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最新版本 MDaemon Email Server 19.0.0

MDaemon Email Server 19.0.0

MDaemon Email Server 19.0.0
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檔案版本 MDaemon Email Server 19.0.0

檔案名稱 md1900_en.exe
檔案大小 266 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Foxit Corporation
更新日期 2019-04-16

What's new in this version:

MDaemon Email Server 19.0
- Hosted email options with MDaemon Private Cloud are now available
- MDaemon's disk space calculations were being made inconsistently in several places (for example, sometimes using 1000, sometimes using 1024 bytes for a kilobyte computation). This has been fixed to use 1024 consistently. As a result your users' disk space quota values may be slightly different than in previous versions. Please check and make whatever adjustments (if any) you feel are required
- The "Start MDaemon" Start Menu shortcut on new installs now defaults to opening a browser to MDaemon Remote Administration rather than opening an MDaemon Configuration Session. To change this, edit MDaemonAppMDaemon.ini and set [MDLaunch] OpenConfigSession=Yes/No and OpenRemoteAdmin=Yes/No, or use the "Open MDaemon Configuration Session" or "Open MDaemon Remote Administration" shortcuts instead of "Start MDaemon". Set the "Remote Administration URL" at Setup | Web & IM Services | Remote Administration | Web Server if the auto-generated URL does not work or if Remote Administration runs in an external web server. If a working URL cannot be determined, a Configuration Session will be opened instead
- The option "Only send antivirus update notification on failure" is now enabled by default, and when updating to MDaemon 19, it will be enabled the first time MDaemon starts up
- SyncML has been deprecated and removed

MDaemon Email Server 18.5.3
Changes and new features:
- Updated to MDaemon Connector version 5.6.2

- Warn on Missing Attachments always warns in German
- LookOut and WorldClient themes - Using "Add to Contacts" option causes Russian names to be corrupted
- Attached EML files do not open up in a new tab when you click on them
- When disabling ActiveSync for a secondary domain via Domain Manager, it disables it for the primary domain instead

MDaemon Email Server 19.0.0 相關參考資料
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... your unique business needs. MDaemon Email Server; SecurityGateway for Email Servers; RelayFax Network Fax Manager; MailStore Email Archiving Server ...

Mail Server | MDaemon Email Server for Windows

MDaemon is a reliable and secure mail server that does not require expensive administration or impose high per-user costs. It simplifies messaging and ...

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MDaemon Email Server is a trusted alternative to Microsoft Exchange used by businesses of all sizes. The MDaemon download/installer includes licensed ...

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SMTP/POP3/IMAP mail server that supports Windows ... email needs of any number of individual users and comes complete with a powerful set ... Version 19.0.0.

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Your old values from the F2|Server Settings|Servers settings have been moved to the SMTP Screen. Please check Ctrl+S|Screening|SMTP ...

MDaemon Technologies | Email Server and Email Security ...

Summary. A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in MDaemon Webmail (WorldClient) was recently reported by Aayush Pokhrel of Eminence ...

MDaemon® Messaging Server 19.5 - MDaemon Technologies

MDaemon offers a scalable SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4 mail server complete with LDAP and Active Directory support, an integrated browser-based email client, ...

Upgrading to MDaemon 19.5.0

This can be avoided by copying the settings back to MDaemon.ini, or by restoring a backup of MDaemon.ini, first. Version 19.0.0 ... The BIS service (if it still exists) will now interact with MDaemon ...