Foxit Reader

最新版本 PuTTY 0.53

PuTTY 0.53

PuTTY 0.53
Foxit Reader 是 Windows PC 的免費 PDF 閱讀器,它使您成為連接世界的一部分。提供作者對文檔的評論,在新文檔版本可用時通知,在文檔中討論有趣的主題,或者安全地打開受保護的文檔。無論您是消費者,企業,政府機構還是教育機構,您都需要閱讀,創建,簽署和註釋(評論)PDF 文檔並填寫 PDF 表單。 Foxit Reader 是一個小巧的閃電,功能豐富的 PDF 查看器,允許您創建(免費的 PDF 創建),打開,查看,簽署和打印任何 PDF 文件。 Foxit Reader 建立在業界最快,最準確(高保真)的 PDF 渲染引擎上,為用戶提供最佳的 PDF 查看和打印體驗。您可以點擊免費下載鏈接下載 Foxit Reader 免費下載 PC 離線安裝程序.

Foxit Reader 功能:

PDF Reader– 閱讀和打印 PDF 不容易
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許多文件都包含機密信息。不要只是保護你的邊界,通過保護文件本身來保護信息。福昕 PDF 閱讀器支持多種安全選項。用自己的筆跡簽署文件或使用電子簽名。 ConnectedPDF 支持– 強製文件保護。將 Microsoft Rights Management Services 的使用控制擴展到 PDF 文檔.

定制和部署– 控制企業範圍內的部署
Foxit 可以輕鬆地將 Foxit PDF Reader 部署到組織中的所有桌面,無論您的帝國覆蓋範圍廣泛。支持組策略以實現菜單和配置設置的標準化。提供 SCUP 目錄以通過 Microsoft Windows 更新服務(SCCM)導入和部署更新。通過 XML 配置支持自定義批量部署.


檔案版本 PuTTY 0.53

檔案名稱 putty-0.53-installer.exe
檔案大小 1.09 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Foxit Corporation
更新日期 2002-10-01

What's new in this version:

- The feature everyone's been asking for: ANSI printer support. Currently this sends data to the printer in completely raw mode, without benefit of Windows GDI or the printer driver; so it will be fine for anyone whose server already knows what type of printer it expects to be talking to, but probably not ideal for someone who wants to print a text file and have it look nice. A less raw mode of printer access is still on the Wishlist, but is quite a big piece of coding work so it's in the Implausible section.
- The other feature everyone's been asking for: PuTTYgen can now import and export OpenSSH and SSH-2 private keys, as well as PuTTY's own format.
- We now ship the PuTTY tool set as an installer, created using Jordan Russell's excellent and easy-to-use Inno Setup. (For the other half of our users, who felt the best thing about PuTTY was that they didn't have to mess around with installers, we still ship the single executables and the zip file, so nobody has to use the installer if they don't want to.)
- PuTTY now has a default file extension for private key files: .PPK (PuTTY Private Key). The installer associates this file extension with Pageant and PuTTYgen.
- PuTTY now natively supports making its connection through various types of proxy. We support SOCKS 4 and 5, HTTP CONNECT (RFC 2817), and the common ad-hoc type of proxy where you telnet to the proxy and then send text of the form "connect 22". Basic password authentication is supported in SOCKS and HTTP proxies. Many thanks to Justin Bradford for doing most of the work here.
- PuTTY now supports a standard set of command-line options across all tools. Most of these options are ones that Plink has always supported; however, we also support a number of new options similar to the OpenSSH ones (-A and -a, -X and -x, and similar things; also the -i option to specify a private key file).
- The right-button menu on Pageant's System tray icon now offers the option to start PuTTY (New Session plus the Saved Sessions submenu). This feature is disabled if Pageant can't find the PuTTY binary on startup. Thanks to Dominique Faure.
- Added the Features control panel, allowing the user to disable some of the more controversial terminal capabilities.
- Added the Bugs control panel, allowing the user to manually control PuTTY's various workarounds for SSH server bugs.
- Various bug fixes, including (with luck) much greater stability in high-traffic port forwarding situations.

PuTTY 0.53 相關參考資料
Download PuTTY: release 0.53b

0.53b, released on 2002-11-12, is not the latest release. See the Latest Release page for the most up-to-date release (currently 0.81).



putty-0.53b-installer.exe, 2002-11-12 00:00, 1.1M. [ ], putty-0.53b-installer.exe.DSA, 2002-11-12 00:00, 65. [ ], putty-0.53b-installer.exe.RSA, 2002-11-12 00: ...

Index of packagesputtyputty-0.53

Index of /packages/putty/putty-0.53. [ICO], Name · Last modified · Size · Description. [PARENTDIR], Parent Directory, -. [DIR], alpha/, 2002-10-01 20:58, -. [ ...

Index of pubputtyputty-0.53bx86

Index of /pub/putty/putty-0.53b/x86. [ICO], Name · Last modified · Size · [PARENTDIR], Parent Directory, -. [SUM] · md5sums, 2002-11-12 20:47, 375.

PieTTY project - DOWNLOAD

使用Cygwin 編譯,有所有patch/hack,無pputty UI。 Putty 0.53b. 使用官方0.53b 的原始碼,Cygwin 編譯,只加上新注音patch 及CP950 Hack. 中文透明Putty. 很早前我做的 ...

PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet client

PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily ...


Putty連線SSH出現server refused to open a session錯誤

後來新安裝了一台CentOS-7要來做更換. · 目前使用的版本是0.53b, 於是下載了0.70的版本剛使用的時候, 還是無法連線, 出現了下列的錯誤訊息: · 這才知道SSH Protocol有分1跟2 ...

The PuTTY terminal emulator 0.53 allows attackers to...

2022年4月28日 — The PuTTY terminal emulator 0.53 allows attackers to modify the window title via a certain character escape sequence and then insert it back ...

Tutorial on PuTTY 網路教材

目前PuTTY 的最新穩定版本為0.53b,如果您不想出國下載,我們也提供一份在BCC16 網頁內, 它是一個包含所有軟體( 除了PuTTYtel 以外) 的zip壓縮檔,或是你可以直接點選各項 ...