Foxit Reader

最新版本 cURL 7.70.0

cURL 7.70.0

cURL 7.70.0
Foxit Reader 是 Windows PC 的免費 PDF 閱讀器,它使您成為連接世界的一部分。提供作者對文檔的評論,在新文檔版本可用時通知,在文檔中討論有趣的主題,或者安全地打開受保護的文檔。無論您是消費者,企業,政府機構還是教育機構,您都需要閱讀,創建,簽署和註釋(評論)PDF 文檔並填寫 PDF 表單。 Foxit Reader 是一個小巧的閃電,功能豐富的 PDF 查看器,允許您創建(免費的 PDF 創建),打開,查看,簽署和打印任何 PDF 文件。 Foxit Reader 建立在業界最快,最準確(高保真)的 PDF 渲染引擎上,為用戶提供最佳的 PDF 查看和打印體驗。您可以點擊免費下載鏈接下載 Foxit Reader 免費下載 PC 離線安裝程序.

Foxit Reader 功能:

PDF Reader– 閱讀和打印 PDF 不容易
許多我們與之交互的文檔都是 PDF 文檔。通過全功能的 PDF 閱讀器體驗 PDF 的強大功能。使用 Microsoft Office 風格的功能區工具欄快速了解產品,該工具欄提供了一個熟悉的用戶界面。利用標準 PDF(Acroforms)和 XFA(XML 表單體系結構)表單填充現有表單和工作流程。 JAWS(Job Access With Speech)兼容性允許盲人和視障人士使用文本到語音輸出或通過可刷新的盲文讀取屏幕。下一代 PDF 為連接的世界!
Foxit Reader 超出 PDF 查看,它的 ConnectedPDF 供電。 ConnectedPDF 是為 PDF 文件提供基於雲端服務的領先技術,服務包括:ConnectedPDF 安全 - 授予和撤銷文檔訪問。 ConnectedPDF 文檔管理 - 跟踪誰來打開您的文檔以及他們做了什麼,並通知讀者新的更新。 ConnectedPDF 協作 - 提升您的團隊合作與相關的評論或發送請求給他人獲取一個文件.

PDF 創建者– 創建 PDF 文檔
連接的世界共享 PDF 格式的文檔。 Foxit PDF Reader 允許您從常用文件格式創建 PDF。創建與其他 PDF 產品兼容的符合標準的 PDF 文件。用集成的全功能 Word®,PowerPoint® 和 Excel® 創建 PDF 加載項。通過將硬拷貝轉換為電子 PDF 和 ndash 簡化工作流程掃描並一步轉換.

協作與共享– 註釋,分享和協作
當團隊協作和共享信息時,他們將盡其所能。福昕 PDF 閱讀器將知識工作者聯繫起來,以提高靈活性和結果。與領先的存儲服務整合在一起 Google 雲端硬盤,Dropbox,Box,Alfresco 和 SharePoint。參與共享和關聯的評論。用各種註釋工具提供對文檔的評論.

保護和簽署– 加密並簽名 PDFs
許多文件都包含機密信息。不要只是保護你的邊界,通過保護文件本身來保護信息。福昕 PDF 閱讀器支持多種安全選項。用自己的筆跡簽署文件或使用電子簽名。 ConnectedPDF 支持– 強製文件保護。將 Microsoft Rights Management Services 的使用控制擴展到 PDF 文檔.

定制和部署– 控制企業範圍內的部署
Foxit 可以輕鬆地將 Foxit PDF Reader 部署到組織中的所有桌面,無論您的帝國覆蓋範圍廣泛。支持組策略以實現菜單和配置設置的標準化。提供 SCUP 目錄以通過 Microsoft Windows 更新服務(SCCM)導入和部署更新。通過 XML 配置支持自定義批量部署.


檔案版本 cURL 7.70.0

檔案大小 5.7 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Foxit Corporation
更新日期 2020-04-29

What's new in this version:

- curl: add --ssl-revoke-best-effort to allow a "best effort" revocation check
- mqtt: add new experimental protocol
- schannel: add "best effort" revocation check option: CURLSSLOPT_REVOKE_BEST_EFFORT
- writeout: support to generate JSON output with '%{json}'

- appveyor: add Unicode winbuild jobs
- appveyor: completely disable tests that fail to timeout early
- appveyor: show failed tests in log even if test is ignored
- appveyor: sort builds by type and add two new variants
- appveyor: turn disabled tests into ignored result tests
- appveyor: use random test server ports based upon APPVEYOR_API_URL
- build: fixed build for systems with select() in unistd.h
- buildconf: avoid using tempfile when removing files
- checksrc: warn on obvious conditional blocks on the same line as if()
- CI-fuzz: increase fuzz time to 40 minutes
- ci/tests: fix Azure Pipelines not running Windows containers
- CI: add build with ngtcp2 + gnutls on Travis CI
- CI: bring GitHub Actions fuzzing job in line with macOS jobs
- CI: migrate macOS jobs from Azure and Travis CI to GitHub Actions
- CI: remove default Ubuntu build from GitHub Actions
- cirrus: no longer ignore test 504 which is working again
- cirrus: re-enable the FreeBSD 13 CI builds
- cleanup: insert newline after if() conditions
- cmake: add aliases so exported target names are available in tree
- cmake: add support for building with wolfSSL
- cmake: Avoid MSVC C4273 warnings in send/recv checks
- cmdline: fix handling of OperationConfig linked list (--next)
- compressed.d: stress that the headers are not modified
- config: remove all defines of HAVE_DES_H
- configure: convert -I to -isystem as a last step
- configure: document 'compiler_num' for gcc
- configure: don't check for Security.framework when cross-compiling
- configure: fix -pedantic-errors for GCC 5 and later
- configure: remove use of -vec-report0 from CFLAGS with icc
- connect: happy eyeballs cleanup
- connect: store connection info for QUIC connections
- copyright: fix out-of-date copyright ranges and missing headers
- curl-functions.m4: remove inappropriate AC_REQUIRE
- curl.h: remnove CURL_VERSION_ESNI. Never supported nor documented
- curl.h: update comment typo
- curl: allow both --etag-compare and --etag-save with same file name
- curl_setup: define _WIN32_WINNT_[OS] symbols
- CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET: return true for 304 http status code
- CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS: improve accuracy
- CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION.3: add inline example and new see-also
- dist: add mail-rcpt-allowfails.d to the tarball
- docs/make: generate curl.1 from listed files only
- docs: add warnings about FILE: URLs on Windows
- easy: fix curl_easy_duphandle for builds missing IPv6 that use c-ares
- examples/sessioninfo.c: add include to fix compiler warning
- github actions: run when pushed to master or */ci + PRs
- gnutls: bump lowest supported version to 3.1.10
- gnutls: Don't skip really long certificate fields
- gnutls: ensure TLS 1.3 when SRP isn't requested
- gopher: check remaining time left during write busy loop
- gskit: use our internal select wrapper for portability
- http2: Fix erroneous debug message that h2 connection closed
- http: don't consider upload done if the request isn't completely sent off
- http: free memory when Alt-Used header creation fails due to OOM
- lib/mk-ca-bundle: skip empty certs
- lib670: use the same Win32 API check as all other lib tests
- lib: fix typos in comments and errormessages
- lib: never define CURL_CA_BUNDLE with a getenv
- libcurl-multi.3: added missing full stop
- libssh: avoid options override by configuration files
- libssh: Use new ECDSA key types to check known hosts
- mailmap: fixup a few author names/fields
- Makefile.m32: Improve windres parameter compatibility
- Makefile: run the cd commands in a subshell
- memdebug: don't log free(NULL)
- mime: properly check Content-Type even if it has parameters
- multi-ssl: reset the SSL backend on `Curl_global_cleanup()`
- multi: improve parameter check for curl_multi_remove_handle
- nghttp2: 1.12.0 required
- ngtcp2: update to git master for the key installation API change
- nss: check for PK11_CreateDigestContext() returning NULL
- openssl: adapt to functions marked as deprecated since version 3
- OS400: update strings for ccsid-ifier (fixes the build)
- output.d: quote the URL when globbing
- packages: add OS400/chkstrings.c to the dist
- run the script!
- Revert "file: on Windows, refuse paths that start with
- runtests: always put test number in servercmd file
- runtests: provide nicer errormsg when protocol "dump" file is empty
- schannel: Fix blocking timeout logic
- schannel: support .P12 or .PFX client certificates
- scripts/ add helper script for RELEASE-NOTES maintenance
- select: make Curl_socket_check take timediff_t timeout
- select: move duplicate select preparation code into Curl_select
- select: remove typecast from SOCKET_WRITABLE/READABLE macros
- server/getpart: make the "XML-parser" stricter
- server/resolve: remove AI_CANONNAME to make macos tell the truth
- smtp: set auth correctly
- sockfilt: add logmsg output to select_ws_wait_thread on Windows
- sockfilt: fix broken pipe on Windows to be ready in select_ws
- sockfilt: fix handling of ready closed sockets on Windows
- sockfilt: fix race-condition of waiting threads and event handling
- socks: Fix blocking timeout logic
- src: Remove C99 constructs to ensure C89 compliance
- Fix example code for setting CA cert file
- test1148: tolerate progress updates better (again)
- test1154: set a proper name
- test1177: verify that all the CURL_VERSION_ bits are documented
- test1566: verify --etag-compare that gets a 304 back
- test1908: avoid using fixed port number in test data
- test2043: use instead of
- test2100: fix static port instead of dynamic value being used
- tests/data: fix some XML formatting issues in test cases
- tests/FILEFORMAT: converted to markdown and extended
- tests/server/util.c: use curl_off_t instead of long for pid
- tests: add %NOLISTENPORT and use it
- tests: add Windows compatible pidwait like pidkill and pidterm
- tests: fix conflict between Cygwin/msys and Windows PIDs
- tests: introduce preprocessed test cases
- tests: make Python-based servers compatible with Python 2 and 3
- tests: make runtests check that disabled tests exists
- tests: move pingpong server to dynamic listening port
- tests: remove python_dependencies for smbserver from our tree
- tests: run the RTSP test server on a dynamic port number
- tests: run the SOCKS test server on a dynamic port number
- tests: run the sws server on "any port"
- tests: run the TFTP test server on a dynamic port number
- tests: use Cygwin/msys PIDs for stunnel and sshd on Windows
- tls: remove the BACKEND define kludge from most backends
- tool: do not declare functions with Curl_ prefix
- tool_operate: fix add_parallel_transfers when more are in queue
- transfer: cap retries of "dead connections" to 5
- transfer: Switch PUT to GET/HEAD on 303 redirect
- travis: bump the wolfssl CI build to use 4.4.0
- travis: update the ngtcp2 build to use the latest OpenSSL patch
- url: allow non-HTTPS altsvc-matching for debug builds
- version: add 'cainfo' and 'capath' to version info struct
- version: increase buffer space for ssl version output
- version: skip idn2_check_version() check and add precaution
- vquic: add support for GnuTLS backend of ngtcp2
- vtls: fix ssl_config memory-leak on out-of-memory
- warnless: remove code block for icc that didn't work
- windows: enable UnixSockets with all build toolchains
- windows: suppress UI in all CryptAcquireContext() calls

cURL 7.70.0 相關參考資料