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最新版本 FreeCAD 0.21.1 Build 1

FreeCAD 歷史版本列表

FreeCAD 是具有高級運動模擬功能的基本 3D CAD。它適用於任何有興趣在使用更複雜的軟件包之前免費學習 3D CAD 和運動模擬的人。教育工作者,學生和新工程師將會發現它是理想的幾何學,運動學,動力學,振動,機構,連桿機構,凸輪,機械設計和物理學的教學和學習選擇版本:FreeCAD 0.16 Build 6704(32 位) FreeCAD 0.16 Build 6712(64 位) FreeCAD 軟體介紹

FreeCAD (32-bit)FreeCAD (64-bit)

FreeCAD 0.21.1 Build 1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Tests] Fix build of "tests" on macOS for v0.21
- [Sketcher] Fix minor icon missing bug...
- [Core] escape filepath characters in FreeCAD.loadFile
- [Gui] Py311 Initialization of locales...
- [Path] backport commits for Path WB

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What's new in this version:

- [Tests] Fix build of "tests" on macOS for v0.21
- [Sketcher] Fix minor icon missing bug...
- [Core] escape filepath characters in FreeCAD.loadFile
- [Gui] Py311 Initialization of locales...
- [Path] backport commits for Path WB

FreeCAD 0.21.0 Build 1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- General

User interface:
- Further user interface improvements

Core system and API:
- Core

- New Python API
- Removed Python API
- Addon Manager

Arch Workbench:
- Further Arch improvements

Draft Workbench:
- Further Draft improvements

FEM Workbench:
- Further FEM improvements
- Export

- Further Mesh improvements
- OpenSCAD Workbench

Part Workbench:
- Further Part improvements

PartDesign Workbench:
- Further PartDesign improvements
- Path Workbench
- Plot module

Sketcher Workbench:
- Further Sketcher improvements

Spreadsheet Workbench:
- Further Spreadsheet improvements
- Surface Workbench

TechDraw Workbench:
- Further TechDraw improvements
- Web

External workbenches:
- A2plus
- Assembly3
- Assembly4
- FCGear
- Ship
- Compilation

BricsCAD 23.1.07 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Improvements to BricsCAD:
MText Editor:
- Spin buttons state mapped to "default settings" flag state in paragraph spacing dialog

- The duplicate of the Page Setup button in the Output tab of the Ribbon has been removed, in all Classic Workspaces
- The duplicate panel name of "Views" in the View tab of the modern ribbon has been renamed to "Layout"

- The "CreateSketchFeature" system setting is no longer stored in workspaces, and it is now available as a toggle-button MenuMacro tool

Tips Panel:
- The TIN Surface icon in the Tips panel is now correctly displayed

Improvements to BIM:
- Fixed _DoorTypeStyleMax mleader style, now it correctly displays "Overall width x Overall height"

Project Browser:
- 'Sheet Custom Properties' in the Info tab has been renamed to 'Default Sheet Custom Properties'

AM* dialogs:

- Dynamic dimensions were missing when running BIMQUICKWALL on top of a 2D plan

- Grid callouts are now generated with correct values in localized versions

- Fix: it is now possible to specify Array properties in BIMTAG attribute

Command Line:
- The new miniframe command line can now be resized to a smaller width by dragging the right edge

- Fixed attaching datalink to a range of cells

- We fixed a bug causing DATASMITHCONNECT to fail when another drawing was already connected to Twinmotion Direct Link

Dimensions Styles:
- Fixed: detection of 'overrides' dimstyle in localized BricsCAD versions

- Fixed an issue where dimensions appear moved on a layout created with EXPORTLAYOUT command.
- Fixed the command to correctly export a Layout that contains a Viewport with a partially visible external Block reference.
- Fixed to not miss entities when some parts of their geometry coincide with the viewport boundary.

- Fixed MOVEBAK implementation, root folders are now accepted, and .bak files are correctly moved to the defined folder.
- Fixed a problem where starting ARCTEXT command under Lite license was triggering a message that a Pro license is required. Now the ARCTEXT command starts the command line version under active Lite license.

- The message "Extrude direction is parallel to plane of profile" is no longer redundantly shown during extrusion.

- Improved displaying of texts which default font doesn't allow to display all the characters.

IFC Export:
- Exported block instances are now properly handled during IFC export in unusual scenarios involving active third party drawable overrules.
- The latitude and longitude of the geographic location is now exported correctly.

- Fixed a bug where inserting a mechanical document with explode option enabled lead to crash.

- In a specific scenario, INSERT command now takes into account the UCS.
- We fixed an error that resulted in an invisible attribute after inserting an unusual annotative block.

- We fixed a bug where inserting a block with reference lines from library was not guided.

Layers Panel:
- Fixed an issue to prevent possible crash when closing a drawing when the layers panel is open.

- Fixed a potential crash scenario that could occur when manipulating a third-party custom component. This is a second attempt to fix the problem, after the first attempt proved incomplete.

- Improved displaying Korean text

- We fixed an unusual case where pasting a copied annotative text entity caused it to become invisible due to lost annotation scale

- There are no longer unwanted changes to plot style colors when saving with a black color.

- A V22 fix for RTEXT with DIESEL expressions was accidentally omitted from V23, causing the original V22 problem to return. The V22 fix is now included in V23 as well.

Section Generation:
- Implemented field evaluation for properties with 'Misc' category

Selection Lasso:
- The selection lasso in 3D model views now also cancels out when overlapping itself, as it does in 2D model view

- The command is now working correctly on the Italian version

Tips Panel:
- The word "Advanced" has been corrected in the Tips panel

Top View Modeling:
- Fixed a crash occurring when hovering over the exit button while inserting a door in top view modeling.

AcDbSymbolTable::dwgOut() no longer crashes when filing to an AcDbDeepCloneFiler or AcDbWblockCloneFiler.
- It is now possible to attach the same xref multiple times by repeated calls to acedXrefAttach().

- Fixed a V23 regression, where Unicode characters using "U+nnnn" notation were improperly stored using an extra character.
- Fixed a performance issue with (command) function.
- Fixes a V23 regression with (vla-put-StyleName) for several object types, that caused Lisp errors.
- Fixes a problem with (read-line) function, when UTF encoded characters are contained - sometimes extra 0 character(s) were included in returned string.
- Improved ESCAPE key detection for intensive (command) sequences (i.e., in a (while) loop), it is now much easier to cancel such Lisp code.
- Loading an empty Lisp file does no longer trigger an error message (regression from V23).

Usage Data Program:
- An error is fixed when using a LISP expression in the command line, when data collection is enabled

FreeCAD 0.20.2 Build 1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Addon Manager fixes:
- Fix bug in dependency resolver
- Minor bugfix with Mod folder
- Fix failures with Unicode characters in filenames
- Add try/except to integer conversion
- Fix formatting in error handler
- Fix bug in updater

Arch fixes:
- fix wrong line spacing in 3D-view
- External Reference does not load Windows nested in Walls
- Wall not visible when base sketch lines overlap
- Fix crash related to SoBrepEdgeSet
- Improve handling of window hosts
- Fix CutPlane color

Core (App and Gui) fixes:
- Don't show non-existing and unusual directories in file dialog
- Clear combo boxes before re-filling them and fix handling of icon size in preferences packs
- make FreeCAD 0.20.x to compile with Python 3.11
- Prevent crash when trying to create ExpressionBinding without arguments
- Allow set up expression even if property value is currently being edited
- Assure message boxes appear and stay on top of main window
- Allow None parameter again in drag and drop methods in Python ViewProviderPy class
- TinkerCAD navigation was always stopping right mouse button propagation
- Write to network drive failed on Windows
- TreeView selection can not be undone
- Fix crash after creating a Sketch for a Body
- If expression is set for Euler angles in the placement dialog then evaluate the expression instead of determining the angles from the rotation
- Backport class WrapperManager to fix possible crashes when using PySide
- Add default JPEG save quality and set it to 90%
- Fix memory leak
- Fix endless-loop in View3DInventorSelection::checkGroupOnTop
- Fix endless-loop in DocumentObject::getParents
- Revit navigation: rotation stop on scroll release
- ActionGroup: also get its tooltip title updated

Draft fixes:
- Clone did not maintain the colours of the original
- Fix snapper icons
- Add tolerance to BoundBox check
- Fix working plane auto alignment to front view
- Fix flatten wire
- Fix alignment of angular dimension arrows
- Fix crash related to SoBrepEdgeSet
- Make Std_TransformManip work for Point
- Fix rectangle with face offset bug
- arcFromSpline() function uses wrong parameter

FEM fixes:
- Fix handling of case fluids + solid materials
- Fix error for 2D shapes
- Fix heat flux handling
- CalculiX outputs incorrect file name format
- Fix flux equation
- Fix remaining result object in memory in FemMesh2Mesh
- Add standard path for Gmsh on MacOSX

PartDesign fixes:
- Improve offset handling of SubShapeBinder
- Add format parameter for Wedge X-min
- Hole cut depth was not recalculated correctly
- Improve Helix calculation for straight shape
- Keep sketch visible during revolution tasks
- assure source sketch is visible when in selection mode of Helix
- Fix UTF-8 in filename handling for Hole
- Fix check for orthogonality when padding/pocketing along a custom direction

Path fixes:
- Change Default Drilling Retraction from G99 to G98
- Fix for testing verticallity during PathFeedRate generation
- Fix for setup-sheet-stepover

Sketcher fixes:
- Fix WhatsThis for Constrain an arc or circle
- Prevent dangling state of Shift key if key released out of Quarter
- Some user colors were not taken into account
- PointOnObject: do not substitute constraint if conditions are not OK
- Correct icon for CreatePointFillet in menu
- Fix typo in tooltip for Clone
- Dimension size on perspective view scales "backwards"
- Dimensions became unreadable small if a second sketch is visible

Spreadsheet fixes:
- Fix multi-screen management of QtColorPicker
- Alias field can't be set for empty cells

TechDraw fixes:
- Fix multiple dimension drag
- Fix hatch file default handling
- Fix UTF-8 handling in LineGroup
- Fix extent dimension
- Encode XML characters in SpreadsheetView
- Segfault when opening task on DetailView for which the parent View was deleted

- Fix MacOSX build of FreeCAD 0.20.x
- Fix makeWireString for Windows with Python 3.09 and newer

- XDGData: fix wrong xml element in mimetype file
- StartPage: fix Wiki link to Reverse Engineering workbench

FreeCAD 0.20.2 Build 2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Addon Manager fixes:
- Fix bug in dependency resolver
- Minor bugfix with Mod folder
- Fix failures with Unicode characters in filenames
- Add try/except to integer conversion
- Fix formatting in error handler
- Fix bug in updater

Arch fixes:
- fix wrong line spacing in 3D-view
- External Reference does not load Windows nested in Walls
- Wall not visible when base sketch lines overlap
- Fix crash related to SoBrepEdgeSet
- Improve handling of window hosts
- Fix CutPlane color

Core (App and Gui) fixes:
- Don't show non-existing and unusual directories in file dialog
- Clear combo boxes before re-filling them and fix handling of icon size in preferences packs
- make FreeCAD 0.20.x to compile with Python 3.11
- Prevent crash when trying to create ExpressionBinding without arguments
- Allow set up expression even if property value is currently being edited
- Assure message boxes appear and stay on top of main window
- Allow None parameter again in drag and drop methods in Python ViewProviderPy class
- TinkerCAD navigation was always stopping right mouse button propagation
- Write to network drive failed on Windows
- TreeView selection can not be undone
- Fix crash after creating a Sketch for a Body
- If expression is set for Euler angles in the placement dialog then evaluate the expression instead of determining the angles from the rotation
- Backport class WrapperManager to fix possible crashes when using PySide
- Add default JPEG save quality and set it to 90%
- Fix memory leak
- Fix endless-loop in View3DInventorSelection::checkGroupOnTop
- Fix endless-loop in DocumentObject::getParents
- Revit navigation: rotation stop on scroll release
- ActionGroup: also get its tooltip title updated

Draft fixes:
- Clone did not maintain the colours of the original
- Fix snapper icons
- Add tolerance to BoundBox check
- Fix working plane auto alignment to front view
- Fix flatten wire
- Fix alignment of angular dimension arrows
- Fix crash related to SoBrepEdgeSet
- Make Std_TransformManip work for Point
- Fix rectangle with face offset bug
- arcFromSpline() function uses wrong parameter

FEM fixes:
- Fix handling of case fluids + solid materials
- Fix error for 2D shapes
- Fix heat flux handling
- CalculiX outputs incorrect file name format
- Fix flux equation
- Fix remaining result object in memory in FemMesh2Mesh
- Add standard path for Gmsh on MacOSX

PartDesign fixes:
- Improve offset handling of SubShapeBinder
- Add format parameter for Wedge X-min
- Hole cut depth was not recalculated correctly
- Improve Helix calculation for straight shape
- Keep sketch visible during revolution tasks
- assure source sketch is visible when in selection mode of Helix
- Fix UTF-8 in filename handling for Hole
- Fix check for orthogonality when padding/pocketing along a custom direction

Path fixes:
- Change Default Drilling Retraction from G99 to G98
- Fix for testing verticallity during PathFeedRate generation
- Fix for setup-sheet-stepover

Sketcher fixes:
- Fix WhatsThis for Constrain an arc or circle
- Prevent dangling state of Shift key if key released out of Quarter
- Some user colors were not taken into account
- PointOnObject: do not substitute constraint if conditions are not OK
- Correct icon for CreatePointFillet in menu
- Fix typo in tooltip for Clone
- Dimension size on perspective view scales "backwards"
- Dimensions became unreadable small if a second sketch is visible

Spreadsheet fixes:
- Fix multi-screen management of QtColorPicker
- Alias field can't be set for empty cells

TechDraw fixes:
- Fix multiple dimension drag
- Fix hatch file default handling
- Fix UTF-8 handling in LineGroup
- Fix extent dimension
- Encode XML characters in SpreadsheetView
- Segfault when opening task on DetailView for which the parent View was deleted

- Fix MacOSX build of FreeCAD 0.20.x
- Fix makeWireString for Windows with Python 3.09 and newer

- XDGData: fix wrong xml element in mimetype file
- StartPage: fix Wiki link to Reverse Engineering workbench

Postman 10.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Automatic Refresh Token for OAuth 2.0 - You now have the option to automatically renew the OAuth 2.0 tokens you generate in the Postman app before they expire. You can turn this setting off if you prefer to manually refresh the token when you want. Click here to see a video tutorial
- Two-Factor Authentication - You can now enable two-factor authentication for your Postman account. After password verification, you’ll be asked to provide a time-based one-time password (TOTP) generated by an authenticator app. Click here to see a video tutorial
- We strongly recommend leveraging 2FA as it reduces the potential risk of an attacker compromising your account.

- Added support for NTLM v2 authentication
- Added support for mutating request auth via scripts
- Added support for console.clear() to automatically clear Postman console via scripts. Click here to see a video tutorial
- Better support for JavaScript Promises and async-await in scripts
- Added support for sending metadata in gRPC server reflection
- Added support for prefix path in gRPC server URL
- Added support for default fields in gRPC response
- Improved performance of gRPC server reflection

- a bug where OAuth 2.0 request incorrectly adds client_id in basic authentication
- a bug where a response with invalid headers was getting rejected due to strict parsing
- a bug where gRPC server reflection failed for the field name constructor
- a bug where gRPC server reflection fetched the same proto multiple times
- a bug where gRPC request with Unix domain socket used to fail

Postman 10.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where the OAuth2 configuration tab was crashing in Scratchpad

Postman 10.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue where the API tab was not loading for signed-out users on the desktop

Postman 10.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Native Git Support:
- Postman's API Builder helps manage your API from design to deployment, and it works with CI/CD, gateways and APMs. With v10, we have added native Git support. The API Builder connects to the source code repository to automatically maintain API documentation, tests, and specifications alongside code.
- Improved collaboration for API producers. Use git’s branch-based workflows to commit and push changes without affecting your team or consumers until you're ready to deploy
- Source of truth for API data. Keep everything related to APIs - source code, definition files, tests, performance measurements, documentation, security audits—and everything in between—in a single location managed with granular security controls for internal teams, partners, and the public.

Integrated Test Automation:
- Postman lets you quickly test APIs and automate it across your DevOps lifecycle. With v10, the new Postman CLI makes it easier to automate the testing of your APIs. With native Git integration, you can store your tests with your codebase easily and run them through your CI/CD pipeline in a seamless workflow.
- Postman App - Postman’s Collection Runner can be used to write functional tests, integration tests, regression tests, and more
- Postman CLI - Automate tests directly in the command line with the new Postman CLI and push the results back to Postman to debug and prepare reports
- Integrate with leading CI/CD systems - Easily automate tests with Postman Collections and API Builder within your CI/CD pipeline

Postman for gRPC:
- First-party support for gRPC within the Postman API Platform
- Support for Protobuf definitions, autocomplete hints, and tools for documentation, scripting, testing, and mocking
- Loading an API’s Protobuf automatically gain an understanding of all services and methods available and generate example payloads for each method, to get you testing as quickly as possible

Partner Workspaces:
- Postman’s Partner Workspaces provide a shared, secure, access-controlled space where organizations can invite partners to collaborate and build products and services with their APIs
- Built-in access control Define and manage your partners with enterprise-grade security features and compliance standards
- Faster time to value for partners Partner Workspaces enable partners to discover, evaluate, and integrate your APIs faster on a toolchain that 20 million developers use

Redesigned Private API Network:
- Postman's Private API Network provides a catalog for all APIs, enabling faster discovery and reuse capabilities. Postman makes the Private API Network even more powerful with support for collections and workspaces.

API Governance:
- API Governance fosters consistent and compliant API design and distribution, which are discoverable by developers organization-wide thru Postman’s Private API Network. Organizations can easily launch an enterprise-wide governance program with templated workflows built into Postman or migrate and scale the program from a single source of truth.
- Postman Template Library: Contains dozens of ready-to-use rules that were created to help companies adopt API-first governance policies across the API landscape
- Spectral Rules: API teams can use spectral rules written in JSON/YAML, which define the set of organization requirements for API Schema. Spectral out of the box supports Open API 2.0 & 3.x
- Continuous Evolution: Developers can collaborate with teams running the API Program around governance rules within the Postman API Platform

API Security:
- Postman Platform's API Security helps developers have their organization's security ruleset and postures at their fingertips while they are designing, building, testing, and deploying APIs. Developers and security teams can collaborate on security rules to ensure they are current and evolve with business needs.
- API Security Template Library: Deploy security contracts from best practice leaders, including OWASP, Postman, and industry leaders
- Schema Validation Engine: Developers can consistently check to make sure design and development are aligned and meet security postures
- Response Validation Engine: Validate HTTP requests for known security vulnerabilities while testing and debugging your APIs
- Custom Security Rules Builder: Security engineers can build custom security rules which are accessible across the API platform for compliance throughout the API lifecycle
- Remediation Guidance: While designing custom rules, security engineers can provide remediation guidance that surface when a security check fails