write access to push to the repository and offer to make a fork
- Provide configuration in Preferences to always bring or leave changes when switching branches
- Prompt users to re-authorize if required by any of their GitHub organizations

- Show proper dialog when push fails due to missing workflow scope
- Take users to the correct page on when opening a pull request in browser from a fork
- Don't suggest creating a pull request if the current branch has an open pull request targeting an upstream repo
- Remove false branch protection warning when switching branches
- Show branch protection warning after checking out protected branches outside Desktop

- Only show branch protection warning when changed files are present
- Show an error when editing a Git configuration file fails due to existing lock file
- Update design and layout for GitHub Desktop preferences

GitHub Desktop 2.2.4
- New: Warn when committing to a protected branch
- New: Warn when committing to a repository you don't have write access to
- Added: Adding integration for Xcode as external editor
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerabilities
- Fixed:Changed wording to match git autocrlf behavior
- Fixed: Don't dismiss dialogs when dragging from the dialog to the backdrop
- Fixed: Fix arrow key navigation of Changes and History lists
- Fixed: Handle multibyte characters in names
- Fixed: Keep PR badge on top of progress bar
- Fixed: Prevent application crash when background process spawn fails
- Fixed: Show autocomplete suggestions on top of CodeMirror author input
- Fixed: Standardize dialogs' button orders
- Improved: Make no newline indicator in file diffs readable by screenreaders

GitHub Desktop 2.2.3
- Fixed: Prevent text overflow in crash dialog
- Fixed: Address warnings on macOS Catalina preventing app from opening after install
- Improved: Update to most recent gitignore templates

GitHub Desktop 2.2.2
- Onboarding tutorial animations help guide users to the next action
- Prompt users to re-authenticate if they are unable to push changes to a workflow file

- Starting the tutorial is more prominent when getting started with GitHub Desktop
- Use a different editor if previously selected editor cannot be found

GitHub Desktop 2.2.1
- Improperly formatted url pre-filled in "Clone Repository" dialog
- VSCodium integration on macOS
- Partially hidden icon in "Open Pull Request" button

GitHub Desktop 2.2.0
- Interactive tutorial for new users to become productive using Git and GitHub more quickly

- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to
- Enforce web flow authentication for users who are part of orgs using single sign-on
- Support CodeRunner as an external editor
- Support VSCodium as an external editor

- Commit description shadow visibility updates when typing
- Commit summaries with comma delimited issues are not parsed - #8162. File path truncation in merge conflicts dialog
- Git configuration fields in onboarding were not pre-filled from user's profile
- Keep conflicting untracked files when bringing changes to another branch
- Make app's version selectable in "About" dialog

- Application menu bar is visible when no repositories have been added to the app
- Support stashing lots of untracked files on Windows
- Surface errors from branch creation to user

GitHub Desktop 2.1.3
- Changes from remote branch erroneously displayed on corresponding branch on Desktop
- Sign-in flow for Windows users not possible via OAuth

GitHub Desktop 2.1.2
- Syntax highlighting support for 20 more programming languages
- Kitty shell support for macOS
- Atom editor support on Windows for beta and nightly channels

- File checkboxes and line selection in diffs are not disabled when committing
- Small images are scaled down too much in two-up image rendering
- Manual conflict resolution for binary files always chooses same version
- Branch pruner errors on "orphaned" branches
- Prevent CodeMirror search plugin from stealing registered global keyboard shortcuts
- Update embedded Git on Windows to remove erroneous errors
- Menu state not updated for macOS after performing some actions
- Error message could appear outside the boundary of its container

- Improved error handling when trying to rebase a ref that doesn't exist
- Expand hover area on repository list items
- Always fast forward recent branches after fetch
- Ensure recent branches are updated during remote interactions

GitHub Desktop 2.1.1
- Fixed: Update embedded Git on Windows to address security vulnerability

GitHub Desktop 2.1.0
- Branches that have been merged and deleted on will now be pruned after two weeks

- Search text within diffs using shortcut
- Keyboard shortcut for "Discard All Changes" menu item

- Repository name moves cursor to end in "Create Repository" dialog
- Keyboard navigation inside "Compare Branch" list
- New repository does not write description into README
- Disable "Discard" and "Restore" buttons while restoring stash
- "Unable to restore" warning message appears momentarily when restoring stash
- Unresponsive app on macOS if user switches away from file dialog
- Launching app on Windows after being maximized does not restore correct window state

- Update mentions of "Enterprise" to "Enterprise Server" in app
- Update license and .gitignore templates for initializing a new repository
- "Authentication failed" dialog provides more help to diagnose issue

GitHub Desktop 2.0.4
- Refresh for Enterprise repositories did not handle API error querying branches
- Missing "Discard all changes" context menu in Changes header
- "Select all" keyboard shortcut not firing on Windows

GitHub Desktop 1.6.6
- Clicking "Undo" doesn't repopulate summary in commit form
- Handle error when unable to create log file for app
- Crash when selecting text while the underlying diff changes

GitHub Desktop 1.6.5
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.6.4

- Embedded Git not working for core.longpath usage in some environments
- "Recover missing repository" can get stuck in a loop

GitHub Desktop 1.6.3

- Display "pull with rebase" if a user has set this option in their Git config

- Context menu does not open when right clicking on the edges of files in Changes list
- Display question mark in image when no commit selected in dark theme
- No left padding for :emoji:/@user/#issue autocomplete forms
- Reinstate missing image and update illustration in dark theme when no local changes exist
- Resizing the diff area preserves text selection range
- Text selection in wrapped diff lines now allows selection of individual lines

- Add option to fetch when a user needs to pull changes from the remote before pushing
- Enable Git protocol v2 for fetch/push/pull operations
- Moving mouse pointer outside visible diff while selecting a range of lines in a partial commit now automatically scrolls the diff
- Sign in form validates both username and password
- Update GitHub logo in "About" dialog

GitHub Desktop 1.6.2
- Allow users to also resolve manual conflicts when resolving merge conflicts
- Automatic switching between Dark and Light modes on macOS
- Crystal and Julia syntax highlighting
- Lua and Fortran syntax highlighting

- Abbreviated commits are not long enough for large repositories
- App menu bar visible on hover on Windows when in "Let’s get started" mode
- Fix pointy corners on commit message text area
- Inconsistent "Reveal in …" labels for context menus
- Merge conflict conflict did not ask user to resolve some binary files
- Prevent concurrent fetches between user and status indicator checks
- Remember scroll positions in History and Changes lists

- Guided merge conflict resolution only commits changes relevant to the merge
- Use higher contrast color for links in "Merge Conflicts" dialog
- Add link to all release notes in Release Notes dialog
- Arrow for renamed/copied changes when viewing commit
- Updated verbiage for ignoring the files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.1
- Don't show "No local changes" view when switching between changed files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.0

- Help users add their first repo during onboarding

- "No local changes" view helpfully suggests next actions for you to take

- Support JetBrains Webstorm as an external editor
- Add Visual Basic syntax highlighting

- Automatically locate a missing repository when it cannot be found
- Don't include untracked files in merge commit
- Don't show "Still Conflicted Warning" when all conflicts are resolved
- Only execute menu action a single time upon hitting Enter
- Show autocompletion of GitHub handles and issues properly in commit description field

- Repository list when no repositories found
- Image diff menu no longer covered by large images
- Enable additional actions during a merge conflict
- Increase contrast on input placeholder color in dark mode
- Don't show merge success banner when attempted merge doesn't complete
- Capitalize menu items appropriately on macOS

GitHub Desktop 1.5.1

- Provide keyboard shortcut for getting to commit summary field
- Add hover states on list items and tabs
- Add Dockerfile syntax highlighting
- Support Visual SlickEdit as an external editor

- Allow repositories to be cloned to empty folders
- Prevent creating branch with detached HEAD from reverting to default branch
- Fix "Open In External Editor" for Atom/VS Code on Windows when paths contain spaces
- Persist Branch List and Pull Request List filter text
- Retain renamed branches position in recent branches list
- Prevent avatar duplication when user is co-author and committer
- Provide keyboard selection for the "Clone a Repository" dialog
- Close License & Open Source Notices dialog upon pressing "Enter" in dialog
- Dismiss "Merge into Branch" dialog with escape key
- Focus branch selector when comparing to branch from menu
- Reverse fold/unfold icons for expand/collapse commit summary

- Allow toggling between diff modes
- Show focus around full input field
- Make lists scroll to bring selected items into view
- Consistently order the options for adding a repository
- Clear merge conflicts banner after there are no more conflicted files

GitHub Desktop 1.5.0

- Clone, create, or add repositories right from the repository dropdown
- Drag-and-drop to add local repositories from macOS tray icon

- Resolve merge conflicts through a guided flow
- Allow merging branches directly from branch dropdown
- Commit file list now has "Copy File Path" context menu action
- Keyboard shortcut for "Rename Branch" menu item
- Notify users when a merge is successfully completed

- "Compare on GitHub" menu item enabled when no repository is selected
- Diff viewer blocks keyboard navigation using reverse tab order
- Launching Desktop from browser always asks to clone repository
- ish dialog displayed on push when repository is already published

- "Publish Repository" dialog handles emoji characters
- Avoid repository checks when no path is specified in "Create Repository" dialog
- Clarify the direction of merging branches
- Default commit summary more explanatory and consistent with
- Display a more informative message on merge dialog when branch is up to date
- Getting a repository's status only blocks other operations when absolutely necessary
- Display current branch in header of merge dialog
- Sanitize repository name before publishing to GitHub
- Show the branch name in "Update From Default Branch" menu item
- Update license and .gitignore templates for initializing a new repository

GitHub Desktop 1.4.3

- Add "Remove Repository" keyboard shortcut
- Add keyboard shortcut to delete a branch

- Emoji autocomplete not rendering in some situations
- Release notes text overflowing dialog box

- Support Python 3 in Desktop CLI on macOS
- Avoid unnecessarily reloading commit history
- Publish Branch dialog will publish commits when pressing Enter

GitHub Desktop 1.4.2
- Update embedded Git to Desktop to use version 2.19.1 of Git

GitHub Desktop 1.4.1

- Support for opening repository in Cygwin terminal

- 'Compare to Branch' menu item not disabled when modal is open
- Co-author form does not show/hide for newly-added repository
- Desktop command line always suffixes `.git` to URL when starting a clone
- Dialog styling issue for dark theme users on Windows
- No message shown when filter returns no results in Clone Repository view

- Branch names cannot start with a '+' character
- Clone dialog re-runs filesystem check when re-focusing on Desktop
- Commit disabled when commit summary is only spaces
- Commit summary expander sometimes shown when not needed
- Error handling when looking for merge base of a missing ref
- Warning if branch exists on remote when creating branch

GitHub Desktop 1.4.0

- When an update is available for GitHub Desktop, release notes can be viewed in Desktop
- Detect merge conflicts when comparing branches

- Avoid double checkout warning when opening a pull request in Desktop
- Error when publishing repository is now associated with the right tab
- Disable affected menu items when on detached HEAD
- Show border when commit description is expanded
- GitLab URL which corresponds to GitHub repository of same name cloned GitHub repository
- Caret in co-author selector is hidden when dark theme enabled
- Authenticating to GitHub Enterprise fails when user has no emails defined

- Avoid multiple lookups of default remote

GitHub Desktop 1.3.5

- Disable delete button while deleting a branch
- History now avoids calling log.showSignature if set in config
- Start blocking the ability to add local bare repositories
- Revert workaround for tooltip issue on Windows

- Error message when publishing to missing organisation
- Don't hide commit details when commit description is expanded

GitHub Desktop 1.3.4

- Cloning message uses remote repo name not file destination
- Support VSCode user scope installation

GitHub Desktop 1.3.3

- Maximize and restore app on Windows does not fill available space
- 'Clone repository' menu item label is obscured on Windows
- User can toggle files when commit is in progress

- Repository indicator background work

GitHub Desktop 1.3.2
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.3.1
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.2.6
- Fixed: Visual indicator for upcoming feature should not be shown

GitHub Desktop 1.2.5
- Fixed: Feature flag for upcoming feature not applied correctly

GitHub Desktop 1.2.4

- Dark Theme preview

- Syntax highlighting for Cake files
- WebStorm support for macOS

- Compare tab appends older commits when scrolling to bottom of list
- Remove temporary directory after Git LFS operation completes
- Unable to compare when two branches exist
- Unhandled errors when refreshing pull requests fails

- Remove context menu needs to hint if a dialog will be shown
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS
- Update banner message clarifies that only Desktop needs to be restarted
- Discard Changes context menu entry should contain ellipses when user needs to confirm
- Initializing syntax highlighting components
- Only show overflow shadow when description overflows
- Changes tab displays number of changed files instead of dot

GitHub Desktop 1.2.3

- No autocomplete when searching for co-authors
- Error when checking out a PR from a fork

GitHub Desktop 1.2.2

- Make cURL/schannel default to using the Windows certificate store
- Restore text selection highlighting in diff

GitHub Desktop 1.2.1

- Brackets support for macOS
- Pull request number and author are included in fuzzy-find filtering

- Decreased the max line length limit
- Updated embedded Git to 2.17.1 to address upstream security issue

- Display the difference in file size of an image in the diff view

GitHub Desktop 1.1.1

- Render WebP images in diffs

- Edit context menus in commit form input elements
- Escape behavior for Pull Request list does not match Branch List
- Keep caret position after inserting completion for emoji/mention
- Handle error events when watching files used to get Git LFS output
- Potential race condition when opening a fork pull request
- Show placeholder image when no pull requests found
- Disable commit summary and description inputs while commit in progress
- Ensure pull request cache is cleared after last pull request merged
- Focus two-factor authentication dialog on input
- Branches button no longer disabled while on an unborn branch
- Delete gitignore file when all entries cleared in Repository Settings
- Add visual indicator that a folder can be dropped on Desktop

- Attempt to focus the application window on macOS after signing in via the browser
- Refresh issues when user manually fetches

- Add `Discard All Changes...` to context menu on changed file list
- Improve contrast for button labels in app toolbar
- Speed up check for submodules when discarding
- Make keychain known issue more clear within Desktop
- Continue past the 'diff too large' message and view the diff
- Repository association might not have expected prefix
- Add message to gitignore dialog when not on default branch
- Hide Desktop-specific forks in Branch List
- Disregard accidental whitespace when cloning a repository by URL
- Show alert icon in repository list when repository not found on disk
- Repository list now closes after removing last repository
- Move forget password link after the password dialog to match expected tab order
- More descriptive text in repository toolbar button when no repositories are tracked
- Context menu in Changes tab now supports opening file in your preferred editor

GitHub Desktop 1.1.0

- Check out pull requests from collaborators or forks from within Desktop
- View the commit status of the branch when it has an open pull request

- Add RubyMine support for macOS
- Add TextMate support for macOS
- Syntax highlighting for Elixir files

- Update layout of branch blankslate image
- Expanded avatar stack in commit summary gets cut off
- Clear repository filter when switching tabs
- Avoid crash when unable to launch shell
- Ensure renames are detected when viewing commit diffs
- Fetch default remote if it differs from the current
- Handle Git errors when .gitmodules are malformed
- Handle error when "where" is not on PATH
- Ignore action assumes CRLF when core.autocrlf is unset
- Prevent duplicate entries in co-author autocomplete list
- Renames not detected when viewing commit diffs
- Support legacy usernames as co-authors

- Update branch button text from "New" to "New Branch"
- Add fuzzy search in the repository, branch, PR, and clone FilterLists
- Tidy up commit summary and description layout in commit list
- Use smaller default size when rendering Gravatar avatars
- Show fetch progress when initializing remote for fork
- Remove references to Hubot from the user setup page
- Error handling around ENOENT
- Clear repository filter text when switching tabs
- Allow window to accept single click on focus
- Disable drag-and-drop interaction when a popup is in the foreground

GitHub Desktop 1.0.13

- Commit together with co-authors
- PhpStorm is now a supported external editor on macOS
- Update embedded Git to 2.16.1

- Blank slate view is now more responsive when zoomed
- Documentation fix for Open in Shell resource
- Improved error handling for Linux

- Allow links in unexpanded summary to be clickable
- Update Electron to 1.7.11 to address security issue
- Allow double dashes in branch name
- Sort the organization list
- Check out PRs from a fork
- Confirm deleting branch when it has an open PR
- Defer user/email validation in Preferences
- Checkout progress did not include branch name
- Don't block branch switching when in detached HEAD
- Handle discarding submodule changes properly
- Show tooltip with additional info about the build status
- Update placeholders to support Linux distributions
- Refresh local commit list when switching tabs

GitHub Desktop 1.0.12

- Syntax highlighting for Rust files
- Syntax highlighting for Clojure cljc, cljs, and edn files

- Prevent creating a branch in the middle of a merge
- Truncate long repo names in panes and modals to fit into a single line
- Keyboard navigation support in pull request list

- Inconsistent caret behavior in text boxes when using certain keyboard layouts
- Only render the organizations list when it has orgs
- Checkout now handles situations where a ref exists on multiple remotes
- Retain accounts on desktop when losing connectivity
- Missing argument in FullScreenInfo that could prevent app from launching

GitHub Desktop 1.0.11

- Highlight substring matches in the "Branches" and "Repositories" list when filtering
- Add preview for ico files
- Fallback to Gravatar for loading avatars
- Provide syntax highlighting for Visual Studio project files
- Provide syntax highlighting for F# fsx and fsi files
- Provide syntax highlighting for Kotlin files
- Provide syntax highlighting for Clojure

- Toggle the "Repository List" from the menu
- Prevent saving of disallowed character strings for your name and email
- Error messages no

Navicat Premium 16.1.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Navicat Premium 16.1.8 (64-bit)
- Unable to save changes after deleting a cell value in Table Viewer
- Access violation error occurred when opening a model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.7 (64-bit)
- Support MariaDB UUID type
- Support the PARALLEL option for PostgreSQL functions

- Cannot display column comment when mouse over in dark mode
- "Default or null are not allowed as explicit identity values" error occurred when inserting a row in SQL Server table
- Missing $$ quotes in PostgreSQL function definition
- Cannot delete document after clicking the last page button
- Data Synchronization did not work in Automation
- "Failed to send mail. Stream error." occurred when sending email
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.6 (64-bit)
- Unable to list tables or views in Azure SQL Database connection
- "Cannot open source table" error occurred when using Condition Query in Import Wizard
- Exporting to Excel file was slow
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.4 (64-bit)
- 1267 error occurred when clicking the "Users" button
- Unable to connect Azure Database for PostgreSQL with Azure Active Directory Authentication
- Bar chart label display issue
- Unable to export Excel file in some cases
- Hanged when transferring tables
- Unable to connect CockroachDB Serverless
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.3 (64-bit)
- Unable to connect server using HTTP tunnel in some cases
- Font size issue in Form View
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when adding records in SQL Server Views
- Field size was not retained in SQLite table designer
- Buttons in the lower right corner of the main window were missing in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.2 (64-bit)
- Crashed when changing the chart type in some cases
- Hanged when deleting a table in Query Builder
- Text color issue in Dark Mode
- Unable to generate CREATE PROCEDURE SQL in Data Transfer
- Dump Script File feature generated an invalid JSON
- Unable to connect AWS RDS database via SSH
- Backup and Dump SQL File was slow in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.1 (64-bit)
- Unable to open the objects in the "Find in Database" window
- The first number of every value in the list was removed in the table filter
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when updating query results in some cases
- Unable to use "Copy As" in View results
- Crashed when opening functions in some cases
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when foreign key selection window popped up
- Unable to open schema in Azure SQL
- Crashed when clicking on the value box in table filter
- Decimal separator issue in SQLite
- Cannot retain the window size and position for existing objects
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.1.0 (64-bit)
Main New Features:
- Support OceanBase Community Edition
- Support Trend Line for several chart types
- Support adding On-Prem Server with URI
- Allow skip preview of changes in data sync
- Enhanced responsiveness and performance
- Improved UI/UX
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.14 (64-bit)
- Query parameters did not work in some cases
- Unable to synchronize PostgreSQL data in some cases
- Decimal precision issue when importing from Excel files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.12 (64-bit)
- Wrong time zone was added to TIMESTAMP field when exporting CSV file
- Extra commas were added to the script in Structure Synchronization
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when exporting large amount of data
- Unable to sign in Subscription plan
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.11 (64-bit)
- Crashed when running Automation in some cases
- Missing the first record when import
- Unable to locate project when running batch job
- Unable to get table information when scheduling data synchronization
- Refresh button ran all SQLs in Query Editor
- .0000 data export issue
- Function execution message log issue
- Access Violation error occurred when removing default value
- Navicat exited when clicking the Type column in Table Designer
- Crashed when batch querying tables with FK dependency
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.10 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 16.0.9 (64-bit)
- The "Compare" button did not work in Data Synchronization in some cases
- "Couldn't open known_hosts file" error occurred when the SSH path contained Chinese characters
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.7 (64-bit)
- Unable to show data when using HTTP tunnel
- Unable to show utf8mb4 data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.5 (64-bit)
- Connection encoding issue in Navicat Cloud
- Connection password issue when updating connection in Navicat Cloud
- Error occurred when synchronizing to Navicat Cloud
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when designing PostgreSQL table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 16.0.4 (64-bit)
- Syntax error occurred when importing data to MySQL table
- Notification Email authentication failed in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.27 (64-bit)
- Double foreign key lines were printed when exporting a model to a PDF file
- Access violation error occurred when searching in the Backup's Object Selection tab
- No data value on the label when exporting a chart to a PDF file
- Unable to synchronize decimal precision from a model to SQL Server database
- Unable to rename a view inside a group in Navicat Cloud
- Cannot connect to Microsoft Azure Database in some cases
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.26 (64-bit)
- Support Retryable Writes and Retryable Reads for MongoDB
- Support tunneling on PHP 8

Bug fixes:
- Unable to show accurate value of Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE type
- Unknown Internal Error occurred when importing Excel file in some cases
- Wrong SQL generated when comparing SQL Server tables with different constraint names
- An empty string was not quoted when exporting to a text file
- Query was garbled when the system locale set to Japanese
- Export/Import profile did not work if it was copied to Desktop
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.25 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Empty rows were added when exporting more than 1.05 M records to Excel file
- Unable to rename Oracle views when the "Use custom database list" option is enabled
- Error occurred when using Recordset Generator to generate a record set for the Date field
- Hanged when designing a table with many fields
- Error occurred when copying tables from one SQLite database to another
- Unable to display the definition of SQLite View in some cases
- Relation lines were disappeared after saving and reopening Logical Model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.23 (64-bit)
- Unable to exclude collations when synchronizing a model to a database
- Functions were not properly saved as the default value in MariaDB
- ER diagram was reloaded when clicking the Design Table button
- Unable to toggle "Virtual Type" in an existing table
- Error 1227 occurred when creating or designing a table
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.22 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.21 (64-bit)
- Queries cannot be displayed when "Settings Location" was set to a network path
- Error 80041318 occurred when setting schedule
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.20 (64-bit)
- Slow response when querying the full collection count
- Flashed in dark mode
- "Unallowed argument in list..." error when running export / import schedule
- Error occurred when modifying the value in a DateTimeOffset field
- Unable to load version 10 data synchronization profiles
- Differences were incorrectly detected in Synchronize to Database
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.19 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.18 (64-bit)
- "IDENTITY_INSERT is already ON" error occurred when synchronizing SQL Server tables
- Unable to show records that had -1 data in Table Viewer
- "Drop target objects before create" option did not work in Data Transfer
- Memory leak issue when enabled code completion
- "Relation does not exist" error occurred when debugging a function in a schema other than the "public" schema
- "Unknown Internal Error (A70529211102SE)" error occurred when exporting / importing data
- Slow issue when transferring large tables
- Unable to show the inputted text in Filter Wizard
- Error occurred when filtering data by right-clicking a cell in Table Viewer
- "Cannot insert into column" error occurred when transferring PostgreSQL tables
- Inserted records to the wrong table when transferring data to the target table with a different name
- "Debugger Plugin is not installed or enabled" error occurred when the extension was installed in another schema
- Unable to connect MySQL server when using TLSv1.2
- "COMMENT ON FUNCTION" clause was mistakenly generated when synchronizing PostgreSQL procedures
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.17 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Navicat Premium 15.0.16 (64-bit)
- Support Active Directory authentication method for SQL Server
- Integer column exported in Number format when exporting Excel file
- Display export profiles in the same group of queries

- The fields of PostgreSQL compound index were displayed incorrectly
- Unable to show index fields in PostgreSQL 9.0
- Unable to set data to NULL in query results
- Crashed when clicking the ellipsis button in Custom Recordset
- Pasting data into a column cleared another column data
- Default Settings Location path was set to a wrong location for some cases
- "Floating point division by zero" error occurred when setting the dashboard background
- The file extension was missing when exporting the dashboard
- Query Parameter did not work when using a parameter twice
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when adding NULL data to the chart
- Incorrect columns were displayed after clicking the Default button in the "Choose columns" window
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.14 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Unable to set the identity seed and increment in PostgreSQL models
- Unable to synchronize data to MySQL 8.0.19
- Unable to connect AnalyticDB
- Unable to set SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON in Data Synchronization
- Unable to export data to .mdb files
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.13 (64-bit)
- MySQL table row format reverted to Compact after editing
- Unknown Internal error occurred when opening Oracle tables
- Syntax error occurred when creating events
- Unable to set default value for fields in Table Designer
- Unable to show SUPER privilege for MariaDB 10.4 in the user object list
- Foreign key was dropped and added when re-comparing the model
- Data Pump Import's Table Exists Action drop-down list options were incorrect
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.12 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Incorrect SQL generated when transferring Oracle tables
- Invalid XML error occurred when importing connections
- Differences was detected in re-comparison in Structure Synchronization and Synchronize to Database
- Incorrect data was updated when saving ; in a non-text field
- Unable to import data to PostgreSQL array fields
- Incorrect SQL generated for altering fields in Structure Synchronization
- Incorrect items were displayed in suggestion list when using code completion with alias
- Incorrect SQL generated when enabling "On Update Current_timestamp" in Table Designer
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.11 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Query wrongly returned null results in some cases
- "," was replaced by "." when using Custom Filter in Table Viewer
- Relation attributes were wrong after reopening the logical model
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.9 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Only the first batch was transferred when "Number of row per batch" was enabled
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.8 (64-bit)
- Added "Keep Orthogonal Layout" to Model

Bug fixes:
- Unable to update bit type data
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.7 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- The "Others" button was missing for PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server connections

Navicat Premium 15.0.6 (64-bit)
- Added shortcuts for "Run Current Statement" and "Select Current Statement" in Query Editor

Bug fixes:
- "Unknown Internal Error" occurred when modeling databases
- Find bar UI issue in Data Viewer
- Unable to print table when using popup menu on Navigation pane
- Syntax error occurred when renaming index in MariaDB table
- Explain feature did not work with query parameters
- Interval type was not supported in Charts
- Highlight color issue in Filter wizard when using Dark mode
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.5 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- OCI Environment setting was unable to save
- "Invalid floating point operation" error occurred when resizing tables in View Builder
- Multiple primary key names were generated when exporting model to SQL files
- int8 type was converted to int8(255) when synchronizing model to PostgreSQL server
- Syntax error occurred when connecting to MySQL 4
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

Navicat Premium 15.0.4 (64-bit)
Bug fixes:
- Access violation error occurred when adding users to Navicat Cloud project
- Access Denied error occurred when designing table
- Unable to highlight field when typing in Filter's field selection list
- Wrong fields are exported to the SQL file when not all fields are selected
- Dark theme kept reverting back to Normal theme
- Wrong CREATE INDEX was generated in Model
- MySQL JSON data was truncated in Table Viewer
- Empty value was exported as **** when exporting DBF file
- Data Transfer high memory consumption issue
- Unable to connect Azure Database for MariaDB
- Run queries slow issue
- Unable to set Numeric field without precision in PostgreSQL server
- "List index out of bounds (-1)" error occurred when editing role privileges
- "Last Tab Window" option was missing

Navicat Premium 15.0.3 (64-bit)
- New Charts
- Advanced Data Transfer
- Brand new Query Builder
- Enhanced Data Modeling Tool
- Dark theme UI and Diagram
- Many other new features and improvements

GeForce NOW 2.0.48 查看版本資訊


GitHub Desktop 3.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GitHub Desktop 3.1.2
- Improved: Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.5

GitHub Desktop 3.1.1
- App correctly remembers undo commit prompt setting

GitHub Desktop 3.0.8
- Fix system animations on Windows
- The app window doesn't overlap the taskbar on Windows
- The app window doesn't fit on the screen when using scaled UI on Windows

GitHub Desktop 3.0.7
- Do not show login prompt when repositories are fetched

- On Apple silicon devices running unoptimized builds, auto-update on first run to an optimized build

GitHub Desktop 3.0.6
- Add Warp terminal integration for macOS
- Add context menu to the Current Branch and Current Repository toolbar

- Older versions of Sublime Text and SlickEdit are also recognized as external editors
- Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter)
- Add PyCharm Community Edition support on macOS
- Unified diff line gutter context menu items for discard changes no longer enabled when whitespace is hidden
- 'Show Whitespace Changes' popover appears as expected on unified diff
- On pull or fetch, make sure the default branch is updated to match the repository settings
- Show 'Email' label on the preferences form when user is not signed in
- Fix invalid URL state while the "Clone Repository" modal is open
- Fix commit description with three lines overflowing when it shouldn't
- Fix notifications on Windows 10 builds prior to the Creators Update
- 'Update from default branch` menu item allows quick merge of upstream

- Add ability to skip staggered release to ensure the latest version is downloaded

GitHub Desktop 3.0.5
- Fixed: Surface again Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 3.0.4
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.4

GitHub Desktop 3.0.3
- Add Aptana Studio support

- Fix crash when user's locale is unsupported by the spellchecker
- On Windows, remember the app's zoom level on update
- Fix Markdown syntax highlighting

- Add context menu option to copy repository paths
- Allow copying paths when multiple files are selected
- Add support for SSH password prompts when accessing repositories

GitHub Desktop 3.0.2
- Fix crash launching the app on macOS High Sierra
- Terminate all GitHub Desktop processes on Windows when the app is closed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.1
- Add support for PyCharm Community Edition on Windows
- Add support for highlighting .mjs/.cjs/.mts/.cts files as JavaScript/TypeScript

- Prevent crash when encountering a large number of conflicts while checking for ability to merge branch
- Url encode branch names when 'Viewing Branch in Github' is selected
- Fix opening files with Android Studio
- Checks popover summary correctly reflects a successful conclusion when skipped or neutral checks are present
- Long lists of conflicted files to commit or files to discard can be scrolled
- Fix random crashes when external apps probe GitHub Desktop trampoline port

- Display a banner when we have a pretext release note to highlight the new feature
- Enable interactions with notifications from previous app sessions
- Improve feedback about user permission to display notifications
- Add ability to have showcasing of features through release notes
- User can see all releases notes between their current version and the latest update

- Outdated new drag and drop and split diff new feature callouts removed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.0
- Get notified when your pull requests are reviewed

- Default to merging when pulling without a configured preference between merge or rebase

- Add ability to re-run individual and failed GitHub Action checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.15
- Support trusting repositories on network shares (Windows)

- Redesigned dialog for re-running checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.14
- Improved: Surface Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 2.9.13
- Add ability to include or exclude multiple selected files for a commit from the context menu
- Add "View Branch on GitHub" to the branches menu

- Fix CI check status popover not closing when clicking on PR badge
- Fix checks list overflow handling on re-run checks dialog
- Pull requests adhere to temporal laws again
- Fix repository group header overflow when text is too long
- Clone dialog "Choose" button uses an open dialog for directory selection on Windows

- Add a link under "Enable notifications" settings to the user's OS system notification settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.12
- Add support for Brackets Editor on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains RubyMine on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains GoLand on Windows
- Add support for Android Studio on Windows

- Escape special characters when adding a file to .gitignore
- Show warning when attempting to commit files exceeding 100 MiB
- Allow selecting emojis in commit text
- Merge dialog options dropdown does not cause dialog scrolling
- Usernames displayed in repository list respect username casing
- Coauthor doesn't steal input focus while inputting commit message in squashing dialog
- Repository path validation for adding a repository doesn't erase keystrokes
- Command Line Tool ignores command aliases set by user on macOS

- Relative time formatting consistent with dotcom
- Prompt to initialize Git LFS cannot be dismissed by clicking outside of it
- Add link to open fork settings when creating new branch on a forked repository
- Render native elements such as scrollbars and checkboxes as dark when using a dark theme

GitHub Desktop 2.9.11
- Add tooltip to show types of file changes in a commit - #13957. Thanks @uttiya10!

- Discarding submodules with spaces in their relative path now correctly updates the submodule instead of moving it to Trash
- Prevent crash report dialog from appearing when launching on macOS Catalina or earlier
- Pre-fill clone path with repository name
- Allow discarding changes in scenarios where they cannot be moved to Trash
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- Treat the old and new format of private email addresses equally when showing commit attribution warning
- Repositories containing untracked submodules no longer display a duplicated first character on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.10
- New: Initial support for system notifications when checks fail
- Fixed: Unicode emoji on Windows are rendered in the correct position
- Fixed: Fix crash logging under some circumstances

GitHub Desktop 2.9.9
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- User guides now opens the correct page
- Fixes crash on some Windows machines

GitHub Desktop 2.9.8
- Unicode emoji on Windows no longer render as monochrome outlines
- App no longer hangs when discarding changes in some scenarios
- App no longer crashes intermittently when rebasing and cherry-picking
- Fix crash when attempting to move the app to the /Applications folder on macOS
- App no longer crashes when checking for updates while the closing the window
- Restore application icon in "Apps & Features" on Windows

- Relative dates in branch menu and commit history match

GitHub Desktop 2.9.7
- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to GitHub Enterprise Server
- Support CLion as an external editor

Don't show web flow committer on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Cherry-pick success message always correctly reflects target branch
- Fix error managing remotes under some circumstances
- Add "Copy Relative File Path" option to changed files' context menu
- Fix CLI tool on macOS Monterey
- Fix close button in full screen mode on macOS
- Commit message dialog background styles match dialog
- Ensure job steps on pull request check run list are always present

-Changes within lines are presented the same way in side-by-side and unified diffs
- Select integration tab automatically when changing default editor
- The check runs list for pull requests with multiple branches displays all actions workflow steps and headers
- Check run group headers and checks stay in view while scrolling the sub checks or job steps
- Take aliases into account when sorting repositories
- Support avatars on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Fetch before trying to follow a URL link to a specific branch
- Add "View on GitHub" context menu option to repository list items
- Signal when a commit summary is getting long
- Remove unnecessary punctuation in appearance settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.6
- View and re-run the check runs for the checked out pull request

- Tooltip improvements and polish
- Stashing dialog no longer hangs when initiating cherry-pick in some circumstances
- Rebase no longer hangs after conflicts resolved when initiated through pull conflict error

GitHub Desktop 2.9.5
- Add custom tooltips for quicker and more helpful information
- Support PyCharm as an external editor

- Prevent inactive selected state from disappearing on lists
- Fix click area to select hunk on both sides of diff
- Replace dialog animations with fade when user prefers reduced motion

- Warn users when files contain bidirectional Unicode text
- Change wording for default branch name option

GitHub Desktop 2.9.4
- Add syntax mapping for HAML
- Add support for WezTerm on macOS
- Add a menu item to view a committed file change on GitHub

- Diffs are scrolled to the top when switching between files
- Fix SSH prompt for unknown hosts in some scenarios
- Apply syntax highlighting when viewing a small change for the first time
- Wrap long email addresses in the misattributed commit warning popover
- Refresh diffs when application receives focus
- Only consider tokens invalid when 401 error comes from GitHub Enterprise
- Show "add repo" dialog when opening repo from CLI
- Continue merge flow after merge conflicts are resolved with external conflict tool
- Prevent crash on successful merge after conflicts resolved
- Use same width for hunk expansion handles as we do for line numbers
- Use the correct icon for diff expansion

- Add offending file name to the file exceeds size limit error
- Show a message explaining why line selection is disabled when hiding whitespace
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.32.0 on macOS, and to on Windows
- Remove gaps in the commit message container revealing a different background
- Add clearer verbiage in the "remove repository" dialog
- Update grammar for "repo deletion" and "couldn't find pull request" error messages
- Show confirmation dialog for SSH host key verification

GitHub Desktop 2.9.3
- Fix Notepad++ and RStudio integration on Windows
- Add minor version support for JetBrains IDEs on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.2
- Fix scrolling performance issue for large diffs

GitHub Desktop 2.9.1
- Add Fluent Terminal shell support
- Add support for IntelliJ CE for macOS
- Show number of lines changed in a commit

- Enable 'Open in External Editor' for bat/cmd/sh/exe files
- Green circle in progress dialog remains round when commits have long descriptions
- History tab shows all commits as the user scrolls down
- Remove border of Repository and Branch foldouts in dark theme
- Render links in commit messages when they are at the beginning of a line
- Show co-authors from undone commits
- Show SSH prompts (key passphrase, adding host, etc.) to users via dialog

- Add support for more versions of JetBrains IDEs on Windows
- Change the diff gutter width based on number of lines in diff
- Check invalidated tokens and prompt the user to sign in again
- Double-click an option when switching branches to confirm how changed files are handled
- Improve auth error and prompt to suggest the user use a PAT instead of password
- Increase visibility of misattributed commit warning in dark mode
- Reduce time needed to make a commit
- Use "Recycle Bin" name only on Windows
- Windows users can use the system OpenSSH for their Git repositories

GitHub Desktop 2.9.0
- Reorder commits with drag and drop in your commit history
- Create a branch from any commit in your history
- Amend the most recent commit on your branch
- Squash commits in the history tab with drag and drop and a context menu
- Squash and merge option available when merging branches

- Add support for Sublime Text 4 on Windows

- Show warning before undoing commit if it potentially conflicts with changes in working directory

- Remove extra space in drag & drop tooltips

GitHub Desktop 2.8.3
- Renamed repositories no longer clash with new repositories of the same name
- Expanding files no longer shows duplicated lines
- Long emails are truncated in the Git config

- Allow copying branch and repository names to clipboard
- Allow creating a new branch from filtering by just hitting Enter

GitHub Desktop 2.8.1
- Fixed: Disable partial change selection in split view while whitespace changes are hidden

GitHub Desktop 2.8.0
- Expand diffs to view more context around your changes
- Create aliases for repositories you want to be displayed differently in the repository list

- Hide whitespace in diffs on Changes tab

- Show correct state of remote branch when deleting local branches3
- Display the full branch name in a tooltip when hovering over a branch in the branches

- Display full progress description when cloning a repository
- Cherry-pick multiple non-sequential commits
- Create a branch during cherry-picking via drag and drop
- Show an alert when the app fails to move itself to the Applications folder on macOS
- Use a save dialog when choosing where to clone a repo

GitHub Desktop 2.7.2
- Create branch during cherry-picking via the context menu
- Suggest macOS users move the app to `/Applications` to prevent issues

- Undo cherry-picking onto a remote branch now works as expected
- Dragging commits onto current branch no longer results in a broken state
- Get correct commit summary info in rebase

- Cancel drag operation with escape key
- Cherry-pick commits onto a pull request with drag and drop
- Option to change the spellcheck language to English for Windows users whose system language is not English
- Update how privacy and usage stats info is communicated
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.7.1
- Cherry-picking is available! Copy commits from one branch to another using drag and drop or from a context menu

GitHub Desktop 2.7.0
- Add support for RStudio Editor
- Use system theme as default

GitHub Desktop 2.6.6
- Commit attribution warning is not shown for emails with different capitalization

- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.3 on macOS, and to on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.5
- Fixed: Performing remote Git operations could crash the app

GitHub Desktop 2.6.4
- Allow users to rename and delete branches via a new context menu on branches in the branches list

- Allow users to modify git config on a per repository basis
- The app is not maximized on macOS every time the user clicks on the app's icon in the dock
- Always respect the default branch name chosen by the user
- Notepad++ does not close when GitHub Desktop closes

- Update app icon for Windows
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in the commit message area
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in onboarding and preferences
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows
- Automatic branch fast-forwarding is now faster

GitHub Desktop 2.6.3
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.2
- Enable spellcheck on commit summary and description
- Update app icon for macOS

- Remote Git operations (like cloning a repo) won't fail on old macOS versions
- Fast-forward all possible branches except the current branch when fetching

GitHub Desktop 2.6.2
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS to 2.13.2

- Pull requests no longer fail to update until the user switches repositories
- Fork behavior changes are now reflected in the app immediately
- Checking out a pull request from a fork for the first time now correctly identifies the remote branch to create the branch from
- Don't offer to stash changes when clicking on the currently checked out branch in the branch list
- Forked repository remotes are no longer removed when there are local branches tracking them
- Avoid bright flash for users of the dark theme when launching the app maximized
- VSCodium is now detected as an editor on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.1
- Clearer menu label for reverting commits

- Refresh branches after creating a new branch
- Correct image diff swipe mode layout
- Very large text diffs could cause the app to crash when viewed in split diff mode
- Let the user know when a checkout fails due to use of assume-unchanged or skip-worktre
- Always show confirmation prompt before overwriting existing stash entry
- The fullscreen keyboard shortcut on macOS now works when using split diff mode

GitHub Desktop 2.6.0
- Split diffs! Toggle between viewing diffs in split or unified mode
- Use Page down, Page up, Home, and End keys to navigate and select items in lists
- Add `toml` syntax highlight
- Add support for Nova as external editor on macOS
- Restore Windows menu keyboard accessibility
- Actions in context menu of a non-selected file act on the chosen one instead of the previous one
- Correct title bar height on macOS Big Sur
- Fix broken issues links in release notes
- Fix overflow issues with long branch names
- Images fit correctly in the diff view when their sizes have changed
- Repository indicator refresh can no longer be manually triggered when disabled
- Resolving a conflicted file added in both the source and target branch no longer results in merge conflict markers appearing in the merge commit
- Small partial commit of very large text files no longer intermittently fails due to unexpected diff resultt
- Long commit message are scrollable again
- Sign in to with username/password is no longer supported to improve account security

GitHub Desktop 2.5.7
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS

GitHub Desktop 2.5.6
- Newly created repositories use 'main' as the default branch name
- Users can configure the default branch name in Preferences/Options
- Show status of GitHub Action runs for pull requests
- Differentiate between draft and regular Pull Requests

- Periodic background fetch and status updates can now be disabled in the Advanced section of Preferences/Options
- Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net and unified diff / patch

- Allow renaming the default branch
- Show which files are blocking a merge-like operation
- Updated icons and border radiuses to align with GitHub
- Show loading indicator when committing a merge
- Show confirmation that branch is already up to date when merging from default branch
- Enter key now initiates action in rebase and merge dialogs
- After failing to move a repository to Trash, show error and keep the repository listed in Desktop
- Email address validation in welcome flow and preferences dialog
- Show helpful error when attempting to clone non-existent or inaccessible GitHub repositories

- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Full screen notification is removed after a few seconds when starting the app in full screen
- Update rebase progress parser to parse output from the merge rebase backend
- Only show full screen toast notification when making the app window full-screen
- Ensure application window doesn't overlap second monitor
- Use UNIX line endings in WSL GitHub helper script

- Remove setting to disable all certificate validation in favor of new best-effort approach

GitHub Desktop 2.5.5
- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Clicking on a branch in the compare branch list resets focus to the filter text box

GitHub Desktop 2.5.4
- Suggest to stash changes when trying to do an operation that requires a clean working directory
- Autocomplete users and issues from upstream repository when working in a fork
- Add Alacritty shell support

- Correct branch name in commit button when on an unborn branch
- Fix "Show in Explorer" in Windows when there are other files with the same name as the project folder
- Open the repository folder when clicking on "Show in Finder" in macOS
- Don't expand paths in the PATH environment variable during installation
- Prevent multiple search inputs from appearing in diffs
- Unable to toggle lines for partial commit of very large text files
- Fix BBEdit integration
- Fix VoiceOver navigation to re-enter application content in macOS
- Repositories with historical commits containing filenames with backslashes can now be cloned on Windows
- Valid gitignore files are now created for new Clojure, Fortran and Kotlin repositories in Windows

- Enable discarding submodule working directory changes
- Surface progress estimation when cloning LFS repositories
- Performance and accuracy improvement when autocompleting issues and users
- Show only one error dialog when dragging multiple invalid folders to Desktop
- Pull request list is now keyboard accessible
- On Windows the Home and End keys can now be used to navigate lists
- Show progress spinner while waiting for a removed repository to get moved to trash (Windows)
- Dialogs now clear filter text boxes on Escape and closes on double Escape
- Display the selected changes count in the changes list header tooltip

GitHub Desktop 2.5.3
- Stash changes without switching branches
- Discard selection of lines from a file

- Display more readable messages for errors when cloning a repository
- Support launching Desktop from WSL on Windows
- Select correct branch to compare when two branches have similar names
- Make Ctrl/Cmd+W shortcut work in all dialogs
- Fix links when text wrapping is required in commit summaries
- Prevent crash when an opened repository doesn't have an owner on GitHub
- Sign in correctly when pressing "Enter" on the username/password authentication form
- Maintain selected files when navigating back to the Changes tab
- Maintain selected files when deleting a stash

- Remove redundant progress text from Git error messages
- Remove flicker when switching between files in the changes tab
- Remove space between the number and the percent sign when showing the progress of a clone operation
- Automatically disable username and password authentication when the API no longer supports it

GitHub Desktop 2.5.2
- Enable setting to more easily work with maintained forks

GitHub Desktop 2.5.0
- Add, push, and view Git tags on commit history in Desktop

- Offer option to choose file from one branch or the other when resolving merge conflicts
- Add context menu for highlighted text in diff view

- Retain default branch option in "Create Branch" dialog when user focuses away from Desktop

- Clean up copy for onboarding sign-in flow
- Emphasize signing in to GitHub via browser due to username/password deprecation
- Improve error message when publishing a private repository fails
- Offer to retry if cloning a repository fails

GitHub Desktop 2.4.3
- Update embedded Git to avoid gitconfig errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.4.2
- Fixed: Prevent autocomplete suggestions from overlapping when loading many results
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability
- Improved: Redesign metadata shown in commit history

GitHub Desktop 2.4.1
- Indicate which commits have not yet been pushed to the remote in "History" tab
- Add support for JetBrains Rider as external editor
- Add support for Notepad++ as external editor on Windows

- Update install location of Typora to fix detection issue
- Restore developer tools accelerator on Windows
- Use upstream repository in commit message links to GitHub
- Reset scroll position to the top of the history tab after switching repositories
- Allow user to cancel rebase flow when warned about force pushing
- Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability

- Lighten scrollbars in dark theme for higher contrast
- Display pull requests from upstream repository in pull request list

GitHub Desktop 2.4.0
- Set Git proxy environment variables from system configuration automatically

- Enable creating a GitHub issue from app menu and keyboard shortcut
- Add editor support for IntelliJ Idea on macOS
- Add editor support for PhpStorm and update WebStorm
- Add shell support for Windows Terminal
- Support keyboard scrolling in diffs

- Ensure branch protection warning works when branch names contain special characters
- Ensure intro page is responsive when resizing the window
- Ensure local branch is also deleted when deleting a branch that no longer exists on the remote
- Restore negative space in "Files selected" graphic for Dark Theme
- Support selecting text in error dialogs
- Prevent bringing changes to another branch from failing silently
- Save the user's position within "History" and "Changes" tabs when switching

- Update the remote url when a repository's name changes on GitHub
- Allow "Open in Desktop" button from pull requests on GitHub to open in a local fork in Desktop
- Support automatically switching between Dark and Light Theme on Windows
- Format errors containing raw Git output with fixed-width font
- Modify "View on GitHub" menu item to open upstream for local fork repositories
- Create new branches in forks from the default branch of the upstream repo
- Graduate Dark Theme out of beta

GitHub Desktop 2.3.1
- Don't display erroneous Git error when creating a fork
- Remove stray characters from Git progress indicators on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.3.0
- Prompt users to create a fork if they fail to push to a GitHub repository due to permissions
- Show link to upstream pull requests in pull request list of a fork
- Show a warning if the user doesn't have write access to push to the repository and offer to make a fork
- Provide configuration in Preferences to always bring or leave changes when switching branches
- Prompt users to re-authorize if required by any of their GitHub organizations

- Show proper dialog when push fails due to missing workflow scope
- Take users to the correct page on when opening a pull request in browser from a fork
- Don't suggest creating a pull request if the current branch has an open pull request targeting an upstream repo
- Remove false branch protection warning when switching branches
- Show branch protection warning after checking out protected branches outside Desktop

- Only show branch protection warning when changed files are present
- Show an error when editing a Git configuration file fails due to existing lock file
- Update design and layout for GitHub Desktop preferences

GitHub Desktop 2.2.4
- New: Warn when committing to a protected branch
- New: Warn when committing to a repository you don't have write access to
- Added: Adding integration for Xcode as external editor
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerabilities
- Fixed:Changed wording to match git autocrlf behavior
- Fixed: Don't dismiss dialogs when dragging from the dialog to the backdrop
- Fixed: Fix arrow key navigation of Changes and History lists
- Fixed: Handle multibyte characters in names
- Fixed: Keep PR badge on top of progress bar
- Fixed: Prevent application crash when background process spawn fails
- Fixed: Show autocomplete suggestions on top of CodeMirror author input
- Fixed: Standardize dialogs' button orders
- Improved: Make no newline indicator in file diffs readable by screenreaders

GitHub Desktop 2.2.3
- Fixed: Prevent text overflow in crash dialog
- Fixed: Address warnings on macOS Catalina preventing app from opening after install
- Improved: Update to most recent gitignore templates

GitHub Desktop 2.2.2
- Onboarding tutorial animations help guide users to the next action
- Prompt users to re-authenticate if they are unable to push changes to a workflow file

- Starting the tutorial is more prominent when getting started with GitHub Desktop
- Use a different editor if previously selected editor cannot be found

GitHub Desktop 2.2.1
- Improperly formatted url pre-filled in "Clone Repository" dialog
- VSCodium integration on macOS
- Partially hidden icon in "Open Pull Request" button

GitHub Desktop 2.2.0
- Interactive tutorial for new users to become productive using Git and GitHub more quickly

- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to
- Enforce web flow authentication for users who are part of orgs using single sign-on
- Support CodeRunner as an external editor
- Support VSCodium as an external editor

- Commit description shadow visibility updates when typing
- Commit summaries with comma delimited issues are not parsed - #8162. File path truncation in merge conflicts dialog
- Git configuration fields in onboarding were not pre-filled from user's profile
- Keep conflicting untracked files when bringing changes to another branch
- Make app's version selectable in "About" dialog

- Application menu bar is visible when no repositories have been added to the app
- Support stashing lots of untracked files on Windows
- Surface errors from branch creation to user

GitHub Desktop 2.1.3
- Changes from remote branch erroneously displayed on corresponding branch on Desktop
- Sign-in flow for Windows users not possible via OAuth

GitHub Desktop 2.1.2
- Syntax highlighting support for 20 more programming languages
- Kitty shell support for macOS
- Atom editor support on Windows for beta and nightly channels

- File checkboxes and line selection in diffs are not disabled when committing
- Small images are scaled down too much in two-up image rendering
- Manual conflict resolution for binary files always chooses same version
- Branch pruner errors on "orphaned" branches
- Prevent CodeMirror search plugin from stealing registered global keyboard shortcuts
- Update embedded Git on Windows to remove erroneous errors
- Menu state not updated for macOS after performing some actions
- Error message could appear outside the boundary of its container

- Improved error handling when trying to rebase a ref that doesn't exist
- Expand hover area on repository list items
- Always fast forward recent branches after fetch
- Ensure recent branches are updated during remote interactions

GitHub Desktop 2.1.1
- Fixed: Update embedded Git on Windows to address security vulnerability

GitHub Desktop 2.1.0
- Branches that have been merged and deleted on will now be pruned after two weeks

- Search text within diffs using shortcut
- Keyboard shortcut for "Discard All Changes" menu item

- Repository name moves cursor to end in "Create Repository" dialog
- Keyboard navigation inside "Compare Branch" list
- New repository does not write description into README
- Disable "Discard" and "Restore" buttons while restoring stash
- "Unable to restore" warning message appears momentarily when restoring stash
- Unresponsive app on macOS if user switches away from file dialog
- Launching app on Windows after being maximized does not restore correct window state

- Update mentions of "Enterprise" to "Enterprise Server" in app
- Update license and .gitignore templates for initializing a new repository
- "Authentication failed" dialog provides more help to diagnose issue

GitHub Desktop 2.0.4
- Refresh for Enterprise repositories did not handle API error querying branches
- Missing "Discard all changes" context menu in Changes header
- "Select all" keyboard shortcut not firing on Windows

GitHub Desktop 1.6.6
- Clicking "Undo" doesn't repopulate summary in commit form
- Handle error when unable to create log file for app
- Crash when selecting text while the underlying diff changes

GitHub Desktop 1.6.5
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.6.4

- Embedded Git not working for core.longpath usage in some environments
- "Recover missing repository" can get stuck in a loop

GitHub Desktop 1.6.3

- Display "pull with rebase" if a user has set this option in their Git config

- Context menu does not open when right clicking on the edges of files in Changes list
- Display question mark in image when no commit selected in dark theme
- No left padding for :emoji:/@user/#issue autocomplete forms
- Reinstate missing image and update illustration in dark theme when no local changes exist
- Resizing the diff area preserves text selection range
- Text selection in wrapped diff lines now allows selection of individual lines

- Add option to fetch when a user needs to pull changes from the remote before pushing
- Enable Git protocol v2 for fetch/push/pull operations
- Moving mouse pointer outside visible diff while selecting a range of lines in a partial commit now automatically scrolls the diff
- Sign in form validates both username and password
- Update GitHub logo in "About" dialog

GitHub Desktop 1.6.2
- Allow users to also resolve manual conflicts when resolving merge conflicts
- Automatic switching between Dark and Light modes on macOS
- Crystal and Julia syntax highlighting
- Lua and Fortran syntax highlighting

- Abbreviated commits are not long enough for large repositories
- App menu bar visible on hover on Windows when in "Let’s get started" mode
- Fix pointy corners on commit message text area
- Inconsistent "Reveal in …" labels for context menus
- Merge conflict conflict did not ask user to resolve some binary files
- Prevent concurrent fetches between user and status indicator checks
- Remember scroll positions in History and Changes lists

- Guided merge conflict resolution only commits changes relevant to the merge
- Use higher contrast color for links in "Merge Conflicts" dialog
- Add link to all release notes in Release Notes dialog
- Arrow for renamed/copied changes when viewing commit
- Updated verbiage for ignoring the files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.1
- Don't show "No local changes" view when switching between changed files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.0

- Help users add their first repo during onboarding

- "No local changes" view helpfully suggests next actions for you to take

- Support JetBrains Webstorm as an external editor
- Add Visual Basic syntax highlighting

- Automatically locate a missing repository when it cannot be found
- Don't include untracked files in merge commit
- Don't show "Still Conflicted Warning" when all conflicts are resolved
- Only execute menu action a single time upon hitting Enter
- Show autocompletion of GitHub handles and issues properly in commit description field

- Repository list when no repositories found
- Image diff menu no longer covered by large images
- Enable additional actions during a merge conflict
- Increase contrast on input placeholder color in dark mode
- Don't show merge success banner when attempted merge doesn't complete
- Capitalize menu items appropriately on macOS

GitHub Desktop 1.5.1

- Provide keyboard shortcut for getting to commit summary field
- Add hover states on list items and tabs
- Add Dockerfile syntax highlighting
- Support Visual SlickEdit as an external editor

- Allow repositories to be cloned to empty folders
- Prevent creating branch with detached HEAD from reverting to default branch
- Fix "Open In External Editor" for Atom/VS Code on Windows when paths contain spaces
- Persist Branch List and Pull Request List filter text
- Retain renamed branches position in recent branches list
- Prevent avatar duplication when user is co-author and committer
- Provide keyboard selection for the "Clone a Repository" dialog
- Close License & Open Source Notices dialog upon pressing "Enter" in dialog
- Dismiss "Merge into Branch" dialog with escape key
- Focus branch selector when comparing to branch from menu
- Reverse fold/unfold icons for expand/collapse commit summary

- Allow toggling between diff modes
- Show focus around full input field
- Make lists scroll to bring selected items into view
- Consistently order the options for adding a repository
- Clear merge conflicts banner after there are no more conflicted files

GitHub Desktop 1.5.0

- Clone, create, or add repositories right from the repository dropdown
- Drag-and-drop to add local repositories from macOS tray icon

- Resolve merge conflicts through a guided flow
- Allow merging branches directly from branch dropdown
- Commit file list now has "Copy File Path" context menu action
- Keyboard shortcut for "Rename Branch" menu item
- Notify users when a merge is successfully completed

- "Compare on GitHub" menu item enabled when no repository is selected
- Diff viewer blocks keyboard navigation using reverse tab order
- Launching Desktop from browser always asks to clone repository
- ish dialog displayed on push when repository is already published

- "Publish Repository" dialog handles emoji characters
- Avoid repository checks when no path is specified in "Create Repository" dialog
- Clarify the direction of merging branches
- Default commit summary more explanatory and consistent with
- Display a more informative message on merge dialog when branch is up to date
- Getting a repository's status only blocks other operations when absolutely necessary
- Display current branch in header of merge dialog
- Sanitize repository name before publishing to GitHub
- Show the branch name in "Update From Default Branch" menu item
- Update license and .gitignore templates for initializing a new repository

GitHub Desktop 1.4.3

- Add "Remove Repository" keyboard shortcut
- Add keyboard shortcut to delete a branch

- Emoji autocomplete not rendering in some situations
- Release notes text overflowing dialog box

- Support Python 3 in Desktop CLI on macOS
- Avoid unnecessarily reloading commit history
- Publish Branch dialog will publish commits when pressing Enter

GitHub Desktop 1.4.2
- Update embedded Git to Desktop to use version 2.19.1 of Git

GitHub Desktop 1.4.1

- Support for opening repository in Cygwin terminal

- 'Compare to Branch' menu item not disabled when modal is open
- Co-author form does not show/hide for newly-added repository
- Desktop command line always suffixes `.git` to URL when starting a clone
- Dialog styling issue for dark theme users on Windows
- No message shown when filter returns no results in Clone Repository view

- Branch names cannot start with a '+' character
- Clone dialog re-runs filesystem check when re-focusing on Desktop
- Commit disabled when commit summary is only spaces
- Commit summary expander sometimes shown when not needed
- Error handling when looking for merge base of a missing ref
- Warning if branch exists on remote when creating branch

GitHub Desktop 1.4.0

- When an update is available for GitHub Desktop, release notes can be viewed in Desktop
- Detect merge conflicts when comparing branches

- Avoid double checkout warning when opening a pull request in Desktop
- Error when publishing repository is now associated with the right tab
- Disable affected menu items when on detached HEAD
- Show border when commit description is expanded
- GitLab URL which corresponds to GitHub repository of same name cloned GitHub repository
- Caret in co-author selector is hidden when dark theme enabled
- Authenticating to GitHub Enterprise fails when user has no emails defined

- Avoid multiple lookups of default remote

GitHub Desktop 1.3.5

- Disable delete button while deleting a branch
- History now avoids calling log.showSignature if set in config
- Start blocking the ability to add local bare repositories
- Revert workaround for tooltip issue on Windows

- Error message when publishing to missing organisation
- Don't hide commit details when commit description is expanded

GitHub Desktop 1.3.4

- Cloning message uses remote repo name not file destination
- Support VSCode user scope installation

GitHub Desktop 1.3.3

- Maximize and restore app on Windows does not fill available space
- 'Clone repository' menu item label is obscured on Windows
- User can toggle files when commit is in progress

- Repository indicator background work

GitHub Desktop 1.3.2
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.3.1
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.2.6
- Fixed: Visual indicator for upcoming feature should not be shown

GitHub Desktop 1.2.5
- Fixed: Feature flag for upcoming feature not applied correctly

GitHub Desktop 1.2.4

- Dark Theme preview

- Syntax highlighting for Cake files
- WebStorm support for macOS

- Compare tab appends older commits when scrolling to bottom of list
- Remove temporary directory after Git LFS operation completes
- Unable to compare when two branches exist
- Unhandled errors when refreshing pull requests fails

- Remove context menu needs to hint if a dialog will be shown
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS
- Update banner message clarifies that only Desktop needs to be restarted
- Discard Changes context menu entry should contain ellipses when user needs to confirm
- Initializing syntax highlighting components
- Only show overflow shadow when description overflows
- Changes tab displays number of changed files instead of dot

GitHub Desktop 1.2.3

- No autocomplete when searching for co-authors
- Error when checking out a PR from a fork

GitHub Desktop 1.2.2

- Make cURL/schannel default to using the Windows certificate store
- Restore text selection highlighting in diff

GitHub Desktop 1.2.1

- Brackets support for macOS
- Pull request number and author are included in fuzzy-find filtering

- Decreased the max line length limit
- Updated embedded Git to 2.17.1 to address upstream security issue

- Display the difference in file size of an image in the diff view

GitHub Desktop 1.1.1

- Render WebP images in diffs

- Edit context menus in commit form input elements
- Escape behavior for Pull Request list does not match Branch List
- Keep caret position after inserting completion for emoji/mention
- Handle error events when watching files used to get Git LFS output
- Potential race condition when opening a fork pull request
- Show placeholder image when no pull requests found
- Disable commit summary and description inputs while commit in progress
- Ensure pull request cache is cleared after last pull request merged
- Focus two-factor authentication dialog on input
- Branches button no longer disabled while on an unborn branch
- Delete gitignore file when all entries cleared in Repository Settings
- Add visual indicator that a folder can be dropped on Desktop

- Attempt to focus the application window on macOS after signing in via the browser
- Refresh issues when user manually fetches

- Add `Discard All Changes...` to context menu on changed file list
- Improve contrast for button labels in app toolbar
- Speed up check for submodules when discarding
- Make keychain known issue more clear within Desktop
- Continue past the 'diff too large' message and view the diff
- Repository association might not have expected prefix
- Add message to gitignore dialog when not on default branch
- Hide Desktop-specific forks in Branch List
- Disregard accidental whitespace when cloning a repository by URL
- Show alert icon in repository list when repository not found on disk
- Repository list now closes after removing last repository
- Move forget password link after the password dialog to match expected tab order
- More descriptive text in repository toolbar button when no repositories are tracked
- Context menu in Changes tab now supports opening file in your preferred editor

GitHub Desktop 1.1.0

- Check out pull requests from collaborators or forks from within Desktop
- View the commit status of the branch when it has an open pull request

- Add RubyMine support for macOS
- Add TextMate support for macOS
- Syntax highlighting for Elixir files

- Update layout of branch blankslate image
- Expanded avatar stack in commit summary gets cut off
- Clear repository filter when switching tabs
- Avoid crash when unable to launch shell
- Ensure renames are detected when viewing commit diffs
- Fetch default remote if it differs from the current
- Handle Git errors when .gitmodules are malformed
- Handle error when "where" is not on PATH
- Ignore action assumes CRLF when core.autocrlf is unset
- Prevent duplicate entries in co-author autocomplete list
- Renames not detected when viewing commit diffs
- Support legacy usernames as co-authors

- Update branch button text from "New" to "New Branch"
- Add fuzzy search in the repository, branch, PR, and clone FilterLists
- Tidy up commit summary and description layout in commit list
- Use smaller default size when rendering Gravatar avatars
- Show fetch progress when initializing remote for fork
- Remove references to Hubot from the user setup page
- Error handling around ENOENT
- Clear repository filter text when switching tabs
- Allow window to accept single click on focus
- Disable drag-and-drop interaction when a popup is in the foreground

GitHub Desktop 1.0.13

- Commit together with co-authors
- PhpStorm is now a supported external editor on macOS
- Update embedded Git to 2.16.1

- Blank slate view is now more responsive when zoomed
- Documentation fix for Open in Shell resource
- Improved error handling for Linux

- Allow links in unexpanded summary to be clickable
- Update Electron to 1.7.11 to address security issue
- Allow double dashes in branch name
- Sort the organization list
- Check out PRs from a fork
- Confirm deleting branch when it has an open PR
- Defer user/email validation in Preferences
- Checkout progress did not include branch name
- Don't block branch switching when in detached HEAD
- Handle discarding submodule changes properly
- Show tooltip with additional info about the build status
- Update placeholders to support Linux distributions
- Refresh local commit list when switching tabs

GitHub Desktop 1.0.12

- Syntax highlighting for Rust files
- Syntax highlighting for Clojure cljc, cljs, and edn files

- Prevent creating a branch in the middle of a merge
- Truncate long repo names in panes and modals to fit into a single line
- Keyboard navigation support in pull request list

- Inconsistent caret behavior in text boxes when using certain keyboard layouts
- Only render the organizations list when it has orgs
- Checkout now handles situations where a ref exists on multiple remotes
- Retain accounts on desktop when losing connectivity
- Missing argument in FullScreenInfo that could prevent app from launching

GitHub Desktop 1.0.11

- Highlight substring matches in the "Branches" and "Repositories" list when filtering
- Add preview for ico files
- Fallback to Gravatar for loading avatars
- Provide syntax highlighting for Visual Studio project files
- Provide syntax highlighting for F# fsx and fsi files
- Provide syntax highlighting for Kotlin files
- Provide syntax highlighting for Clojure

- Toggle the "Repository List" from the menu
- Prevent saving of disallowed character strings for your name and email
- Error messages now appear at the top of the "Create a New Repository" dialog
- "Repository List" header is now "" for consistency
- Rename the "Install Update" button to "Quit and Install Update"

- Fix ordering of commit history when your branch and tracking branch have both changed
- Prevent creating a branch that starts with a period
- Branch names are properly encoded when creating a pull request
- Re-enable all the menu items after closing a popup
- Removes option to delete remote branch after it's been deleted
- Windows: Detects available editors and shells now works even when the group policy blocks write registry access
- Windows: Menu items are no longer truncated
- Windows: Prevent disabled menu items from being accessed

GitHub Desktop 1.0.10

- ColdFusion Builder is now a supported external editor
- VSCode Insiders build is now a supported external editor
- BBEdit is now a supported external editor
- Hyper is now a supported shell on Windows too
- Swift is now syntax highlighted
- Vue.js is now syntax highlighted
- CoffeeScript is now syntax highlighted
- Cypher is now syntax highlighted
- .hpp is now syntax highlighted as C++
- ML-like languages are now syntax highlighted
- Objective-C is now syntax highlighted
- SQL is now syntax highlighted

- Better message on the 'Publish Branch' button when HEAD is unborn
- Better error message when trying to push to an archived repository
- Avoid excessive background fetching when switching repositories
- Ignore menu events sent when a modal is shown

- Parse changed files whose paths include a newline - #3271
- Parse file type changes
- Windows: 'Open without Git' would present the dialog again instead of actually opening a shell without git
- Avoid text selection when dragging resizable dividers
- Windows: Removed the title attribute on the Windows buttons so that they no longer leave their tooltips hanging around
- Windows: Detect VS Code when installed to non-standard locations
- Hitting Return woul

GitHub Desktop 3.0.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

GitHub Desktop 3.0.6
- Add Warp terminal integration for macOS
- Add context menu to the Current Branch and Current Repository toolbar

- Older versions of Sublime Text and SlickEdit are also recognized as external editors
- Fix commit shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Enter)
- Add PyCharm Community Edition support on macOS
- Unified diff line gutter context menu items for discard changes no longer enabled when whitespace is hidden
- 'Show Whitespace Changes' popover appears as expected on unified diff
- On pull or fetch, make sure the default branch is updated to match the repository settings
- Show 'Email' label on the preferences form when user is not signed in
- Fix invalid URL state while the "Clone Repository" modal is open
- Fix commit description with three lines overflowing when it shouldn't
- Fix notifications on Windows 10 builds prior to the Creators Update
- 'Update from default branch` menu item allows quick merge of upstream

- Add ability to skip staggered release to ensure the latest version is downloaded

GitHub Desktop 3.0.5
- Fixed: Surface again Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 3.0.4
- Upgrade embedded Git to 2.35.4

GitHub Desktop 3.0.3
- Add Aptana Studio support

- Fix crash when user's locale is unsupported by the spellchecker
- On Windows, remember the app's zoom level on update
- Fix Markdown syntax highlighting

- Add context menu option to copy repository paths
- Allow copying paths when multiple files are selected
- Add support for SSH password prompts when accessing repositories

GitHub Desktop 3.0.2
- Fix crash launching the app on macOS High Sierra
- Terminate all GitHub Desktop processes on Windows when the app is closed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.1
- Add support for PyCharm Community Edition on Windows
- Add support for highlighting .mjs/.cjs/.mts/.cts files as JavaScript/TypeScript

- Prevent crash when encountering a large number of conflicts while checking for ability to merge branch
- Url encode branch names when 'Viewing Branch in Github' is selected
- Fix opening files with Android Studio
- Checks popover summary correctly reflects a successful conclusion when skipped or neutral checks are present
- Long lists of conflicted files to commit or files to discard can be scrolled
- Fix random crashes when external apps probe GitHub Desktop trampoline port

- Display a banner when we have a pretext release note to highlight the new feature
- Enable interactions with notifications from previous app sessions
- Improve feedback about user permission to display notifications
- Add ability to have showcasing of features through release notes
- User can see all releases notes between their current version and the latest update

- Outdated new drag and drop and split diff new feature callouts removed

GitHub Desktop 3.0.0
- Get notified when your pull requests are reviewed

- Default to merging when pulling without a configured preference between merge or rebase

- Add ability to re-run individual and failed GitHub Action checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.15
- Support trusting repositories on network shares (Windows)

- Redesigned dialog for re-running checks

GitHub Desktop 2.9.14
- Improved: Surface Git's warning about unsafe directories and provide a way to trust repositories not owned by the current user

GitHub Desktop 2.9.13
- Add ability to include or exclude multiple selected files for a commit from the context menu
- Add "View Branch on GitHub" to the branches menu

- Fix CI check status popover not closing when clicking on PR badge
- Fix checks list overflow handling on re-run checks dialog
- Pull requests adhere to temporal laws again
- Fix repository group header overflow when text is too long
- Clone dialog "Choose" button uses an open dialog for directory selection on Windows

- Add a link under "Enable notifications" settings to the user's OS system notification settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.12
- Add support for Brackets Editor on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains RubyMine on Windows
- Add support for JetBrains GoLand on Windows
- Add support for Android Studio on Windows

- Escape special characters when adding a file to .gitignore
- Show warning when attempting to commit files exceeding 100 MiB
- Allow selecting emojis in commit text
- Merge dialog options dropdown does not cause dialog scrolling
- Usernames displayed in repository list respect username casing
- Coauthor doesn't steal input focus while inputting commit message in squashing dialog
- Repository path validation for adding a repository doesn't erase keystrokes
- Command Line Tool ignores command aliases set by user on macOS

- Relative time formatting consistent with dotcom
- Prompt to initialize Git LFS cannot be dismissed by clicking outside of it
- Add link to open fork settings when creating new branch on a forked repository
- Render native elements such as scrollbars and checkboxes as dark when using a dark theme

GitHub Desktop 2.9.11
- Add tooltip to show types of file changes in a commit - #13957. Thanks @uttiya10!

- Discarding submodules with spaces in their relative path now correctly updates the submodule instead of moving it to Trash
- Prevent crash report dialog from appearing when launching on macOS Catalina or earlier
- Pre-fill clone path with repository name
- Allow discarding changes in scenarios where they cannot be moved to Trash
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- Treat the old and new format of private email addresses equally when showing commit attribution warning
- Repositories containing untracked submodules no longer display a duplicated first character on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.10
- New: Initial support for system notifications when checks fail
- Fixed: Unicode emoji on Windows are rendered in the correct position
- Fixed: Fix crash logging under some circumstances

GitHub Desktop 2.9.9
- "Create New Repository" dialog preserves the path set from "Add Local Repository" dialog
- User guides now opens the correct page
- Fixes crash on some Windows machines

GitHub Desktop 2.9.8
- Unicode emoji on Windows no longer render as monochrome outlines
- App no longer hangs when discarding changes in some scenarios
- App no longer crashes intermittently when rebasing and cherry-picking
- Fix crash when attempting to move the app to the /Applications folder on macOS
- App no longer crashes when checking for updates while the closing the window
- Restore application icon in "Apps & Features" on Windows

- Relative dates in branch menu and commit history match

GitHub Desktop 2.9.7
- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to GitHub Enterprise Server
- Support CLion as an external editor

Don't show web flow committer on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Cherry-pick success message always correctly reflects target branch
- Fix error managing remotes under some circumstances
- Add "Copy Relative File Path" option to changed files' context menu
- Fix CLI tool on macOS Monterey
- Fix close button in full screen mode on macOS
- Commit message dialog background styles match dialog
- Ensure job steps on pull request check run list are always present

-Changes within lines are presented the same way in side-by-side and unified diffs
- Select integration tab automatically when changing default editor
- The check runs list for pull requests with multiple branches displays all actions workflow steps and headers
- Check run group headers and checks stay in view while scrolling the sub checks or job steps
- Take aliases into account when sorting repositories
- Support avatars on GitHub Enterprise Server
- Fetch before trying to follow a URL link to a specific branch
- Add "View on GitHub" context menu option to repository list items
- Signal when a commit summary is getting long
- Remove unnecessary punctuation in appearance settings

GitHub Desktop 2.9.6
- View and re-run the check runs for the checked out pull request

- Tooltip improvements and polish
- Stashing dialog no longer hangs when initiating cherry-pick in some circumstances
- Rebase no longer hangs after conflicts resolved when initiated through pull conflict error

GitHub Desktop 2.9.5
- Add custom tooltips for quicker and more helpful information
- Support PyCharm as an external editor

- Prevent inactive selected state from disappearing on lists
- Fix click area to select hunk on both sides of diff
- Replace dialog animations with fade when user prefers reduced motion

- Warn users when files contain bidirectional Unicode text
- Change wording for default branch name option

GitHub Desktop 2.9.4
- Add syntax mapping for HAML
- Add support for WezTerm on macOS
- Add a menu item to view a committed file change on GitHub

- Diffs are scrolled to the top when switching between files
- Fix SSH prompt for unknown hosts in some scenarios
- Apply syntax highlighting when viewing a small change for the first time
- Wrap long email addresses in the misattributed commit warning popover
- Refresh diffs when application receives focus
- Only consider tokens invalid when 401 error comes from GitHub Enterprise
- Show "add repo" dialog when opening repo from CLI
- Continue merge flow after merge conflicts are resolved with external conflict tool
- Prevent crash on successful merge after conflicts resolved
- Use same width for hunk expansion handles as we do for line numbers
- Use the correct icon for diff expansion

- Add offending file name to the file exceeds size limit error
- Show a message explaining why line selection is disabled when hiding whitespace
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.32.0 on macOS, and to on Windows
- Remove gaps in the commit message container revealing a different background
- Add clearer verbiage in the "remove repository" dialog
- Update grammar for "repo deletion" and "couldn't find pull request" error messages
- Show confirmation dialog for SSH host key verification

GitHub Desktop 2.9.3
- Fix Notepad++ and RStudio integration on Windows
- Add minor version support for JetBrains IDEs on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.9.2
- Fix scrolling performance issue for large diffs

GitHub Desktop 2.9.1
- Add Fluent Terminal shell support
- Add support for IntelliJ CE for macOS
- Show number of lines changed in a commit

- Enable 'Open in External Editor' for bat/cmd/sh/exe files
- Green circle in progress dialog remains round when commits have long descriptions
- History tab shows all commits as the user scrolls down
- Remove border of Repository and Branch foldouts in dark theme
- Render links in commit messages when they are at the beginning of a line
- Show co-authors from undone commits
- Show SSH prompts (key passphrase, adding host, etc.) to users via dialog

- Add support for more versions of JetBrains IDEs on Windows
- Change the diff gutter width based on number of lines in diff
- Check invalidated tokens and prompt the user to sign in again
- Double-click an option when switching branches to confirm how changed files are handled
- Improve auth error and prompt to suggest the user use a PAT instead of password
- Increase visibility of misattributed commit warning in dark mode
- Reduce time needed to make a commit
- Use "Recycle Bin" name only on Windows
- Windows users can use the system OpenSSH for their Git repositories

GitHub Desktop 2.9.0
- Reorder commits with drag and drop in your commit history
- Create a branch from any commit in your history
- Amend the most recent commit on your branch
- Squash commits in the history tab with drag and drop and a context menu
- Squash and merge option available when merging branches

- Add support for Sublime Text 4 on Windows

- Show warning before undoing commit if it potentially conflicts with changes in working directory

- Remove extra space in drag & drop tooltips

GitHub Desktop 2.8.3
- Renamed repositories no longer clash with new repositories of the same name
- Expanding files no longer shows duplicated lines
- Long emails are truncated in the Git config

- Allow copying branch and repository names to clipboard
- Allow creating a new branch from filtering by just hitting Enter

GitHub Desktop 2.8.1
- Fixed: Disable partial change selection in split view while whitespace changes are hidden

GitHub Desktop 2.8.0
- Expand diffs to view more context around your changes
- Create aliases for repositories you want to be displayed differently in the repository list

- Hide whitespace in diffs on Changes tab

- Show correct state of remote branch when deleting local branches3
- Display the full branch name in a tooltip when hovering over a branch in the branches

- Display full progress description when cloning a repository
- Cherry-pick multiple non-sequential commits
- Create a branch during cherry-picking via drag and drop
- Show an alert when the app fails to move itself to the Applications folder on macOS
- Use a save dialog when choosing where to clone a repo

GitHub Desktop 2.7.2
- Create branch during cherry-picking via the context menu
- Suggest macOS users move the app to `/Applications` to prevent issues

- Undo cherry-picking onto a remote branch now works as expected
- Dragging commits onto current branch no longer results in a broken state
- Get correct commit summary info in rebase

- Cancel drag operation with escape key
- Cherry-pick commits onto a pull request with drag and drop
- Option to change the spellcheck language to English for Windows users whose system language is not English
- Update how privacy and usage stats info is communicated
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.7.1
- Cherry-picking is available! Copy commits from one branch to another using drag and drop or from a context menu

GitHub Desktop 2.7.0
- Add support for RStudio Editor
- Use system theme as default

GitHub Desktop 2.6.6
- Commit attribution warning is not shown for emails with different capitalization

- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.3 on macOS, and to on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.5
- Fixed: Performing remote Git operations could crash the app

GitHub Desktop 2.6.4
- Allow users to rename and delete branches via a new context menu on branches in the branches list

- Allow users to modify git config on a per repository basis
- The app is not maximized on macOS every time the user clicks on the app's icon in the dock
- Always respect the default branch name chosen by the user
- Notepad++ does not close when GitHub Desktop closes

- Update app icon for Windows
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in the commit message area
- Suggest emails from GitHub accounts and warn about misattributed commits in onboarding and preferences
- Remote Git operations are faster and less prone to errors on Windows
- Automatic branch fast-forwarding is now faster

GitHub Desktop 2.6.3
- Upgrade embedded Git to v2.29.2
- Enable spellcheck on commit summary and description
- Update app icon for macOS

- Remote Git operations (like cloning a repo) won't fail on old macOS versions
- Fast-forward all possible branches except the current branch when fetching

GitHub Desktop 2.6.2
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS to 2.13.2

- Pull requests no longer fail to update until the user switches repositories
- Fork behavior changes are now reflected in the app immediately
- Checking out a pull request from a fork for the first time now correctly identifies the remote branch to create the branch from
- Don't offer to stash changes when clicking on the currently checked out branch in the branch list
- Forked repository remotes are no longer removed when there are local branches tracking them
- Avoid bright flash for users of the dark theme when launching the app maximized
- VSCodium is now detected as an editor on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.6.1
- Clearer menu label for reverting commits

- Refresh branches after creating a new branch
- Correct image diff swipe mode layout
- Very large text diffs could cause the app to crash when viewed in split diff mode
- Let the user know when a checkout fails due to use of assume-unchanged or skip-worktre
- Always show confirmation prompt before overwriting existing stash entry
- The fullscreen keyboard shortcut on macOS now works when using split diff mode

GitHub Desktop 2.6.0
- Split diffs! Toggle between viewing diffs in split or unified mode
- Use Page down, Page up, Home, and End keys to navigate and select items in lists
- Add `toml` syntax highlight
- Add support for Nova as external editor on macOS
- Restore Windows menu keyboard accessibility
- Actions in context menu of a non-selected file act on the chosen one instead of the previous one
- Correct title bar height on macOS Big Sur
- Fix broken issues links in release notes
- Fix overflow issues with long branch names
- Images fit correctly in the diff view when their sizes have changed
- Repository indicator refresh can no longer be manually triggered when disabled
- Resolving a conflicted file added in both the source and target branch no longer results in merge conflict markers appearing in the merge commit
- Small partial commit of very large text files no longer intermittently fails due to unexpected diff resultt
- Long commit message are scrollable again
- Sign in to with username/password is no longer supported to improve account security

GitHub Desktop 2.5.7
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS

GitHub Desktop 2.5.6
- Newly created repositories use 'main' as the default branch name
- Users can configure the default branch name in Preferences/Options
- Show status of GitHub Action runs for pull requests
- Differentiate between draft and regular Pull Requests

- Periodic background fetch and status updates can now be disabled in the Advanced section of Preferences/Options
- Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net and unified diff / patch

- Allow renaming the default branch
- Show which files are blocking a merge-like operation
- Updated icons and border radiuses to align with GitHub
- Show loading indicator when committing a merge
- Show confirmation that branch is already up to date when merging from default branch
- Enter key now initiates action in rebase and merge dialogs
- After failing to move a repository to Trash, show error and keep the repository listed in Desktop
- Email address validation in welcome flow and preferences dialog
- Show helpful error when attempting to clone non-existent or inaccessible GitHub repositories

- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Full screen notification is removed after a few seconds when starting the app in full screen
- Update rebase progress parser to parse output from the merge rebase backend
- Only show full screen toast notification when making the app window full-screen
- Ensure application window doesn't overlap second monitor
- Use UNIX line endings in WSL GitHub helper script

- Remove setting to disable all certificate validation in favor of new best-effort approach

GitHub Desktop 2.5.5
- Don't update submodules when discarding files
- Clicking on a branch in the compare branch list resets focus to the filter text box

GitHub Desktop 2.5.4
- Suggest to stash changes when trying to do an operation that requires a clean working directory
- Autocomplete users and issues from upstream repository when working in a fork
- Add Alacritty shell support

- Correct branch name in commit button when on an unborn branch
- Fix "Show in Explorer" in Windows when there are other files with the same name as the project folder
- Open the repository folder when clicking on "Show in Finder" in macOS
- Don't expand paths in the PATH environment variable during installation
- Prevent multiple search inputs from appearing in diffs
- Unable to toggle lines for partial commit of very large text files
- Fix BBEdit integration
- Fix VoiceOver navigation to re-enter application content in macOS
- Repositories with historical commits containing filenames with backslashes can now be cloned on Windows
- Valid gitignore files are now created for new Clojure, Fortran and Kotlin repositories in Windows

- Enable discarding submodule working directory changes
- Surface progress estimation when cloning LFS repositories
- Performance and accuracy improvement when autocompleting issues and users
- Show only one error dialog when dragging multiple invalid folders to Desktop
- Pull request list is now keyboard accessible
- On Windows the Home and End keys can now be used to navigate lists
- Show progress spinner while waiting for a removed repository to get moved to trash (Windows)
- Dialogs now clear filter text boxes on Escape and closes on double Escape
- Display the selected changes count in the changes list header tooltip

GitHub Desktop 2.5.3
- Stash changes without switching branches
- Discard selection of lines from a file

- Display more readable messages for errors when cloning a repository
- Support launching Desktop from WSL on Windows
- Select correct branch to compare when two branches have similar names
- Make Ctrl/Cmd+W shortcut work in all dialogs
- Fix links when text wrapping is required in commit summaries
- Prevent crash when an opened repository doesn't have an owner on GitHub
- Sign in correctly when pressing "Enter" on the username/password authentication form
- Maintain selected files when navigating back to the Changes tab
- Maintain selected files when deleting a stash

- Remove redundant progress text from Git error messages
- Remove flicker when switching between files in the changes tab
- Remove space between the number and the percent sign when showing the progress of a clone operation
- Automatically disable username and password authentication when the API no longer supports it

GitHub Desktop 2.5.2
- Enable setting to more easily work with maintained forks

GitHub Desktop 2.5.0
- Add, push, and view Git tags on commit history in Desktop

- Offer option to choose file from one branch or the other when resolving merge conflicts
- Add context menu for highlighted text in diff view

- Retain default branch option in "Create Branch" dialog when user focuses away from Desktop

- Clean up copy for onboarding sign-in flow
- Emphasize signing in to GitHub via browser due to username/password deprecation
- Improve error message when publishing a private repository fails
- Offer to retry if cloning a repository fails

GitHub Desktop 2.4.3
- Update embedded Git to avoid gitconfig errors on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.4.2
- Fixed: Prevent autocomplete suggestions from overlapping when loading many results
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability
- Improved: Redesign metadata shown in commit history

GitHub Desktop 2.4.1
- Indicate which commits have not yet been pushed to the remote in "History" tab
- Add support for JetBrains Rider as external editor
- Add support for Notepad++ as external editor on Windows

- Update install location of Typora to fix detection issue
- Restore developer tools accelerator on Windows
- Use upstream repository in commit message links to GitHub
- Reset scroll position to the top of the history tab after switching repositories
- Allow user to cancel rebase flow when warned about force pushing
- Update embedded Git to address security vulnerability

- Lighten scrollbars in dark theme for higher contrast
- Display pull requests from upstream repository in pull request list

GitHub Desktop 2.4.0
- Set Git proxy environment variables from system configuration automatically

- Enable creating a GitHub issue from app menu and keyboard shortcut
- Add editor support for IntelliJ Idea on macOS
- Add editor support for PhpStorm and update WebStorm
- Add shell support for Windows Terminal
- Support keyboard scrolling in diffs

- Ensure branch protection warning works when branch names contain special characters
- Ensure intro page is responsive when resizing the window
- Ensure local branch is also deleted when deleting a branch that no longer exists on the remote
- Restore negative space in "Files selected" graphic for Dark Theme
- Support selecting text in error dialogs
- Prevent bringing changes to another branch from failing silently
- Save the user's position within "History" and "Changes" tabs when switching

- Update the remote url when a repository's name changes on GitHub
- Allow "Open in Desktop" button from pull requests on GitHub to open in a local fork in Desktop
- Support automatically switching between Dark and Light Theme on Windows
- Format errors containing raw Git output with fixed-width font
- Modify "View on GitHub" menu item to open upstream for local fork repositories
- Create new branches in forks from the default branch of the upstream repo
- Graduate Dark Theme out of beta

GitHub Desktop 2.3.1
- Don't display erroneous Git error when creating a fork
- Remove stray characters from Git progress indicators on Windows

GitHub Desktop 2.3.0
- Prompt users to create a fork if they fail to push to a GitHub repository due to permissions
- Show link to upstream pull requests in pull request list of a fork
- Show a warning if the user doesn't have write access to push to the repository and offer to make a fork
- Provide configuration in Preferences to always bring or leave changes when switching branches
- Prompt users to re-authorize if required by any of their GitHub organizations

- Show proper dialog when push fails due to missing workflow scope
- Take users to the correct page on when opening a pull request in browser from a fork
- Don't suggest creating a pull request if the current branch has an open pull request targeting an upstream repo
- Remove false branch protection warning when switching branches
- Show branch protection warning after checking out protected branches outside Desktop

- Only show branch protection warning when changed files are present
- Show an error when editing a Git configuration file fails due to existing lock file
- Update design and layout for GitHub Desktop preferences

GitHub Desktop 2.2.4
- New: Warn when committing to a protected branch
- New: Warn when committing to a repository you don't have write access to
- Added: Adding integration for Xcode as external editor
- Fixed: Update embedded Git to address security vulnerabilities
- Fixed:Changed wording to match git autocrlf behavior
- Fixed: Don't dismiss dialogs when dragging from the dialog to the backdrop
- Fixed: Fix arrow key navigation of Changes and History lists
- Fixed: Handle multibyte characters in names
- Fixed: Keep PR badge on top of progress bar
- Fixed: Prevent application crash when background process spawn fails
- Fixed: Show autocomplete suggestions on top of CodeMirror author input
- Fixed: Standardize dialogs' button orders
- Improved: Make no newline indicator in file diffs readable by screenreaders

GitHub Desktop 2.2.3
- Fixed: Prevent text overflow in crash dialog
- Fixed: Address warnings on macOS Catalina preventing app from opening after install
- Improved: Update to most recent gitignore templates

GitHub Desktop 2.2.2
- Onboarding tutorial animations help guide users to the next action
- Prompt users to re-authenticate if they are unable to push changes to a workflow file

- Starting the tutorial is more prominent when getting started with GitHub Desktop
- Use a different editor if previously selected editor cannot be found

GitHub Desktop 2.2.1
- Improperly formatted url pre-filled in "Clone Repository" dialog
- VSCodium integration on macOS
- Partially hidden icon in "Open Pull Request" button

GitHub Desktop 2.2.0
- Interactive tutorial for new users to become productive using Git and GitHub more quickly

- Support pushing workflow files for GitHub Actions to
- Enforce web flow authentication for users who are part of orgs using single sign-on
- Support CodeRunner as an external editor
- Support VSCodium as an external editor

- Commit description shadow visibility updates when typing
- Commit summaries with comma delimited issues are not parsed - #8162. File path truncation in merge conflicts dialog
- Git configuration fields in onboarding were not pre-filled from user's profile
- Keep conflicting untracked files when bringing changes to another branch
- Make app's version selectable in "About" dialog

- Application menu bar is visible when no repositories have been added to the app
- Support stashing lots of untracked files on Windows
- Surface errors from branch creation to user

GitHub Desktop 2.1.3
- Changes from remote branch erroneously displayed on corresponding branch on Desktop
- Sign-in flow for Windows users not possible via OAuth

GitHub Desktop 2.1.2
- Syntax highlighting support for 20 more programming languages
- Kitty shell support for macOS
- Atom editor support on Windows for beta and nightly channels

- File checkboxes and line selection in diffs are not disabled when committing
- Small images are scaled down too much in two-up image rendering
- Manual conflict resolution for binary files always chooses same version
- Branch pruner errors on "orphaned" branches
- Prevent CodeMirror search plugin from stealing registered global keyboard shortcuts
- Update embedded Git on Windows to remove erroneous errors
- Menu state not updated for macOS after performing some actions
- Error message could appear outside the boundary of its container

- Improved error handling when trying to rebase a ref that doesn't exist
- Expand hover area on repository list items
- Always fast forward recent branches after fetch
- Ensure recent branches are updated during remote interactions

GitHub Desktop 2.1.1
- Fixed: Update embedded Git on Windows to address security vulnerability

GitHub Desktop 2.1.0
- Branches that have been merged and deleted on will now be pruned after two weeks

- Search text within diffs using shortcut
- Keyboard shortcut for "Discard All Changes" menu item

- Repository name moves cursor to end in "Create Repository" dialog
- Keyboard navigation inside "Compare Branch" list
- New repository does not write description into README
- Disable "Discard" and "Restore" buttons while restoring stash
- "Unable to restore" warning message appears momentarily when restoring stash
- Unresponsive app on macOS if user switches away from file dialog
- Launching app on Windows after being maximized does not restore correct window state

- Update mentions of "Enterprise" to "Enterprise Server" in app
- Update license and .gitignore templates for initializing a new repository
- "Authentication failed" dialog provides more help to diagnose issue

GitHub Desktop 2.0.4
- Refresh for Enterprise repositories did not handle API error querying branches
- Missing "Discard all changes" context menu in Changes header
- "Select all" keyboard shortcut not firing on Windows

GitHub Desktop 1.6.6
- Clicking "Undo" doesn't repopulate summary in commit form
- Handle error when unable to create log file for app
- Crash when selecting text while the underlying diff changes

GitHub Desktop 1.6.5
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.6.4

- Embedded Git not working for core.longpath usage in some environments
- "Recover missing repository" can get stuck in a loop

GitHub Desktop 1.6.3

- Display "pull with rebase" if a user has set this option in their Git config

- Context menu does not open when right clicking on the edges of files in Changes list
- Display question mark in image when no commit selected in dark theme
- No left padding for :emoji:/@user/#issue autocomplete forms
- Reinstate missing image and update illustration in dark theme when no local changes exist
- Resizing the diff area preserves text selection range
- Text selection in wrapped diff lines now allows selection of individual lines

- Add option to fetch when a user needs to pull changes from the remote before pushing
- Enable Git protocol v2 for fetch/push/pull operations
- Moving mouse pointer outside visible diff while selecting a range of lines in a partial commit now automatically scrolls the diff
- Sign in form validates both username and password
- Update GitHub logo in "About" dialog

GitHub Desktop 1.6.2
- Allow users to also resolve manual conflicts when resolving merge conflicts
- Automatic switching between Dark and Light modes on macOS
- Crystal and Julia syntax highlighting
- Lua and Fortran syntax highlighting

- Abbreviated commits are not long enough for large repositories
- App menu bar visible on hover on Windows when in "Let’s get started" mode
- Fix pointy corners on commit message text area
- Inconsistent "Reveal in …" labels for context menus
- Merge conflict conflict did not ask user to resolve some binary files
- Prevent concurrent fetches between user and status indicator checks
- Remember scroll positions in History and Changes lists

- Guided merge conflict resolution only commits changes relevant to the merge
- Use higher contrast color for links in "Merge Conflicts" dialog
- Add link to all release notes in Release Notes dialog
- Arrow for renamed/copied changes when viewing commit
- Updated verbiage for ignoring the files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.1
- Don't show "No local changes" view when switching between changed files

GitHub Desktop 1.6.0

- Help users add their first repo during onboarding

- "No local changes" view helpfully suggests next actions for you to take

- Support JetBrains Webstorm as an external editor
- Add Visual Basic syntax highlighting

- Automatically locate a missing repository when it cannot be found
- Don't include untracked files in merge commit
- Don't show "Still Conflicted Warning" when all conflicts are resolved
- Only execute menu action a single time upon hitting Enter
- Show autocompletion of GitHub handles and issues properly in commit description field

- Repository list when no repositories found
- Image diff menu no longer covered by large images
- Enable additional actions during a merge conflict
- Increase contrast on input placeholder color in dark mode
- Don't show merge success banner when attempted merge doesn't complete
- Capitalize menu items appropriately on macOS

GitHub Desktop 1.5.1

- Provide keyboard shortcut for getting to commit summary field
- Add hover states on list items and tabs
- Add Dockerfile syntax highlighting
- Support Visual SlickEdit as an external editor

- Allow repositories to be cloned to empty folders
- Prevent creating branch with detached HEAD from reverting to default branch
- Fix "Open In External Editor" for Atom/VS Code on Windows when paths contain spaces
- Persist Branch List and Pull Request List filter text
- Retain renamed branches position in recent branches list
- Prevent avatar duplication when user is co-author and committer
- Provide keyboard selection for the "Clone a Repository" dialog
- Close License & Open Source Notices dialog upon pressing "Enter" in dialog
- Dismiss "Merge into Branch" dialog with escape key
- Focus branch selector when comparing to branch from menu
- Reverse fold/unfold icons for expand/collapse commit summary

- Allow toggling between diff modes
- Show focus around full input field
- Make lists scroll to bring selected items into view
- Consistently order the options for adding a repository
- Clear merge conflicts banner after there are no more conflicted files

GitHub Desktop 1.5.0

- Clone, create, or add repositories right from the repository dropdown
- Drag-and-drop to add local repositories from macOS tray icon

- Resolve merge conflicts through a guided flow
- Allow merging branches directly from branch dropdown
- Commit file list now has "Copy File Path" context menu action
- Keyboard shortcut for "Rename Branch" menu item
- Notify users when a merge is successfully completed

- "Compare on GitHub" menu item enabled when no repository is selected
- Diff viewer blocks keyboard navigation using reverse tab order
- Launching Desktop from browser always asks to clone repository
- ish dialog displayed on push when repository is already published

- "Publish Repository" dialog handles emoji characters
- Avoid repository checks when no path is specified in "Create Repository" dialog
- Clarify the direction of merging branches
- Default commit summary more explanatory and consistent with
- Display a more informative message on merge dialog when branch is up to date
- Getting a repository's status only blocks other operations when absolutely necessary
- Display current branch in header of merge dialog
- Sanitize repository name before publishing to GitHub
- Show the branch name in "Update From Default Branch" menu item
- Update license and .gitignore templates for initializing a new repository

GitHub Desktop 1.4.3

- Add "Remove Repository" keyboard shortcut
- Add keyboard shortcut to delete a branch

- Emoji autocomplete not rendering in some situations
- Release notes text overflowing dialog box

- Support Python 3 in Desktop CLI on macOS
- Avoid unnecessarily reloading commit history
- Publish Branch dialog will publish commits when pressing Enter

GitHub Desktop 1.4.2
- Update embedded Git to Desktop to use version 2.19.1 of Git

GitHub Desktop 1.4.1

- Support for opening repository in Cygwin terminal

- 'Compare to Branch' menu item not disabled when modal is open
- Co-author form does not show/hide for newly-added repository
- Desktop command line always suffixes `.git` to URL when starting a clone
- Dialog styling issue for dark theme users on Windows
- No message shown when filter returns no results in Clone Repository view

- Branch names cannot start with a '+' character
- Clone dialog re-runs filesystem check when re-focusing on Desktop
- Commit disabled when commit summary is only spaces
- Commit summary expander sometimes shown when not needed
- Error handling when looking for merge base of a missing ref
- Warning if branch exists on remote when creating branch

GitHub Desktop 1.4.0

- When an update is available for GitHub Desktop, release notes can be viewed in Desktop
- Detect merge conflicts when comparing branches

- Avoid double checkout warning when opening a pull request in Desktop
- Error when publishing repository is now associated with the right tab
- Disable affected menu items when on detached HEAD
- Show border when commit description is expanded
- GitLab URL which corresponds to GitHub repository of same name cloned GitHub repository
- Caret in co-author selector is hidden when dark theme enabled
- Authenticating to GitHub Enterprise fails when user has no emails defined

- Avoid multiple lookups of default remote

GitHub Desktop 1.3.5

- Disable delete button while deleting a branch
- History now avoids calling log.showSignature if set in config
- Start blocking the ability to add local bare repositories
- Revert workaround for tooltip issue on Windows

- Error message when publishing to missing organisation
- Don't hide commit details when commit description is expanded

GitHub Desktop 1.3.4

- Cloning message uses remote repo name not file destination
- Support VSCode user scope installation

GitHub Desktop 1.3.3

- Maximize and restore app on Windows does not fill available space
- 'Clone repository' menu item label is obscured on Windows
- User can toggle files when commit is in progress

- Repository indicator background work

GitHub Desktop 1.3.2
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.3.1
- Change log not available for this version

GitHub Desktop 1.2.6
- Fixed: Visual indicator for upcoming feature should not be shown

GitHub Desktop 1.2.5
- Fixed: Feature flag for upcoming feature not applied correctly

GitHub Desktop 1.2.4

- Dark Theme preview

- Syntax highlighting for Cake files
- WebStorm support for macOS

- Compare tab appends older commits when scrolling to bottom of list
- Remove temporary directory after Git LFS operation completes
- Unable to compare when two branches exist
- Unhandled errors when refreshing pull requests fails

- Remove context menu needs to hint if a dialog will be shown
- Upgrade embedded Git LFS
- Update banner message clarifies that only Desktop needs to be restarted
- Discard Changes context menu entry should contain ellipses when user needs to confirm
- Initializing syntax highlighting components
- Only show overflow shadow when description overflows
- Changes tab displays number of changed files instead of dot

GitHub Desktop 1.2.3

- No autocomplete when searching for co-authors
- Error when checking out a PR from a fork

GitHub Desktop 1.2.2

- Make cURL/schannel default to using the Windows certificate store
- Restore text selection highlighting in diff

GitHub Desktop 1.2.1

- Brackets support for macOS
- Pull request number and author are included in fuzzy-find filtering

- Decreased the max line length limit
- Updated embedded Git to 2.17.1 to address upstream security issue

- Display the difference in file size of an image in the diff view

GitHub Desktop 1.1.1

- Render WebP images in diffs

- Edit context menus in commit form input elements
- Escape behavior for Pull Request list does not match Branch List
- Keep caret position after inserting completion for emoji/mention
- Handle error events when watching files used to get Git LFS output
- Potential race condition when opening a fork pull request
- Show placeholder image when no pull requests found
- Disable commit summary and description inputs while commit in progress
- Ensure pull request cache is cleared after last pull request merged
- Focus two-factor authentication dialog on input
- Branches button no longer disabled while on an unborn branch
- Delete gitignore file when all entries cleared in Repository Settings
- Add visual indicator that a folder can be dropped on Desktop

- Attempt to focus the application window on macOS after signing in via the browser
- Refresh issues when user manually fetches

- Add `Discard All Changes...` to context menu on changed file list
- Improve contrast for button labels in app toolbar
- Speed up check for submodules when discarding
- Make keychain known issue more clear within Desktop
- Continue past the 'diff too large' message and view the diff
- Repository association might not have expected prefix
- Add message to gitignore dialog when not on default branch
- Hide Desktop-specific forks in Branch List
- Disregard accidental whitespace when cloning a repository by URL
- Show alert icon in repository list when repository not found on disk
- Repository list now closes after removing last repository
- Move forget password link after the password dialog to match expected tab order
- More descriptive text in repository toolbar button when no repositories are tracked
- Context menu in Changes tab now supports opening file in your preferred editor

GitHub Desktop 1.1.0

- Check out pull requests from collaborators or forks from within Desktop
- View the commit status of the branch when it has an open pull request

- Add RubyMine support for macOS
- Add TextMate support for macOS
- Syntax highlighting for Elixir files

- Update layout of branch blankslate image
- Expanded avatar stack in commit summary gets cut off
- Clear repository filter when switching tabs
- Avoid crash when unable to launch shell
- Ensure renames are detected when viewing commit diffs
- Fetch default remote if it differs from the current
- Handle Git errors when .gitmodules are malformed
- Handle error when "where" is not on PATH
- Ignore action assumes CRLF when core.autocrlf is unset
- Prevent duplicate entries in co-author autocomplete list
- Renames not detected when viewing commit diffs
- Support legacy usernames as co-authors

- Update branch button text from "New" to "New Branch"
- Add fuzzy search in the repository, branch, PR, and clone FilterLists
- Tidy up commit summary and description layout in commit list
- Use smaller default size when rendering Gravatar avatars
- Show fetch progress when initializing remote for fork
- Remove references to Hubot from the user setup page
- Error handling around ENOENT
- Clear repository filter text when switching tabs
- Allow window to accept single click on focus
- Disable drag-and-drop interaction when a popup is in the foreground

GitHub Desktop 1.0.13

- Commit together with co-authors
- PhpStorm is now a supported external editor on macOS
- Update embedded Git to 2.16.1

- Blank slate view is now more responsive when zoomed
- Documentation fix for Open in Shell resource
- Improved error handling for Linux

- Allow links in unexpanded summary to be clickable
- Update Electron to 1.7.11 to address security issue
- Allow double dashes in branch name
- Sort the organization list
- Check out PRs from a fork
- Confirm deleting branch when it has an open PR
- Defer user/email validation in Preferences
- Checkout progress did not include branch name
- Don't block branch switching when in detached HEAD
- Handle discarding submodule changes properly
- Show tooltip with additional info about the build status
- Update placeholders to support Linux distributions
- Refresh local commit list when switching tabs

GitHub Desktop 1.0.12

- Syntax highlighting for Rust files
- Syntax highlighting for Clojure cljc, cljs, and edn files

- Prevent creating a branch in the middle of a merge
- Truncate long repo names in panes and modals to fit into a single line
- Keyboard navigation support in pull request list

- Inconsistent caret behavior in text boxes when using certain keyboard layouts
- Only render the organizations list when it has orgs
- Checkout now handles situations where a ref exists on multiple remotes
- Retain accounts on desktop when losing connectivity
- Missing argument in FullScreenInfo that could prevent app from launching

GitHub Desktop 1.0.11

- Highlight substring matches in the "Branches" and "Repositories" list when filtering
- Add preview for ico files
- Fallback to Gravatar for loading avatars
- Provide syntax highlighting for Visual Studio project files
- Provide syntax highlighting for F# fsx and fsi files
- Provide syntax highlighting for Kotlin files
- Provide syntax highlighting for Clojure

- Toggle the "Repository List" from the menu
- Prevent saving of disallowed character strings for your name and email
- Error messages now appear at the top of the "Create a New Repository" dialog
- "Repository List" header is now "" for consistency
- Rename the "Install Update" button to "Quit and Install Update"

- Fix ordering of commit history when your branch and tracking branch have both changed
- Prevent creating a branch that starts with a period
- Branch names are properly encoded when creating a pull request
- Re-enable all the menu items after closing a popup
- Removes option to delete remote branch after it's been deleted
- Windows: Detects available editors and shells now works even when the group policy blocks write registry access
- Windows: Menu items are no longer truncated
- Windows: Prevent disabled menu items from being accessed

GitHub Desktop 1.0.10

- ColdFusion Builder is now a supported external editor
- VSCode Insiders build is now a supported external editor
- BBEdit is now a supported external editor
- Hyper is now a supported shell on Windows too
- Swift is now syntax highlighted
- Vue.js is now syntax highlighted
- CoffeeScript is now syntax highlighted
- Cypher is now syntax highlighted
- .hpp is now syntax highlighted as C++
- ML-like languages are now syntax highlighted
- Objective-C is now syntax highlighted
- SQL is now syntax highlighted

- Better message on the 'Publish Branch' button when HEAD is unborn
- Better error message when trying to push to an archived repository
- Avoid excessive background fetching when switching repositories
- Ignore menu events sent when a modal is shown

- Parse changed files whose paths include a newline - #3271
- Parse file type changes
- Windows: 'Open without Git' would present the dialog again instead of actually opening a shell without git
- Avoid text selection when dragging resizable dividers
- Windows: Removed the title attribute on the Windows buttons so that they no longer leave their tooltips hanging around
- Windows: Detect VS Code when installed to non-standard locations
- Hitting Return would select the first item in a filter list when the filter text was empty
- Add some missing keyboard shortcuts
- Handle "304 Not Modified" responses
- Don't overwrite an existing .gitattributes when creating a new repository

GitHub Desktop 1.0.9

- ColdFusion Builder is now available as an option for External Editor
- Swift code is now syntax highlighted

- Better message on the 'Publish Branch' button when HEAD is unborn
- Better error message when trying to push to an archived repository

- Parse changed files whose paths include a newline
- Parse file type changes


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